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LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT COVE IRRIGATION CO. INCORPORATED AT LAUREL, MONTANA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Cove Irrigation Co., held on the 5th day of February, 1947, an assessment of $1.00 per share was levied upon the subscribed capital stock of the corporation, payable on or before the 7th day of' March. 1947, to the Secretary Treasurer of said Company at No. 2 Wold Building, Laurel, Montana. Any stock upon which this assess ment shall remain unpaid on the 7th day of March, 1947, will be de linquent and advertised on the 12th day of March. 1947. for sale at pub lic auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on March 24. 1947, to pay the delinquent as sessment, together with cost of ad vertising and expense of sale. By order of the Board of Direct ors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of ANNA A. HOREN, De r.suue j. Notice is hereby given by the un dersSed administrator ' of the Estate of Anna A. Horen, deceased, to creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceas ed to exhibit them, with the neces S ft y V the Ch fir S st ''publication^ oTthis aft ® r *5® th^Jd ^ administrator at ?h°e law office of Charles B. Sando. 214 1st Ave Laurel, in the County of Yellowstone. State of Montana, Dated at Laurel. Montana, Feb . 11 1947 ruary . CLARENCE HOREN Administrator of the Estate of rKe^R H °'Sk! D ■ j,, i nr Administrator ^ > Montana 2-12,'47-4t Laurel. Montana. ALIAS SUMMONS (for publication.) t\t THF DISTRICT COURT OF THF THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL m«TRTCT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA IN AND FOR THE roiINTY OF YELLOWSTONE. . xfxr rr fmnv Plaintiff vs. JOHN ' nH ' SYM SYMMONDS ana MONDS, his Wife, if any, U, * N EYRE and JULIA S. EYRE, his wife, INTERESTATE REAL TY CO H. A. CARLISLE and T ORFNÀ V CARLISLE, his wife, and all other persons unknown claiming or who might claim any i right, title, estate or interest or lien or encumbrance upon, the real property described in the complaint, or any thereof, adverse complaint, oi anv plaSff &le° r th™ to whether such claim or possible Zent B. L. PRICE. Secretary-Treasurer Box 67. Laurel, Montana. (Date First Pub. Feb 5, 1947-4t) or fncluding any daim or possible inciuuing any t r Clail ü npf^Sü inchoate a crued. Defendants. T m«^ S ^nnvF°NAMFD T DFFENT? TxTme AB A^Yn to M a?T OTHER pfrIonS UNKNOWN GREET PERSONS UNKNOWN, bitMi mmmnnpd to YOU are hereby ? an ™ 1 £ ned tion whlch^s fileHn the offiïe of the Clerk of this Court, a copv of which Oierx oi tms v^ouru, a ha is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copyl thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the sendee of this summons, exclusive of the dav of sendee; and in case of your answer, judg-1 Laurel, now City of Laurel, Montana, according to the offi cial plat now on file and of re cord in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Yellow ^ ont ? na ;, ncal I uary 1947. ! ' KATIE DAVIES, Clerk. i I failure to appear or ment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded m ( the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title to the lands situated in Yellowstone Coun ty, Montana, and described as fol lows: . Lots Fifteen (15) Sixteen (16) Seventeen (17) Eighteen (18) Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) in Block Five (5) of Park Sub division to the townsite of East Laurel, (SEAL) Charles B. Sande, Attorney for Plaintiff. Laurel, Montana, ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE I 'V H T F HE T H , i I RT'EENTH C0 JUDTciSLl m «tritt OF THF STATE OP' MOMTANA IN AND FOR THE Hr? f)P YELLOWSTONE TN C( THF MATTER OF THE ES TATF OF Grace Korenko. De on««! Tfüùaarin» to thi <5 Court bv tv ,! 4 noHUnn this dav uVesented' and filed P by T. S. Platz, the adminis- j xneu uy ' f rmcp Knr enko, r deceased, that it is necessary, i » ÂÂïStSsr "" 8 and charges of administra . IT inirSe D d E to ED Jd h Vate P a e p r - before this Court on Monday.. I sons pear the 10th day of March, 1947, at 10 o'clock A. M., of that day, in. the thTSltv"o7 Bmtam'co'L'Trfi v..,,.™,™ üdfctï to '•aSTÎ'-lfi JÄf« a copy of this order be published two successive weeks next preceding said day in the Laurel Outlook, a weekly newspaper printed and published in said county. Dated Februar>' 17. 1947. BEN HARWOOD, Judge. B. L. PRICE, Laurel, Montana, Attorney. (Date First Pub. Feb. 19, 1947-3t) ALIAS SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. Vem A. Ranck, Plaintiff, vs. Frank H. Murdock and Tressie Mur-1 dock, his wife, T. H. Mcllrath and Roy Mcllrath, Executors of the Estate of William A. Mcllrath, also known as W. A. Mcllrath, Deceased ; T. H. Mcllrath and - Mcllrath, his wife, if any, Roy Mcllrath and llrath, his wife, nah Mcllrath, George Mcllrath and — llrath, his wife, if any, James Mcllrath and - Mcllrath, his wife, if any, John Mc llrath and - Mcllrath, his wife, if any, Robert Mcllrath and - Mcllrath, his wife, if any, Samuel Mcllrath and llrath, his wife, if any, the heirs of William A. Mcllrath, deceased; the creditors, if any of said de ceased; and any unknown creditors of unknown heirs and unknown devisees of deceased defendants, if any and all other persons un known, claiming, or who might claim any right, title, estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in complaint, or any thereof, adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiff's title thereto, whether such claim, or possible claim be present or con tmgent. including any claim of dower inchoate or accured, De THE STATE OF MONTANA SEND GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to an swer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court and file and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's altorney^vlthm •«£ clu3ivc of the day of service:' and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against vou by default, for the re lief demanded'in the complaint. This action is brought to quiet title in plaintiff to the following described real property situated in Yellowstone County, Montana, to wit: Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. and 6 in Block 31. of the East Yellow stone Subdivision to the Town site of East Laurel, according official recorded nlat thereof together with the tone mereoi, logeiner win me tene nients, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Witness my hand and seal of said Court this 1,th day of February, (SEAL) KATIE DAVIES Clerk. By Bernadme Bovd Deputy C erk. B. L Price. Laurel, Montana, Attorney for Plaintiff. Mc if any, Han Grace Parker, Mc Mc ( Date First Pub. Feb. 19. 1947-41) I j ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE j AGAINST SALE. - IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SCOTT OWEN pi a tz A MINOR ilail, a micnuk. It appearing to this Court from I the petition this day presented and j filed by A. P. McIntyre, the guardi ! an of the estate of Scott Owen j Platz, a minor, praying for an order of sale of certain real estate be longing to said ward, that it is necessary that such real estate should be sold; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that , .. , ., . the next of km of the said ward and all persons interested in said estate appear before this Court on Monday, the l <th da\ of March, LJ4i, at S7Ä? gsSrASsiSST should not be granted for the sale of such real estate. __! AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,^ that a copy of this order be publish-, ed at east once a week tor three Li-inir in the laurel 6u{ lished in said Countv of Yellowstone. Dated Februarv 19. 1947. GUY C. DERRY, B. l. PmcE. J " dK " (Date First Pub. Feb. 19, 1947-4t) The Board of County Commis sioners of Yellowstone County, Mon tana, will receive sealed bids until 10:30 o'clock a. m. Friday. March 7. 1947 for the purchase of three (3) trucks of not less than 1V 2 tons rated capacity. Trucks are to be equipped with steel, hydraulic control dump beds of not less than 3 cubic yards cap acitv and with pneumatic tires of proper size and quality to give most m,5r-hm,» specifica iS Ä"t?™sr. d rtSt"Ä 2 when they can make delivery. Time of delivery will be considered as^ essence of ^he^d.^ ^ ß E. Wicks, Chairman Board of Coun NOTICE TO BIDDERS . . ÄbuSSTbe accompanied by a certified check made payable to Board, Feh. » THA« F WICK 5 ? _ First Pub Fob 19 l947-3tl !_ eb ' 19 » Ip 4 y -f _) Rinse Ice Cubes Rinse off old ice cubes before us ing to get rid of any off-flavor. The refrigerator "taste" penetrates only the outer layer of the cube and will disappear when this layer is rpmftvflH I . ALIAS SUMMONS - IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF | THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL j DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. JOHN MASSIGE, GEORGE W. MASSIGE, and JOHN L. MAS SIGE, Plaintiffs, vs. HENRIET TA W. JONES, nee Henrietta W. Westbrook; INEZ A. SEEVE, known also as Inez Allard Seeve; THELMA ALLARD; FLOYD AL LARD, and MRS. FLOYD AL LARD, his wife, if any; LLOYD ALLARD, known also as Loyd Al lard. and MRS. LLOYD ALLARD, his wife, if any; Mrs. AUGUSTA ALLARD; WILLIAM L. AL LARD. and MRS. WILLIAM L. ALLARD, his wife, if any; the creditors, unknown owners, un known heirs, or unknown devisees, if any, of the foregoing- named defendants, and of each of them; SHIRLEY D. PENNINGER, as Administratrix of the Estate of Harry Penninger, Deceased; SHIR LEY D. PENNINGER; HARRY GRANT PENNINGER. and MRS. HARRY GRANT PENNINGER, his wife, if any; LUCILLE BROCKMAN; as heirs at law, de îVrpc r AxT^ eaSe u' an< * A V B I ERSONS, unknown, claiming or who might claim any right, title,I Y0U ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this which is filed in the office °£ the. Clerk of this Court, a copy of whlch is herewith served upon y° u - and to file your answer and s ?, r ,Y e a copy thereof upon the plam tiff's attorney within twenty days a * ter the seiyice of this Alias Sum ^ons, exclusive of the day of serv ice. and m case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Com P^am?. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title to lands e e , ritv of laurel Ye! County^ Montanato-wit Icmstone County Montana to wit Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) in nv the ALLARD SU I.-DI\ ISION OF iowsTnvF° county' MON LOWSTONE COUNTY. MON TANA according to the amend ed plat of said sub-division on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Yellowstone County, Montana; together with all and singular estate, or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real prop erty described in the Complaint, or any part thereof, adverse to plaintiffs' ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiffs' title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or contingent, in cluding any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or accrued, Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA to the above named defendants and to All Other Persons, unknown, GREETING: the tenements appurtenances. and hereditaments thereunto be longing or in anywise apper- . taining thereto. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court this 3rd day of Febru ary. 1947. I j (COURT SEAL) U- H. McAlear, Red Lodge, Montana Attorney for Plaintiffs, / First nub Feb 5 1946 4t) 1 ' lrt puD ' reD - » > > KATIE DAVIES, Clerk of the District Court. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF d? s trÎc H t IR of E the state 01 OF MOVT4M1 iMAMn FOR THU cnnvTV vu toWSTONK COUNTY OF rELLOWSTONE. .IN THE MATTER OF THE ES XAXE 0F EDNA WALLACE GRIFFEY. Deceased. N0XICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, unde r and by virtue of an °n f ÄTÄSl | ':n 0 n or after the i nf u d „ v n J March 1947 sell private saIe _ in one ' parc el,' sub . the confirmation of said o f the right, title, inter est and estate of decedent, which J* 1 ® «nH iSati which has 'l 11 ®* mteres t and estate; \vlhmh has since accrued, by operation f I L erty. to-wit: Lots Fourteen (14) and Fif teen (15 in Block Fifteen (15) of Laurel Realty Second Sub division. East Laurel. Yellow stone County, Montana. The terms of said sale will be cash, ten (10%) per cent of the purchase money to be paid at tp e time of the acceptance of the bid, and the balance on confirmation by the Court, provided that credit may be given for the unpaid balance up, to one year with five (5% ) per cent interest on the unpaid balance. All bids and offers must be in writing, and may be left with the Administrator at his address be low, or such bids may be left at the, office of the Administrator's at torney, Melvin N. Hoiness, Court house, Billings, Montana, or mav be filed in the office of the Clerk of the above-entitled Court, at any time after the first publication of this notice, and before the making of the sale. Dated this 19th day of February, ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE FRED R. GRIFFEY, Administrator of the Estate of Edna Wallace Griffey. Wyoming Avenue, Laurel, Montana. Melvin N. Hoiness, Courthouse. Billings, Montana. Attornev for tbe Administrator, (Date of First Pub. Feb. 19. 1947.3t) 415 Heats Fast A new electric soldering iron heats in five seconds. ALIAS SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF, THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. a corporation, A. H. Malcom, Montana, a quasi-municipal corporation. Western Loan & Building Com pany, a corporation, successor of Western Loan & Savings Company, a corporation, the creditors, if any, of Susan Mai com. Deceased, and any other persons unknown claiming or who might claim any right, title, estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the com plaint, or any thereof, adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon whether such claim or possible claim be present or contingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or ac crued, Defendants. THE STATE OF SENDS GREETINGS TO ABOVE NAMED You are hereby summoned to an Clerk of this Court and file and ; i serve a copv thereof upon the 1 p i a i nt iff» 3 attorney within twenty days after the service of this sum-| nions, exclusive of the day of service; j and in case of your failure to ap pear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This action is brought to quiet title in plaintiff to the following de scribed real property situated in Yel lowstone County, Montana, to-wit: Lot seven (7) in Block three (3) of the Townsite of East Laurel, according to the official recorded plat thereof, together with tenements, and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in anywise apper taining. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Court, this 26th day of Feb ruary, 1947. L. L. CLUB. Plaintiff, vs. Yellowstone County, NOTICE TO CREDITORS „ . ., R w , Deceased Estate of H. B. Weber. Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the j undersiffne d Administrator of the Estate of H. B. Weber, deceased, to j the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said de ceased ' to exhl ^ ,t then \' vlth nece ssary vouchers, within four months afte r the first publication of this notic e. to the said Admin utrator at 301 Third Avenue in the* County of Yellow stone< state of Montana. Montana, Leb plaintiff's title, MONTANA THE DEFENDANTS: i hereditaments I KATIE DAVIES. Clerk. By Mary F. MacDonald Deputy Clerk (SEAL) B. L. PRICE. . Laurel, Montana, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated at ruary 25 . 1947 . GEORGE FAHY, Administrator of the Estate of H. B. Weber, Deceased. B. L. Price, Laurel, Montana, Attorney for Administrator. (Date First Pub. Feb. 26, 1947-41) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Nancy Bradbury, Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator with Will annexed of the estate of Nancy Bradbury, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims ®f a [ nst ^vfth^ the^neMssary SÄ- l° ur !-»"«■* the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator \vith Will Annexed at No. 2 Wold Building in L el in the County of Yellow t state of Montana, Dated at Laurel, Montana, Feb ruary 25. 1947. tii _, B. L. PRICE, rrsrFÄ w 5 ÏS RESOLUTION AND NOTICE WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 98 of 1937 i Session Laws of Montana, the Board J County Commisssioners of Yel J wstone County, Montana, restrict-1 the 1946-47 budget to a sum not exceedjn by ten per cen t the ex pend j tur es for the previous year, "Iheheas, Ik.. f .T II«; oners budget having been expended b reason of unforeseen expenses bein repeated i y incurred during the r K jn excess „f the sum con temelated and allowed by said bud-; t and I ^ WHEREAS, it is estimated that j the gum 0 f $6,000.00 will be 1 quired for said items until the end j oX ^ be fj sca l year, June 30, 1947. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RE | SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF c 0 u N T Y r COMMISSIONERS of Yellowstone County, Montana, that tbe sa j d sum as hereinbefore shown are hereby appropriated and added ga j d budget and that notice > fil hereby given that a public hearing wi( j be held on ^larch 6th, 1947 at 10:30 0 - c i 0C k a. m. in the office of said ß oard j n the Courthouse _ at piiü n gs, Montana, at which time apy taxpaye r may be heard for or a>îa i ns t the increase as contem p i a ted by this resolution, and tbat a c ô py of same be published in the Laurel Outlook, the officia! newspaper of MO Ä , T%.Ä r "^o"lion 94 \.s read and unanimously passed by the Board on this 25th day of Febru 1947. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS. YELLOWSTONE COUNTY. MONTANA. By CHAS. E. WICKS, Chairman. BEN B. HAGERMAN, Commissioner. G. W. FENTON, Commissioner. (Date First Pub. Feb. 26, 1947-lt) De in i Wanfl AUS i | I | DEAD STOCE p 0 R SALE—Eitchen cabinet $15; small round table $2.50; chest of drawers $8. Cabin 1, Riverside Park I FOR SALE—Two story home, apart ment upstairs. 813 Penn. ave. phone 498-R. 2-12-3tp Stenographer with some bkkg. ex perience would like work even ings. Call 0306-R-2 after 6 P. m. 2-29--tp „ , , . , .. ... $50 Reward for information leading t ren tal of 4 to 6 room house. jefcrences furnished if desired. Q Box 2S2 Laure |. stark Bros< Nurseries-Fruit trees, s h ado trees, flowers and shrubs. ,. hone 0303-R-l. Clyde Bray, Lau , 2-19-5tp F 0 R OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS HEIKE NOTICE All classified ads to appear in this column must be paid for in advance unless you have a charge account. FOR SALE—Girl's bike, good shape. Pad for 9 x 12 rug. 501 Elm ave. 2-29-2tp WANTED — Clean cotton rags. Greening Chevrolet Co. 10-10-tf. FOR SALE—Two bedroom home. Hardwood floors, furnished or un furnished. 402 4th ave free. Call moved within 12 hours. Whitt Products. Call collect. 3-0500, Billings. 9-11-tf itp FOR SALE—House logs at 23c per ft. and also finished lumber at $68 per M. Phone 98, Laurel. 2-12-3tp hay. John FOR SALE—Alfalfa Wold. lip FOR SALE—3 weeks old brown Swiss heifer calf, parent. Registered O. Kraus, Joliet, Mont. 2-12-3L WANTED TO BUY—5 or 6 room P. O. box 232, Laurel. house. Avon Products, Phone 663-J. 2-19-4tp Itp SALE — White Wyandotte Phone 475-R, 619 7th ave. Itp 2-19-tf 110 . RUGS, Furniture. Carpets cleaned, repaired at your home. Call 8603, 118 So, Broadway, Billings, Mont. 3-29-p. RUGS, Furniture, Carpets cleaned, repaired at your home. Call 8603, 118 So. Broadway, Billings, Mont. 2-19-tf To sh "„rr,L, al .1 | overnight or until the wool is damp, 1 then press it on the wrong side with j a moderately hot iron under a dry ; press cloth. Do not press hard and j slip the iron over the fabric as this will tend to cause the woolen .folded In the middle, leave t doubled while dampening. After standing a few hours, reverse the SÄtÄST rrrrrrrrrm j . + + ♦ *♦♦♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ re-j—. - - ■■■ - 1 + + + + ♦♦ + ♦♦♦♦▼ ♦ DR. E. C. HALL ♦ 4, Physician and Surgeon + ' wold Building + LAUREL, MONTANA | office Phone 3, - Kes. 24 f i 4 . lfc4 ,* + j,4 ,j. 4. + + 4. ^ T T T _ ^. 4 . 4 ,4.4i4. + + + + + + | + * /-mapttt« r «aviif + j ♦ CHARLES B sawue | ♦ At î,? rney 'oA «f W j + I hone 34-W : + 214 First Ave., Laurel, Mont. + ■ 4. |,|.,|,4i4i4i4 + + + + + + ^^4444444444 L S HANSON ♦ Scientific Swedish Massage + ♦ Office Phone 1W + Res. Phone 53-M + 9V» First Avenue FOR SALE—Box assorted baby clothes, good condition. Also spring coat and several dresses. Two maternity dresses, size 9 to 11. Roy Hatcher, Hi Way apt. No. Up 7. Persian OWNER may have black tom cat by calling at apt. 19 Wold Bldg. Don't forget Wallet & Bobble Fix-It Shop. General repairs of all kinds. Located at 524 East Sixth St. Phone 683-J or 25-W. 11 VYE CLINIC T. R. Vye, M. D., F.A.C.S. Matthew W. Calvert, M. D, Office Hours: 10-12, 1-5 Phone 100 + ♦ + ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + + + + + + ♦ ♦ Montana + ♦ Laurel ♦ ♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ************ B. L. PRICE Attorney- AT-LAW Notary Public Office in Wold Building LAUREL, MONT. ♦ ♦♦ + ♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦♦ + + ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + + ' R. S. LUTZ, O. D. OPTOMETRIST ♦ 112 Broadway - Billings, Mont ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + + + + ♦♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦ + + + A. C. HOOSE C. P. SMITH ♦ OPTOMETRISTS ♦ + + Billings Montana ♦ ♦ + + + ♦ + + + + ♦ + ♦♦ + Insulate Now! With Fireproof Rockwool • Save up to 10% on Fuel Gills • Makes Your Home as much as 15 De grees cooler in summer FOR FREE ESTIMATE Call or Write DON I). BERGESON Rockwool Contractor Rockwool Pressure Insulating' Co., I». O. Box 5—Rhone 8230 Billings, Montana Materials Now On Hand for Kitchen Cabinets Odd Size Cabinets Furniture Repair Any Type Millwork Store Fixtures Laurel Const., Millwork TED WEBB. Mgr. Phone 215-J SEE THE O. K. Rubber Welders for Recapping and Tire Repairing Reconditioned Tires and Tubes on hand location on highway east of Laurel Hides and Pelts WOOL SCRAP METAL Acme Trading Co. BILLINGS. MONTANA 2015 Montana FURS Phone 4660 ♦ Prices Are Still Climbing! Does your Insurance protect you? ♦ : ♦ See ♦ ♦ FENTONS ♦ « •* QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrooBookTellsof HomeTreatmeiitthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over two million bottles ofthe WILLARD THBATM E N T have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Casslnees, Heartburn, Sleoplessnese, etc., due to Excase Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial! Ask for "Willard's Message" which fully ^»-nia.ina till« treatment—frw—at PRICE'S PHARMACY Phone 464 Dr. W. A. McCormick Chiropractic Physician 7 First Avenue Hours; 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Evenings by Appointment At Mont Aqua Sundays