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YOfUR time iy our BUflUEfS w Have your watch kept in precise condi tion in our fully stocked, equip ped shop, pendable repairs by exacting watchmakers. De EARL GOODMAN OPP. N.P.DEPOT c/7 CjÀttJf&v ^IJou/iUfy a j i nrrTTDTrrTCi and ARTHRITIS , I suffered for years and am so thankful that I am free from pain and able to do my work that I will ' j i : = t B é Here's a practical present! A gift of year round use! Just send your laundry to us and give yourself 52 holidays a year in which to do the things you've always longed to do! SCOTT'S CLEANERS & LAUNDRY • PHONE 3ÇO RHEUMATISM gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz P.O.Box 825, Vancouver. Wash o 33^2 6 yJO£LAf?SOH Ö0 V * 1 st Jl&t w II Y it I 4 j i_| ShooTimG- 5TAf?3 ARB NOT STARS / IUKUCI ca®mc (Shooting star is the popular name for a meteor, a mass of matter from celestial space, which, because of its rapid motion, becomes luminous by friction with the atmos phere of the earth. This phenomenon is known as a meteorite or aerolite if it reaches the earth.—Winston's Simplified Dictionary, 1935, p. 615.) ROSE BRAND Butter & Ice Cream My Stars Alive! Those who have never eaten have missed a wonderful treat in good tast ing, healthful food. Order by name from your favorite dealer. LAUREL CREAMERY yfinie Abcuui JDa/ày ffas/uefa /6-2ND AVE. LAUREL P°M0NE65 PARK CITY SECTION Marion Lee Gebo and Herman H. Frank Wed Park City, Dec. 4.— At the First Conregational church in Billings on Saturday, Nov. 30, Rev. T. F. Rut ledge Beal, pastor, united in marri age Miss Marion Lee Gebo, daugh ter of Mrs. Thelma Gebo, to Her man H. Frank, son of Mr. and Alex Frank of Park City. The bride was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Samuel F. Flood of Sheridan, Wyo. The ma tron of honor, the bride's sister, Mrs. Samuel Flood, wore a yellow net formal and carried white roses. Miss Helen Frank, bridesmaid and sister of the groom, and Miss Mil dred Wegner, bridesmaid, wore pink net formais with white rose cor sages. Joan Frank, small sister of the bridegroom, as flower girl wore Samuel Frank, brother of the bridegroom, was best pink formal. a man. The bride chose for her gown a !vh,-fn C c* r et * r< scs an( * : white pom poms. j Guests were near relatives and close friends. Both the bride and groom arc 1 graduates of Park City high school, j Mrs. Frank has been in the U. S. 1 reclamation in Billings since last spring, and Mr. Frank will be em ployed in Laurel, where they will reside. Following the wedding ceremony a dinner was served to about 75 relatives and friends at Harmony hall at Park City, with a wedding dance in the evening at the gym nasium. in the evening for all friends and relatives. . , ,. „ , „ . , . ^ Memhardt, Mrs. g gp 1 Harding. Mrs. Lewin Kober, | Mrs. Emil Kober, Mrs. Henry Roth, j^ M rs> J®bn Mohr, Mrs. Jake Benner, Mrs Wenrv Kaiser, Mi*?- A. M. _aehanz, Ida, Mane and Rose Mane Kober. The afternoon was spent playing games, with nnzes gome- to f Mrs. Propn, Mrs. Mehling and Rose Mane Kober. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eastlick and three daughters were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Petersen in Columbus where 27 rel atives enjoyed Thanksgiving. Staff Sgt. Lloyd Eastlick who came home Sunday night for a brief furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Eastlick, met with a serious accident Monday afternoon while hunting north of town. As he was loading his gun it discharg ed and the bullet went through a heavy leather field boot and into his foot near the ankle. Several bones were broken. The accident occurred about 1:30 p. m., after which he crawled a mile dr two and built a fire. He was found about 9:30 that evening, cold and weak from loss of blood. He was taken to a Billings hospital and given transfusions. His foot has been placed in a cast. A number of friends and relatives entertained Sunday afternoon at the hall at a shower for Mrs. Herman Fox of Billings. Guests were Mrs. Kate Propp, Mrs. Mollie Michael and Mrs. Kate Hebner of Billings, Mrs. Sol Richter of Edgar, Mrs. Sophie Ruff, Mrs. George Bangert and Mrs. Henrv Weber of Laurel. Mrs. William Kober. Mrs. Conrad Mehling, Mrs. Fred Kober, Mrs. Ed Basketball Schedule Of Season Announced City high school basketball schedule of games for the ensuing season has Park City, Dec. 4. — The Park been announced as follows: Dec. 4, Red Lodge at Park City. Dec. 6, Park City at Hardin. Dec. .10, Joliet at Park City. Dec. 13, Park City at Fromberg. Jan. 8, Park City at Absarokee. Jan. 10, Park City at Columbus. Dec. 14, Park City at Roberts. Jan. 15, Park City at Edgar. Jan. 17, Bridger at Park City. Jan. 20, Roberts at Park City. Jan. 22, Park City at Laurel. Jan. 25, Columbus at Park City, i Jan. 28, Park City at Red Lodge, j Jan. 29, Edgar at Park City. Feb. 1, Fromberg at Park City. Feb. 5, Absarokee at Park City. Feb. 7, Park City at Joliet. Feb. 12, Laurel at Park City. Feb. 14, Park City at Bridger, Mrs. Helen Braun went to Bil-J lings Saturday and remained over the week end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Brown. Dr. Brown recently had the misfortune to fall 1 and break his leg. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Flood enter-1 tained at dinner Thursday for Mr. 1 and Mrs. H. D. Tompkins and Mrs. I Helen Braun. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pearsall, j Joan and Roger Pearsall spent 1 Thursday at the home of Mr. Pear-1 sail's sister, Mrs. H. O. Beeman and j family, at Broadview. The M. Y. F. group enjoyed a | scavanger hunt at the hall Friday j Sponsors were Mrs. H. evening. Henry and John McFate. Mrs. Thomas Story was compli-1 mented Thursday evening by the Birthday club at the home of Mrs. i John Fry. The evening was spent i playing games. Members present \ were Mrs. R. C. Bobin, Mrs. Stanley Pearsall. Mrs. Dick Vandenburg, | Mrs. Allen Lierof, Mrs. Floyd East-i lick, Mrs. Basil Helgesen, Mrs. i Harold Fink and Mrs. Allen Whit- j canack. | Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Whitcanack and two children, Christy and Ron ald, who have been residing at the j W. D. Whitcanack home, moved to ! Billings last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dunsworth entertained Thursday, their guests 1 being Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Flood of Sheridan, Wyo., Mrs. Thelma Gebo and daughter Marian of Bil lings. t Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson enter tained at dinner Wednesday eve- j ning, complimenting Mrs. Henry i Ebel and daughter Jane of Longj Beach, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. R. W. j Davis. Mrs. Helen Braun and Mr. j and Mrs. S. T. Flood. Guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. j H. Henry were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. J Peterson and family of Columbus, | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Propp and family j of Worden. i U Mrs. Richard O. Malley a n d Uj daughter Sally Mae of Billings ( ■ nt Monday afternoon at the ■ homes of M rs. Helen Braun and I ■ rg g -p Flood. m r. and Mrs. George Badavinitz j aru j son Q arv 0 f Roundup snent Sat- ; ur( j a y an( j Sunday with Mr. Bada-1 vinitz * s sist er, Mrs. John Gesick. and, arn |i v Mrs ' jjike Hayme came Friday end remained until, of Melville 1 Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd i Absarokee spenti Tompkins. Pcundstone of Monday at the Tompkins home. j Jeanette and Shirley Rice of Bil- : lings came Thursday and remained until Sunday with their grand-1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Good-, all. Richard Fox, a student at Mis soula, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fox. Mr. and Mrs. William Lierow en tertained at Thanksgiving dinner ! for Mr. and Mrs. Floyd French and ; two children of Billings and Mr. and j Mrs. Allen Lierow and two children. The Park City Rod and Gun club; which lost a varment hunt during the summer to the _ Columbus club entertained the winners Monday at the hall at a dinner at evening the hall. About 50 plates were serv ed by the Band Mothers club. Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis of Cody epent the week with Mrs. Davis' sister, Mrs. Jennie Oliver. Thurs -1 day, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wallace; anid daughter were also guests of 1 Guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E, M. H. C. R. E. Plowman were Plowman, Mr .and Mrs. Bohnert and son Clare of Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. John Plowman and son Edward, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Plow man and Charles Plowman of Joliet. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kellog are the parents of a son, born in Billings; Sunday, Nov. 24. He is grandson | of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Southworth, j i Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Adams were 1 hosts Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker, James Rvan of Columbus, Joyce 1 Ryan of Missoula. Mr. and Mrs. A. i r! Standt and Mike Norsch of Ah-1 sarokee. | Miss Dora Bolin and Miss Berna - 1 dine Clausen, students at Greeley. ( Coio., came Wednesday and are visiting at the R. C. Bolin home, j The college is closed because of the. coal strike. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKinney [ and son of Bozeman spent Thanks- j giving with Mrs. McKinney's pa- j rents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rymer. | Gloria Jensen arrived Wednesday from Bozeman where she attends college and remained until Sunday j with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Jensen. i Relatives leared last week that Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bradshaw of Billings are the parents of a son, born Nov. 27. Mrs. Bradshaw is the former Harriet Ward and at one time was a Park City resident, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fox of Sunny side, Wash., are guests of Mr. and k Mrs. Henry Kaiser. Sr 1 I To PLEASE o MAN (even a small one) v ' . Ki • \ m c r~ V £ (S p. h 'SS? €/t %. - OF I j ; v n ■ 'N. Y; j j j | ! l SPORTING GOODS Boys from 6 to 60 will wear a big smile on Christmas day if you give SPORT ING GOODS! J Y _ i * 7 % f? 1 j t-Æ FOOTBALL . ICE SKATES POCKET KNIFE Good quality, medium priced childs' lightweight football. Gen uine leather cover and thong lacing. Inflates with needle valve. ftlark bone handle .'I blade knife. .Super quality in every detail. Tool steel blades. Hand sharpened. Chrome steel blades, curved tips for greater speed and quick turns. A de luxe skate attached to comfortable skat ing shoes. $6.95 5 8.95 $ 1.69 •■j 7 I ROLLER SKATES A quality steel skate that can "take it. ample strap and toe clamp. Finest steel hall bearing wheels. Adjustable 71 BASKET BALL 1 Highest quality regulation sixe ball. Made of pig-skin with reinforced scams .... 5 sS . £ 5 2.69 ^ $11.95 Y gj Pair For beginners. m COASTER WAGON » J. BALL GLOVE Here is a wagon that will make a wonderful gift. Has all the quality fea tures you are looking for. For future big-leaguers, these professional type fielders gloves are ideal gifts. Leather lined.. / / r 83.49 l2 *9.95 A * Looking For A GIFT FOR A BOY! l{ SLEDS SI Here are 10 Suggestions: • Pocket Knife • Flashlight • Wrist Watch • Scout Hatchet • Electric Train • Air Rifle • Skates • Skiis • Baseball Bat • Model Planes l.ook tor Ho)» OiriH nt our lluniwure Store! . W ,>■ (sT-p What's Christmas with out a sled? We have all styles, large and small. "Streamliner" as illustrat ed, 54 inches long. éà 4 hfii W'MP» vT Or i $ 3.45 'S STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN CABINETS ! We have just received a large shipment of Stainless, Steel Kitchen Sinks, both single and double compartment. These sinks have stainless steel swing spout faucets with spray. They have high quality 5-ply wooden base units, prime coated only, so finish coat can be applied to match color scheme of your kitchen. COME I\ AND SEE THEM ! ft A A ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AND FARM SUPPLIES iTTTRTfi » } 1 HA RDWARE PLUMBIN G PAINT APPLIANCE ► ◄ • LAUREL. MONTAN children were Mrs. J. W. Corwin, 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Franzen of Nebraska, their son M. Franzen of Billings and Mr. and Mrs. L. | Franzen of Laurel were guests of j Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis Wednes i day evening. 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney went to Columbus Wednesday to spend sev era! days with her daughter, Mrs. 1 Iva Marsh, and the latter's daugh i ter Joyce who attends the univer sity at Missoula. | Guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. I 1 John Kinney were Mr. and Mrs, I ( Albert Kinney and family of Lau- j rel, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Guse and ! j daughter of Greycliff, Mr. and Mrs. j Wilbur Wise and family and Mr. j and Mrs. Alex Shimsky and family. | Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Calvert of j Laurel were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dove enter tained at dinner Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Streedbeck of Billings, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson and T. J. Dove of Billings. Miss Phyllis Eastlick who under went an appendectomy last week was able to return to her home Thursday. Mrs. W. D. Whitcanack returned home Tuesday from a visit of sev eral week with relatives at Fort Collins, Colo., and Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ebel and Mr. and Mrs. Arno Albrecht and ... Leola Mae and Corwin. guests Thursday of Mr. and daughter Jane of Long Beach, 1 j Calif., were guests Monday to | Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. j Flood and Mrs. Helen Braun. The Ebel family formerly lived here and moved to California 12 years ago. Advertisement L \ From where I sit... Jy Joe Marsh How to Stop Worrying 1; hour" after dinner, and gets his worrying over in one concentrated period. When that's over, he relaxes over a friendly glass of beer with Ma Hoskins—and they talk about pleasant things together, until bed time. I guess folks in our town do about ns much worrying as in yours—over housing and prices, and crops, and Jobs—and the little domestic prob lems that are always coming up. Dad Hoskins, who's lived to the happy age of eighty, has a simple formula for stopping worry. About ■ very problem, he asks himself: Is here anything I can do about it? If there is, he never postpones making a decision, or taking neces sary action. If there isn't anything he can do about it, he sets aside a "worrying From where I sit, that's as work able a formula as you could find... right down to the mellow glass of beer that seems to wink away your worries. Copyright, 1946, United States Brewers Foundation I Freezing Corn Whole grain corn has been frozen more successfully than corn on the cob which sometimes lacks the fla vor and texture the family enjoys.