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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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SPORTS owi-'v REFINERY SPONSORS INDEPENDENT TEAM Laurel's independent basketball entry in the Midland Empire league is to be sponsored by the Farmers Union. The team has been practic ing twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Anyone interested in independent basketball are invited to attend these sessions or contact Phillip Nolan at the Laurel refin ery. The Midland league will be com posed of teams from Columbus, Park City, Red Lodge, Joliet and a number of teams from the Billings Independent league. Other teams are expected to join from many of the towns of the Midland Empire. In the very near future at a meet ing in Billings, officers will be chosen and plans for the league drawn up. Laurel at the present time has considerable basket-ball talent, and a very fast independent team is ex pected. BOWLING In the "A" league the Veterans team No, 1 and Greening Chevrolet are fighting it out for first place. In the "B" league Palace Bar went into the lead, but all four of these teams are close. In the "C" league it's a battle between Farmers Un ion and Frank's Grocery with the Refinery team holding a slight lead. High series for the week were Kucera, 587; McIntyre, 559; Burke, 537, High single games were Kucera, 222; McIntyre, 212, and Scheidecker, 206. Last Sunday afternoon in a make up game, Greening Chevrolet down ed the V. F. W. No. 2 team four points. Totals were 2495, 2218. Monday night in "C" league com petition Frank's Grocery won four points on a forfeit from the Park City Legion. Their total pins were 2133. Farmers Union won four points on a forfeit from the De Molays. Their total score was 2113. Tuesday night in "B" league, Pal PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER \ TYPING, DICTATION, and REPORTS Evenings by Appointment. Hours 9 to 5. Phone 34-W. 214 First Avenue, across street from Masonic Temple. iSAWYEWS* ÏVe have a complete stock of Canned Vegetables and Fruit. Special Price on case lots. Lipîon Tea Potatoes U. S. No. 1 Red EE ^ AA' lb< bîlK = lOO only -Ib. box 95 C I I for. $ 2.25 SEAROCK All-America Flour PEACHES Gold Medal 3 2{ cans only. 89c i -lb. bag for... $ 3.79 I IO© RUBY SCHILLING'S APRICOTS COFFEE 2] cans 95c I for. — Pound can_ 41 c BAKER'S COCOA CELERY l/-lb. /2 for. 5= Per — pound. c an 12c ..12c i Hi-Ho Crackers CARROTS Per box bunches 2 for Laurel, Mont. Phone 266 n ppire ace Bar defeated Slick's Inn four points. Total pins were 2429, 2175. Laurel Trading Co. won two out of three games and total pins were 2293, 2254 from the Price Drug. At the rate they are going it won't be long until the Trading Co. team will be up at the top. Thursday night in ladies' "A" league, the Farmers Union entry defeated the Laurel Alleys two out of three games and total pins were 2017, 1957. the Vaughn-Ragsdale team defeated the Board of Trade two out of three games and total pins were 1969, 1956. Friday night in men's "A" league, the V. F. W. No. 2 team finally hit their stride to defeat Laurel Al leys four points. Total pins were 2537, 2220. The V. F. W. No. 1 team hung on to first place in the league by defeating thé Greening Chevrolet entry four points. Total pins were 2481, 2405. Standings for Week Ending Nov. 29 A League: In a very close match. Won Lost 22 10 .688 20 12 .625 15 17 .469 7 25 .219 % V. F. W. No. 1 G reening-Chevrolet Laurel Alleys V. F. W. No. 2 B League: Palace Bar Price's Pharmacy Slick's Inn Laurel Trading Co. C League: Farmers Union Frank's Grocery Park City Legion Ladies' A League : Vaughn-Ragsdale Board of Trade Farmers Union Laurel Alleys 18 14 .563 15 .531. 17 .469 18 ,437 17 15 14 21 11 ,656 13 .595 23 .28'. 19 9 19 13 . .595 17 .469 17 .469 17 .469 15 15 15 Wiring Circuit The wiring circuit should be prop erly laid out, with wire heavy enough to carry a maximum load to meet needs of the system. The wiring should be installed by a competent electrician and checked by spector of the supplier of power. an in Victory Gardens During the peak of the war years, as high as 22 million victory gardens were planted in the United States by 35 -niilbn gardeners. I m I V» j | | I I B I I ( fi I 5 ■ ■> a) i SURPRISE! . . , Stan Miasek, Fal cons' center, is not the only bas keteer that has been surprised this year. As the elusive ball bounces on its merry way the Detroit play er looks with a forlorn expression at New York player. Thousand Tints With the aid of color consultants, a large paint manufacturer hus de veloped a new color system which is stated to offer 1,000 tints, tones and shades covering the color spec trum in even steps. The colors are selected from dry paint samples, spectrally arranged formulas. Six colors, gray and white, are used in the system. Selection of the right color to match or blend with a fabric or decorating piece is done by means of nine plastic charts, which are said to offer a choice of 1,000 evenly stepped tints, tones and shades covering the entire color spectrum. Fire Prevention Week Annually since Pres. Woodrow Wilson's administration, the U. S. and Canada have observed Fire Prevention Week during the week that includes October 9, the anni versary of the Chicago fire 75 years ago. Poor Roads More than a million miles of rural roads and 95,710 miles of state-con trolled highways lack all-weather surfaces and some 75,000 miles of city streets and alleys lack year round surfaces of concrete, as phalt, tar coating or gravel. Strong Furniture In a good piece of mahogany fur niture, additional strength is at tained by cutting the legs so that the grain of the wood runs exactly in the direction of the leg. ♦♦♦♦»♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦mm CALENDAR vJoming Events.. Friday, Dec. 6. The Woman's Society of Christian Service will entertain in the Metho dist church parlors at a silver tea. During the afternoon Christmas gifts will be packaged to send to the Deaconess orphans' home at Hel ena. Mrs. Paul Gerard will have charge of the tables and Mrs. T. J. Hard and Mrs. G. N. Wiggins will pour. The afternoon's program will be directed by Mrs, Paul Wilson, Saturday. Dec. 7. The Allendale Parent-Teacher as sociation will sponsor a dancing party at the school, featuring old and new dances. Bingo will be, £5 ■I.I ■■ A & Uér U J, C. PKMHKY CO., INC,, f fill.. ; *■ r ' i ! '4 h \ ' 31 Six IV 'J 7 \iK ■ V ■7 m f/t m//i N N mÆfÊÈ wmim WmM * m . 4 % Ln sff fi i ■ X 7 . all-wool ; lbs. 6 ♦; guaranteed resist moth damage five t o ■ . ■ - ■ • : Chenille Robes ft $Hi •l Rich, deep pile chenille in gay, cheery colors. Misses', 12-20; women's 8.65 ■ years : ■j 14.75 All wool with beautiful designs in pastel shades ■ ■M0 ? : 12.90 ¥ , Blankets and Spreads 7^ A r k FOR CHRISTMAS .4%* * ■Ù x Chenille spreads, soft 2-tone or all-white; double or twin ! 9.90 ' fm '■à ■y ■{ Wh i, n ïSm* ïix; 1" >-v. v ,-ïc Vi « k '<• x mi ir III'* X: m - X i i4 f Hi iiii m Misses' Mittens 4 y liillii ij Colorful laskin lamb back mittens. Cape leather palms ; fleece lining. I • ••' :;.4 . mi XvjSB y 2.39 m ■M' ■ -x. c O ,■ . ; wm ■ Æ y ÿ- >. - i. ■ m fl m ■ " f b U * N 1 MM m U\ 'it ■\wjbi I » Ik /*• il u f\ \ \ % 7 Urn ! 1 :• I '• * .. * /■ : ■ ■ B y îel 4 ' am i-y : : ■ >. ■ •• ; Sewing Sets in attractive gift box! sewing and darning thread, thimble, scis sors ! 4-PC. Toilet Sets Xmas Hankies Linens, rayons, cottons. Gay prints, plain colors, white. Give her many! Decorated backs, gold colored metal f rames and handles ! Nylon brushes. 1.39 4.98 29c, 98c SCT r. , s/t t) V.' ° Jr f ■ ■ . I ■ rs, 'y ~ is H ' k* -■ É w 1 ' p7 » iLJ te X i A i\ 3 v ■ 4? i X r : 4 i\ rt i th f , * ■m m , a /m Tr fi '.X ■ ^ ...V . i 4 (M A . / \ : : 7 > ✓ . J >>' < HU* i / Y ' ■sY'-y ■ ?: ' I Women's Blouses in colorful prints, pas tels, white. Soft rayon crepes. Sizes 32 to 38. Toddlers' Dresses Cottons and rayons in stripes, checks and flower prints! 1-4 3-6. Teen Ski Sweaters Girls' all-wool jacquard patterns that are, musts" for winter. .. 2.70 2.98 6.90 played and during the supper hour an auction will be held. On sale will be a variety of farm products and a collection of articles, the pro ceeds of which will go to the P. T. A. fund. i -Monday, I)ec - 9 A regular meeting of Laurel aerie No. 2564, Fraternal Order of Eagles, will be held at Riverside park, at 8 p. m. Friday, Dec. 13. The Theta Rho Girls' club will meet in the evening at the L. L. club and initiate a class of candi dates.