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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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The News ■ of LAUREL Ibiiubbii ■BBBBBBUBDW&'BUIBWBnilBJI Mr. and Mrs. William Schneid miller returned from their three day honeymoon spent at Red Lodge and left this week for Walla Walla, Wash., where they will make their home. Also leaving for Walla Walla were a group of relatives of Mr. Schneidmiller who had attend ed the wedding ceremony, were his mother, Mrs. Henry Sch neidmiller, a brother and a sister, Sam Schneidmiller and Miss Ruth Schneidmiller, and a cousin, Miss Sarah Frank. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Story and son Junior Story, were Thanksgiv ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dinsmoor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bice enter tained at Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bice and son Ricky, Paul Wilson and Lee Häver städt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gowen and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gum and daugh ter Glenda Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. George Cunningham of Billings were Thursday dinner guests of Mrs. Golde Gum of Billings. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crutcher had as their guests during Thanksgiving week their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Crutcher of Oakland, Calif., who made the trip both ways by plane, and Mr. and Mrs. Val Matross and sons, Michael and Ronald of Fort Washakie, Wyo, Mr. and Mrs. Matross and family returned to their home Saturday, and Mr. and Mrs. Crutcher left Sun day morning. Mrs. Walter Smidt returned last week from Britt, Iowa, where she was called by the death of her monther, Mrs. Cornelia Sweers, 84, wife of Jacob Sweers. Beside her husband she is survived by four children. She had lived in Britt for 54 were from church and burial was in the Britt cemetery. They [ years. Funeral services the Congregational ; Jj £ ; c I ; : I Si c : - LV . ; s «3 * rm \ 1/1 Y fis*' s / I ; ■ ii m IteJ, ln looelùteM, - toileted o 4 j/UlLj, Site'll welcome a ROBE when HÛfUlL aàe dully '/ \\\ : H jA vn ; ; s%. : i ßrrss. , 0 : ■a a» / & p * • > .<■< * ■ I * r» r A r. ' *w X /j./L ■ Chenille Robes I f ► y y* * S' I for yourself or Christmas-yiviny 4 a* '* »? *: j f 'A i J** ■r : / % 0 Velvet at $ 16.95 Chenille at $ 5.95 Wool at $ 12.95 > r ■ m : b f* -, t ÎJt*V ! !» nl.: ^ * ' t? □ i 4 A* k\ t/ 7 % Candles shaped like pine trees can be made to in clude the smell of pine in the candle wax. 1 Lilies or other flowers may be molded while the wax is still warm. i in, »V 0 It. \ % h Snowball candles are left to give frosted effect. ■Ill In making a cottage candle the HI windows, doors and shrubbery " are painted in by hand. Big oversized jumbo candles may be made of various colors, of sizes to fit some particular nook in the house. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Russell had as their guests Thanksgiving Mrs. Russells brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Don Eyre and daugh ter and son, Donna Jean and Dennie. who returned to their home in Cir cle Sunday. Featuring a book review by Mrs. S. S. Bliss, the Laurel Federated club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Margaret Hunting ton with 20 members present. Mrs. Ode LaFlesch was cohostess. Mrs. Bliss' review was on "Mama's Bank Account" by Katherine Forbes. The regular business meeting was pre sided over by Mrs. Lillian Bro haugh. Mrs. Buddy Ferrin was in charge of the program. The club had as guests Mrs. Gladys Gregg, Mrs. Bernice MacDonald, Mrs. Joan Gunter and Mrs. Bemadean Ar nold. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Laird were * hosts at dinner Monday evening for ! Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jacklin of Hel- t ena and Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Laird. , Mr. and Mrs. Jacklin are guests ' this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Laird. mminfiioM in Mon tana 4-H club contests of the past year who will leave Thursday and One of the 25 winners . Friday of this week for Chicago to attend the twenty-fifth national 4-H congress is Ted Ronan of Sun ny Valley 4-H club. His attention this year was given to livestock feeding. He has been in 4-H work five years. Two other boys from the county will attend the Chicago event which opens Sunday and con tinues through Thursday. Young Ronan became entitled to attend when he won the state livestock' record competition. coX th r e W f H e T Vention ' a , C - cording to W. H. Jones, county «■ »h», ^ to charge *of 4-11 ac tmties, will be "Building Citizen ship in a world Community," to be discussed by speakers and delegates. According to the from the county agent^oTfSTio-1 nan's 1940 projects embraced feed-' ing 131 lambs, a babv beef and two I hogs as well as 250 hours on a tractor maintenance project. He is reported as having netted $593.50 from lambs, $103.87 from the baby beef and $108.40 from the swine, with a total profit for the year >f $805.43. j Laurel Outlook, $2.50 < \ t < [ 1 k Toys for Boys! $ MODELING CLAY SETS Three sizes 10c, 29c, 49c WOODEN BLOCK SETS 98c to $1.98 ; J .'A s A CONSTRUCTION SETS Builds Cranes, Boats and Machinery. : ' $3.98 SCOOTERS $1.98 $3.98 S 1 * : PLASTIC DIAL PHONE $1.29 : : TEA SETS 49c 89c : : CLEANING SET Complete with broom and mops. $2.69 vy c IRONING BOARDS $1.98 IRONS 59c i • *> m Jxt -îftS LARGE BLACKBOARDS That stand alone $5.95 % fl rJU' ■■ J A«./ 1 « SJ - HAPPY, the Wonder Dog! Who will amuse every one in the family. ggftr'j ■ 98c ■ AUTOMATIC BINGO Large sets $1.79 ► DOLLS All sizes $2.49 to $9.95 STUFFED ANIMALS All sizes 98c to $4.98 ■ Just arrived! A Christmas pachful of. Ties • • Ties • • Ties of every hue! ) gilt tics ► *1 ■ p\ fog« !*■. * ► Jim':* r/ / A shipment of ties has arrived to help you with your early shopping. Rich, new colors . . , in large and small paisleys, checks, stripes . . . resilient construction. A popular gift at a popular V&R-low price. v Vilijfc M w m ■ ilQ);. ■ y w e y y 'S. m Æ ■ - ry - - £ ■ Day by Day in Laurel Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank are the parents of a daughter bom j Monday, Dec. 3, at the Deaconess hospital in Billings, The Roy Green and the J. J. Russell families attended i last week for Mrs. Green's father, W. D. Jordan, 70, of Belgrade, Funeral services and burial were in Columbus, services '/"'ll* Rot * vam ', daa * h , ter of Mr - J 1 ' 1 ',, No I.V l1 Rockvam was Thursday froin Bil r ... beinff . J 108 P lta,,z ed for J a mont 1 ' an mtcstmal ailment. ; Mrs - M - WoId was hostess * ast Tuesday to the Laurmont club I prizes** for*t*he afternoon to Mrs. C. T »ut- 1 M rs j W. the highest score Mrs. H. E. Starkey returned last Tuesday from San Francisco where she spent six weeks visiting her E^Hackert ÄT' Sh ^ V k t ! , P r kSbe ,, re ' £££_* rTn^V 0 S' and ™ °" ° ct \ 20 ' and was namcd ' Hackert, Jr. „ , .... Essex of M,les Clt > Mrs. L. A. Boylan returned Tues day from the St. Vincent hospital in Billings where she was a patient for two weeks following gical operation. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Arnold had as guests Thanksgiving Mr. Ar nold's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. a sur Mrs. Della Wood of Billings a guest Thanksgiving of her in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allex. was son Mr. and Mrs. Arliss Richardson were honored at a surprise house warming party last Tuesday ing at their home west of Laurel. Thirty-two members of the Adult Bible Fellowship participated in the event. even The committee on arrange ments comprised Mrs. Merritt Will iams, Mrs. Walter Armstrong and Mrs. Harold VanNice. The regular lesson study was conducted by Mrs. M. J. Wilcox. committee for the Christmas party to be held Dec. 17 were Mrs. Ted Webb, Mrs. Ray Harris, Mrs. AI bert Leuthold, Mrs. Walter Arm strong and Mrs. Tom Everett. T.._ event will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johnson. Appointed on the The Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fenton guests at 2 were o'clock Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Peterson of Huntley and in the evening attended the family dinner at the home of E. L. Fenton. A family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brohaugh attended by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brohaugh, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gregg and Bobb Gregg of Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brohaugh, Mr. and Mrs. George Brohaugh, Mr. and Mrs. John Brohaugh and daughter, Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bro haugh and Mrs. O. A. Brohaugh and daughter Ann. Mr. and Mrs. James Vickery of Billings were guests Sunday of Mrs. Vickery's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smart.