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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
LAWYER'S* New Shafter Potatoes Rid your weeds with Weedone -lbs. io Quart bottle $2.85 for. = for MANCHESTER Crackers BOTANO Garden Dust 2 -lb. box For Garden Insects and Diseases for LIPTON Tea Bags HERSHEY Baking Chocolate V -lb /2 for. 16 count 17c for Sunbrite Cleanser 19C OLD YELLOWSTONE Pork and Beans cans cans for.. 1 5 for FOLGER Fresh Tomatoes COF']Pl£l£ lbs. -lb. can 2 1 for. for LARD We have a good supply of all Cereals. Get your's now as long as they are available. -lb. carton 1 for..... 69c Laurel, Mont, É Phone 265 AWYER 3TDRE5 INC -A Von Can Cet It At Creening's! Canopy Tops Easy to attach, long lasting, excellent See them on display on our show room for half-ton pick-up trucks, protection against weather, floor. Reasonably priced. Tractor Tires, Tubes Also Rims for any size. We are stocked with everything you may need in big stuff. SPECIAL ! Second-Hand Porto Power For sale at a bargain. This is in good shape and ready to go to work. NEW MONITOR Carpet Sweepers Fresh from the factory. A Monitor Carpet Sweeper is needed in every home. Also we stock and display Floor Heaters, fully combat next winter's cold weather. Get one now to success isli For Your Fas 1 K We need 10 cars right now and will pay Cash on the spot. Sell While Prices Are Still High. r r '• TSTT ■ You Can Get You Can Get LJLi It at It at Greening's , CLAY GREENING . PROP. 305 W-M»IW AT. V LAU R.EL • PHONE 48-W Greening's Churches THE METHODIST CHURCH M. J. Wilcox, Minister EE At Laurel : Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Bring — student loan offering. rr: Morning I worship at ~ Children's aay. Vocal solo by Jackie ~ Braswell. Offertory by Linda John Children's day sermon on Know Bill? Calendar for this week: Friday: rr: j General meeting of the Woman's ~ ! Society of Christian Service at the = parlor at 2:30 p. m. Bring tin — canned food for overseas relief. ~ I Tuesday: Rotary club at parlor at == i 12:15 p. m. Adult Bible Fellowship — 1 at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arm — ; strong's at 8:15 p. m. Welnesday: — ! Boy Scouts at Scout hall at 7 p. m. = i At Park City: — j Sunday school at 10 a. m, — I Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Anthem by the choir. Children's ~ j day sermon on "You Know Bill? ~~~ Calenlar for this next week: Thursday (today), Woman's Society of Christian Sendee at Harmony hall at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday: Boy Scouts at 7:30 p. m. Wedsesday: Choir rehearsal at Charles East lick's at 7:30 p. m. 11 a. m. = ! ston. I • ASSEMBLY OF COD Third Ave. and Third Street. Lewis I. LaMance, Pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic, 8 p. m. Tuesday evening prayer service in parsonage, 8 p. m. A cordial welcome awaits you at these services. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH "The Church of the Lutheran Hour. Park City, Mont. A. M. Bachanz, Pastor. The Lutheran hour over KGHL Sunday, 9 a. m. Examination and confirmation at 10 a. m. Sunday school teacheas Monday, 8 p. m. Walther League meets Wednes day, June 12 at 8 p. m. The ladies' aid meets June 13 at 2:15 p. m. close to God divine worship most regularly, cordial welcome awaits you at our service. A OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH C. O. Anderson, Pastor. Tel. 233-W. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Services, 11 a. m. sermon. Theme "The Coming of the Holy Spirit. St. John 14:15-21. " Services at Joliet at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, June 6, 7:30 p. m., the pastor will speak on his trip to Palestine. After the meeting re freshments will be served in the basement. Friday, June 7, the Joliet ladies' aid will meet at the home of Mrs. E. G. Heck, Laurel. Mrs. E. G. Heck and Mrs. George Heck will entertain. The vacation Bible school will continue for one more week. The confirmation class will meet at 10:30 a. m., Saturday. We welcome you to worship with us. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fifth at Penn. James H. Haueter, Pastor. Be Sure To H SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS Co oif To Coosf Every Week Radio Voice of the Church of the Naxarene KGHL Billings, Sunday 7:30 A. M. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. N. Y. P. S., 7:15 p m. Vacation Bible school program TIED/ Don't let washday tie you down. Enjoy a day of leisure, instead, each week. We do your entire laundry, and very economically, so that you can spend your time as well as your money thought fully. You'll find such habits make for happier living. ! I CLEANERS £ LAU 9J ' Day by Day in Laurel A surprise party for Clyde Van Euren honoring- his sixteenth, birth day was given Saturday by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Van Buren. Games and dancing furnished the entertainment, and refreshments were served at midnight. Guests were Cleo Grewer, Gene Paronto, Junior Sanders, Lois Weber, Joyce and Pat Budge, Donna Bondurant, Anna and Minnie Resser, Joy and Huey Edwards, Ray Cady, Mr. and Mrs. George Resser, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson and the honor guest, Clyde Van Buren. Miss F r an c e s, Beslanowitch daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Be slanowitch of the Trewin communi ty is among the 15 seniors of the eastern Montana Normal school to receive diplomas at the school's nineteenth!! annual * commencement exercises Thursday at the college auditorium in Billings. and exhibit, 8 p. m. Wednesday: Junior choir, 7 p. m. Bible study and prayer service, 8 o'clock. The Friendly Church with a Vital Message. Refinish Your own floors WE Rent you the Sander and sell I Varnishes - Stains Lacquers Enamels Polishes by MU-ENAMEL -L AIR D RADIO-ELECTRIC -Phone 50 mam ■ m 7 mm jig*» m; £ i RT % Lfl R: M - J & I Wm / é j . Here conies the bride! June has swung around again, and this month brides by the thousands will start housekeeping — if they can find a house to keep. In days soon to come, light housekeeping will be even lighter with electrical servants ready to wash and iron, clean and cook at the flip of a switch. And some day there will be many new electric aids—air conditioners, food freezers, electric blankets, tele vision sets, and all the wonders of the era of electric living which lies ahead. The electric service which powers these time and-labor-saving appliances will continue to be inexpensive, friendly, dependable — ready around the clock and calendar — just as it has in the past. Maybe 1946 brides will take the advantages of electricity for granted, just as you do. We hope they will. We're glad you just naturally count on the high efficiency and low cost of electric service. The men and women in this company worked hard to make electricity cheap and dependable. They'll work even harder to keep it that way. Enjoy "THE ELECTRIC HOUR" with Robert Armbruster's Orchestra. Sundays, 4:30 P. M., EDST, CBS Network. The Montana Power Company \ Doyal Theatre \ ■^WEEKLY PROGRAM J THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY June 6-7-8 Here's a romantic comedy of the Racetrack. He was a horse fan but bow he loved women, she bet on a horse and won a Husband, packed with racing, thrills, suspense and fun for all. It's With Ava Gardner Edmund Gwenn Sig Ruman James Craig Frances Gifford Reginald Owen In She Went To The Races (( 99 Feature No. 2 The spectacular Sequel to "THE HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN that will make you quiver and shiver with thrills, suspense, chills, action and excitement. With Lon Chaney John Carradine Martha O'Driscoll Lionel Atwill In 99 House of Dracula 66 Thursday and Saturday Shows 6:45 and 9:15 P. M. Friday, one show, 8 P. M. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY June 9-10-11 One of the season's brightest com edies. Here comes the Bride, fol lowed by an assortment of marital troubles that would ruin any Honey moon. It was love at first sight when this lonesome Gob met his dream girl, they were married in haste and the trouble began. With Robert Walker Hume Cronyn Reginald Owen June Allyson Audrey Totter "Rochester" In The Sailor Takes A Wife 66 99 ADDED SHORTS The March Of Time Featuring Tomorrow's Mexico Cartoon and News Sunday Shows, 2:30, 6:45 & 9 P. M. Monday-Tuesday, one show 8 P. M. » w