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Churches ASSEMBLY OF GOD Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sunday evening, 8 p. m. Tuesday evening prayer service, 8 p. m. An invitation is extended to all to attend these sendees. third Sundays of each month at 7:30 p. m. at Our Savior's Lu theran church. Sunday school and Bible classes, 9:45 a. m. Services 11:00 a. m. Theme: The Faith Christ Desires to Find in Us. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Wallace Bristor, Rector. Services conducted on first and OUR SAVIOUR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH and JOLIET LUTHERAN CHURCH C. O. Anderson, Pastor. Telephone 234-J At Laurel: Matt: 15:21-28. Services 7:30 p. m. The Submis sion of Christ. Matt: 26:39-44. We will not have a teachers' meet ing on March 2. Tuesday 7:00 p. m., choir practice and Bible study of the Psalms. Tuesday, 8:00 p. m., Adult Confir mation class. Wednesday 2:00 p. m. Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Clark. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Services. Theme: The Passover Lamb. Exo dus 12:-13. Thursday 2:00 p. m. Mission So ciety meets in the church parlors. 6:30 p. m. Arts and Crafts group in the church parlors. 7:45 p. m. the Lutheran Brotherhood will meet in the church parlors. At Joliet: Bible class and Sunday school at 9» r t I •/ ß W Y f 1 "n A ß * il r-TsST m There is nothing quite like a generous serving of golden-ripe grapefruit or a large glassful of tangy grape fruit juice to perk up appetites these mornings, k Make grapefruit a regular feature at your breakfast table. It's welcome at other meals, too. Use it in appe tizers, salads and desserts. Get some of this golden fruit at Safeway today while it is at its peak of goodness. Give the family all they want Vr W SUPPLY AT /' SAFEWAY during this GROWER-CONSUMER CAMPAIGN 9 Arizona White D. S. No. 2 GRAPEFRUIT 5 Lbs 29c 18c PINEAPPLE JUICE PINEAPPLE PEACHES APRICOTS Libby's. No. 2 Can 1.69 27c Vz Case Libby's Sliced. No. 2 Can Hunt's. Sliced or Halves No. 216 Can _ Westpeak, Whole Unpeeled No. 2% Can _ 35c Wash. Romes. Extra Fey. and Pcy. 4 Lbs Washington D' Anjous. Lb. Texas O. S. No. 1. 3 Lbs. _ Calif. Clip Tops Ü S. No. 1. 2 Lbs. „.. California New ü. S. No. 1. Lb. „.. California Pascal O. S. No 1. Lb. . Calif. Fancy. Hydrated 8-oz. Pkg _ Idaho Yellow, ü. S No. 1. 5 Lbs. Apples Pears Yams Carrots Cabbage Celery Dates Onions 49c LEMONS 27c _ 39c Sunkist, ü. S. No. 1 Pull of Juice CATSUP 39c Crackers Saltine Wafers 2-lb. box .. 2 Lbs 25c 17c 33c Red Hill 19c . 8c 13t6-oz. Bottle _ POTATOES 15c 39c FRUIT COCKTAIL GRAPEFRUIT Hunt's Fancy. No. 2t6 Can _.. D. S. No. 1 19c Glenn Aire Fancy Sections. No. 2 Can _ 21c 10 a $2.98 Lbs..,.. „ 25c APPLES PEARS Comstock Sliced Sunkist, U. S. No. 1. 10 Lbs. ORANGES Highway 79c _ 27c 39c No. 2 Can_ No. 2 , 6 Can EDWARDS CORN I Spinach «ÖTkn _ I Del Monte Diced I uarrois 3. 0Z . Glass . I Green Beans I PEAS j Vitapak j Grapefruit I Oranae Juice J SpaghettiL Ri S s ...... 1 CnU.h Happy Vale, Pink I Mlimon No. 1 Tall Can . Post Toasties Zoom Cake Flour Prunes Soup Clam Chowder /■I __Spreads, Old English, Uieese smoKay. 5-oz. Jar .... m/C Deviled Meat Vienna Sausage 12c 12c ll-oz. Pkg COFFEE Country Home Whole Kernel 24c 15c Rich Flavor Cereal. 2-lb. Pkg. Fisher's 2-lb. Pkg. Sugar Ripe, Medium 2-lb. Pkg _ Campbell's Asparagus 1016 -oz. Can - 93c 17c Nancy Lee Cut No. 2 Can _ Gardenside, No. 2 Cans 2 Cans.. 24c 14c 2 Lbs. 12-oz. Can . 49c NOB HILL 25c PEAS COFFEE Apricot & Orange Juice, No. 2 Can . Juice, Florida Gold. 46-oz. Can 14c 15c Hunt's Sieve 1 Guaranteed to Please 41c 22c Bar Harbor 10V6-OZ. can 29c 25c l-lb. Pkg. „ No 2 Can Pull O' Gold No. 2 Can .... AIRWAY 10c BEETS COFFEE Libby's 3 V 2 -OZ. Can... Libby's 4-oz. can 9c 10c Rustic Cut Ground Fresh 39c 18c 12c 35c l-lb. Pkg. ... No. 2 Can Dutch Mill. American. 2-lb. Loaf 1.09 CHEESE WR iJJT: 59c Sirloin U. S. Good Lb. STEAK ROAST PORK CHOPS PICNIC HAMS ROAST BEEF FRYERS BACON Popular brands. Ctn Kitchen Craft 25-Ib. Bag Schillings Vanilla or Lem. 1-oz. btl Milk Cherub 3 Tall Cans.... 39c • Dennison's With ] Beans No. 1 Can _ • Porter's Asstd 1 14-oz. Pkg. „.. Libby's Sweet Mixed 12-oz. _ Butter. Beverly, Reg., Chunk 2 lbs. True American 6-Box Carton ... 1.45 Cigarettes Flour Extracts 57c Chili 29c 1.68 Pork Loin or Rib End Cuts. Lb._ 65s 17c Center Cuts. Lb. 19c Macaroni Pickles Peanut Matches _45c Tenderized. Lb._ Pot Roast ü. S. Good. Lb.. Eviscerated, Drawn. Cleaned Ready for the Pan. Lb .. Half or Whole Slab. Lb. Sno-White 26-oz. Pkg _ M. J. B. l-lb. Pkg. _ 29c Salt _7c 39c 59c 17c Rice 69c 65c Hunt's B'berry l-lb. Jai _ 23c 45c Preserves TOMATO JUICE 49c WHITE MAGIC SHORTENING Libby's. No 10 Can Cleans, Bleaches Royal Satin > 23c 1.33 f v 2 Cal . «w m. 3-lb. Jar Services .t 2 , 3 o p. m . 1:50 p. m. Anyone who still desires to contri bute to the Hanson Memorial fund may do so at the Sunday services. We welcome you to be with us at all of our activities. THE METHODIST CHURCH M. J. Wilcox, Minister 0 , . t The Semaphore of Life. A - - j es by laymen. , Methodist \outh Fellowship at j ,5:30 p. m. Junior high at the par i ] or an( j high school at the sanctuary. ■ 1 Calendar for this next week:) Thursday (tonight): Hobby night at I the church parlor at 8 p. m. Any one interested is invited. Friday: Pre Easter Meditation at the parlor at 2 p. m. for ladies, sponsored by the W. S. C. S. Cub pack meeting at the church parlor at 7:30 p. m. with Cubmaster R. L. Ferrin in charge. Saturday: Cub Den No. 1 j at Den Mother, Mrs. Clyde Bray's. ! Monday: Cub Den No. 4 at Den Mother Mrs. A. E. Leuthold's at 14:15 p. m. Tuesday: Rotary club at ; ! the parlor at 12:15 p. m. Choir at the sanctuary at 7:00 p. m. Adult Bible Fellowship at the parlor at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday, Boy Scouts at scout hall at 7 p. m. The official board will not meet this I Wednesday. Thursday, Cub Den No. 2 at Den Mother Mrs. Harold Wil Hams' at 4:15 p. m. District Boy Scout Council at Columbus in the At Laurel: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Laymen's Sunday, anthem by the choir. Sermonette to juniors on evening. At Park City: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7 p. m. Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Anthem by the choir. Sermonette on "The Semaphore of Life.' dresses by laymen. Calendar for this next week: Thursday (today), Woman's Society of Christian Service at Harmony Ad m« jmj. ^ Tuesday, ^ James H. Haueter, Pastor. Sunday, March 2 Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. A School in Living Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. In the Beauty of Holiness." N. Y. P. S., 6:45 p. m. Christ to the Nation." CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fifth at Penn. Giving . Monday, March 3: ^Junior choir, P ' m ' ''°; Da : K ^' Fire > 7:30 p. m. B. S. A. Troop 15, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, March 5: Bible study and Prayer service, 7:30 p. m. Church board meeting, 8:30 p. m. "The Friendly Church with a Vital Message." —7 - - - t ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH H. E. Vomhof, Pastor. A German service will be con ducted Sunday morning at 10 a. m ., 1 an English at 11. The old Gospel is preached in our church. You are welcome at these services. A Lenten service will be con- i ducted on Wednesday evening at >7:45. If you love your Savior and have no other church connection, come. ^ ; Catechism study for adults on Thursday evening at 8:00 p. m.-in connection with the Aid. - ^ ^ ST. PAL T L'S LUTHERAN CHURCH "The Church of the Lutheran Hour" Park City, Mont. A. M. Bachanz, Pastor ! The Lutheran hour, KGHL, Sun-j day, 9 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. j Divine services at 9:45 and 11 j a. m. ; Instruction class on Monday , 1 i Wednesday, Friday, 4:10 p. m. Mid-week Lenten devotions on Wednesday, 8 p. m. The Women's society March 7 at the home of Mrs. John Giesick at 8 p. m. Saturday school 9 to 12 a. m. Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p. m. meets Hamlett Named Strout Realty Representative _ A branch office of Strout Realty, I nc ., has been opened here, H. Lee Hamlett of 615 Third avenue an nounced this week. Territory to be handled by the Laurel office, Ham lett said, will cover a radius of 50 or more miles. ating in eastern and middle west -1 ern states since 1900, and in 1934) expanded its service to the Pacific coast where it is now represented j n Washington, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Nevada, Idaho and California, A description of Laurel and en- . virons, ranches, homes and lands that are for sale is to appear in a'future edition of the Strout cat alogue, according to Hamlett. - <r>/ , 1 » r* 1 fiC L/Ul IO OrZ ÛV S•* _ Mr. and Mrs. Rov Sandman are' the parents of a daughter born Sun day, Feb. 23 at a Billings hospital. J Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hafer were ! hosts at their home Tuesday at the regular meeting of the Adult Bible Fellowship. Mrs. M. J. Wilcox was) in charge of the lesson study hour. I Pians were made for a pot luck sup- j per to be given at 6:30 at the ) Methodist church preceding the next i meeting. Appointment on the com niittee of arrangements for the! sup per and program were Mr. and \ Mrs. Hafer and Mr. and Mrs. W. j c. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reiter, Jr., I moved last week to their new apart- j rnent building on West Main street. I Miss Grace Stadalman, clerk at j the Billings Gas company office, | s reported ill of influenza at her home. Strout Realty, Inc., has been oper is it nothing to you that Christ died for You? We cordially invite you to come and hear the message of the cross. A most cordial wel come awaits you. a Miracle Play In I t ns PASTfiRPS th<» hvhriH L Spanish Indian miracle plav introduced to Mexico centuries ago by Spanish monks and presented in Modern Texas Town San Antonio during the Christmas season, is enacted primarily for its spirituality. A group of amateur actors go from house to house by invitation and because it is traditional that no one prompted by idle curiosity should witness the performance, only the initiated can find the scene of presentation. Usually someone's back yard be comes the stage; the doorsteps serve as background for the Naci miento. Manger scene: various objects are set on the stairs; pieces of crockery, tinsel, pincushions, pa tron saints—anything the household considers especially beautiful. In the center of the lowest step, the Chris *; Child * a .. life *'?i? ed ,. doU P lac f d on * a platter with divers g f udy candy) , 1S surrounded by P laster shepherds, donxeys, etc. 1 f M ta j I*» ,_Nv / k i = p fc*"** w m y 1 am. A tern opposite the Nacimiento gives evidence of representing hell: bonfire has been built within and live devils emerge therefrom. The play has definite time for beginning, but finally, a girl starts to walk back and forth reciting. Overdressed shepherds drone a seemingly endless song. Ermitano, the comic relief, carrying a rosary of spools, also represents the soul of its earthly journey and is often accompanied by the white winged Archangel Gabriel. It is a never-ending performance: seven devils, six in sequined black with animal masks and the fork tailed Lucifer in brilliant red, are finally vanquished; likewise, a wild Indian is overcome and kisses the Christ Child; the shepherds and all in attendance kiss the Child, solemnly and as slowly as possible. Better Paint Jobs Not so long ago all automobiles were painted by hand and brush. The custom job had 24 to 30 coats of paint and varnish, laboriously hand applied, rubbed and polished. Most cars today get and need only one or two coats of enamel or lacquer which is sprayed on and dried in a fraction of the time and at a frac tion of the cost. 'ij V'. j» * accurate T I M € SCRVIC6 Precise time keeping ability is always the result of our thoro, skillful repairing. yjjf 'A' IM/Mi OPR Ni P.DEPOT B New Steel R K p FENCE POSTS m Standard Product Not War Surplus Drive Type 6'6" Long Anchor Attached Painted Red 85c ■ Each § F.O.R. Casper, Wyo. | While They Last | Mail Check with | Shipping Instructions | American Pipe and | Supply Company i Box 1689 Casper, Wyo i ■ n I ■ ESI mini ii.hi 26, Doyal Theatre ■ ^ WEEKLY PROGRAM! THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Feb. 27-28, March 1 He wanted his wif< -so he sent her his heart again, but she tossed it aside for the more material things of life and by rejecting it she signed her own death warrant. Dan Duryea June Vincent Constance Dowling Broderick Crawford Peter Lorre Freddie Steele In Black Angel 9 9 Second Feature Here's a laugh-a-minute, side split ting riot, as the Marx Brothers come back goofier than ever in the middle of Casablanca. There's mu sic and dancing in it too. Marx Brothers Lisette Verea Charles Drake Lois Collier Dan Seymour Sig Ruman In A Night In Casablanca «6 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY March 2-3-4 A man and woman adventure in a land where shadows never sleep, where every eye holds a challenge, and where every kiss hides a threat. She uses her kisses to buy what guns could not win. Cary Grant Louis Calhern Ingrid Bergman Madame Constantin Moroni Olson Claude Rains In Notorious «6 99 Sunday shows at 2:30 6:45 & 9 P. M. Monday-Tuesday Shows at 8 P. M. WEDNESDAY ONLY BANK NIGHT March 5 The Story of a young lawyer facing his only toughest case with only his nerve and his brains to pull him through and only a few short hours stand between him and the loss of the girl he loves. Tom Conway Martha O'Driscoll June Clay worth Robert Armstrong Addison Richards Pat Gleason In 'Criminal Court' Second Feature A Comedy hit starring Fred Brady, Paula Drew, Shiela Ryan, and Wal ter Catlett. In 'Slightly Scandalous 9 Shows at 6:45 and 9 P. M. RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I am free from pain and able to do my work that T will gladly answer anvone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O.Box 825, Vancouver. Wash LOOK! Place your order now for FERTILIZER One load or one hundred. Also Lumber Finished or Rough Call 261-M BB It's Flu Time 9 / We have Vaporizers Heat Pads Sun Lamps Infra Red Lamps Germacidal Lamps -LAIK1 RADIO iECTRIC SO