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County Clerk's Annual Statement of Finances of Yellowstone County, Montana . JULY 1, 1945 TO JUNE 30. 1946 GENERAL INFORMATION Class of County—Third. Year Organized—1882. Give amount of Unpaid Claims on File at Close of Fiscal Year .. Give amount of Accrued and Unpaid Interest on Bonds at Close of Fiscal Year ___ None. None. SUMMARY OF RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES RESOURCES Current Assets: Petty Cash .. Taxes Receivable . Tools and Machinery . Land Acquired by Tax Deed .$ 295,919.64 300.00 26,406.90 . 355,745.20 12,387.63 Total Current Assets . Fixed Assets: Lands and Buildings . Furniture and Fixtures . New Roads . Bridges . $ 690,758.37 .$ 677,010.28 . 102,875.87 . 889,649.33 . 619,931.00 $ 2,289,466.48 Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS _ $ 2,980,224.85 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Warrants Outstanding . Undistributed Personal Taxes ... Undistributed Tax Title Protest Reserves: Uncollectable, Erroneous Taxes Depreciation ... Revenue Accumulations . 10,926.06 321.02 18,350.49 4,863.81 803,451.35 2,142,312.12 $ $ 2,980,224.85 TOTAL LIABILITIES RECEIPTS CLASSIFIED BY SOURCE GENERAL REVENUE (TAXES) Receipts from County Portion of Taxes: Current Taxes ... Delinquent Taxes .$ 365,769.41 9,193.56 $ 374,962.97 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Fees and Charges (County Funds): Clerk and Recorder . Sheriff . Clerk of Court . Justices . Constables .. 18,364.66 799.25 10,758.45 692.50 313.00 .$ 30,927.86 Licenses and Permits (for County Funds only): Card Tables ..'.. Pools and Billiards . Miscellaneous . Butchers . Liquor and Beer . Trade Stumulators . Theatres . 840.00 151.35 3,875.50 350.00 1,900.00 790.00 50.00 r $ 7,956.85 Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties; Justice Court . 358.55 ■$ 358.55 Gifts and Grants (for County Funds only): General Relief, Grant in Aid . 19,772.13 $ 19,772.13 ■All Other Miscellaneous County Revenue; Automobile Registration . Tax Deed Land Rentals . Tax Deed Fees .. Miscellaneous Sales . $129,983.85 1,701.91 24.00 26,404.87 $ 158,114.63 INTEREST Interest (County Portion): On Delinquent Tax Collections and Sales....$ 918.55 $ 918.55 COLLECTIONS AND COMMERCIAL REVENUE Midland Empire Fair; Miscellaneous . .$ 27,465.00 $ 27,465.00 I'oor Farm : Sale of Produce .$ 1,014.20 1,014.20 REFUNDS—INCOMING Reduction of Expense: Weed Control . Insect Pest . Elections . Highways . County Hospital . Poor Fund ... Board of Federal Prisoners County Treasurer . County Sheriff . County Surveyor . County Superintendent . 2,242.86 833.35 3,291.64 3,584.20 123.20 567.43 1,481.00 43.50 21.68 278.02 72.92 $ 12,539.80 NOMINAL RECEIPTS Transfers; County Funds . Between Trust and Agency 26,281.34 1,587.23 ■$ 27,868.57 Miscellaneous: Undistributed Tax Title Suspense Undistributed Protested Tax Deed Land Sales . .$ 3,675.00 18,350.49 22,025.49 Offsets To Outlay: Sales of Tax Deed Lands . Tools and Machinery . County Buildings and Grounds 13,562.59 119.22 2,400.00 $ 16,081.81 TRUST AND AGENCY RECEIPTS $ 142,911.18 533,083.63 161,566.72 589,182.55 112,102.67 14,470.96 23,569.98 392.17 278,767.20 60,453.29 1,777.59 20,820.31 2,530.13 50,150.00 State . Cities and Towns .. General School Funds . District School Funds . Irrigation Districts . Estates . District Court Deposits .... Protested Taxes (T. and A. Portion) . High School . Drains . Migratory Stock Tax (T. and A. Portion) Improvement Districts ... Redemption . M. E. Fair Rehabilitation Fund $ 1,9911778.38 RECONCILEMENT Treasurer's Cash Balance Beginning Year . Total Receipts, All Sources, as above . Amount County Warrants Outstanding End of Year . Amount Trust and Agency Order Outstanding End of Year . Amount Warrants Cancelled During Year . $ 1,033,584.96 2,691,784.79 10,926.06 1,610.12 115.44 $ 3,738,021.37 GRAND TOTAL PAYMENTS—CLASSIFIED BY PURPOSE Tax Roll Refunds: Miscl. Taxes $ 7.05 $ 7.05 Refunds of Miscellaneous County Revenue: Auto Licenses ___ Miscellaneous _—. 83.75 325.83 $ 409.58 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE DEPARTMENTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT County Commissioners: Salaries or Per Diem - Mileage and Subsistance . Maintenance and Operation . Miscellaneous . .* 6,984.00 563.74 1,053.82 106.63 $ 8,708.19 Clerk and Recorder: Salaries, General Office Salaries, Elections . Salaries, Tax Deed Lands and Tax Deeds Other Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation . Miscellaneous . County Treasurer: Salaries, General Office . Salaries, Tax Deed and Delinquent Taxes All Other Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation . Miscellaneous ....i. 16,050.12 1,465.40 2,164.82 2,815.44 2,188.47 370.38 $ 25,054.63 ' 15,496.44 2,173.44 5,714.56 2,932.35 300.35 $ 26,616.14 Auditor: Salaries . . .. ...... Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . . $ 3.864.45 478.33 137.33 $ 4,480.11 State Examiner: Annual Examination Fee . Publication Examiner's Report .. Assessor: Salaries . Maintenance and Operation . Miscellaneous ....... 450.00 60.00 $ 510.00 $ 18,116.56 2,525.82 354.12 $ 20,996.50 County Surveyor: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation - Miscellaneous . District Court; Salaries—Wages . Juror Fees and Mileage . Witness Fees and Mileage .. Maintenance and Operation . Miscellaneous . 3,600.00 772.80 165.58 $ 4,538.38 15,206.74 3,590.55 176.82 4,945.65 362.60 $ 24,282.36 Sheriff: Salaries and Wages . Mileage and Subsistance Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . 17,201.50 3,947.35 3,382.92 282.30 $ 24,814.07 County Attorney: Salaries ... Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . Justice Courts: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . 7,375.61 576.33 344.92 $ 8,296.86 7,800.00 342.26 111.50 I 8,253.76 Coroner; ■$ Salaries and Fees . Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . 170.00 35.56 75.00 $ 280.56 County Buildings: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Insurance Premiums . Elections: Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . ■$ 8,014.83 7,548.25 2,587.93 $ 18,151.01 988.80 118.75 $ 1,107.55 HEALTH CONSERVATION AND SANITATION Board of Health; Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation .$ 1,350.00 978.79 $ 2,328.79 County Detention Hospital: Maintenance and Operation 12.74 $ 12.74 HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES Highways: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . 74,985.56 51,540.45 6,596.76 $ 133,122.97 Bridges: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous 9,181.85 3,886.81 256.32 $ ■$ 13,324.98 County Shop: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . 6,073.60 1,237.60 193.38 $ .$ 7,504 58 EDUCATION ) County Superintendent: Salaries .r.. Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . 6,895.80 1,206.25 163.82 $ $ 8,265.87 CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS Reimbursement to State Welfare Department; Old Age Assistance . Aid to Dependent Children . Aid to Needy Blind . Salaries . Travel Expense . Industrial Accident Premiums ... County Welfare Administration Expenditures: Office Supplies, etc. uenera] Relief: Cash Allowances .... Supplies, Rent, Care .. County Physicians; Salaries and Wages .. Maintenance and Operation . Care of Insane; Transportation . Care . County Hospital; Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation . Miscellaneous . • Medical and Hospital: Medical and Hospital . Dentistry . Optical .•;.... Care of Patients in State Tuberculosis Sanitarium: Fees ... Clothing Care of Inmates Other State and Private Institutions: Board and Clothing . Care of Inmates Home for Deaf and Blind: Board and Care . Other Poor Fund Expense: Burials ..— Inmates Fosters Homes . Miscellaneous . Care Delinquent Children; Salaries and Wages .. Maintenance and Operation . 39,827.00 31,566.68 2,285.16 7,861.73 287.38 22.42 $ I 81,850.37 919.65 919.65 $ .$ .$ 45,715.34 2,824.80 $ 48,540.14 4,450.00 3,953.47 $ $ 8,403.47 733.95 114.50 S ' 848.45 9,482.88 11,033.39 388.88 $ I 20,905.15 1,992.72 798.00 306.00 $ ■» 3,096.72 2,032.00 71.40 $ 2,103.40 S 2,439.66 2,439.66 $ ■ $ 587.59 587.59 $ ■$ 2,870.95 3,227.68 53.10 $ 6,151.73 $ 3,666.66 1,930.96 $ 5,597.62 Care Prisoners; Salaries and Wages _ County Prisoners . Federal, Highway Patrol Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . $ 6,646.56 4,829.00 1,625.00 2,066.95 185.70 $ Prisoners 15,263.21 MISCELLANEOUS GOVERNMENTAL County Fair: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous ... $ 6,984.80 20,022.99 4,095.93 $ 31,103.72 Public Administrator; Maintenance and Operation Cattle Slaughtered: Stock Inspected . Cattle Slaughtered . Industrial Accident Premiums: General Fund . Road Fund . Poor Fund . Bridge Fund . Insect Pest: Salaries and Wages .. Maintenance and Operation Weed Control: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Burial of Soldiers : Burial of Soldiers . S 16.74 $ 16.74 $ 376.35 358.29 $ 734.64 $ 1,362.11 3,757.63 70.17 753.54 $ 5,933.45 * 516.95 846.28 $ $ 11,717.97 11,255.64 $ 1,363.23 22,973.61 $ 2,097.00 $ 2.097.00 UNCLASSIFIED City Taxes and Assessments .... County Agent : Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation 632.30 .$ 632.30 $ $ 3,394.33 1,311.71 $ 4,706.04 Home Demonstrator: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation $ 3,404.23 1,046.76 $ 4,450.99 County Nurse; Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Land Classification: Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation . All Other Miscellaneous Expense; Salaries and Wages . Maintenance and Operation Miscellaneous . $ 2,697.43 619.77 $ 3,317.20 $ 3,659.22 433.59 $ 4,192.81 $ 6,305.04 993.70 943.27 $ 8,242.21 NOMINAL PAYMENTS Transfers: Between County Funds .. Between T. and A. Funds .$ 26,281.34 1,587.23 $ 27,868.57 Miscellaneous: Tax Title Suspense Fund .$ 8,934.26 $ 8,934.26 CAPITAL OUTLAY County Buildings: Furniture and Fixtures .$ 1,170.11 $ 1,170.11 Highways and Bridges; Tools and Machinery County Fair: Equipment . .$ 15,725.85 $ 15,725.85 .$ 2,675.00 $ 2,675.00 TRUST AND AGENCY PAYMENTS $ 139,349.56 527,363.75 . 1,022,358.15 109,501.19 2,530.13 . 14,645.41 666.24 920.99 59,712.10 22.641.62 36,268.65 1,804.70 16.295.62 75,052.20 250.40 State . Cities and Towns . District School Funds . Irrigation Districts . Redemptions . District Court Deposits . Protested Taxes (T. and A. Portion). Migratory Stock Tax (T. and A. Portion) Drains . Improvement Districts . Estates . High School Budget Transfer Fund . M. E. Fair Rehabilitation Guarantee Fund M. E. Fair T. & A. Building Fund . Personal Tax Refund . $ 2,029,360.61 RECONCILEMENT Treasurer's Cash Balance at end of year . Total Payments as above . Amount of County Warrants Outstanding at the beginning of year Amount of Tiust and Agency standing at beginning of Grand Total . .$ 1,012,526.87 . 2,713,262.18 11,342.48 Orders Out the year _ 889.84 $ 3,738,021.37 CASH ACCOUNT BALANCES, COUNTY FUNDS ONLY. JUNE 30. 1946 .$ 114,701.59 53,196.74 42.911.96 13.386.96 834.31 30,132.60 10,646.66 5,511.55 5,363.47 443.73 439.58 18,350.49 General Fund . Road Fund . Poor Fund .. Bridge Fund . Undistributed Personal Tax Fund County Fair Fund . Insect Pest . Classification . Farm Bureau . Weed Control . Migratory Stock . Tax Title Protest . $ 295,919.64 WARRANTS OUTSTANDING. COUNTY FUNDS ONLY, JUNE 30, 1946 3,544.15 1,334.10 1,049.19 87.47 3,199.33 328.18 129.92 616.22 637.50 General . Road Fund . Poor Fund . Bridge Fund . County Fair Fund Personal Tax Fund Farm Bureau . Weed Control .. Insect Pest . $ .$ 10,926.06 Totals TAXES RECEIVABLE, COUNTY PORTION TOTAL 307.97 1,527.47 1.400.43 5.386.44 1,351.72 918.77 891.88 2,809.75 1,852.74 946.33 1,675.93 1,017.94 1,220.82 5,097.51 YEAR 1932 and prior ■$ 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 _ 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 ,$ 26,405.90 Total LAND, BUILDINGS, FURNITURE AND FIXTURES Furniture & Fixtures 66,030.45 4,490.10 16,238.14 2,016.87 Land .$126,504.51 5,431.60 48,252.41 58,540.90 . 1 , 001.00 1,242.45 421,325.07 9,000.00 4,600.00 821.44 290.90 Court House . Hospital Detention . County Hospital .. Jail at Billings . Jail at Custer . Jail at Broadview. County Fair Grounds and Buildings Roosevelt School Building . County Shop -.... Lumber Shed # .. Election Building .—. $ 4.50 9.60 14,086.21 Total .$ 677,010.28 $ 102,875.87 (Continued on Page Eight)