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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
Firemen Demonstrate New Resuscitator At Federated Meeting The meeting of the Laurel Feder ated club was held Monday with Mrs. Allen Gatewood as hostess her home. A demonstration of the 4 chHl 's? Petunia Says: REMEMBER For the Milk with the Creamy flavor— Anderson's Dairy Phone 91-J WÆ. wm. — i i i * I i i I i,.. \ ■ ? 5 I Kin I <7 I i H I X I / j i I I w I ■ Out Riê ht r of y° ur favorite fa$hi° n I fa- if. fffß v' < 1 1 r i ■* I H « 'h ! ■■■■;•• s y atine* 1 m s I I i \ Sm It m Seventeen I ■ ■ FLY AWAY A pretty butterfly print, exclusively Carole King's, with tiny scoHops dancing 'round its petite collar and cap sleeves. Shell pink, sea blue ot sand rayon Sportspun. Junior sizes 7 to 13. o i I 1 i I i i I 1 I f I $1095 I I ■ mr 5 I See rt m Photoplay ■ : i mf ÜÄ FIRST LOVE M m I i Lush lace panels swing diagonally from shoulder to hem. Note the huge bow ot the tiny drop-shoulder sleeves and smooth low neck. White Nassau spun rayon. Junior sizes 9 to 15. m -r d.y' \ I ! I - $1095 I I * S«e It to fitdU KW "SWISS MISS" Ai proHy ai a yodel from H*e ditooece ... Ht wHHe eyelet embroidery detig n, exdutively Carole King's. Nauou spun rayon in loth cream pink, stone grey, kme dutt or colonW cream. Junior sizes 9 to >5. I I I I I tl » 14 « I i I 0. M. Wold Co. § 1 1 I r mm 2^ <Z new reMiscitator purchased by the fire deBrtment was given by John BrohauJJ. The tusiness session, presided over by Mrs. Brohaugh, opened with the reading of the club's constitu tion and by-laws. A report was given on the Montana Physician's Service organization. After a dis cussion on the 1947 Red Cross drive, members voted to again have charge of the local campaign, for which committees are to be appointed. The evening's program was con ducted by Mrs. Jerry Porter, who presented a skit entitled "The Har mony Homemakers' Club," with eight club members taking part, The play dealt with parliamentary procedure. Music on the program was provided by Betty Strand and Shirley Wilson, who sang "The Old Lamplighter" and "Let the Rest of the World Go at By. Guests of the club were Mrs. J. H. Charmichael of Augusta and Miss Beth McCormick, ing, on Feb. 10, is to be a party with husbands as guests The next meet 7 he Outlook Says: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brohaugh are the parents of a son, bom | Wednesday, Jan. 15, at a Billings j hospital. Members of Opal Camp of Royal Neighbors report a good attendance { at their bingo party Tuesday at j the L. L. club. A radio was awarded j to Mrs. Charles Staiger. Mrs. H. R. Russell has as her j guest Mrs. J. H. Carmichael of ! Augusta. Rebekahs At Meeting Honor I. O. O. F. Sire Honoring Thomas Wildey, the founder of Oddfellowship in Amer ica, Evergreen lodge of Rebekahs observed the anniversary with a program and tableau directed by Mrs. Ardeth Webb, program chair man. The Rebekah degree for women was established in 1851. A class of candidates was ini tiated during the meeting, which was followed by refreshments serv ed by Mrs. Forrest Thayer and Mrs. C. Weldon, a complimentary hostess, Other activities of the lodge in cluded a noon luncheon at the L. L. club Wednesday, following degree staff practice. Mrs. C. H. Ander son, captain of the staff, was hos tess. The next regular meeting of the lodge will be at the L. L. club, Monday, Feb. 3, with degree staff practice following the serving of refreshments. Howard L. Wightman Bonded Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales A Specialty % F. W. Schauer Box 427 Laurel, Mont. Ü I I New Fabrics I ■■ ■ I 36 to 60 inches wide { I I Our colorful collection of decorator fabrics is the biggest in years Come in today and see our wide assortment of weaves, pat terns .and colors . . . de i signed to flatter yourfur niture, add new fresh ness to every room. Starting at B I I I u :>■••• • I I I I m 05 e Wold's Store has I I ii; iii -, Curtains Per yard V I ||| I for every window in your home. Here now are plain marquisette and dotted marquisette at I i mm I 1 « I m I $ 2.95 I ,1 * m I Per pair & 5 Ü i I i J f I if m I ■V ■ « i : : iS|i m A' I i - w3 « 0 : & I i;>3 I I I ii m § || m t I •X I W I v •X . I m m m i I i Blouses ü 6 Kitchen Toweling i ft i I i; x'; : iNt £7 \ ^ l T II m -J il A Sx \\ I » I v) 1. & 4 o a I V I f# f \ 4 \ I I Make your own Kitchen Towels Assorted colors and pat terns, starting at I \ i i I Brown and blue in tweed patterns; sizes 2 to 6. I White, also brown and black, and a sheer black, starting at 45c *3.98 per > *2.95 yard I 0. M. Wold Co I I I Laurel's Own Store Since 1909 i m Youth Fellowship Is Host To Group From Parlr Pifv AT DirmPP rarK ^ny ai uinner The Park City Youth Fellowship joined the Laurel group in a pot luck supper Sunday evening of the dining room of the Methodist church. Present were 26 members from Park City and 20 of the Laurel members, to For Sale H Three room house, basement, garage, 2 lots. Large 2-story 5-room house in ex cellent condition, good location.$8,500 4-room house with full basement, garage . Two-apartment house, 6 rooms. Three-Unit house, 9 rooms. INQUIRE R. J. WILLIAMS & SON Phone 126 $3,600.00 ■ .$4,850 .$5,500 :.$6,250 I 8 ■ I I m 77% bingo, match shuffle board and musical Entertainment was cards, chairs. by Mrs. Shirley Penninger who de jgcr . bed gome of the inhabitants> how Bobby A talk on India was given ,they live, and their beliefs. gtickelberger was worship service leader, Laurel Youth Fellowship will spon sor a food sale Saturday at the O M. Wold company store, begin Announcement was made that the mm , ning at 10 o'clock. Also announced was a carnival to be held Friday by the Park City Fellowship. •t Æ ml f Have us replace the broken main spring, clean, oil, reg ulate the watch —and have ac curate time service. EARL GOODMAN j&Axj-eJLesi ^ OPP. N.P.DEPOT