Newspaper Page Text
COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS 4 50 10.00 300! 1571 4.95 65.00 12.421 (Continued frorii Page Nine) Peterson Typewriter Ex change, supplies . Doane Agricultural Service, subscription . McIntosh Furniture & Hdwe. Co., supplies . Bennett Drug Stores, supplies . Stroup Hdwe. Co., supplies Alemite Co, of Mont., supplies . Keefe Auto Supply, supplies Reymer Machine Co., supplies . 24.45 Kent Hardware Co., supplies Eaton Metal Products, supplies . S & P Brake Service, supplies . Billings Electric Co., supplies . Heald Motor Supply Co., supplies . Stroup Hardware Co., supplies . Crawley Motor Co., supplies . The Texas Co., supplies. Montana Power Co., electricity . Charbonneau Motor Co., supplies . Industrial Accident Board, insurance . Standard Oil Co., oil. Yellowstone Hardware Co., supplies . Standard Oil Co., oil. Standard Motor Supply Co., supplies . Hall Perry Machinery Co., supplies . Willis Sales Co., supplies.. Husky Sales Co., supplies.. Reymer Machine Co., supplies . Montana Power Co., supplies . Texas Company, supplies... Husky Sales Co., supplies 188.50 Stroup Hardware Co., supplies . Rowan Motor Co., supplies Keefe Auto Supply Co., supplies . Bearings Supply Co., Supplies . S & P Brake Service, supplies . Armco Drainage & Metal Prod. Co., supplies. Yellowstone Paper Co., supplies . Billings Hardware Co., * supplies . Northern Garage, supplies.. Montana Steel & Supply Co., supplies . Ryniker Steel Products, supplies . C. W. Ryan, supplies . Freeman Auto Service, supplies . Aldrich & Co., supplies. Great Northern Tool & Sup. Co., supplies. Building Service, Inc., supplies . Carburetor & Electric, supplies . Carburetor & Electric Co., supplies . Building Service, Inc., supplies . Denison Machine Co., supplies . Marshall Wells Co., supplies . Great Northern Tool & Supply Co., supplies. Connelly Mchy. Co., equipment . Upjohn Company, supplies.. Wodrow's Prescription Shop, supplies . T. A. Cothron, expenses. L. H. Allen, salary. Porter Alwine, salary. A. L. Bacon, salarp. J. H. Barkley, salary. George Bender, salary. Art Boeder, salary. Jim Dick, salary. G. C. Eaton, salary. K. P. Fuller, salary. Hiram Grossing, salary. H. Helgoe, salary. Jacob Hofferber, salary. Clarence Holbrok, salary. Bert Hopple, salary. 7 11.32 52.90 17.59 21.07 15.34 43.94 36.45 97.07 39.69 613.82i 126.31 23.00 81.12 16.10 9.13 147130 11.12 26.85 3.05 48.00 19.37 14.04 39.53 j 10.00 ! j 6.40 ! j 48.65 ' I 1.20 . 41.74 176.48 160.68 10.70 35.38 51.52 35.80 43.35 10.00 6.00 9.80 2.95 75.00 63.67 17.09 6,769.80 38.82 I 49.25 75.00 156.78 159.50] 201.60 I 183.85 163.83 197.40 122.82 180.23 6.83 180.60 7.56 201.60 137.38 145.90 ! Chas. Jackson, salary. Hugh Lewis, salary. M. E. Moats, salary. Donald Nelson, salary. J. E. Perry, salary. Erwin Schock, salary. Joe Shadwell, salary. W. P. Stebbins, salary. James Steele, salary. Joe Sullivan, salary. John Sullivan, salary. L. W. Thurber, salary. Robert Wallace, salary. Robert Whitaker, salary. Art White, salary. L. H. Adams, salary. Orville Cunningham, salary Jim Dick, salary. Wm. Fly, salary. K. P. Fuller, salary. O. H. Helgoe, salary. J E. Perry, salary. Joe Shadwell, salary. L. W. Thurber, salary. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, Mileage & expnse. 165.00 236.76 1 199.50 119.47 187.32 206.801 148.35 201.60 181.44 229.32 176.40 222.06 170.38 180.45 188.01 3.62 216.00 7.25 201.60 61.44 173.88 9.45 16.07 4.72 39.74 LOHOF BROS. Invites you to listen to the Radio program of "Destiny Trails" every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 P. M. over KBMY—1240 KC FREE To all you boys and girls a copy of the Classic Comic of the DEERSLAYER, if you will call for it at Thomp son Yards, Inc., at Laurel, or drop a card to LOHOF BROS., 2030 4th Ave. N., Billings If you are in need of Concrete Lohof Bros, are equip ped to give you pre-heated concrete delivered to your job, or we can deliver to you clean crushed rock, or For your concrete problems call 8724. sand. 4 k < ; 2030 4th Ave. N., Billings i , N| Ä Bonk ' 4-79 2-2o 02 418,69 239.79 i or 1 - n I 267.61 j ! 210.81 j r<j 194.,' i I 109.11 j I Montana National Bank, analysis charge . j Parke Davis & Co., ' supplies . ! Sioux Tire Co., supplies. I Sioux Tire Co., supplies. Carter Oil Co., supplies. ! International Harvester Co., ' supplies . ; Hines Motor Supply Co., supplies . j Connelly Mchy. Co., supplies . Connelly Machinery Co., supplies . ' Lew Chevrolet Co., supplies . j International Harvester Co., supplies . 290.91 33.29 Industrial Equipment Co., ■ o 00.00 15.00 ,/j'g j supplies . J. S. Jimason. salary. j Mary McCormick, services ... J J* H. Barkley, salary. j Joe Shadwell, services. ' Juanita Cantrell, salary. Business Machines, Inc., services . Peterson Typewriter Ex change, services, repairs i Willis Sales Co., supplies.... 1 Teachers' Retirement Sys tem, co. contribution. Carpenter Paper Co., supplies . Ira F. Beeler, services. ! The Alemite Co., supplies. .. j Eaton Metal Products, supplies . 119.75 47.40 36.30 3.60 17.50 42.50 50.00 22.92 51.80 i Archie Cochrane Motors, supplies . ; Billings Auto Wrecking Co., ! supplies . N W. Auto Supply, supplies . Marshall Wells Co., supplies ! Custer Lbr. Co., supplies. Custom Tire Co., supplies ... Continental Oil Co., supplies Standard Oil Co., supplies.... O'Malley Lbr. Co., supplies.. Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies . Firestone Stores, supplies.. Yellowstone Electric, supplies . W. P. Roscoe Co., supplies.. W. P. Roscoe Co., supplies.. Holliday Furniture Co., Inc., supplies . Bauer & Black Division, Kendall Co., supplies.. Safeway Stores, No. 598, supplies .. Archie Cochrane Motors, repairs . Smith's Ambulance Service, services .. Frank Floyd, salary. Yellowstone County Payroll, salaries . James H. Barkley, salary... Harry C. Reeves, salary. Flora M. Sletten, salary. Robt. J. Thorburn, salary ... E. S. McCarthy, salary. Louise Arbogast, salary. Jeane Blotkamp, salary. M rs - W. W. Lindenfield, salary . Nedra Stephens, salary. Helen M. Shammel, salary.. Kenneth L. Cook, salary.... Alene H. Gairrett, salary.... W. H. Jones, salary. Mrs. Janet Tompkins, services . Bernard Barrett, services.... Mrs. Alice B. Fraser, services . Lee Vermandel, services. Clare Logan, salary . W. A. Hanley, salary. W. E. Spurgin, salary. Eldon Clark, salary. Elodie Weber, salary. 3.11 .68 57.37 1.53 72.16 14.98 2.25 11.72 .75 24.90 753.90 6.80 40.00 307.80 16.00 121.50 38.06 2.35 3.00 102.00 10,305.08 45.36 25.00 105.00 200.00 1 160.001 131.25 131.25 125.00 125.00 147.00 60.41 147.00 145.83 40.95 57.20 33.80 254.55 105.09 190.18 86.63 135.00 157.50 IT JUST ISN'T i m fAIR / \. I i 1 : i © Many a woman earns a reputa tion for being bad tempered when she is merely worn out from washday. It isn't fair to herself or her family and it isn't an economical necessity either. Let us do your laundry. We are confident that the low cost, the quality and the convenience of this service will please you. Scott's Cleaners & Laundry Be Thrifty—Phone Three-Fifty 49.35 95.09 "*84 00 84.00 nsiso 84.00 104.64 75.00 102.00 30.00 119.00 S. Jimason, salary. Beth Crawford, salary.... Haydn Thomas, salary.... David Dick, salary. Hardin Todd, salary. Carl Klein, salary. zz ie Karst, salary. has. E Wicks, per diem & mileage. C- Kenton, per diem & mileage. Ben B. Hagerman, per diem George Wertz, salary. Adelphia G. Vaught, salary Lillian Stene, mileage, salary . s. Postmaster, envelopes IJohn Plaster, salary. Mae Solomonson, services.... Mary McCormick, services.. Lindstrom, salary. 208.70 210.10 184.00 141.75 125.00 260.92 33.85 105.00 90.00 90.00 95.00 90.00 90.80 125.00 90.00 75.80 3.75 378.24 25.00 10.00 T. E. Pemberton, mileage ... Anna Marie Malicot, salary i Eleanora Speidel, salary. jyj ary Shannon, salary. Eleanor Smith, salary. ! ' Pearl Daylong, salary. Helena C. Heider, salary & mileage. Oscar T. Lewis, salary. Mrs. Louise Sands, salary.... Dr. E. M. Farr, salary, expense . Paul B. King, services. Billings Gas Company, gas Ray Chick, garbage dump chge. City of Billings, garbage dump chge. Vocational School for Girls, care of inmates .. American Law Book Co., supplies . The Turf, meals . New Grand Cafe, meals. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage & meals. Robt. J. Thorbum, mileage Dr. Donald J. MacDonald, salary ..... Dr. E. M. Farr, salary. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage & Expense. Montana Deaconess School, care of inmates. Mont. State Tuberculosis Soc., care of inmates. Billings Deaconess Hospital, care . St. Joseph Orphan Home, services . State Orphan's Home, care of inmate. Montana Power Co., electricity . Lee's, supplies . Sioux Tire Co., supplies... Sioux Tire Co., supplies. Sioux Tire Co., supplies. Chas. W. Ryan, gravel. Northwestern Auto Supply Co., supplies . Mont. Powder & Equip. Co., supplies . Northwestern Auto Supply Co,, supplies . Montana Power Co., electricity . Carburetor & Electric Co., supplies . Connelly Machinery co., supplies . Hines Motor Supply Co., supplies . Gildroy Coal Co., supplies.... 7.00 10.00 24.25 1.80 , 42.59 1 11.05 I 75.00 262.90 I 70.35 i 20.00 228.30 21.25 25.00 70.00 26.26 568.91 160.70 304.90 144.26 I 50.00 i 1.85 1 49.89 , 5.98 2.78, .70 30.43 11,13 21.24 PAYROLL FOR JANUARY, 194 Clerk and Recorder Earle Knight, clerk and recorder. D. G. Backhoff, ch. deputy George Bunge, bokkeeper... H. A. Kiichli, deputy. Carl P. Thompson, deputy.. Chris Rubich, deputy. Mae Hoff, assistant . Ada Grisham, assistant. County Treasurer Orville Berry, treasurer.. Sam Reid, ch. deputy. J, O. Terrell, deputy. Mildred Hankins, bookkeeper . Dan Behan, deputy. Irene Oberweiser, deputy.... Mary D. Johnson, deputy.... Laverna Bachmann, assistant . 271.67 219.22 203.96 190.18 190.18 174.32 150.94 150.94 250.00 I 220.80 190.18 203.96 190.18 190.18 ! - 190.18 I 154.35 County Assessor T. A. Cothron, assessor. F. A. Morse, ch. deputy. R. F. Royalty, deputy. A. Williams, Deputy. Joseph W. Farrell, Deputy.. Brooke Herford, Deputy. 268.19 109.77 95.00 95.09 190.18 95.09 S TVI CKELBERGEB a * PP ELECTRIFYING NEWS! » « « Shocking as it may seem the New Electrical department of LAUREL TRADING CO. is now supervised by: PS Ti Kl L. R. STICKELBERGER B r 'Stickle" is well known as a qualified and efficient electrician, and we are proud to announce Call us for all types of electrical service and installations. >1 his association with us. PS » H REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES £ P8 Laurel Trading Co ft m s HARDWARE, PLUMBING, HEATING, APPLIANCES, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Laurel, Montana Phone 5 Phone 5 P5 » STICK ELBE Iti! 'I j Louise Kraske, Assistant.... o. Thompson, deputy.... Arnold, deputy. ! Herbert G. Gammill, deputy j Katie Davies, Clk. of Court ! E. O. Price, Ch. Deputy. Bernadine Boyd, Deputy. Mary F. MacDonald, Deputy . C. S. Prater, Ct. Steno . Guy E. Marvin, Ct. Steno... County Attorney ! Melvin N. Hoiness, County Attorney . I E. E. Collins, Deputy. Charles B. Sande, deputy.... Joy Coffman, assistant. Bonnie Bachelier, assistant . 158.48 190.18 95.09 165.00 Clerk of Court 250.00 211.31 190.18 219.00 i ! I 125.00 225.00 j 200.00 165.00 75.80 190.18 219.00 . Auction As I have decided to quit farming-, I will sell at public auction on the Penninger Ranch 8 miles north of Laurel on Canyon Creek, known as the Old Orchard Ranch Monday, March 3 Sale starts at 11 o'clock. Free lunch at noon. Bring your cups 27 Head of Cattle Three coming 2-year-old WF heifers Coming 2-year-old roan heifer Coming 2-year-old WF steer Yearling WF heifer Twelve coming yearling calves Coming 4-year-old WF bull 6-year Holstein cow, now milking Five young Hereford cows, now milking Two young Hereford cows, fresh soon All milch cows TB and Ban^s tested Farm Machinery k Moline beet cultivator Planet Jr. beet cultivator JD beet puller Wind bean cutter McDrg. dump rake Buck rake 3 section harrow Walking plow Wagon and rack , Wagon and box Land leveler 2 sets of harness Many other items Wallis Tractor on steel 3-bottom tractor plow 8' McDrg. duck foot weeder 8' tandem disc 6' McDrg. grain drill with phosphate and seeder attachments • Case manure spreader JD side delivery rake 6' McDrg. binder 6' McDrg. mower JD sulky plow Dempster stacker No. 9 American beet drill If credit is desired, see any member TERMS: Book and credit by Harris Agency, in the Agency, B. M. Harris, B. Meyer Harris, R. F, Stevens Irvin M. Black at the Yellowstone Banks, Laurel and Columbus. Christ Sayler, Owner HARRIS AGENCY, Sale Managers, Laurel C. V. MOSIER, Auctioneer County Auditor Frank J. Gorman, County Auditor . Shirley Parks, deputy .... Surveyor '■.09.0.4 243.05 179.15 145.25 145.25 187.50 72.19 C. E. Durland 300.00 Supt. of Schools T. E. Pemberton, Supt. of schools Sheriff Albert Thomas, sheriff. John B. Sweeney, undersheriff . Edwin W. Curtis, deputy.... Val G. Schwan, deputy. Maurice L. Holets, deputy.. Homer E. Korber, deputy.... Lock. Boyles, deputy. Harold A. Price, deputy.... Loren Graham, deputy. 145.25 145.25 145.25 145.25 145.25 i 55.00 63.91 Donna F. Pefley, Deputy.... Ellen G'. Wickstrom, deputy Engineers and Janitors G. A. Cook, Engineer. 196.50 Paul King, Janitor.. 78.75 Fred Carll, janitor. 152.25 J. W. Hastings, Janitor. 103.08 j Harry Tythcott, Janitor. 103.08 I Justices of the Peace and Constables j A. N. Bergen, Justice of the Peace. Emil Borberg, Justice of Peace. Stone W. Matlock, Constable 125.00 Wallace A. Bent, Constable 125.00 The Board adjourned February 1, 166.67 200.00 1947. Approved Attest: CHAS. E. WICKS, Chairman. EARLE KNIGHT. Clerk.