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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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il I St. Patrick's Dance Danee March 15 I I The Turf The Stockman ! i i 5? i \w BAR BARBER SHOP SPORTING GOODS — RECREATION i Where Men Meet Men n ». I I and ' SPONSORED BY BILLY PRICE POST 3177 I i CAFE ' I I i Cafe — Sport Goods — Barber Shop Cigar Counter — Bar Veterans of Foreign Wars To Serve You ! I i I ■ I I 14-16 No. 271h St M BillinRS, Mont. I I I j i i ! Laurel, Mont. WHERE THOROUGHBREDS MEET'' Montana I I Billings At High School Gym I I Music by Jake Adolph and His 7 Merrymakers I I 1 I I SEE I 1 I I V. C. JOHNSTON LUMBER CO. MONTE CARLO i j ! "Shop at Sears and Save ♦ « I « I CHEERIO DANCE To the CABIN TRIO I ! ! I BAR i i for Cocktail Lounge I i i i All Slate Tires All State Motor Oil Master Mixed Paints Craftsman Tools Maid of Honor Housewares Homart Kitchen Cabinets and Furniture HARDWARE - GLASS PAINT - BUILDERS SUPPLIES I i i and I I ' I I ! Come in for I I LOUNGE i « « ii Every Wed. and Sat. Eves. I Your favorite drinks Phone 1 ( ( 213 E. Main I I I I I Your Favorite Bottle Beer Wines and Liquors I I I Liquors Wines I I I I « I Courteous and Friendly I I J Cigars I I i Service I I I i SCOTT'S I J I I CABIN NIGHT CLUB i I I 19 North 29th .St. I ! Cleaning and Laundry I Strain Bros, Inc. i i Phone 176 I i 1 I I i f Be Thrifty —Phone .'550 Billings Laurel, Mont. 1 1] miles East of Laurel I I Î Selling Agents for Sears Roebuck and Co. I I i I I I I J ) I ) I I I « 1 4 - 7L O.»-., r.* A tie UUlLOOR àayS' - A program of entertainment at the meeting of the Woman's So-1 ciety of Christian Sendee Friday afternoon in the Methodist church parlors included two songs by Shir lev Wilson and Betty Strand. With Dorothy Hilgert as accompanist. they sang "Let the Rest of the World Go Bv" and "The Old Lamp Keep ft I N G i D'l A M O N D J * V) ' ■>» 'S-4 r\ « ( s \i ~ 7 I I : f\S ■ i. $ y % £ y» VI (B M m r Choose with confidence ot this store ... a genuine registered Keepsoke, the most treasured of ail diamond rings. 767 50 A.CASTIE Set Engagement Ring 175.00 B. WELFORO Set 450.00 Engouement Ring 350.00 * AH rings illustrated ovoiloble in white os well os nofurol gold Rings enlarged to show detail» Prices include Federal to* i Good Housekeeping J H. A. Carlisle JEWELER Laurel, Mont. ' lighter." Devotionals were led by ! Mrs . M. F. Crawford, and Mrs. O. chairman, ! K. Chapman, program j discussed "The Work of the Sunday School in Our Own Church." Fol | lowing the program a lunch was | served by hostesses, Mrs J. ». Gal j nsha, Mrs. Kus. »*- c j T - s - Buford. w .. I To honor Mr. and Mrs. Ted Webb ' before they left Sunday to make their home m Columbus, Mr and (Mrs. W. T. Johnson were hosts rn day at the Johnson home and serv ! ed a lunch. Entertainment during the evening was several tables of rook. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson, Mr. and Richardson, Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hafer, Mrs. Arliss Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nice, Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris, Rothwell, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and the guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Freed had guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dolveal of KMdeer, N. D., Mrs. Grant Traver of Rapelie, Miss Doro-1 thy Matter and Miss Margery Freed of Billings. Miss Ella OS i p * i £>ct.OTO ft fvs-.orr e «ft I Technical knowledge, practi cal experience, modern equip ment ... on these three im portant factors do we base our cleaning service. Let us show you the difference good cleaning makes. ] i I I I Î CLEANERS £ LAUNDRY • PHONE 550 | //I mm , /■ ; * ; '»V ■ 1 "i ßr*: y" * I BUILDING THE CITIZENS OF TOMORROW ... 260 Boys' Clubs scattered from Salem, Mass., to Tacoma, Wash., from San Antonio, Tex., to Waterville, Maine, will observe Boys' Club Week, April 14 to 20. Each club is made up of from 300 to 8,000 members. It is with in tkeir clubs that boys have found clean sports and proper guidance and, instead of becoming "bad" boys, they are developing into the nation's finest. ■J ^ Z. Uncle Sam Savs im ' A»t, ~ , i 25« -, l«i { Our great victorious Navy re mains a guarantee of our security. Your Savings Bonds helped to build the Navy. It is fitting, that Savings Bonds should continue as a pro lector of your future personal se curity. To the millions of mv nieces and nephews who are building a bet t.r America and better American homes for themselves and their families by continuing to invest regularly in U. S. Savings Bonds. message'^"FuU Seed ahead, folks, \nd fair sailing." u. S. Treasury Derartmtnt Treasury Department Rules . On Exemptions Under G.l. Bill WASHINGTON.—Parents of vet- j erans attending school under the G.l. Bill of Rights got a break in a treasury ruling covering their in come tax. The treasury ruled a parent, in ■ figuring income tax, may take an exemption for a son getting more than $500 from Veterans' adminis tration to attend school, provided the ' parent furnishes more than one-half the son's support. This amounted to an exception to the general rule that no one can be counted as a dependent if his gross income exceeds $500 a year. G.L i educational payments, such as tui tion, do not constitute income for tax purposes, the ruling said. These payments are made directly to the . educational institution. - Mine Qstector Finds Cut prize bull, Inka, and removed from j the animal's stomach two pounds of | scrap metal located by a mine de- j tector before the operation. Dr. T. H Ferguson of Lake Geneva. Wis., said the items included 13 pieces of j baling wire, one bolt, a piece of sheet | What's Matter With Bull FREEPORT, ILL.—A veterinari an operated on W. T. Rawleigh's ^ metal, and a dozen pebbles. Day by Day in Laurel Mrs. L. R. Stickelberger and children, Nancy Jo and Jerry, plan to leave Thursday for a two-week visit with relatives in North Dakota. In Doyon they will be the guests of Mrs. Stickelberger's mother, Mrs. Pearl Rice, and other points visited Schessler Daylight Mart FREE DELIVERY LAUREL PHONE 40 43c CRACKERS, Manchester, 2 lbs. .19c BEANS, Van Camps in sauce. 10c BEANS, Green, No. 2 can 3 for 39c MILK, Standby, tall lie KLE-CUE, quart PORK & BEANS, Old Yellowstone, No. 2^2 can 3 for 63c 3 for 49c SHREDDED WHEAT 6 for 25c CLEANSER, Kitchen CHERRIES, Red Sour Pitted, No. 10 can. $1.49 REACHES, in syrup, No. 10 can...$1.09 MACARONI & SPAGHETTI, quality, 2-lb. box. 29c 27c APPLE JUICE, quart 4 for 29c TISSUE, Northern 33c GINGER BREAD MIX, Augers 2 for 19c SOAP, Fels Naptha, bar. will be Oberon and Devil's Lake. A meeting of district officers of Royal Neighbors was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Frances Fisher for the purpose of appoint ing members of a committee for the district convention to be held in They were Mrs. Laurel June 3. Anna Ryner of Columbus, Mrs. Iva Carpenter of Billings, Mrs. Margaret Freed and Mrs. Fisher.