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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
Garden Club Plans August Flower Show The Unity Garden club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. H. Albertus for a 1:30 dessert lunch eon. Each member answered roll call by telling of her rock garden. Plans for a flower show to be held in late August and for a sale of fall bulbs were made. Plans were also made for members attend ing the state garden club conven tion at Bozeman, June 16-18. Mrs. Olive Cook, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Mabel Sommers were dele-1 gates. Mrs. Nell Brown, president, Mrs. Emily Richardson, vice-presi de,,., Mrs. Lala Sha.v, Mrs. Han- ie .t | Shay, and Mrs. Jennie Starkey at-1 tended the convention Tuesday. The club will meet again June 26 as guests of the Park City Garden club at Harmony hall at 1:30 for a dessert luncheon. i Aiheriistmtnt \ From where I sit ...^ Joe Marsh * 5 » Can't Break His Good Habits! m Bert Childers was saying, it's funny how so many of our wartime .mbits stick with us. Bert likes plenty of butter on his bread, but even now he can't get over spreading it like it was scarce as hen's teeth. And as a war worker, Bert used to stick to a temperate glass of beer on time off ; and he still holds fast to beer and moderation. Same way with Bert's wife. She not only has no trouble saving used fats, and waste paper. She's learned from wartime necessity to ». Copyright, 1947, United States Brewers Foundation TONIGHT ENJOY DINNER i at the CABIN IVTTE CLUB (14 Miles East of Laurel) CHICKEN STEAKS WINES BEER LIQUORS DANCE! Smart 3-Piece Orchestra —on Saturday Nights 4 -J <SAWYER'S> BLUE STAR Chicken Noodle Dinner 1 lb. 6-oz. can Regular 47c each MARTIN Dill Pickles Quart 34C Jar 3 for NEW WEST Apple Juice Folgers Coffee Quart Bottles 2 49c I ,b - 44c can DELHI WHOLE CANNED Apricots Ritz or Hi-Ho 26c $ 1.00 3 2i box cans 4 DR. PHILLIP'S Orange Juice GINGHAM Tissue 1 6 $a.69 46 oz. cans . 4 Rolls Camay Soap Vel Soap 2w Bars 29c box Get your Canning Cherries at SAWYERS is right and quality is excellent. the price Laurel, Mont. I Phone Ê= 266 AWYER STORES INC ni Füll I CALENDAR vJoming Events.. Friday June 2 o. The circles of the Woman's Society cf Christian Service will meet at 2 o'clock in the afternoon as fol Io '' T s: , . . „ .. „ , No 2 _ At Mrs Arthur Callahan's, No. 3—At Mrs. John Dyer's, No. 4—At Mrs. T. S. Buford's, . ^°* a At Mrs. Ted Webb's home in Wednesday, June 25. A special meeting of the Laurel Garden club will be held at the home of Mrs. L. L. Smith to g******* —-W £ j meeting . at Harmony hall In Park City on the following afternoon. Marine Gear In 1895, the headgear of marines was a spiked helmet. save every single thing that might possibly be used again. From where I sit, it's mighty good that so many of these com mon-sense habits like thrift and moderation have stayed with us. Because they belong in America— along with tolerance, and mutual respect for one another's rights. They're habits that have helped to make this country strong and neighborly and free. Campfire Girls On Cooney Dam Outing' The Oda-ko Campfire girls, spon sored by the church of the Nazarene, left Monday to spend a week at the Cooney Dam reservoir. Girls taking part in the outing are Lottie Ward, Ethel Scammon, Mary Ann Scammon, Patty Mathis, Berta Jean Wilson, Edith ' Belile, Donna Edg mond, Marv Lou Wilcox, and An-1 na Resser. The girls have been divided into two competitive sport groups and three work groupes. Camp super Rev Haueter of the Mi«;«; Harriet Miss Harriet I j J j make_ HAPPENINGS - visors are Nazarene church, Smith, and Miss Marie Dawson. Mrs. Charles Swindler and her mother, Mrs. Minnie Marsh, were guests from Reed Point at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Starbard. En route to their home in Sacra after visit with rel Emerson Bitle and children Ronald and Douglas, were overnight guests Monday of Mr, and Mrs. J, H. Crutcher. Captain and Mrs. Madison Hart ley and children, Tom and Carolee. of Great Falls are visitors at the homes of Mr. Hartley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hartlev and ~ . tt • other relatives Captain Hartley is, on two weeks leave from the Great; •as air^irt. Mr and Mrs H. M Larson re-. turned Sunday from Spokane, Wash.. where they spent 10 days the guests ; of Mr. and Mrs. J. Flanely, former ( Billings residents. 1 Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Green were Miss Lila Green and Gene McKinney of Billings and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Gunnels. and Mrs. Robert Mace returned Tuesday from a visit with relatives in Iowa. Their trip home was by way of Sioux City, Iowa, the Black Hills, and Sheridan, Wyo., bypassing Nebraska because of the high water. a atives in Miles City, Mr. and Mrs. During their stay they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kelly of Cedar Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Minshall of Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones of Missouri Val ley, all brothers-in-law and sisters of J. G. and Robert Mace. En route to Idaho where they Will be employed in the forestry service were Duncan Harkin of Ceverly, Md., and Charles Waterman of Washing ton, D. C., who guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johnston and accompanied the Johnston family on a trip to Custer Battlefield. overnight were Fish Food As to food value, for practical purposes it is common to group fish with meat, poultry and eggs. These foods are all outstanding as a source of protein, and supply iron and some B vitamins as well. Fish high in fat also contain significant amounts of vitamins A and D. Over Million Spent In Cancer Research j Detection Clinics Taking Part r _•_ Jn Intensive Campaign, | cancer research passed the million j " 0liar mark this year for the first lr R®: . I T . hls upr V sh 18 J ust th e beginning | pronruses to put cancer re I Jf®** ln the multi-million dollar ; „on ' b v Am campaigns for ! , ney b . v American Cancer society and a PP r °Priations of the federal government. More than 10 years was needed to arouse the public and the medical profession to anything more than a few-hundred-thousand-dollar annual research program against the dis ease that is the second cause of death. To the 17 million Americans now living who. by the predictions of American Cancer society, will get cancer, there is another phase of this upsurge that is far more inter esting and NEW YORK. — Expenditures for This is cancer detection clinics. Where there were only one or two dozen clinics two years ago, there are now 119 in the United States. ,, M< ? st of the Posent hope of saving : he "ves of cancer victims of the iroroediate future centers and similar clinics to come. They f atch cancer early, the only period W * en . 1lt .J. s llkely . to h t e curable JJ g f ° contrast all tne past nistorv of with the estimate of what could be done by early treatment American Cancer society's fig ures are that 95 cent ' of skin cancer could be cured> 75 cent 0 f breast, 75 per cent of uterine and 95 per cent of lip. But the entire list of cured cancers, as kept by Ameri can College of Surgeons, is under 50,000. There are many sites of cancer not included in the estimates of high percentage cures by early treat ment. But one thing is certain about these, that more will be cured through early examination, in these cancer cures Transit Facilities If all the street trackless trolley coaches and gas buses in America were parked bumper-to bumper, they would make a solid line from New York to Cincinnati. | Trim Vegetable Tops Root vegetables will keep better and taste better if the tops or leaves are trimmed before storing. STATE FARM MUTUAL INSURANCE Auto Fire Life H. L. HAMLETT, Agent 615 3rd Ave., Laurel 493-M L i Dr. L. L. DAILEY W formerly of 217 No, Broadway, \j_ W Billings announces his release . 7) from the Dental Corps, U: S: lv 1 Navy and the opening of his of- P IV fices for the practice of Gener- lv| al Dentistry at 1 11th Ave. North Air port Road in Billings ? i' 71 I ' ■3 QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due TO EXCESS ACID FroeBooklellsof HomeTreatmentthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over two mil Hon bottles of the WILLARD TREATMENT have been sold for relief ol symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodanal Ulcers due to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Castlnass, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial) Ask for "Willard's Mcstags" which fully •solains this treatment—Ire#—at PRICE'S PHARMACY * STARK BROS. ♦ ? NURSERIES i z —Fruit Trees, Shade Trees— $ — Flowers and Shrubs — ! Î — Landscaping — I Phone 0303-R-l CLYDE BRAY Laurel : j 5 i ♦ Herman Schessler and Clyde Giffin Builders CABINET WORK See us for estimates Announcing Hours of Service I THE BOARD OF TRADE 1 CAFE will be open to customers = dining the following hours: 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Sundays and week days. 6 A. M. to 2 A. M. Saturdays. We are sure you will be pleased with our food and service. Try one of our steaks. a THE Board of Trade Cafe fill 12m FINAL HORSE SALE Last and final REGULAR HORSE SALE for the Summer—we will sell all kinds— Thursday, June 20 th IMPORTANT! Horses must be in our yards not later than 3 P. M. on Wednesday, June 25th, as we cannot get brand inspection and tagging done after dark. Bet ter truck them on Tuesday. CATTLE SALES MONDAYS TILL FURTHER NOTICE Phone 4151 BILLINGS LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. 9 r 4 r a r -xrt i ill: s .X Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29th, Billings Phone 2888 9b t iil* jpj We Are Cooperating producers and processors in the United with other States who are making a special effort this month to call the public's attention to the great value of all Milk and its products are natural food that have dairy products in the diet of humans, never been successfully surpassed. We urge the eat ing of more daily products for good health and also for encouragement of the great dairy industry. For tops in Quality Ask For î ROSE BRAND Butter and Ice Cream LAUREL CREAMERY a rfodc Steuid, J)cu>iy ffaHÜuUô /6-2ND AVE. , LAUREL ■ * PHONE 65 I