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GET YOUR Rexall Remedies AT PRICE'S PHARMACY cM' s ' Tussy iaeM CONTRABRAND r t A New Shade in © Lipstick » « • Si • Chances are you haven't appendicitis — or any other serious malady. But it's best to know. If health is in question, con sult and co-operate with your Physician. And, we'll co-operate if you'll bring his prescriptions to us. your Rouge 75c ♦ RELIABLE#.* PRESCRIPTIONS . . RADY NEEDS . . 63c $1.00 Mennen Baby Oil. 89c 1 lb. Dextri Maltose 50c J & J Baby Oil 50c Albonene Baby Oil..39c 1 lb. Cerevim. 1 lb. S M A ,43c 5 lbs. Dextri Maltose .$2.79 ,43c 1 lb. Pablum 39c 39c 98c 50c J & J Baby Cream..43c 50c Mennen Talcum Poultry and Animal Neetls •/ FOR COCCIDIOSIS 5 lb. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic .. Dr. Roberts Calf Medicine . Dr. Roberts Worm Seed..50c 95c Lee's Acidox __ Ren-O-Sal tablets . Dr. Hess Coxitrol . 12 oz. Leemulsion.. 30-Ib Dr. Hess Pan-A-Min. 1 lb. Dr. Hess Louse Powder ... 7 lbs. Dr. Hess Hog Special . 50c 30c 50c 80c $1.00 Squibb's Penovoxil For Calf Scours For prevention: One, three times a day for the first day. $4.10 30c $1.25 ?i 100 Squibb's Vitamin A Capsules, High Potency . $3.42 Prescriptions A Specialty ilf i ■MJfJJÆvsÆ i 'p I i JMHI j \o Wo^ ■i ij .. 1» i : m ■v. É \v i Mi «•< ** i :0 : ' V m ■ PSP' l V Ml 0 ft "*S V Your hogs will thrive under good living conditions and it will be money in your pockets if you see that they get proper care and housing. If you need a loan for better equip ment, improved sanitary arrangements, new buildings, etc., come for a confi dential talk with one of our officers The Yellowstone Bank «CMBOt PfOWAl DEPOSIT IMS OVA MCE COtPOtATtOM Read oultook Want-Ads • • • • • • i Around the Town Visiting here during tournament week were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyd of Butte. They were residents of Laurel a number of years be fore going to Butte, a former home, where Mr. Boyd is in engine service of the Northern Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tobin of Butt.e were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hamlett during tournament week. Mr. Tobin was referee. Mrs. Anna Rogers of Pocatello, Ida., arrived here Saturday after noon and is spending the week with her relatives, the Fenton family. Her mother, Mrs. Nina Clark of Cody, Wyo., spent the week end here, arriving Friday and return ing to Cody Sunday evening. Bridge winners were Mrs. J. H. Albertus, Mrs. M. K. Harschlip and Mrs. Leonard Ferrin when Mrs. Fer rin was hostess at dessert last Wednesday for members of her club and a guest, Mrs. Kenneth Walker. Among the corps of officers of the Yellowstone county federation of Women's clubs elected and installed at the all-day meeting in the First Methodist church in Billings was Mrs. Eleanor Crawford, parliament arian. The Lockwood Woman's club was hostess to the group. Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Cook of Bozeman, accompanied by several friends, were guests last week of Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Henry. i I I Auxiliary r Activities I e> a "3 f » ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The regular business meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Marj orie Pearson, Tuesday, March 4, p. m. Auxiliary Charters 250 New Units Two hundred and fifty new units of the American Legion Auxiliary were chartered during January, has been announced from national headquarters in Indianapolis, Ind. The Auxiliary now has 11,000 active units, one in almost every commun ity in the United States, its terri tories, and a number in foreign countries. 1946 reached a total of 800,320. By mid-January 691,111 members had enrolled for 1947, a gain of 106,163 over the same date last year. Members enrolled for National Wildlife Week Observance Inaugurated by President Frank lin D. Roosevelt in 1937, National Wildlife Week has been devoted an nually to discussion of wildlife and wildlife conservation problems, in the schools, press and radio. National Wildlife Week will be ob served this year from March 16 to k> / />' / Jj» K.-jW 1 7» /U v. for! j/■ ■< -, urn » j**#* h4Ki. 22. It is sponsored by the National Wildlife federation. Emphasis is be ing placed on the need for greater protection and management of fish and game to meet greatly increased interest of millions of returned vet erans to the hunting and fishing fields. Removing Paint Splotches If enamel or paint has been spat tered in lumps or blobs on varnished surfaces, such as furniture or floors, try scraping it very carefully with an old razor blade as far as you can without scratching. Then rub very gently with very fine steel wool until clean. Then touch up the dulled spots with very thin wax paste. Let dry and then polish. Dance Sponsored by American Legion Post No. 100 At Park City Gymnasium SATURDAY, MARCH 15, Music by Nystul's Orchestra ■ WOLD'S Friday and Saturday, Feb. 28, March 1 14-oz. bottles Heinz Ketchup No. 2y 2 cans Ben Lomond Tomatoes, 2 for. 27 c 45 c 46-oz. cans Standby Orange and Grapefruit Juice, sweetened 27 Large cartons Blue Tip Matches 39 e ij i* No. 2V 2 cans Hunt's Apricots, 2 for. 2-lb. pkg. Flexo. 19 C 63 c Quart bottles C-Z Self Polishing Wax No. 2 cans Old Yellowstone Cream Style Corn, 2 for. 79 39 c e California Grated Tuna, per can. Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix, 3 pkgs.. 29 25 <* c Ritz Butter Crackers, 1-lb. box. Libby's Deep Brown Beans, 2 cans. 33 29 V Wold's Grocery PHONES 170 and 171 8 .A Need Phosphorus Lacking phosphorus enough in their feed,, cattle may develop nu tritional diseases, the most common of which ia known as "creeps." For a remedy, scientists recommend phosphorus compounds dissolved the drinking water or mixed with feed. Bonemeal fed in a self-feeder is a convenient way to supply phos phorus. For prevention there is a third and indirect method of im proving the phosphorus supply by fertilizing ranges and pastures with a superphosphate. in Cooking Ducks Wild ducks can be roasted success fully in an uncovered pan. Keep the oven temperature moderate (325 degrees F). Allow 20 to 30 minutes per pound of bird for roasting time. Wild duck meat is not only darker than tame duck but is drier. You can keep it moist by laying a few strips of bacon across the breast or baste the bird frequently with the juice of an orange—a flavor thatds especially pleasing with duck. DDT Not Dangerous Hesitancy to use DDT because of its hazard to health is, in most in stances, unjustified. When used ac- ( cording to recommendations, DDT j insecticides are not dangerous—ex- 1 cept to the insects. They are actu ally less dangerous than such com mon insecticides as lead arsenate, paris green, sodium fluoride or nico tine. One should always, of course, handle insecticides of any kind with care. Make Use of Felt Use felt from discarded hats for house slippers, a handbag, warm mittens for a school child. Grease spots come out of felt with dry cleaning solvent—or the felt may be washed in mild, warm soapsuds, though this takes out some stiff ness. Felt may be stretched slight ly, shrunk, or molded with steam and a hot iron, and sewed by hand or machine the same as cloth. Since there is no raveling, there is no need to finish seams. Best Strawberry Soil The best soil for strawberries is a sandy loam that retains mois ture. Great Plague of 1665 The bubonic plague of 1665 began in London's suburb of St. Giles-in the-Fields. deaths occurred in the city, the greatest devastation occurring in the outskirts, such as Stepney, Shoreditch, Clerkenwell, Cripple gate, St. Giles' and Westminster quarters wherein the poor were densely crowded. Of the 97,306 deaths recorded in that year, 68,596 were attributed to the plague. few Comparatively T , v 1 H i i HÉ m m f i s W $ I & 0W ! Atir Beet contracts are now in the field— guaranteeing the highest beet prices in the history of the industry! m GREAT WESTERN SUGAR COMPANY Regulate Growth By controlling both the tempera ture and length of day for chrysan themums, Cornell research men have found it is possible to produce blossoms any time of the year. Old Shoe Store Learned's shoe store is still doing business at the same old stand just off historic Dock square where it was founded in 1799.