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Dental Technicians Are Scarce in U. S. Army Allied headquarters recently listed dental laboratory technicians, orthopedic mechanics and medical laboratory technic ians in "scarce" categories, subject to retention for six months after they become eligible for discharge. It said Washington had listed mod ical and dental officers with adjust ed service rating of 60 points or 39 months' service or those more than 45 years old as eligible for dis s j TOKYO. charge. C/7 Cfyty-jj&O ! 'ymtuty I i A Here's a practical present! gift of year round use! Just send your laundry to us and give /ourself 52 holidays a year in which to do the things you've always longed to do! SCOTTS CLEANERS £ LAUNDRY • PHONE *50 ORANGES 1 plentiful and at their best now at A SATÄ SAFEWAY J /'M ■A ■if ' - I # 4U ( T est. m . : ..... ■ urn V o «Hyps Grange growers are sending us an abundance of golden-ripe fruit this season, so now's the time to enjoy oranges. Serve bubbling glasses of tangy juice for breakfast. Slice the fruit into tidbits for salads and desserts. Or peel and segment oranges for between-meal snacks. Buy them, priced by the pound, at your Safeway. À •■"I Ideas for Lunches ■ ■ AVOCADOS ■ J All of you who have the problem o! , j planning lunches—find yourself run- j • ning out of ideas. Here are some J ■ suggestions from my Menu-Maker, j, 2 SOUPS FOR THERMOS OR FOR LUNCHES 5 AT HOME J Hot soup makes any lunch taste good. i • »Clam Chowder «Split Pea Soup | 2 «CreamofTomato «VegetableSoup , 2 SALADS THAT CARRY OR STAY AT HOME ! _ • For the lunch box put salads in a small ■ / J jar or paper container with a lid. ( ■ «CabbageandCarrot «Combination • • • Cole Slaw, fruited , or plain 1 • Carrot and Raisin SANDWICHES FOR HOME LUNCHES , OR LUNCH BOX • 7 like to vary sandwiches by using J 1 different kinds of bread—white, whole J 1 wheat, cracked wheat, graham, rye, 1 ■ pumpernickel, raisin, nut,quickbreads • J like orange, honey and peanut butter, J 1 rolls and buns und crackers. * » «Ground frankfurter and chopped j J pickle moistened with mustard- | 1 flavored salad dressing » ■ «Ground liverwurst, ripe olive, and J J green pepper ■ ■ «Mashed sardine with chili sauce ■ « «Baked beans with catsup and J J onion slices s 1 «Diced American cheese and ■ ; chopped nuts * • MAIN DISHES FOR LUNCHES AT HOME J 2 «Cheese fondue or souffle » • «Stuffed eggs in cheese sauce \ J «Creamed chipped beef on toast a 1 points . I • «Curried shrimp on rice < LUNCH BOX SWEETS J ï These perk up the lunch that'scarr lea. ■ J «Gingerbread split and filled with a 1 apple butter . . , . , • • «Cookies made into triple-decker • • with jelly , 1 «Frosted graham crackers California Fancy Winesaps - Delicious Ex Fey & Pcy, 4 Lbs Cliptop, fresh & U. S. No. 1 2 Lbs. California Pascal, U. S. No. 1 _ Lb Arizona, crisp & firm, U. S. 1, Lb Cliptop, fresh & good, No. 1. 2 Lbs ORANGES APPLES CARROTS CELERY LETTUCE TURNIPS 53c Lb. Sunkist ü. S. No. 1— Plumb full of juice or serve them sliced with powdered sugar 15c N 15c EGGS 3.19 15c Large Extra Browns Vi Case 17c 2 5 Lbs. 47c Doz. Fruu, • Potato • Ham WORTHWHILE SWINGS AT SAFEWAY lenten Ideas I 1 ■ i I io te oz. Can .... Rancho Tomato SOUP AIRWAY 7c î EDWARDS COFFEE COFFEE Rich and mellow and freshly ground SOUP 25c Pine rich distinctive coffee 3 Pkgs Betty Crockers Vi Lb. Pkg. Kraft Velveeta 1 Lb. Can Rosedale Mild Red 57c 62c 2 Lb. Jars 3 Lb. Pkg. CHEESE 22c NOB HILL A delightfully fragrant blend, ground fresh_ Cherub. Pure convenient— Vitamin D added . Country Home, serve it scalloped __ Sugar Belle, sweet tender and fine flavor . COFFEE 49c Salmon 2 Lb. Pkg 30c MILK CORN PEAS 10 98c Tall Cans No. Vi Can Pismo 15c CLAMS BEANS 27c No. 2 Can 15c 12 Oz. Can Van Camps Quart Jar Manhattan i No. 2 Can 9c SPAM KRAUT 22c Libby's fancy cut—deep red color, very tender Hormel's luncheon meat, just heat or serve cold 13c 34c No. 2 Can 12 Oz. Can THESE MEATS GUARANTEED TO PLEASE ■ ■ ■ CHICKENS TURKEYS LEG O'LAMB LAMB STEW LAMB CHOPS HAMBURGER POT ROAST 42c ■ 1 ROASTING Young fryers fresh picked_ Light weight prime young hens and toms_ Grade A— Roast with vegetables. A splendid hot dinner for the kiddies . ■ Lb. Director The Homemakers' Bureau An Extra Sa ft way Strrict t I CHICKENS 49c Lb Young battery fed birds, tender and meaty 35c Lb 42c Silver Queen, 5 tie _ Each Strong' and durable, Ea 1.39 BROOMS MOP STICKS NUTEX BLEACH Lb. i 15c Lb. STEWING 19c 35c HENS Grade A—Shoulder cut.. Lb. 25c Cleaning Rags 10 Oz. Pkg. ... White Magic Cloths m B leach, Vs Gal. - XOv Tender plump stewing chickens, serve with dumplings 25c « Fresh Ground .... Grade A Beet— Lean and tender, no waste, Lb. .. Lb 25c 35c Lb. .A wmrs/£j?yyo(/A/e sr/d£ should know iVe been WAsr SEE HOW SIMPLE IT IS' you SELECT \lNS BOTH FOOD WHAT YOU NEED... AND MONE* ITS WEISH (T VOURSELF j SAFEWAy FOR ...AND PAY FOR / ME FROM NOW IT BY THE POUND./ ON...WONTJIM ge PROUO ! ITS ALL PERFECTLY SIMPLE AT SAFEWAY .. .WHERE I SHOP, LETS STOP IN ON ^ THE WAV. DO YOU THINK I'LL EVER \ LEARN, HELEN? JUST J LOOK AT ALLTHE OLD S. VEGETABLES I HAVE TO p THROW OUT. .. IT SEEMS TERRIBLY EXTRAVAGANT Iß IT IS, TOO. WHY DO YOU BUY SO MUCH ? WHY, I'D NEVER KNOW HOW BIG A POUND IS. j JIM LOVES FRESH THINGS,}^, ...BUTA DOZEN OR BUNCH IS ALWAYS TOO MUCH FOR TWO PEOPLE. ^ i r y n / m fm ' WHY DONT YOU ^ BUY PRODUCE BY THE POUND...THEN YOU ONLY RAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED. M MS ,/ L* <3 s m K"*s (S© 9 y sM I K ÜfvVj V r.-' mm mjA SENIORS SELECT PLAY ! ! . T )^ at a ^ife, , a p ay , ^- v K ord .,. Goldsm ' th wdl ° P roduced the ! ^ ar l 11 } iar , radl f character, Henry | Aldrich, has been selected by the i s€n * or c ^ ass ^he Laurel high | school for their annual class pre | sentation. i Tryouts have been completed and i rehearsals are under way. The en i tire class will take part in the pro | duction, which has 18 speaking j parts and 11 extras. The scene is at Henry's school. The principal characters and j those chosen to play the parts are I Henry Aldrich, Jim Sherrow; Mr. j Bradley, the school principal, Jack j Mitchell; assistant principal, Don i Graff; Mr. Bradley's secretary, Pat ! Johnston; Henry's history teacher, Billielou Braswell; other teachers, Trevie Barr, Beverly Gunter and Gwen Dyer; George Bigelow, a student who is Henry's worst enemy, Delbert Teeters; other stu dents, Lois Crawford, Leo Fink, and Ann Brohaugh; Henry's mother, Adelpha Vaught, and a parent, Bill Renner. Several other character parts are to be cast later. British People Quadruple Their Savings During War LONDON. Britain's saver has four times more money than he had before the war, Sir Harold Mackintosh, chairman of the national savings committee, an nounced. small "Before the war the people of this country had deposits totaling $3, 375,000,000. Today deposits more than three times as large at $9,400,000,000," he said. During six years the small saver has increased his reserves of nation al savings from 5,000 million dol lars to 20,400 million dollars— a four fold increase. are m y i ; S ? Ï Wi \ :î fiimf : « \ * » V 1 ;Sj I msmm ■■ : mm ■ , ? I I I I \ , if if ' Ü y v; I ■ ■ t li > m u I ■M, Wliy i ü . ; m i: : i;.* ■■ ALL-MAIL FLYING PACKET . . . The working section of the mail plane which will be outfitted with specially designed, lightweight equipment for sorting airmail in flight. No such facilities for speedy handling have ever been installed in a plane before. The mail would be sorted by one or two clerks in middle of plane. Bags of storage mail, bulk mail and registered mail would be kept forward and in rear section. Dust Removal Various ' kinds of brushes are needed for dust removal, toilet bowl brush is more sanitary if the fibers are twisted in wire rather than bound in a tight head. Wash, rinse and shake after use. Hang with brush end down. Fi ber scrub brushes should be tufted close to the edge to clean corners. Wash, rinse and shake after use. Dry with bristles down. The Candy Consumption Americans consume about two billion 50 million pounds of candy I in a normal peacetime year, an av erage of about 16 pounds a person. Curb Egg-Eating Hens Providing ample calcium and vi tamin D usually solves the egg-eat ing problem in poultry flocks. Egg eating often starts when egg shells are thin and easily broken. CHURCHES ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦» ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Wallace Bristor, Rector. Vesper service at 4 p. m. at Our Savior's Lutheran church. THE METHODIST CHURCH M. J. Wilcox, Minister. At Laurel : Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. An them by the choir. Sermonette to juniors. Sermon by the minister. Methodist Youth Fellowship 6:30 p. m. Roundup M. Y. F. will have charge of the service. Fel j lowship, fun and food follows. Calendar for this week: Friday, Spiritual life study at parlor at 2 p. m., wdth special Lenten medi tation. All ladies invited. Tuesday, Rotary club at the parlor at 12:15 p. m. Choir at the sanctuary at 6:45 p. m. Adult Bible fellowship pitch-in at church parlor at 6:30 p. m., with something new to fol low. Wednesday, Loyalty Circle Friendly calling, starting at 2 p. m. Lad-Dad banquet at the church par lor at 6:30 p. m. At Park City: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Anthem by the choir. Sermonette to juniors. Sermon by the minister. Calendar for this next week: Thursday (today), Woman's Society of Christian Service at Harmony hall at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday, Boy Scouts at school at 7:30 p. m. Wed choir meets at Charles at nesda 7» Eastlick s at 7:30 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fifth at Penn. James H. Haueter, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Let's break "the record. Morning worship, 11 a. m. A time of devotion. N. Y. P. S., 6:45 p. m. Timely topics. " Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. "Ye must be born again. Monday, 6:30 p. m., Boy Scouts meet at the Scout room. Wednesday, 6:30 p. m. choir. 7:30 p. m. Bible study and prayer service. " junior Be Sure To H SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS Coast To Coast Every Week Radio Voice of the Church of the Naxarene KGHL 9:30 P. M. Friday Saturday, 10 a. m. Boy Scouts meet at Scout room with lunches ready to go on .a hike. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Third Ave. and Third St. Lewis I. La Mance, Pastor Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Sunday evening Evangelistic 8::00 Bible Study—Prayer in Parsonage, We invite all our friends of Laur el and vicinity to attend any and all of our regular services. To those who are looking for spiritual help and comfort we en courage to attend church regularly, Be a real American and stand up for Christ. p. m. Tuesday 8:00 p. m. ST.JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH H. E. Vomhof, Pastor. A German communion service on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, an English one at 11:05. Announce ment required. Lenten services on Wednesday evening at 7:45 during the season. You are welcome at these services. The W. L. meets on Tuesday eve ning, April 2. May all be present. The aid meets on Thursday, April 4. May we have a good representa tion. OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Fourth Sunday in Lent. Sunday school and Bible classes at 9:45 a. m. Divine service this Sunday at 11 Mr. Hanson will be with us a. m. again for a few Snndays. Monday at 2:30 p. m. teachers' meeting. Thursday at 2 p. m. mission so ciety. Lesson : 'The Palsied Man." Thursday at 7:45 p. m., brother hood. Saturday at 1:30 p. m., Confirma tion class. iil :v m t ;;;p ADMINISTRATIVE ARMY'S CHIEF . . . Maj. Gen. Edward F. Witsell, who relieved Maj. Gen. James Alexander Ulio as adju tant general of the army. General Witsell is a veteran of many over seas assignments. Doyal Th eatre ■^WEEKLY PROGRAM THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY March 28-29-30 Here's a grand musical comedy loaded with song, dance and fun for all. Old songs and old mem ories plus new faces and new hit tune of today and fresh as spring. With SUNDAY Here's the Hit show of the spring; Adventure, Comedy, Romance, In trigue, Luxury. Music on the Star light Roof. A two hour magic carpet Tour into wonderland packed into one Week-end. Jack Oakie Johnny Coy Arthur Treacher Peggy Ryan Buster Keaton Andy Devine In That's the Spirit «( 9 9 Feature No. 2 Here's a rip-roaring Musical West ern packed with thrills, laughs and excitement. With a song on *his lips and a gun on his hips, smash ing the Outlaws of the West. With Roy Rogers "Gabby" Hayes Allan Lane Dale Evans Grant Withers Robert Livingston Sons of the Pioneers In Bells of Rosarita 9 9 Thursday and Saturday Shows 6:45 and 9:20 P. M. Friday, one show, 8 P. M. MONDAY TUESDAY March 31, April 1-2 With Ginger Rogers Walter Pidgeon Edward Arnold Phyllis Thaxter Lana Turner Van Johnson Robert Benchley Keenan Wynn Xavier Cugat & His Orchestra In Week-End I At The Waldorf « Added Shorts, News Only Sunday shows 2:30, 6:45 & 9 P. M. Monday-Tuesday, one show, 8 P. M. Coming 1 Next Week for Six Days April 5 to 10th The Greatest show of the Industry The Bells of St. Mary's <6 99 Damp Walls In occasional instances, moisture which has accumulated behind sid ing or other types of walls, may exude and cause paint blisters or paint peeling—for no oil paint can be expected to properly adhere to a damp surface, no matter how strongly it may resist exterior moisture. Such a condition pro motes rotting of the wood as well as injury to the paint. When such a condition is found to exist, the af fected wood should be removed and the damp surfaces completely dried out, the inside surface painted, the wood then replaced, and the exte r ^ or surface painted, thus sealing the wood against moisture, both from within and without. / wise 6e '■HSS It's a Keepsake DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT KINO Trod# Mork Mciitwod \vV J f Keepsake MELODY 350.00 Price« include federal lu Through six decades the choice of America's loveliest brides ... Keepsake is the diamond ring of guaranteed high quality, and lasting value. r H. A. Carlisle JEWELER Laurel, Mont. AUTHORIZED KEEPSAKE DEALER