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LEGAL NOTICES CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County 7 Commission ers of Yellowstone County at its office in the Courthouse at Billings, Montana on the 6th day of Septem ber, 1946, at 10:30 A. M., for 35,000 pounds of Atlacide, delivery to be made within 60 days of first pub lication of this notice. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Prices to be F.O.B., Billings. Dated at Billings, Montana this 19th day of August, 1946. CHAS E. WICKS, Chairman of Board of County Commissioners, Yellowstone County, Montana. (Date First Pub. Aug. 21, 1946-3t) NOTICE OF CLOSE OF REGIS TRATION Notice is hereby given that the registration for the General Elec tion will close on September 20, 1946, at 5 o'clock P. M. Electors may register for the en suing election by appearing before the County Clerk at his office in the courthouse, or by appearing be fore a deputy registrar or before any notary public or justice of the peace within Yellowstone County, in the manner provided by law. Dated at Billings, Montana, Au gust 1, 1946. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk and Ex-Officio County Registrar of Yellow stone County, Mont. (Date First Pub. Aug. 21, 1946-5t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sale of Used Motor Grader The Board of County Commis sioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, will offer for sale at Pub lic Auction at 11:00 o'clock a. m. Thursday, September 12, 1946 at lings, Montana, the following de scribed property: One (1) Diesel Powered Adams motor grader Model 61, 12 foot blade, equipped with cab, scarifier, lights, starter and pneumatic tires. This machine is listed as No. 20 on Yellowstone County's equipment list and may be seen at the County Shop adjacent to the Midland Empire Fair grounds northeast of Billings. The Board has fixed the minimum sale value of this machine at $1,500.00, By Order of the Board, C. E. WICKS, Chairman, (Date First Pub. Aug. 21, 1946-4t) vnT , ( , r mnnr»e NOTICE TO BIDDERS Purchase of New Motor Grader The Board of County Commis sioners of Yellowstone County, Montana will receive sealed bids until 10:30 a. m. Wednesday, Sep tember 11, 1946, for the purchase of one (1) motor driven grader or motor patrol. This machine must be powered bv a diesel engine and rier iPP b e a d ck W Sni 1 n 2 I r ^eouhSment ''cab electric^ Hghte. P self smarter heated S,:;?bM certified'"SeS cent^ of" tlm" sunount* bTd" 2^1 payable to "vXUone^Coun* Treasurer. Envelope containing bid must be marked "Bid for Motor Grader" and addressed to C. E. Wicks. Chairman. Board of County make'deHvmv of T thil machin^ wüî nn ««n™ be considered as an essence of t c, b ' d , an . d date niust be stated in the bid. . . . . The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C E. WICKS; Chairman. (Date First Pub. Aug. 21, 1946-3t) SIsmIIos Phonographs Records © We now have Wireless Record Players that do not connection with your radio. Also we have Radio Phonograph Combinations and Electric Phonographs. ALL TYPES OF RADIOS All popular brands of Records — Capitol, Sonora, Continental and Victor. Laurel Radio and Electric Supply Co. Phone 22-W 207 West Main St. One Block West of Underpass A. W. STOW ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public 425 Stapleton Bldg. Phone 9-1931 BilQngs, Montana •:* rix-ii SERVICE We Repair Anything < Work Guaranteed , Phone 0-315-R-4 SUMMONS—(For Publication) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. MIKE BASILE, Plaintiff, vs. YELLOWSTONE COUNTY, MON TANA, a body politic; THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS OF YELLOWSTONE COUNTY, MONTANA; All, each and every one of the unknown heirs and unknown devisees of MARY F. RYAN, deceased, who was in her lifetime also known as Mrs. E. B. Ryan, and all, each and every one of the unknown heirs and unknown devisees of E. B. Rvan, deceased, the husband of Mary F. Ryan; THE YBLLOW STONE-MÉRCHANTS NATION AL BANK OF BILLINGS, A corporation; ROY J. COVERT, as liquidating agent for the Yellow stone-Merchants National Bank of Billings, C. ASHLEY and MARIE ASH LEY, his wife; All, each and every one of the unknown heirs and un known devisees of DAN BOB, de BOB, the wife of Dan Bob, if any; HATTIE NORTH; PETER OLICH and .OLICH, the wife of Peter Olich, if any; AUGUSTA M. SMITH; NORTH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, a cor poration; MINNESOTA AND MONTANA LAND AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY, a cor poration; SUBURBAN HOMES COMPANY, a corporation; WAL TER E. HELLER & COMPANY, a corporation: NORTH REAL ES TATE. LOAN & TITLE COM PANY, a corporation: and all other persons, unknown, claiming, or who might claim, any right, title, estate, or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the com corporation; HARRY a . ceased, and the plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon the plaintiff's title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or con tingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or accrued, Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to ans wer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof J upon the plaintiff's attorneys with in twenty days after the service of i tbis summons, exclusive of the day of ser vice; and in case of vour fail . ' *. , . ' ura 4o a PP ear or answer, judgment j £ dl ^ken against you by default tbe rel,ef demanded in the com 1 p ; .. . . f » _ .. '1 rhl p , e pb '® tin ?v, 4 t e j'f aad bar aad ^. ac . b of f n „_ ! ^ rest in - or lien ôr encombrant fotorta* described real \ (.H^EiSt % ( |i' Block sllenfv -one^ÄV S « ! }}«• «ggL/Sfe ^ine' . n o\ ' TWntv (<?n\ Tv, on f„ 1 Ä1K1 V ; 1 T.Jn nnl ri! If Pn! lin ^ s - Yellowstone County. Mon tana ' according to the official pi at thereof, now on file and of record in the office of the Coun tv Clerk and Recorder of said Ÿeüowstone County, Montana, WITNESS mv hand and the seal ^ 4 f id Court this 19th day of July ' ' ' KATIE DAVIES, Clerk. (COURT SEAL) By E. O. Price, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL) DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. YELLOWSTONE COUNTY, MON-, TANA, a body politic and corpor ate. Plaintiff, Hatch, her husband; if any; the heirs and creditors, if any of P. J. Egan, deceased: P. Brady and . -Brady, his wife, if any; F. B. Kennard and . Ken nard, his wife, if any, Merih C, Vail, his wife, if any; George W. Campbell, also known as Geo. W. Campbell, and . Campbell, his wife, if any; Re sech, her husband, if any; the un known heirs and creditors of Fred Resech, deceased; and un known creditors of unknown heirs and unknown devisees of deceased defendants, if any, and all other persons unknown , claiming, or who might claim, any right, title, estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real prop erty described in the complaint, or any thereof, adverse to plain tiff's ownership or any cloud plaintiff's title thereto, whether such claim, or possible claim be present or contingent, including any claim or possible Deputy Clerk. , BURKE & HIBBS. 1216 Securities Building Billings, Montana Attorneys for Plaintiff. (Date First Pub. Aug. 7. 1946-4t) SUMMONS (For Publication) vs. Mary C. Hatch and Vail and Lorraine Resech and upon claim of dower, inchoate, or ac crued. Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND ANTS AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN, GREET INGS: You are hereby summoned to ans wer the complaint in this action which is filed in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof noon the plaintiff's attorney within Twenty (20) days, after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the re lief demanded in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title in plaintiff I to the lots, lands and premises lo cated in the County of Yellowstone, State of Montana, and have it ad judged and decreed by this Court that Plaintiff is owner of said real property' and premises adversely to all Defendants, which lots and premises are described as follows: Lots 1, 2, and 24 and 25 in Block 19 of Broadwater Subdi vision to the City of Billings, Montana, situate in the South east Quarter of Section 5, Town 1 South, Range 26 East, M. P. M„ according to the official plat thereof. WITNESS MY hand and the seal of said Court this 1st day of Au gust, 1946. (SEAL) Clerk of the Above-entitled Court. PAUL B. BOWEN, Attoney for Plaintiff Billings. Montana. (Date First Pub. Aug. 7. 1946-4t) KATIES DAVIES, SUMMONS—(For Publication) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. JOHN J. DWYER, Plaintiff. vs. JOSEPHINE L. DWYER, Defend ant. THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETING TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, and to file your answer and serve a copy there of upon the plaintiff's attorneys within twenty days after the serv ice of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief de manded in the complaint. This action is brought to secure a divorce by the plaintiff from the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, r lu e , e . re R ls ^ration of the resident freeholders, whose names appear on the city or county' tax rolls preceding the special elec-1 tion herein referred to and who reside in Registration District No. 1 which includes a of Ward No. I of the. city , of Laurel. Montana and Registration District No. 2 which includes all of Ward No. 2 of the City of Laurel, Montana, and Registration District No. 3 which includes all of Ward No. 3 of said city of Laurel, Montana, and Régi stration District No. 4 which in eludes all of Ward No. 4 of Laurel, Montana, for the special election to be held on Wednesday, the 18th dav tana, for the purpose of voting upon the following question, to-wit? "Sfiall the Council of the city of Laurel. Yellowstone County, Montana,' grant to Bil lings Gas Company, a Montana corporation, its successors and assigns, a franchise for the construction, maintenance and operation of a gas distributing plant or system in the city of Laurel. as now or hereafter constituted for a term of defendant on the grounds of deser tion, as more particularly described in the Complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 10th day of Au gust, 1946. KATIE DAVIES. Clerk. (Court Seal) BURKE & HIBBS, 216 Securities Building Billings, Montana, Attorneys for Plaintiff. (First Pub. Aug. 17, 1946—4t) NOTICE OF REGISTRATION FOR SPECIAL GAS FRANCHISE ELECTION thirty-two (32) years and fix ing and prescribing 'the condi tions and terms thereof pur suant to the application of the said Billings Gas Company now on file in the office of the citv clerk of said citv of Laurel?" will be on September 3, September 14. September 5, September 6 and 1 September 7, 1946. The place of registration of said I Registration District No. 1 which j includes all of ward No. 1 of the ! city of Laurel shall be at the resi dence of C. H. Frank located at 307 Durland Avenue in the said city of Laurel. Montana. The place of registration for said Registration District No. 2 which includes all of Ward No. 2 of said city of Laurel, Montana, shall be in the City Hall located in the city of Laurel, Montana. The place of registration for Registration District No. 3 which includes Ward No. 3 of Laurel, Montana, shall be at the residence of J. C. Durham located at 313 East 5th Street in the city of Laurel, Montana. The place of registration for Reg istration District No. 4 which in eludes Ward No. 4 of Laurel, Mon tana, shall be at the G. N. Wiggins residence located at 523 Elm Ave nue in the city of Laurel, Montana, The names of all resident froe holders who are residents of the city of Laurel, Montana, whose names appear on fhe city or county tax roll preceding such election, during such time will be received and registered at said places of registration, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 19th day of August, 1946. - ( Seal) NOTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under and by virtue of Reso lution No. 642 of the city council of the city of Laurel, Montana, duly passed and approved, a special elec tion will be held in and for said city on Wednesday, the 18th day of September. 1946, from the hour of eight o'clock in the morning un till the hour of six o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for the pur pose of submitting to the registered resident freeholders of said city whose names appear on city or county tax roll preceding TILLIE HOHENDORF, City Clerk. (First Pub. Aug. 21, 1946—3t) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION the last G. I. Terminal Leave Is Explained By J. D. Fellows, Service Officer With the presidential signature affixed to it Saturday, the armed forces leave act of 1946 has become law. To assist veterans in filing claims and to answer questions con cerning the act, J. D Fellows, serv ice officer of the veterans welfare commission, has prepared the fol lowing list of questions and ans .-, • .. _, r _, V/, W hcit is the armed forces leave act of 1946 ^ A. This law provides for compen sating ex-service men and women who were separated under honorable conditions, for furlough or leave| time unused bv them at the time of their separation. No service be fore Sept. 8. 1939 can be consid Vr j ... i wni d Ko Ln a Cr - th,S V kÎ Ml be made in nonnegotiablebonds, maturing m years and bearing - i per cent interest. Q. Are women who served in the ^nous services eligible? A. Women who served in the Wacs. Waves Spars or Marines auxiliary and had furlough or leave time coming to them at the time of their discharge are eligible. Q. Does service in the women's army auxiliary corps come under the law? A, No. ' Q. What type of discharge is -re quired to qualify for payment? A. Any discharge under honor able conditions. Those persons who received discharges other than hon wers. "The veterans welfare commission is located at 212North Broadway. We are prepared to give informa tion and aid to veterans in the procedure they must go through to get their terminal pay," Fellows said. orable, but • who later obtained a correction of their record to show that their discharges were under honorable conditions, are also el igible. All claims must be supported by submitting the original, a photo stat or a copy of discharge certi ficates along with the claims. Q. Will the discharge certificate be returned to the claimant? A. Yes. Q. Will special forms be required to file a claim ? A. Yes. Q. Where will these forms be ob tainable ? shâts^wm ' bÎTIilSl? at"'alT^st offices as soon as distribution can be made, probably within 45 days, q. After the form8 are filled' out. where are they to be mailed? A The instruction sheet will state where to mail them and how «n them out Your local com SX SSSLSrf 'XcnSLlT ter or your state or county veteran's servico 0 ffi cer mav be consulted for c a * be consulte<1 tor n if » m ,n ..''„„„j The n «vTirll th o fqîîl? a 7 a „' Lie i.v' karcro certiffeote fri hntt dr5' Ti h v/ n £ ha e 4 submit both a \ ' û llf . „• . V 1 " f e ™' y , SlLlSEEf fr ° m n Wm.M hl Iffni se ?^e ap^liciuons 1 oJe foî Vhe separate applications, one tor tm ar T y x?" d ?î*f Knve JS?" d hoth^ d.'arhnr»« 1 4o * e4her w,th bo4h ^Haïffa veteran has lost uj. 4 bas lost A ar m V 'dfscharee may h get an 5 ar ! T .'' «ysenarge niay get an app i cation for obtaining a certificate in j 1 | a of 'i'sehargo from any service i officer. After filling out this apph-1 cation for lost discharge, it should bama,led to 4he adjutant general's ; g[ flc T e * . 43( £ Goodfellow boulevard. 01 . L,ouia _o, ivio. , ! ' 'V r ' 4e o"' 1 ™ a " of P ersonnel . Washington 25, D ^ C< . Former marine corps personnel sbou 'd write directly to the director I personnel, headquarters United States Marine corps. Washington, 25 - D. c - Former coast guard personnel shou 'd write directly to the com said election and otherwise_ qualified to vote thereon, the following ques tion, to-wit: "Shall the city council of the city of Laurel, Yellowstone county, Montana, grant to Bil lings Gas Company, a Montana corporation, its successors and assigns, a franchise for the con struction, maintenance, and op eration of a gas distributing plant or system in the city of Laurel, as now or hereafter constituted, for a term of thirty-two (32) years, and fix ing and prescribing the condi tions and terms thereof, pur suant to the application of said Billings Gas Company now on file in the office of the citv clerk of said city of Laurel ?" to the Further particulars as terms of said franchise may be had by consulting a copy of said fran chise ordinance on file in the office of the city clerk of the city of Laurel, Montana. The places of voting at said spe be follows: Address Precinct Location No. Ward No. 1 Mrs. Erbs Residence 110 4th Ave. Laurel, Montana 1 Ward No. 2 City Hall Ward No. 3 High School Gymnasium Laurel, Montana Ward No. 4 Tubman's Food Mart Laurel, Montana 2 3 4 Laurel, Montana IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set mv hand and affixed official seal this 19th day of August, 1946. (Seal) my TILLIE HOHENDORF, City Clark. (First Pub. Aug. 28, 1946—4t) mandant, United States Coast Guard, Washington 25, D. C. in person? No. Q. Will any settlements be made in cash? 1 A. No. Settlements will be made 1 in bonds mailed to the claimant's address. Q. Who will settle these claims. A. The branch of service from which the man or woman was last discharged. Q. Suppose an individual received an appointment as an officer or warrant officer after serving as an enlisted man? Does the act provide / ..„„„..i ^ for payment on the unused fur lough time that he accumulated as an e ? 1 \ 4ed "J 3 " • . , , A. \ es, but not to exceed 1_0 days '"eluding his terminal leave as r . an . °"*cer. Q- Are *' A ™ S , a . nd dependents of '' eter « ns of World was I eligible .'for payment under the act? A. Yes. but only if the veteran has died since discharge. Q Should survivors use the same application form as the veteran? A No> There wi „ ^ ial forms for survivors . Q Are depe ndents of those per sons who died while in service el . Q. May these claims be presented A. The law provides that no ben efits for the survivors of persons who died while in service are avail able. Benficiaries of those persons were entitled to the six-month death gratuity pay. Q. VVhat service can be counted when computing leave and fur lough ? A. All periods of active service in the marines coast . ... . . he n c °wlu fw' » „ Q* Would that be 32 days pay £ 'fî h ' ld " the A tl ™ of his discharge • ? es W Q. Is the ration money allowed under this law similar to that al lowed for furlough or leave taken wlli,e in service? A - Yes > but this law P rovldes for a subsistence allowance at the rate of 70 cents per day of unused f ur . I°ugh or leave. .»LS time pa V abIe undpr this la ' v? A - Yes - 120 days is tb( ' maximum furl °" ,ïh n° r !f aVe time for wh,ch ' pav 1S a |] OW ed. When does the claim have to be sent in? A. Any time within a year but "'1 ia .î cr than Sep4 ' A* 194 f 7 ' Q. How soon can the veteran ex P»ct to get his settlement for tho amount due him after he has mail ed ]n j 1|s c | aml . A Tbe sendees will make every 1 guard, since Sept. 8, 1938, except time A. W. O. L., time over leave or spent in confinement under sen tence of court-martial. Q. Can you give us an example of computing net furlough or leave time due a veteran ? A. Suppose a veteran 18 months of active service. He would have earned 2Vz times 18 or 45 days of furlough or leave time. Now suppose he used only 10 days furlough t'me while in service. There would remain 35 days payable under this law. However, if he was A. W. O. L. for 3ft davs or in confinement for 30 days his total active sendee would be reduced to 17 months and his total furlough or leave time re duced to 42 days. Now minus these 10 days furlough taken, he would have a total of 32 days for which had effort to sett l e them as rapidly as po Ssib | e . Y our bond will be dated as „f the first of the quarter fol | ow ing that in which you were dis cIiarffedf so that whether you ae tually get your bond next week or six nlonths from now - il wil > stiM bear that , da t° q # Do the statements on the ap .plication forms have to be sworn. A. Yes. Any service officer of (the veteran's welfare commission) can notarize your statements. Q. Should inquiries be made if payment is not made soon ? A. No. In the event you change your address during the waiting period, you should notify the paying officer in writing immediately. Some Stars Hotter Than Sun The sun is only about one-eighth as hot as the hottest stars, whose temperatures range as high as 80,000 degrees Fahrenheit. C. P. SMITH A. C. HOOSE OPTOMETRISTS - Montana Billings <r R. S. LUTZ O. D. OPTOMETRIST 112 Broadway - Billings, Mont. o 1 n L Â T > li m l> . i i » • ACi » > « < < > > Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home ► i > < GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29, Billlllfl ► » I : a Phone 2888 « < ( Want ADS OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS HERE WANTED — Clean cotton rags. Greening Chevrolet Co. 10-10-tf. Secret Information will be mailed on receipt of self-addressed en velope and stamp. 118 South 30th St., Billings. 8-7-4tp. FOR SALE—Two good residential building sites in Laurel with ab stracts and clear title. Phone 8. Harris Agency, Laurel, Mont. Carpenters W'anted—Laurel Con struction Co. Phone 215-W. 8-71t. We want to buy all your old rags. Must be clean, garage. O. M. Wold Co. 8-7tf. FOR SALE—Apples, 1 mile west of 8-14-2tp Joliet. John Milo. CALL on "Torgie" for your Tree Surgery, Trimming and Pruning— Transplanting and Planting of Trees and Shrubs. New lawns in stalled and old lawns remodeled. 8-14 2tp Phone 595-W. Will care for children in my home an, time. Phone 398-J. Itp FOR SALE—Young Rabbits, 512 First Av. North. Itp FOR SALE—4 unit apartment, fur nished complete. Immediate pos session. Terms cash. For particu Will pay cash for nice 2 or 3 bedroom house, with vacancy in 30 days. Reply to Laurel Outlook, J,mm,e Graff> ~ lars call 619 East Fourth St. Phone 27-J. 8-21-2tp FOR SALE—Pickling cucumbers. M. F. Crawford. Ph. 582-M. 8-21-2p FOR SALE—A coal furnace cheap. See H. A. Carlisle. FOR SALE—Dill pickles, 50c for 3 gallons at Heck's. Phone 0315 Itp R-3. LOST—Aqua blue belt. Return to Outlook. Itp WANTED—Waitress and cabin girl at Shaw's Camp, Cooke City, or pbone 283-W, Laurel. Itp outboard motor like new. Call 175 days, or 320-J. evenings. h.p. FOR SALE — 3*2 8 - 2 i it r FOR SALE—Two-burner electric plate. Three heats on both burn ers. 205 E. Fifth. Itp WANTED—1940 or model sedan. Have desired. Good condition. Box 246, Laurel. later popular trade-in if Write 8-21-2t FOR SALE—Hand stenciled dining table, 48x48, also glass jars. 511 8-21 -tf Wyoming Ave. It FOR SALE—Apples at old Daven port place; yellow transparents, sweet crabs, McIntosh, Wolf River and other varieties now ready. Dan Brown, Phone 0301-R-4. Ip LOST—Man's plain gold wedding ring, in vicinity of Yellowstone hotel, engraved inside with initials JMC and date Aug. 8, 1941. Re ward. Call Moon's barber shop. Itp COLD WAVE PRICES SLASHED COLD WAVE SUPREME m • Each kit contains 3 full ounces of Salon-type solution, 60 Curlers. 60 end tissues, cotton applicator, neutralizer sod complete instructions. GARDNER DRUG CO. + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + SANDE & GALLES Attorneys At Law 214 First Avenue Phone 34-W Laurel, Mont. + 4 * 4 * 4 * + * 4 * * B. L. PRICE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Notary Public Office in Wold Building LAUREL, MONTANA ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦4* + + + + * + * DR. T. R. VYE Physician and Surgeon Sande Building Phones: Office 100 Residence 146 LAUREL. MONTANA DR. E. C. HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building LAUREL, MONTANA Office Phone 3. Residence 24