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LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF CLOSE OF REGISTRATION Notice is hereby given that the registration for the School Election to be held in School District No. Yellowstone County, Montana, will close February 19, 1946, at 5 o'clock 1*. M. Electors residing within the said District may register by appearing before the County Clerk of Yellow-j stone County at his office in the Courthouse at Billings, Montana, before a Deputy Registrar in the manner provided by law. Dated at Billings, Montana, Jan uary 4, 1946. HENRY S. NUTT, County Clerk and Ex-Officio* Reg istrar of Yellowstone County, Montana. (Date First Pub. Jan. 16, 1946-6t) NOTICE OF SALE Of Tax Title Property By the , County By order of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners of Yellowstone County, Montana. entered on its minutes of the 29th day of Jan uary, 1946, the Board will on March 6th, 1946, beginning at 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Billings, in Yellowstone County, State of Montana, offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder all the right, title, in terest, estate, lien, claim and de mand of the State of Montana and of said Countv of Yellowstone in and to .the following real property and the Board determined and fix ed the fair market value of the property at the amount set after the description; Lots 13, 14. 15 and 16 in Block 220 of the Second Addi tion to the Original Town, now City of Billings, Montana, ac cording to thereof, now record in the County Clerk and Recorder of Yellowstone County, Montana. Amount Such sale will be for cash, or on such terms as may be approved by the Board, provided, however, that if such sale is made on terms, at least twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the date of sale, and in in the official plat on file and of office of the $50.00 each. stallments extending over a period of not to exceed five years, and all such deferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of 4% per an num. (SALES OF $100.00 OR LESS MUST BE CASH). HENRY S. NUTT, Countv Clerk. Dated January, 29th, 1946. (Date First Pub. Jan. 30. 1946-3t) NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCK HOLDERS MEETING ITALIAN DITCH COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting: of the stockhold ers of the Italian Ditch Company will be held in the Gymnasium in Park City, Mont., on Saturday, Feb ruary 16, 1946, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing five di rectors to serve for the ensuing year and to transact any other bus iness that may properly come be fore the meeting. This is your meeting, and it is essential that every stockholder at tends; if however you mav be un able to attend, kindly sign your Proxy, and deliver it to some one know will be present so that will be represented. JOHN HARDING, Secretary. (Date First Pub. Feb. 6, 1946-2t) you a quorum NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given of the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Davis Ditch Co. to be held Friday, February 15th at 7 o'clock at the M. E. Moler place for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors for the ensuing year and consideration of such further bus iness as may properly come before DAVIS DITCH COMPANY. Mrs. Albert Kozelka, Secretary. (Date First Pub. Jan. 30, 1946-3t) it. NOTICE OF SALE Of Tax Title Property By the Coun ty As Reappraised by the Board Of County Commissioners By order of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, entered on its minutes of the 29th day of Jan uary, 1946, the Board will on March 6 th, 1946, beginning at 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Billings, in Yellowstone County, State of Montana, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder all the right, title, interest, estate, lien, claim and de mand of the State of Montana and of said Countv of Yellowstone in and to the following real property and the Board determined and fix ed the fair market value of the property at the amount set after the description: which amount con stitutes and represents the reap praised value as fixed by the Board •as of this date. Lots 5 and 6 and Lots 13 to 24. both numbers inclusive, in Block 2, and Lots 11 and 12 in Block 4 of the Nutting Sub division in the SW% of Sec. 10. Twp. 2 So., Range 24 East, M. P. M., now in the City of Laurel. Montana, ac cording to the official plat thereof, now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Yellowstone County, Montana. Amount .$10.00 each. SALE OF THE WITHIN DE -SCRIBED PROPERTY WILL BE MADE JN SUCH PARCELS OR GROUPS AS DETERMINED THE BO t A »wrDloTo E m? R THF BEST INTERESTS OF THE , COUNTY. Such sale will be for cash, or on, such terms as appr ?J e .. f 1 the Board, provided, however, that, if such sale is ma e on erms, least twentv P . 1, be paid in ' h a ; h ,,u .î ch "d''a"ro?" s "i e be rd' 1 th;!end - ■ be paid in install ma; \i s Auction Sale | j | l 1 | 1 I will sell at public auction at the old Bessette place two miles east of Park City, As I have decided to quit farmin one mile south and ] mile west of Hiway No. 10 at the Yellowstone-Stillwater. County line « • — * Wetlnesdav, Fell. 2d m/ y Free lunch at noon. Sale starts at 10:00 A. M. Bring your cups. 22 HEAD OF CATTLE 4-yr. roan milch cow, milking 6-yr. roan milch cow, milking 3-yr. white milch cow with calf at side 8 coming 2-yr. fat steers and heifers (in feed lot since Oct.) 10-yr. red milch cow, milking 10-yr. black milch cow, fresh in Mar. 4-yr. black milch cow, fresh in Mar. 2 4-yr. red milch cows, milking 4-yr. roan cow 3-yr. Aberdeen Angus reg. bull 6-mo. old black steer calf 2 bucket calves 17 HEAD OE HOHNES * Two 9-yr. black mares weighing 1500 lbs. each, well broke, gentle and bred to Palmino saddle stallion Smoothmouth black gelding weighing 1700 lbs. Smoothmouth grey gelding weighing 1700 lbs. 8-yr. black gelding weighing 1400 lbs. 8-yr. bay mare weighing 1400 lbs. 5-yr. sorrel mare weighing 1600 lbs. 11-yr. roan mare weighing 1800 lbs. 7-yr. brown saddle gelding, part American Saddler, well broke for all around saddle work, also good show horse 11- yr. black mare weighing 1800 lbs. 10-yr. iron grey gelding weighing 1850 lbs. 12- yr. grey gelding weighing 1850 lbs. 6-yr. pinto saddle gelding weighing 1200 lbs. 2-yr. bay filly 2-yr. black gelding 2-yr. roan gelding Coming 3-yr. sorrel saddle mare, unbroke, part Ameri can Saddler • all halter broke 4 . * 1 . co.msu.m: nous TRACTOR 50 feeder pigs weighing 60 lbs. ea. Chester White boar weighing 125 lbs 1939 McC.-Drg. Model 61 6' com bine on rubber with motor, alfalfa seed attachment, new belts, drive chains, completely reconditioned last July. 1942 Mc.C-Drg. Model M rubber-tir ed tractor with power takeoff, pul ley, lights and starter in good con dition. ATTACHMENTS: 7' power mower, Rybin built manure loader, Ottawa tractor log saw with 5' blade. Clll€Ki:.\S 3 doz. Buff Orphington laying hens 2 do/. Wyandotts laying hens TltlJCK FEE» 25 tons alfalfa hay, 50 bu. oats 400 bu. barley 1930 I.H.C. 1 ton truck with beet box and good rubber. Farm Machinery 2 wagon gears and 3 hay racks 1 wagon gear with gravel bed 4-wheel trailer, 5' fresno Steel frame buzz saw Hand and power driven fanning mill; 6' water tank and heater 50 steel posts, electric fence and in sulators 3 rolls new barbed wire 4 rolls poultry netting 2 self feeders, several hog troughs, feed bunk 2 new sets leather work harness 6 sets leather work harness 17 horse collars, halters Stock saddle and bridle 50' lariat rope, 3 gas barrels Gas pump, sickle binder Wheelbarrow, grindstone Feed elevator Forks, shovels and other tools and articles too numerous to mention Nearly new McC.-Drg. 7' grain binder with tractor hitch Nearly new McC-Drg. 10' dump rake Nearly new John Deere 3-section spring tooth harrow Nearly new Meyers V ditcher Moline 14" tumblebug plow Martin 5' ditcher Van Brunt 8' grain drill with grass seeder LaCrosse 7' grain drill McC.-Drg. side delivery rake I0'x20' wooden land leveler 24' wooden land leveler John Deere 3-horse manure spreader 2 lister ditchers, ditch plow Sulky plow, 2 garden cultivators DeLaval No. 16 electric cream sep arator 8 row beet sprayer, 2 row bean cutter Pump jack & 1 horse electric motor 7' single disc John Deere 14" hammermill with feed and hay screen and 25'x8 belt Two 2-section spiketooth harrows Jayhawk highlift stacker on rubber tires Horse buck rake, 10' land packer Stover 10" feed grinder, 35'x8" belt McC.-Drg. 6' grain binder McC.-Drg. 10' dump rake Corn binder, corn cultivator and corn planter Big Six 6' mower Planet Jr. beet and bean cultivator P & O beet and bean cultivator with tools 3 grease guns and filler pump Anvil, vice, forge and blacksmith tools 350 chick electric brooder \ Household Goods Kitchen cabinet, 8 kitchen chairs, 2 buffets 2 beds with springs and mattresses, 2 dressers Mise, dishes, other household goods Camp stove, oil burner heater, phonograph New Wards 7-room circulating wood and coal heater 2 kitchen tables, 1 steel with enamel top Milk pails, cream cans, 2 bicycles Electric & hand power meat grinder Royal Windsor kitchen range with water front Wood and coal kitchen range Book and credit by Harris Agency. If credit is desired, see any member in Agency, B. M. Harris, Meyer Harris, R. F. Stevens or I. M. Black. Yellowstone Banks, Laurel or Columbus. •IOE r. IIEIIOHJ». Ow ll< k l HARRIS AGENCY, Sales Managers. C. V. MOSIER, Auctioneer. _ RESOLUTION AND NOTICE WHEREAS, in accordance with provisions of Chapter 98 of 1937 Session Laws of Montana, the Board of County Commissioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, re stricted the expenditures to be made in the 1945 . 4 g budget to a sum not excee ding by ten' percent the ex penditure for the previous year, and WHEREAS, the budget for the item8 for extra help of County clerk and Recorder and Care of In mates in Home for Deaf and Dumb having been expended by reason of , un f orseen expenses being repeatedly incurred during the year in excess of the sum con t e mplated and allow 1 ed bv said budgets, and W heREAS. it is estimated that the sums ^ s h 0 wn below will be ' required for said items until the th;!end », , te n». a», ments extending over a period of not to exceed five years, and all such deferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of 4% per an nU (SALES OF $100.00 OR LESS MUST BE CASH.I HENRY NUTT, County Clerk. Dated January. 29th, 1946. (Date First Pub. Jan. 30, 1946-3t) County Clerk & Recorder, $2,500.00 Care of Deaf and Dumb, $ 250 . 00 . NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RE SOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners of Yellowstone Coun ty, Montana, that the said sums as hereinbefore shown are hereby ap propriated and added to said bud gets and that notice is hereby given that a public hearing will he held on February 21st, 1946, at 10:30 o'clock A. M. in the office of said Board in the Courthouse at Billings, Montana, at which time any tax payer may be heard for or against the increases as contemplated by this resolution, and that a copy of same be published in the Laurel Outlook, the official newspaper of Yellowstone County, Montana, February 13th, 1946. The foregoing resolution was read and unanimously passed by the. Board on this 11th day of February, 1946. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS-) SIONERS, YELLOWSTONE COUNTY. MONTANA. By CHAS E. WICKS. Chairman. C. M. YERRINGTON, Commissioner. G. W. FENTON, Commissioner. (Date First Pub. Feb. 13, 1946 -lt) '■n Sugar Syrup Keep sugar syrup on hand for sweetening fruit drinks and iced tea. It goes further than plain sugar. To prepare, boil together for three to five minutes equal parts of sugar and water. Keep tightly covered in refrigerator. We Repair . . All Makes of RADIOS Prompt and Guaranteed Service • Car Aerials • Tubes • Batteries Laurel Radio and Electric Supply Co, Phone 22-W 207 West Main St. One Block West of Underpass l . Button >»r its develop seven months of plenty of sun " ved periods of Cockleburs Hazardous Cut cockleburs before they go to seed in pastures. They are poison ous to livestock. rO a À T" % • V; ►/ Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29. Billing* Phone 2888 I Want ADS OITOKTfJXITY KNOCKS ESI ici: NOTICE —ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PAID FOR IN AD iVANCE UNLESS A REGULAR ACCOUNT IS MAINTAINED. I FOUND—Schaefer Jr. Pen. Owner can have have same by paying for this ad. I FOR SALE—1936 Graham Super oh., fair shape, will sell cheap, Virgil Zimmerman, Molt, Mont, p We buy dressed veal and pork, also live beef, hogs and poultry. Bar ney & Hartley Market, Laurel. It 1 FOR SALE-yGood 100-lb. burlap bags. 10 cents each. Barney' & Hartley Market, Laurel. It 320 Acres grazing land near Brid ger, southeast Round Butte school house. Has irrigation ditch above a few acres during growing sea son. Wish to lease for 10 years or more. For particulars address, Jesse B. Bowman, Gen. Delivery, Kansas City, Mo. it Home building lots for sale. Com plete with sidewalk and curb on paved street and served by all utilities. See C. W. Laird or P. A. Johnston. l-16-tf FOR SALE—18 tons of alfalfa hay r . See W. O. Baker, Laurel, Mont., or phone 0313-J-l. 1-30-tf WANTED — Clean cotton rags. Greening Chevrolet Co. 10-10-tf. Waitresses, dishwasher, 9-19-tf. WANTED Yellowstone Cafe. Lau rel Construction Co. Phone 215-W. 2-9-tf CARPENTERS WANTED WANTED—Good household furni ture. Write Hanchett & Sons, 17 South 27th St., Billings. l-23-5t Laurel. around Fred Brown, phone 0300-R-4. saw wood Will 2-6-2tp FOR SALE—Water truck and tank; also electric automatic water pres sure tank. G. L. Adams, Laurel. 2-6-2t FOR SALE—One gas heater, one vre-war duofold and chair. F. L. Taylor, 213 3rd St. West. 2-13-tf Hot Toasters, Plates, Broilers and Heaters now in stock. Laurel Radio and Elec tric Supply Co., 207 West Main Clocks, Electric St. We now have a large stock of 35L6, 50L6, 35Z5 and other critical tubes. Laurel Radio and Electric Supply Co. FOR SALE—Three unit apartment house. Call at 219 East 1st. IP You can rely on us for good work. Hageman Barber & Beauty Shop. Phone 183-W at 219 E. 1st. IP FOR SALE—1 gas range and 1 gas heater, 1 gas brooder, or come to 416 Sixth ave. Call 79-J ip WANTED—Singer sewing machine. Phone 245-R. Ip WANTED—To rent modern house, furnished or unfurnished. Adults, permanent. P. O. Box 131, Bil lings. 2-13-2tp LOST—Black male Scotty. Reward. Phone 493-R. it FOR SALE—One wooden gram box and 1 steel box. See Fred Hoffer at Laurel Co-Op. ip Expert Saddle Repair at the ELECTRIC SHOE SHOD LAUREL, MONT. Bill Locke. Owner Values Are Rising, || Are you under Insured? Consult your insurance I; agent as you would your Doctor. ! ! See the R. J. Williams & Son Agency Phone 126