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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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PARK CITY SECTION Mr. and Mrs. John Sitzman, Lil lian and Walter went to the park Thursday and returned Saturday. Miss Betty Sitzman, cadet nurse of Billings came during the week to spend a month's vacation at her home. The McCormick's Are Economical ! «1/ Ol i* 70 * 4 They cater to people who know the worth of money and appre ciate good values in food. \ O > [«fc. Come to the Mc Cormick store for the choicest and most economically priced— FRESH AND CURED MEATS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND SEA FOODS You can do all your food buying from our large assortment of everything you need. McCormick's Food Mart Laurel's Popular Place To Trade Order Early Phone FREE DELIVERY Phone 76 77 Wednesday and Saturday i — \ VOTE FOR VOTE FOR I V L. C HOWARD Republican Candidate for COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Teacher - Principal - Superintendent Clerk of School Board Taxpayer - Holder B. S. Degree Resident of Montana 30 years; Yellowstone County taxpayer 28 years; member Phi Delta Kappa fraternity where membership depends on scholarship and life participation in education as a vocation. Has Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Kansas State College; has received advanced training and credit in Education and Administration; has had 28 years of experience covering every phase of th work of a County Superintendent. L. C. HOWARD believes the function of education is the inculcation of patriotism, respect for law and order, and undying loyalty to the Con stitution of the United States of America, on July 16. Pol. Adv, Paid for by L. C. Howard. e He will appreciate your vote Mr. and Mrs. Joe ' Thatcher left Tuesday for a trip through the park. Mrs. John Kinney spent the week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Guse and family of Big Timber. Whitman-Southworth Wedding- Wednesdayl Park City, July 10. Cleo Irene Whitman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Whitman, and Kenneth Southworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo South worth were Wednesday, July 3. They left on a trip to the park and are making their home in the east married in Billings, house just church. of the Catholic Miss Sylvia Krieger who has been came attending college in Seattle Friday to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Krieger and her sister, Mrs. Stanley Pearsall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Casterline of Hastings, Nebr., who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fox, all left Friday for a three days trip in the park. Mrs. Henry Ware returned home Wednesday from month's Grand Rapids, Minn., where she vis ited at the home of her mother. Juanita Altice of Skyline spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Altice. Her sister, Mrs. Walter Kober and Mr. Kober ac- j companied her home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson who have ! been visiting at different points, stopped Tuesday at the R. W. Davis home en route to their home in Oakland, Calif. The Hobby club spent Tuesday at the D. McDonald home on N. Val ley Creek. The afternoon was spent doing hand work, with a pot luck lunch at noon. Mrs. Marie McCune and son John of Victor came Sunday and re mained at the home of her brother, S. T. Flood. She spent the rest of the week with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Grubs and family and Mrs. J. W. Ennis and family in Billings. She left Sunday for Helena and Deer Lodge to visit relatives. A. W. De Groat left the last of the week for Great Falls after spending a week with his daughter, Mrs. Allen Lerow and son Duncan and family in Billings. Mr. and Mrs. David Pearsall left Tuesday for Arcadia, Calif., after a two week's visit in Montana with relatives. Master Billy Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith celebrated his second birthday the afternoon of July 2. Guests were Mrs. Bud Roberts and children, Larry and Vicki and Mrs. F. A. Elliot of Laurel. Mrs. Alex Shimsky and two sons. Mrs. Wilbur Wise and daugh ter, Jean, Mrs. Basil Helgesen and daughter, Lana Jean, Mrs. Kenneth Southworth and the honored guest. Miss Jean Grubaugh recently re turned home from Portland, and went last Sunday to the park where she is employed for the summer. Audrey Eklund of Great Falls went to Billings Friday to visit at the home of a sister after spending a week at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Eastlick. After 50 Years /'I the Automobile industry celebrates its birth in 1896. For some 25 years Smith has contrib uted to keeping tires and cars in running con dition. We know something about the business. \V A j Æ .O} ' ■ .v : j r a m « if ëm We saw the time when fabric tires did 5,000 miles before fold ing- up; we saw the advent of cords, and later the balloons. We witnessed the coming of sedans, the passing of the Model T. through all these years, including the difficult war per iod, the Smith organization has kept pace with changing condi tions and today is still delivering dependable service that old and new customers respect. When Smith people do the job it is done right ! No matter what the task may be, Smith's Super Service has the men who know how, the tools and equipment and the desire to be of real service to customers. Because of their fine performance w e recommend HUDSON MOTOR CARS, SEIBERLING TIRES AND TUBES, TEXACO GAS AND OILS, WILLARD BATTERIES See us for lubrication and car conditioning before starting on that long trip this summer. S mith's S B P er Service GEORGE H. SMITH, Proprietor 317 East Main Street, Laurel Phone 67 Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John Harding, Alice and Mary Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thatcher and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Martin were guests Monday even ing of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cain. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tompkins entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Whitmeyer of Billings, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Whitcanack and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Flood at a lawn picnic Thursday. Vonnie Pope was hostess Sunday June 30 at a party celebrating her fifth birthday. She entertained her Sunday school class and relatives and friends from 11 a. m. to 1 , , , _ . , t, . sons, Jack and Bruce went to Boze man Wednesday evening to remain at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe j Hansford. Curtis and Karen Hans ford who have been at the W. A. p. m. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dunsworth, Mrs. Thelma Gebo and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Flood spent Thursday at Red Lodge at the Amos Flood ranch. J. W. Corwin, S. T. Flood and C. V. Eastlick attended a repub lican meeting in Columbus Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hansford and Hansford and Allen Hansford homes . , accompanied them home after two weeks with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Phil \Vagner and \ ictor Eisenman were dinner guests W ednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. John Eisenman, Sr., went to Helena Wednesday to spend several days with their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goldy and family. Mrs. Theresa Branstadter return ed home Saturday from a ten day's visit at the home of her son, Ed Branstadter and family above Ab sarokee. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kel log of Laurel stayed at the Bran stadter home during her absence. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson en tertained at a picnic dinner Satur day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Clyde White and family of Billings and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Scott and family of Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dove enter tained Sunday for her sister, Miss Grace Bailey of Jonesboro, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stredbeck of ! Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dove j and daughter of Helena, and Mr. 1 and Mrs. Ralph Adams, Marjorie 1 and Dick Adams of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson and son Duane Nelson, were guests Sun day at the wedding of Mr. Nelson's niece, Miss Gladys Nelson of Joliet j to Allen Meyers of Fairfield, where Miss Nelson has been teaching the past two years. Rev. Martin E. I Van DeMark of Great Falls offi I dated. . , , Mrs. Charles Eastlick, assisted by ! Mrs. W. D. Whitcanack, were hos tile Woman's Society of Itesses to Christian Service Friday at the hall. Mrs. S. M. Cain was in charge of j of the worship service which was j followed by the business meeting. Bills were allowed for the painting I of the parsonage. Mrs. J. F. Keef er was a guest of the society. Mrs. Irvin Lesher left Friday to visit at the home of her parents at Cloquet, Minn. Mrs. Jennie Oliver left Wednes day and returned home Sunday from Billings where she was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Chester Wallace and family. Ben Caswell of Thermopolis came Thursday to spend a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wil liam Lierow and Mr. Lierow. Mr. and Mrs. John Gesick and children Joan and Jeff, left the first : of the week on a vacation trip to j Flathead lake and Glacier park. | Mrs. R. E. Plowman and children returned Saturday via ]5Iane from a two weeks' trip to Denver where she visited at the home of her mother. Miss Grace Bailey of Jonesboro, Tenn., came Monday to visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Dove and family. Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Brown of Bil lings were dinner guests Thursday at the home of Mrs. Helen Braun. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Keefer of spent the week in town at their home. M r . and Mrs. Elmer Caswell of Billings spent the week end with ]yj r an( j Mrs. William Lierow. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Corwin and Mr. and Mrs. Arno Albrecht and son Corwin of Saturday from several days' vaca tion at the Corwin cabin at East Billings returned Rosebud lake. French Decoration Is Given Napoleon Kin PARIS.—The political weekly Samedi Soir said that Prince Louis Napoleon, Bonaparte claim ant to the non-existent French throne, is living in Paris and has been decorated as a resistance fighter. The prince is a lineal descend ant of the last emperor of France, Napoleon III. Braking Distance Automobile braking distances at 20 miles per hour on packed snow vary from 69 feet with no chains, 40 feet with chains on rear wheels, and 28 feet with chains on all four wheels, according to the National Safety council. • 17 Yean Law Practice in Montana *16 Yean as District Judge in Montana • Present Judge of Sixth Judicial District (Park-ColJatin-Swect Grata Counties) y Benjamin £♦ Berg \ For Associate Justice of Supreme Court Your Help Will be Appreciated Paid political advertising, by B. E. Berg. j EVERETT E. LOFGREN Candidate for Chief Justice Supreme Court Non-Partisan Judicial Primary July 16 Resident of Montana since 1912. Thirty years practice as lawyer, most of the time in Billings. ABLE, EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED Tour vote and those of your friends will be appreciated. Pol. Adv. Paid for E. E. Lofgren Attention Voters! Listen to KGHL Saturday Evening, July 13, 7 p. m. Bolton for Sheriff Paid for by Guy E. Bolton.