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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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W Around 1 ■ the L Town h A A ceremony performed at 8:30 Friday evening by Rev. M. J. Wil cox at the Methodist church par sonage united in marriage Harold Cecil Logsden of Sedgewickville, Mo., and Miss Catherine Elois De Carlo of Columbus. Witnesses were Mrs. Ruth G. Wilcox and Neil W. Baker. Mrs. Eva Richardson returned Monday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Freeman and family of Red Lodge. : This : IS* : : : it : : : : : Final . : COAT , , : : : Reductions Only 18 Persian Curls & Fleeces $ : ■ : SIZES 16 to 52 WERE $24*00 ; : : : : o o Just 11 Coats : $ 17 SIZES 12 to 44 WERE TO : ; : $34*50 : QOE3B O O $ ; EXACTLY 17 Coats Sizes 9 to 52 Were to $49*00 : ■ ■ , : ■ : WHICH n-KflCSDflLE : ■ A group of Church of the Naz arene young people went on a skat ing party last Friday evening on a backwater of the Clark's Fork east of the Byam school. Among those participating were Charles and Pat ty Mathis, Charlotte and Ellis Ward, Marlene Bradley, Berta Jean Wil son, Anna Resser, Joy Edwards, Ronald Rolison, Joyce, Mary Lou and Jack Wilcox, Mae and Robert Cole, Ethel, Mary Ann and Sam S c a m m o n. Transportation was furnished by Harold Wilson and Rev. J. H. Haueter. Members of her five hundred club met Thursday with Mrs. Ira Rod gers at her home. Mrs. Charles Rodgers and Mrs. C. E. McKinney were club guests. Winners during the evening were Mrs. Jack Romee and Mrs. A. F. Elliot, first and sec ond, with Mrs. F. N. Barney re ceiving the travel prize. Mr. and Mrs. John Metzger are the parents of a son, bom Satur I day, Jan. 18, at a Billings hospital, LAUREL The first meeting in charge of new officers for the year was held by Zidonian chapter of the Order of Eastern Star Thursday evening at the Masonic temple. Games pro vided entertainment during the social hour, after which lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Cleo Walton, Mrs. Eleanor Crawford and Mrs. Frances Fisher Mrs. Richard B. Busby was in at tendance at a family reunion at the home of her father, James W. Riddle of Billings, when five generations were represented. They were Rich ard Charles Brakke, 4 months, and his mother, Mrs. Charles C. Brakke, 21, of Billings; Mrs. Busby, 44, of Laurel; Mrs. Busby's father, James W. Riddle, 62, of Billings, and his father, James P. Riddle, 88, of Gil lette, Wyo. Junior Fink, high school senior who has been ill at his home for several weeks, is recovering from an attack of the flu and bronchial pneumonia. OUTLOOK PAGE THREE ■ I **0***I0****«I%H0******************************** > % 1 * ] 'm -<■ . \ ' X. V sv-'y ► .. vt >< ► Ï \ ■ Ji fir ■ ■ % ► m. I ► - ■ || ■i > **3 1 ♦ ; as? v i » i ' N. ( ' y*. ■ 0, : 4 v ► rtr W. I M •13 dtf* W— 74 : L * \ ? . ■ Sfick new gabardine shirt'n skirt with quilted bib-front'n cuff*. Aqua, Coral, Grey Yellow... in Berlinger't rayon TBL "Key Largo. 1 : or Junior sizes 9 to 15. : ï Extra Special ; : : : : : : : ■ : $ Ladies' Oxfords and SANDALS-Formerly $5.00 ■ : - Nice Assortment - : ■ EXTRA SPECIAL I Cowboy Jackets 1 Two-tone - belted - water repellent-Regular $ 10.45 Men's and boys' sizes EXTRA SPECIAL Men's Shirts s ' ' - Assorted Types Rayons - woolens - gabardines Values to $7*95 ■ ■ ►