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—t - ' Î I PARK CITY SECTION î I ! „ . „ „ , , Rev. A. M. Bachanz spent sev eral days during the week at Lutheran church conference a Power, Mont. The Park City seniors and Miss Rosa Eisenman enjoyed the annual Sneak day Wednesday in Billings where they visited places df in terest. Mrs. Jake Benner and Mrs. John Mohr were hostesses to members the senior class and high school teachers at a dinner Thursday at 6 o'clock at the hall. Places were, Wegner, Elfrieda Kober, Marjorie Fox, Supt. and Mrs. R. C. Bolin, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Helgesen, Miss Joan Ford, Miss Florence Von Ehrenkrock and Miss Rosa Eisen n 130, - Mrs. J. H. Dove, Mrs. John Hard-1 ing, Mrs. Rachel Martin, Mrs. Les ter Eastlick and Mrs. Fred Carpen ter were hostesses to the Woman's . , , ,, . .. society_ Thursday afternoon at the hall. The devotions, in memory of were conducted by Mrs. Mrs. M. J. Wilcox "Mothers," A. O. Nelson, had charge of the program on "Our Supply Work." Mrs. M. O. Roys don of Laurel was a guest. Mrs. Floyd Eastlick entertained Saturday afternoon for her son Bobby on his sixth birthday. Out door games were played and a lunch was served by Mrs. Eastlick and her sister, Mrs. M. Hoppel of Lau rel. Guests were Kay and Sally Vandenburg, Marilyn Eastlick, Mary Harding, Beverly, Patty 'and Terry Sands, John Suter, Bruce Hansford, Jimmie Eastlick, Loretta Story, Peggy Ann Story, Jeff Gesick, Ken ny Bolin, Christy Whitcanack, Bob by Story, Mrs. M. Hoppel of Lau rel and Mrs. Eva Cram. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kober of Ranchley, Colo., came Monday to visit Mrs. Kober's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Altice. Mr. Kober, who is with a construction company, has been transferred to Billings. Mrs. Bob Watson of Laurel, form erly Miss Jean Bongiani, was host ess at a shower Tuesday afternoon at the hall for Mrs. Charles Grubs. Various games were enjoyed by| those present, who were Mrs. Lucia Bongiana and daughter Mary, Mrs. Casper Harding, Mrs. Herman - L— - j VALUES Are up j Is Your Insurance | « Adequate? i Î Consult Your Insurance Agent j * as you would your Doctor j - See , j R. J. Williams & Son j î * I Phone 126 Laurel, Mont. i I with Mrs. Jennie Oliver. ta, 't. i MASTER CRAFTSMEN n N z::M u i 0 I o \W ■ € o u O 1 ■ ■/ mi 'y % v, n ii:; y 9 ">• ■ o. J>.y o • J ;■ ii mf CRAFTSMAN 21 Jewels 14 Kt. Gold $125.00 PRINCETON 2Y Jewels $52.50 V / y ■» i y A. Carlisle H. ■ Jeweler ■ ■ Laurel, Montana Bulova I ■ 21 jewels 2\ever before has more masculine smartness—more unerring accuracy been produced in a fine watch. ■ H C ■ ■ ■ M B ■ ■ B D ■ I I I 1 I f Killibrew, Sarah ( Harding, Mrs. William ; Mrs. D _ Killibrew, Mrs. a ' Tipps, Mrs. Pete Anderson of t Trewin, Mrs. Kenneth Shay of Lau I rel, Mrs. A. L. Grubs, Mrs. C. V. | Eastlick, Mrs. R. E. Plowman, Mrs. I J. W. Corwin, Mrs. May Miller, j Mrs. R. W. Davis, Mrs. A. O. Nel son, Mrs. W. D. Whitcanack, Zella Grubs and the guest of honor. Patsy VanNice cedebrated her of seventh birthday Monday, May C, f rom 3 : 3 0 to 5:15 at her home. A ] unc h was served by Mrs. Vannice to Patsy's friends, Sandra South l ä ; Sanders, Carolyn Pope, Marjorie Moran, Dorothy Mehling, Shirley Roth, Mitzie Sanders, Loretta Story, K av Vandenburg, Marlene Frank, , Marjorie Henry, Joyce Metzger, ! Dorleres Hilderman, Judy Hedges, and Georgia Reid, Lyndon Colburn - 1 of Billings, Shirley and Billy Porter j 0 f Laurel, , Mrs. Francis Livingood recently ! retunied to her home in Lodge Q rass a ft er spending several weeks with her cousin> Mrs M- L Duns . „ . „ , Mrs. Allen Whitcanack, Mrs. W. ; F. Adams and Mrs. Stanley Pear sall attended the Legion auxiliary meeting in Laurel Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Whitcanack and two children, Christine and Ronald, went to East Rosebud lake Sunday to spend some time at their : cabin. worth and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Zwisler left Tuesday for the home in Helena after spending more than two weeks here with relatives and friends. They were guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Flood and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sitzman. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dove, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams of Columbus, made a trip to Helena last Sunday to see Herbert Dove and family, is again being treated at the veter ans' hospital for a leg infection. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Scott and : two children spent the week end with Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Nelson. Duane Nelson returned home Tuesday from Joliet where he had been visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Flood j went to Billings Tuesday, where i both are employed. Mr. Flood was | recently discharged from the navy. Miss Luthena Carpenter, who has j been with the Western Union at j Seattle the past two years, came to j Park City recently to visit her pa-. rents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpen ter. She is being transferred to | Boston, where she will go later in. the month. | Mrs. Fred Carpenter and Miss • Luthena Carpenter went to Billings Fnday to spend several days visit mg Mr. and Mrs. George Carpenter ! and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bamhardt \ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wallace ai ]d daughter Nadine spent Sunday Herbert Dove I Physical Education Class Presents Its Annual Festival Park City, May 15.—The annua! spring festival of the physical edu cation class, directed by Miss Rosa Eisenman, was presented Friday ; evening at the gymnasium. The following was the program: Calesthenics and arch ball, entire | class; school; "Pop Goes the Weasel," tire class; tumbling, opional group: Cheboga musical game and chair re- j "Country "School Heel and | "The *sr 8 on scnooi ' Put Your Little Foot," grade en -1 lay game, entire class; Gardens," grade school ; Days" (tap dance) and ' Toe Polka," selected group; Star" (square dance), entire group: : grade school. Parade," entire " Coach Basil Helgesen presented letters earned in basketball to Lyle Rupp, Arnold Kober, Rudy Mein hardt, Rudy Wegner, Alvin Kober. Bill Guide, Robert Kober, Arthur Gonzales, John Sitzman, Dick Kaiser. Raymond Frank and Clar ence Minch. Miss Edna Mae Southworth went to Red Lodge Saturday to spend a few days at the William Cunning ham home. She played the wed ding march when Miss Edith Roso [ Cunningham, formerly of Park City, and Fred Parker of Red Lodge were married Sundav, May 12. at 12:30 p. m. at the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stredbeck of • Billings spent the week end with ! Mrs. Stredbeck's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. H. Dove. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Flood enter tained at dinner Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Flood, ! John Flood and Mrs. Gail Fry. Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney went to I Columbus Saturday and attended I baccalaureate service Sunday. Her I granddaughter. Miss Joyce Marsh, I will graduate soon from Columbus j high school. Mr. and Mrs. Lewin Hergett en tertained at dinner last Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. R. Greher, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad George, all of Billings. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Corwin spent | Friday and Saturday in Billings at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Amo Albrecht, and attended the Shrine meet and the music festival. Mrs. Walter Swanky and infant SO n, Ray Walter, left Wednesday or their home in Nibbe after spending ■ a week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpenter. Frank Ware left last Sunday for His home in Slippery Rock, Pa. He bad been called here by the serious condition of his mother, Mrs. Lee Ware, who has been in the Colum bus hospital the oast 14 months, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis enter tained at dinner Monday evening when their guests were Mrs. Mary ande and Miss Mary Sande of Laurel, Mrs. Blanche Luxton of An aconda) M rs. He i en Braun and Miss ear i Davis Mr and Mrs. H. D. Tomokins went to Forsvth Tuesday and re mained until Thursday at the home 0 f M r . Tompkins' sister, Mrs. Jess Coats, family. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hansford and sons. Jack and Bruce, and Mrs. Joe Southworth and daughter Edna Mae were guests Sundav at the church wedding of Miss Edith Rose Cun ningham and Sgt. Fred Parker at Red Lodge. Mrs. Frank Buck of Parkdale, Ore., and Mrs. R. Martin of Bil lings were recent guests of Mrs. Walt Williams and Mrs. Lester Eastlick. TREWIN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shay and son Norman of Hawthorne spent Friday evening at the Grubs home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rupp of Laurel spent Wednesday evening at the John Rupp home. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beslanowitch, Mrs. Victor Michael and children, Mrs. Lucia Bongiani, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frank, Rehfeldt, children and John Minch attended the physical education program of the Park City schools Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grubs spent Saturday at the W. D. Killebrew home. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walters and daugh ter Jeanette of Park City were call ing at the Grubs home Sunday. A. L. Grubs reports the birth of twin colts to a percherop mare at his farm Saturday. The smaller one died after living about 30 hours. imiimiiimmmmmmimmmiimiiiiMi Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mrs. A. L. Grubs and HAPPENINGS M 111111111111111111111111 II 11111111111 II 11111111 Ik Pvt. Raymond D. Schwartzkopf, son of Mrs. Dave Schwartzkopf of Laurel, has completed training and has graduated from the Chanute, Ill., field of the army air forces training command, the Chanute field public relations office has an nounced. "school he received instruction in the P-5- specialist course and in various technical operations vital to main tenance of fighting planes. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wilson who have resided in the Hardin area since 1911 have bought the Barney ranch north of Laurel, where they will reside. At one time they lived on the Cramer place southeast of Laurel, then moved to the Clarks Fork valley where they remained until going to Hardin. John Bright of Greenville, Pa., spent Thursday here with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kremer. He was recently discharg ed from the army at Fort Lewis, Wash. From here he went Friday to Cody, Wyo., to visit his cousins, Bill Kremer and Mrs. Jessie Kremer Williams, and their families. His overseas service was in Africa and Europe. the While attending Motorists who know Ï > ». ïSàa? 7 ft m ; xyV h!": ■ ■> ■ •v m ■ ; mm mm \ SEE US TODAY— KEEP YOUR CAR SERVICED AND HELP TO KEEP YOUR CAR SAFE TILL YOU GET DELIVERY OF YOUR NEW CHEVROLET X bi 3L\\\ I Today, when you need skilled service most, it pays to come to Service Headquarters to have the work done. Add months and miles to the life of your car —and help to keep your car safe —by having our skilled mechanics give it a thorough service check-up at regu lar intervals. They do top-notch work, using quality tools, quality parts, quality materials. See us for repairs or adjustments today . . . members of America's finest automotive service organization. \ I Save your car with skilled service 03 TTTT äiLuLLfclkii » AflAildlA ARE ALSO ■ Plant Another Field of Sugar Beets Right Now to make up for any alfalfa or grain you have lost! BEET TOPS ALONE FROM AN AVERAGE ACRE OF BEETS WILL REPLACE MORE THAN $29 WORTH OF HAY AND CRAIN! The Great Western Sugar Company