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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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J L „ v Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Huston, who daughter Mitzi of Vancouver, Wash., former residents of Laurel, stopped over in Laurel to visit relatives and The Outlook Says: Miss Elva Hixon and Mrs. Nelle Kahle of Los Angeles were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Laird from Wednesday through Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Larson of Glendale, Calif., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Laird Thursday. Mrs. Larson is a sister of the late Mrs. Malinda Alden. Mrs. Dorothy Huston of Seattle is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. *0. M. Wold. have been attending Montana State College at Bozeman, are guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. O. M. Wold. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mylan and £ ft ft ■ V ' i i , ■ ^ «Ml**************************** : : : JUST RECEIVED \ . : ^ > , , , : MEN'S LOAFERS : : : ; I : [ : * ; ; : : : SLIP-ON AND NEW MILITARY BUCKLE STYLE • ■ Only $5 95 4 ; : ► : : • : ' . , 1 i » > I V : : I BENTLEY v ■ ■ . s': J ' j 7 if .. W p. ' M . I 7 ; ' m ■ I A ! m i«!: m ml i ■v «1* ilm ■im Hi ■i " iWni Ph'iiwA 1 4 'j » i III j jl; mi it ' ■ i ■■■ 4 \ Striped sophistication in a smooth summer suit which will take Juniors wherever they want to go! In won lerful Russian Cord ... a finely corded cotton. Brown, Green or 74 Junior Sizes 9-15 * friends while en route to Minne apolis. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Long return ed from Spokane Thursday night where they attended the convention of the Veterans of the Northern Pacific railroad, June 9-10. 1204 i , , . ,. . . people attended the banquet given for convention guests at the Dav enport hotel.. While there, Mr. and Mrs. Long enjoyed trips through the Spokane Valley' and to Grand Coul ee .,. am ' . _ . ,, , ,, Tre X ,e B f^ daUg ^ r Mr J and Mrs. Russell Barr, 605 Second avenue, was elected vice president of the student body association of the Billings Deaconess hospital at a meeting held last week at the nurs es home. Miss Barr has completed her first two years of training ana is just finishing her training in [the operating room. — SnCiÂb/iïSÿ-ti « BENTLEY I I I -N v£x X ■ ff \ { m s a V Wr f I % ■ 4 I I m\ i m. i I T W n ;» î i Ilf V WHITE z* da If it's a terrific twosome with wonderful "little-girl" lace trim. Incidentally, it's a Bentley ... in white washable cotton gabardine. Sizes 9-15. $ 12.74 Mrs. W. T. Johnson returned Mon d f>' "*** f ™ m u Minneapolis where she attended the graduation exer cises of her S0I1) Robert j ohnson , at the University of Minnesota, accompanied his mother to Laurel f° r a ^ ew days' visit. Robert re ce .i v u ed a de ^ ee ? f bachelor of arts with a major in journalism. Earlier. he had been honored with the award of a merit key for work on the Minnesota Daily campus newspaper. Mr and Mrs . Johnson Rob ert wU1 leave the latter part of the week for a visit with re i at ives in g ea ttle after which they will go to g an Francisco. From there Robert! w ||| sa jj to Hawaii to accept a posi-h tion with the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Ralph H erriott arrived home from Missoula last Sunday where he at ITEMS FROM THE Reporter's Notebook He! tended Montana State University, He left for a six-week ROTC sum mer camp at Tacoma, Wash., Wednesday. P. H. Gardner, of the Gardner Drug Co., is making an extended visit at his sister's home in Char lotte, Mich. Jacob Batt, manager of the local Safeway store, spent four days in Butte last week attending Safeway Stores' location managers training conference. The next meeting of the Laurel Commercial club will be held Mon day, June 30. Mr. and Mrs. John Wold returned fro Lidgerwood, N. D., where they had spent the week end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frost. They were ac companied on their return home by their daughter and children, Franc es and Jackie, who spent the past 10 days here. Mr. and Mrs. Frost are owners and publishers of the Lidgerwood newspaper. Uncle Sam Says t: A3 lS 5 i p • - r ;. '-Vi r. % £> 1 I it I? * -, < r-r » Have you stopped to consider that save-as-you-go is as important to you as the pay-as-you-go plan, which millions of my nieces and nephews are rediscovering this month as their best friend in meeting income obligations? When you are signed up on the payroll savings plan or have arranged with your bank for regular monthly purchases of U. S. Savings Bonds, you're on an auto matic, easy save-as-you-go plan which will enable you to meet future personal and family obligations, or a business of your own, pay for a new home, travel or education for your children. As a good American, you are paying your income tax bill to your Uncle Sam to help pay for the war. As a good American, you also have the opportunity to turn the tables on your Uncle Sam. Investing in U. S. Savings Bonds regularly, your Uncle Sam will pay you $4 for every $3 in ten years. U. S. Treasury Department Hefty Hippo The hippopotamus, four tons and over, is second only to the elephant in size. It has a hide almost two inches thick, which alone may weigh more than a quarter of a ton. It can walk for miles on the bottom of a stream, closing ears and nos trils, coming up for air every six or seven minutes. By feeding on plants growing in river beds, it keeps the channels clear. MCK£VandH/SMA fir MAC (rEE/ SO XM F\ UNCLE RN' p, AUNT? T DID YOU KNOW YOUR SISTER fARV IS NOW "tHF mother of -twins? r 80-ra - n ZOi m fVNO R Gmu < W 'i. Ancients Vain Archaeologists digging among buried cities discovered that Sume rian women of thousands of years ago used "vanity cases" of gold, complete with tweezers, earpicks and head-scratchers. 7 BOYS OR : &\RLS? - (\ i wt c.* >0 Ç 0 ^ fs it ■»: •:fc lx 4 r/ÿ § (0 I k VlO % ms m © Y BIG SISTER SEZ: - VI t Vi Growing up is a part of life, and a boy or girl growing up needs plenty of good food. See the quality selection of meats, cold cuts, delicious salads and frozen foods offered by McCORMICK'S FOOD MART. They render the most prompt and courteous service! DAILY DELIVERIES ft » ! n - V Petunia Says; Take advantage of our every other-day delivery service and assure yourself of fresh dairy products during the days ahead. Ask for ANDERSON'S DAIRY PRODUCTS M c CORMICKS mm FOOD MART MB IUED. • FREE DELIVERY • SAT. PHONE 76 -77 Anderson's Dairy 109 W. MAIN Phone 91-J i ; | 1 I ; j ' ^ ' ' < 1 t * i \ VAUGHNS tXTS THE TOST OF LIVING! Sell-outs just a few weeks ago! If you missed them then, be here early Friday! Now! Another exciting week-end special sale of brand-new, thick-tufted - CHENILLE SI'REAIIS i ■ ■ Ai 95 : « Ï 0 : 1 o Q Wm Jt I ► ; ■ No Clearance! Every One Sparkling New! ■ ■ : ■ Trust Vaughn's to save you money! We scoured the market for super quality, thickly tufted spreads. Found them!. Priced them at this amazing $5.95 low! Solid color grounds with matching chenille, white grounds with multi-color floral designs, diamond patterns ... on fine SEAMLESS long wearing sheeting. IT WAS A ONE DAY SELL-OUT LAST TIME, so hurry in Friday! • 8 Different Patterns! : ■ • Solid Colors! ► • Multi-Colors) ; ■ • Washable! : Event Starts Friday Morning! Come Early! : ; ► ' \ ; Milk County Los Angeles county in California with 127,000 cows, produces more than 400 million quarts of milk an nually, the largest production per county in the world. Egg Bargain Brown eggs are a bargain at any season if the price is lower than the price of white eggs of the same size and grade. There is no difference , in food value between white and i brown eggs. 1 Good Eyes Aid Artists There seems to be a relationship between good vision and artistic ability. Of a group of 100 art stu dents examined, those who showed j superior artistic ability had excel lent eye coordination and depth per ception. Gold Widely Scattered Gold isn't confined to "them thar hills." This metal is found in minute quantities in almost all rocks, all copper and lead ores, and even in vegetation. Marine Emblem The marine corps emblem, show ing the western hemisphere on the shank of the anchor and sur mounted by an eagle, has been kept virtually the same as when adopted in 1868. Burial Custom A burial custom of the Igorot tribe of Luzon is to place the dead in a sitting position until the body is dried, and then put it in a cave or grave, according to the Encyclopae dia Britannica.