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LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS Purchase of Motor Grader The Board of County Commission ers of Yellowstone County.^Montana,^ sLrr .rSÄ. li 1947 for the Purpose of one Motor Grader This m^hme must be powered by a diesel engine and equipped with 12 foot blade, scan fier cab, electric lights starter, heater and pneumatic tires be accompame , y . certified bid check in amount to ten (10) per cent of the amount bid and made payable to Yellowstone County, Montana. Europe contammg bid must be marked "Bid for Motor Grader' and be addressed to C. E. Wicks Chair mar, Boani of County Commiss.on e, Tim B , U an eaaanca of the bid on this machine and proposed delivery date must be stated in the bid. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board. C. E. WICKS, Chairman. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk. (Date First Pub. June 18, 1947-3t) t SUMMONS (For Publication) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DIS TRICT OF THE STATE OF MON TANA, IN- AND FOR THE COUN TY OF YELLOWSTONE. LAUREL CO-OPERATIVE ASSO CIATION, A Corporation, Plain tiff, vs. THE CITY OF LAUREL, MON TANA, a municipal corporation, JOHN BURKE and . his wife, if any, VIRGINIA WIL BERT, PETER G. ALLARD, a widower, LOUIS W. ALLARD and HARRIETT ALLARD, his wife, MARIE F. SHORT, formerly MARIE F. ALLARD, the unknown owners, unknown heirs, unknown creditors of AUGUSTA ALLARD, deceased, MRS. JAMES JONES, formerly HENRIETTA B. WEST Brook, and all persons unknown, claiming, or who might claim any right, title, estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the j complaint, or any part hereof, ad- 1 BURKE verse to plaintiff's ownership or any cloud upon plaintiff's . title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or con-1 tingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or accrued. Defendants. You are hereby summoned to ans wer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND ANTS AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN. GREET INGS: to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judg ment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title to the lands situated in Yellowstone County, Mon tana, and described as follows: Lots One (1), Three (3), (4), (5) (6) in Block Twenty-eight (28) of the amended Allard Subdivision to the Townsite of East Laurel, now City of Laurel, according to the official plat thereof; WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court this 25th day of June, 1947. KATIE DAVIES, Clerk of the District Court. By BERNADINE BOYD, Deputy Clerk. (Seal) CHARLES B. SANDE, Billings, Montana Attorney for Plaintiff. (Date First Pub. June 25, 1947-4t) OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY BY THE COUNTY as reappraised by the Board of County Commissioners. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Yellowstone Coun ty, Montana, entend on its minutes of the 18th day of June, 1947, the Board will on July 23rd, 1947, be ginning at 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Billings, in Yellowstone County, State of Montana, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder all the right, title, interest, estate, lien, claim and demand of the State of Montana and of said of NOTICE OF SALE Yellowstone in and to the following real property and the Board de termined and fixed the fair market! value of the property at the amount which set after the description; amount constitutes and represents the reappraised value as fixed by the Board as of this date. Lot 'nineteen (19) in Block one hundred sixty (160),(with build ing thereon), of the Original Town, now City of Billings, Montana, according to the of ficial plat thereof, now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Yellowstone County, Mon tana. Amount $*00.00 Such sale will be for cash, or on such terms as may be approved by the Board, provided, however, that if such sale is made on terms, at least twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the date of sale, and the remaind er may be paid in installments ex tending over a period of not to ex ceed five years, and all such de ferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of 4% per annum. (Sales of $100.00 or less must be cash.) EARLE KNIGHT County Clerk. (Date First Pub. June 18, 1947-3t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sale of Used Power Shovel. The Board of County Commis sioners of Yellowstdne County, Mon tana, will offer for sale at Public Auction at 11:00 o'clock a. m. Fri day, July 18, 1947, at the front of c House in Billings. Mon ih * <° n ™™ ^ Gag Powered % cubic Pawer shovel e ; d with crawler t track, d line boom and bu cket and sho * e , di and stick . This machine is listed ^ No . 17 on Yellowstone County's equipment m and may be seen at the County gh a dj aC ent to the Midland Em pire Fajr Grounds northea st of Bil lings. The Board has fixed the sa]e value of this ma . chine at $3t500 00> r> Order of the Board 0rd £ | f $1 C KS Chairman. < Dd * d Pub. Juno 25, 1347-«) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Purchase of Motor Grader. The Board of County Commission ers of Yellowstone County, Montana, will receive sealed bids until 11:00 o'clock A. M., Monday, July 14, 1947, for the purchase of one (1) Motor Grader. This machine must be pow ered by a diesel engine and equipped with 12 foot blade, scarifier, cab, electric lights, starter, heater and pneumatic tires. Bids must be accompanied by a certified bid check in amount to ten (10) per cent of the amount bid and made payable to Yellowstone County, Montana. Envelope containing bid must be marked "Bid for Motor Grader" and be addressed to C. E. Wicks, Chair man, Board of County Commission ers. Billings, Montana. Time of delivery is an essence of the bid on this machine and pro posed delivery date must be stated in the bid. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board, C. E. WICKS, Chairman EARL KNIGHT, County Clerk (Date First Pub. June 25, 1947-3t) Purchase of Motor Grader The Board of County Commis sioners of Yellowstone County, Mon tana, will receive sealed bids until 11:00 o'clock a. m. Friday July 18, NOTICE TO BIDDERS 1947, for the purchase of one ( 1 ) | Motor Grader. This machine must be powered by a diesel engine and equipped with 12 foot blade, scari f ier , cab> e i €ctr i c lights, starter, beater and pneumatic tires, Bids must be accompanied by a certified bid check in amount to ten (10) per cent of the amount bid and made payable to Yellow stone County, Montona. Envelope containing bid must be marked "Bid for Motor Grader" and be addressed to C. E. Wicks, Chairman, Board of County Commis sioners, Billings, Montana | Time of delivery is an essence of the bid on this machine and pro posed delivery date must be stated in the bid. The Board resemes the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board. - C. E. WICKS. Chairman EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk. (Date First Pub. July 2, 1947-3t) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Conrad Fox, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Conrad Fox, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said de ceased. to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administra tor at the Law Office of B. L. Price, Room 2, Wold Building in Reserve District No. 9 State No. 93-514 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE YELLOWSTONE BANK of Laurel, Yellowstone County, Montana, at the close of business June 30, 1947, a State banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Auth orities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. Gasbj balances with other banks, including reserve balance, Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations..$2,067,509.:9 ASSETS and cash items in process of collection.$ 682,685.80 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed.... 1,769,461.75 88,008.29 14,993.75 Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) .. Loans and discounts (including $228.33 overdrafts). Bank premises owned $2,500.00, furniture and fixtures $1,298.34 Other assets . •debentures • 3,000.09 763,233.87 3,798.84 25.49 TOTAL ASSETS $3,325,207.29 LIABILITIES I Time deposits of individuals-, partnerships, and corporations ... 787.178.S7 j Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) . | Deposits of States and political subdivisions. 1 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS . 59,495.64 221,059.11 56,124.07 $3,191,367.08 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below ...., CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $3,191,367.08 Capital* . Surplus . Undivided profits .$ 50,000.1 >0 50,000.00 33,840.12 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 133,840.12 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. ♦This bank's capital consists of Common stock with total par value of $50,000.00. $3,325,207.20 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes . I, H. S. Barrow, Assistant Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ..$ 465.300,90 Correct—Attest : H. S. BARROW. B. M. HARRIS. B. MEYER HARRIS. R. F. STEVENS Directors. State of Montana, County of Yellowstone, sa. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of July. 1947 (SEAL) WALTER REITER Notary Public for the State of Montana, Residing at Laurel, Montana. My commission expires May 29, 1950. j Laurel in the County of Yellowstone, ' State of Montana, the same being the place for the transaction of business of said estate in V ellow stone County, Montana. Dated at Laurel, Montana, June 30, 1947. GEORGE FOX, Administrator of the Estate of Conrad Fox, Deceased. (Date First Pub. July 2, 1947-4t) NOTICE OF SALE OF LOTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the City 7:30 o'clock P. M. July 15th, 1947, for the sale of the following described lots in the City of Laurel, Yellow stone County, Montana, to-wit: Lots 1, 2 and 3, inclusive: More particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a point 40 feet south of N. W. comer of Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 24 East, M. P. M., thence East 59° to point of beginning, thence East 90' thence South 130' thence West 55' thence N. 54° 30' West 49.0 feet, thence North 104.0 ft. to point of of Laurel, Montana, until beginning. Containing 0.25 acres more or less. The terms of the sale are cash and the full amount of the purchase price must accompany each bid. These lots were acquired from Yel lowstone County by tax deed to the City and a quit-claim deed similar to the deed issued by Yellowstone County, Montana, will be furnished the successful bidder by the City. The City reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. By order of the City Council. Dated July 2nd, 1947. TILLIE HOHENDORF, City Clerk (First Pub. 7-2, 1947-2t) NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DIS TRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Monroe W. Cramer, Deceased. Under authority of an order grant ed by the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Yellowstone, dated June 30, 1947, I, the undersigned execu tor will sell at private sale the fol lowing described real property being situated in Yellowstone tana, to-wit: The west 90.5 feet of Lot 5, and a tract in said Lot 5 of Westbrooks Subdivision in Sec tion 17, Township 2 South, Range 24 East, M P. M., be ginning at a point 1639.5 feet | east of the Northwest comer of Section 17, and running thence east 233.1 feet, thence south 1827.2 feet, thence in a south westerly direction along the Northern Pacific Railway Com pany's right of way 246.5 feet, thence north 1909.7 feet to the place of beginning, containing 13.87 acres, more or Ises. The sale will be made on or after July 19, 1947, and bids will be re ceived at the office of B. L. Price, Room 2 Wold Building in Laurel, Yellowstone County, Montana, or by the executor or filed with the clerk of the above named court. The sale will be on the following terms: Cash, lawful money of the United States, ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, balance on confirma tion of the sale by said court. Dated June 30, 1947. G. W. FENTON, Executor of the Estate of Monroe W. Cramer, Deceased. B. L. Price, Laurel, Montana, Attorney for Executor. (Date First Pub. July 2, 1947-3t) / .. : Marine Colors Scarlet and gold are the official colors of the marine corps. Big Bombers to Get Maine Base Rrmy Air Forces Announce Work to Begin Soon at Canadian Border. WASHINGTON.—A base for its heaviest and longest range bombers will be built by the United States in Aroostook county, Maine, the cor ner of the nation closest to trou bled Europe. The army air forces disclosed this important development in the na tion's strategic planning in a rou tine announcement that work would begin soon on construction of the new base, four miles from the Ca nadian border. It probably will be completed in the fall of 1948, at a cost estimated at between 13 and 14 million dollars. Supcrbombcr Base. While the announcement did not mention particular types of bomb ers, the AAF now uses B-29s and expects delivery in the near fu ture of B-50s and later B-36s. Un less a new very heavy bombard ment (VHB) command is created before the field goes into use, it is probable that one of the two forces of the strategic air command, the 8th or 15th air forces, will operate superbombers from it. The new field, to be built four miles northwest of the village of Limestone, is about 30 miles north east of the AAF base at Presque Isle, Me., starting point for trans Atlantic flights during the war. When asked why a new base was being constructed instead of improv ing one of the existing bases in the area, an AAF official said that "the criteria for very heavy bombard ment bases have increased so much that no field in the area could be converted as quickly or cheaply as can be done by constructing a new base." While the official did not elabo rate, his reference to the increased requirements for a base suggested that the runways would be capable of handling the huge B-36s, which will be able to carry 36 tons of bombs. This airplane, far heavier than the wartime B-29, is understood to be too heavy for most existing runways. 10,000-Foot Runway. Construction plans call for a run way 10,000 feet long by 300 feet wide, taxiways 100 feet wide, parking ap rons 700 by 2,000 feet, a "hangar 300 by 370 feet (wing span of the B-36 Is 230 feet) ; sewage disposal plant, water supply system and electric power system capable of serving 2,000 men and which can be expand ed later; operations building and control tower and barracks and din ing hall facilities for a security de tachment of 250 men. Local labor and construction ma terials will be utilized as far as pos sible, the AAF said. It was recalled that the army and navy jointly announced a new uni fied military command system last winter which included a northeast command. Beyond the original offi cial announcement that such a com mand would "include U. S. bases and forces in the northeastern ap proaches to the United no description of this plan had been issued up to now. Speculation has been that the northeast command would be head ed by an air officer. Wives of G.I.s Can Learn To Cook on $90 a Month IOWA CITY. IOWA. —Wives of G.I. students at Iowa university are going to school to learn how to cook on $90 a month. Special classes have been set up, under sponsorship of the Red Cross nutrition committee. The idea came into being when a number of veter ans' wives, pressed by a tight budget and spiraling prices, voiced a need for economical ways of pre paring food. "It's almost impossible to live on $90 a month, and it's worse when you're learning to cook from a cook book," one said. Report Miracles in Cairo Church, Paper Announces CAIRO, EGYPT. — Le Progrès Egyptien, Cairo newspaper, said that a man paralyzed 10 years be came able to walk and that a 9 year-old child blind since birth gained his eyesight in two St. George's day miracles in the Greek Orthodox St. George's church. The paper added that Patriarch Christophoros "of Alexandria and all Africa, solemn mass, later announced the reported double miracle to a crowd of worshippers observing the saint's anniversary, on which they believe the church each year becomes miraculous. who officiated at a General Store Thriving With No Stock on Shelves George Lockhard, former sailor, has an un usual business. He operates a gen eral store with no stock on its shelves. Lockhard buys and sells anything for anybody. People merely list with him items they wish to sell and he sells them. Recently in one day he sold a 10-cent rubber ball and an $800 compicker. Currently, he has about 700 items listed, including nine fur coats and numerous heaters. FALLS CITY, NEB. ♦ > CALENDAR V^oming Events.. Tuesday, July 8. The women of the Moose will meet at 8 p. m, in the parish hall. A class of candidates is to be ini tiated. Sunday, July 13. The Laurel Odd Fellows, Bebekahs and Theta Rho girls announce a picnic will be held at Rockvale for members of district No. 12. The Laurel lodges are to be hosts. There will be entertainment for all. Those attending will take their own dishes and food. Added Life Decade Seen in Vitamin A NEW YORK. — Experiments on white rats which eat the same foods as humans have shown that a nor mal diet plus extra vitamin A lengthens the life span and extends the "prime of life," Dr. Henry Clapp Sherman, Mitchell professor emeritus of chemistry at Columbia university, announced, Dr. Sherman, regarded as one of | the highest authorities on the chem j j s try of food, took as the normal diet for his experiments the vitamin j a and caloric relationship of the recommended allowances of Na tional Research council, nounced at the national nutrition conference called by President Roosevelt in 1941. According to Dr. Sherman, the experiments showed that quadrupled allowances of vita min A in human nutrition are de sirable. "This appears the more prob able," Dr. Sherman said, "in view of the fact that most people prob ably live less protected lives than those of experimental animals. A certain food mixture called 'Diet Extra Years Can Be 'Inserted' at Prime by Diet. as an A' was found adequate to the sup port of normal nutrition generation after generation for the white rats; yet 'Diet B,' differing only in its proportion of protective food, has been found to result in better life histories. "Growth and development are beneficially expedited, vitality is higher and death rates lower at all ages; full adult capacity or 'prime of life' is attained earlier and re tained longer and the life expecta tion is increased not only for the young but also for the adults. The previous general progress of public health has increased the life expec tation of the infant but not of the grown person. Now, the nutritional improvement of the norm raises the life expectation of the adult as well. "The extra years thus offered are not to be pictured as added to old age. Rather it appears that some thing like an extra decade can be inserted at the prime or apex of the life lived in accordance with today's newer knowledge of nutrition. Life becomes longer because it is lived on a higher health level throughout. The apex of attainment is higher, the period of the prime is longer and, in human terms, there is a smaller percentage of years of de pendence." Dr, Sherman conducted his ex periments on a grant of $8,000 from the nutrition foundation. Woman Drives 400 Miles With Body of Her Husband SIOUX FALLS, S. D.—A 60 year-old Wyoming ranch woman, fulfilling a pact made with her late husband, drove into Sioux Falls with his blanket-wrapped body after more than a 400-mile trip across South Dakota from Wyoming. The woman was Mrs. Harry Sisson, who with her husband operated a ranch near the re mote settlement of Dull Center, 80 miles northeast of Douglas, Wyo. She notified Sioux Falls police that she and her husband, one time residents of this neighbor hood, had agreed that in the event of either's death, burial would be here. Stop-Look Check our bulletin board for Real Estate Buys R. J. WILLIAMS & SON 0 For Your Real Estate and Insurance See TED SCHESSLER At ."i09 East Main St. Ph. 572-J Want ADS OPPORTUNITY j KNOCKS HERE NOTICE All classified ads to appear in this column must be paid for in advance unless you have a charge account. HOME BUYERS SERVICE If you are looking for a home or acreage, we have it, and if you have property for sale, list it with Ted at 309 East Main St., phone 572-J, Laurel. FOR SALE—By owner, 6 room house. 2 bedrooms. Down pay ment, bal. terms. 212 Fourth ave. Itp WANTED Clean cotton rags. Greening Chevrolet Co. 10-10-tf. FOR SALE—% h. p. Briggs Strat ton Gas Engine. Miller's Black smith shop. Itp DEAD STOCK free. Call within 12 hours. Whitt Products. Call collect. 3-0500, Billings. moved 9-11-tf FOR SALE—Norge gas range, like new. Phone 566-W. 7-2-2tp FOR top soil, gravel fill, concrete gravel and sand, call Wallet & Bobble Fix-It Shop, phca»e 683-J or 25-W. 5-21-tf FOR SALE—1941 Indian motor cy Reasonable. cle. Reuben Vogel, 694-R. Itp LAUREL Construction Co., irriga tion and drain ditches, cat and dozer work, drag line work. Free estimates. Phone 215-W 6-18 tf HOME BUYERS SERVICE V» acres, 3 bedroom home, front room and dining room combina tion, kitchen and built-ins. This is modem. Double garage, school bus service. Lewis & Co., 309 East Main St., phone 572-J. 2 r OR SALE—Girl's bicycle, new tires, good condition. Phone 125-W or call at 310 First Ave. Itp FOR RENT—R o o ms for tourists. 0312-R-l, Mrs. E. W. 6-25-47-4tp. Phone Vaught, LOST—Black Zipper purse contain ing silver. Leave at Outlook office. Ito F or your sand, gravel and dirt, call or see A. H. Eisehbraun, 414 6th Ave. 4-16-12tp Will care for children in my home by hour or day. Phone 398-J. Itp FOR SALE—Two Sixth ave. ave. corner lots on Inquire 515 Seventh 6-25-2tp LOST—June 25, black billfold. Find er keep cash as reward and return purse with cards and papers to Bliss at Post Office. FOR SALE—Norge gas range, like 6-9 tf Itp new. 411 Fourth ave. FOR SALE—Western stock saddle and 80 lb. capacity ice box. Phone 327-M. Itp FOR SALE—Partly constructed trail er house of all new material. Phone 267-R, 602 First ave. 6-25-2tp FOR SALE—Remington typewriter, $25. See Ted Schessler, 309 East Main St., phone 572-J. Highest cash price paid for strictly fresh eggs. Laurel Cafe. 6-25-tf FOR SALE—Empty wooden barrels, 50c each. Laurel Creamery. 6-26-2t ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ + ♦ + ♦♦♦ B. L, PRICE Attorney-AT-LAW Notary Public Office in Wold Building LAUREL, MONT. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ VYE CLINIC T, R. Vye, M. D., F.A.C.S. Matthew W. Calvert, M. D. Office Hours: 10-12, 1-6 Phone 100 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ + + ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ************ DR. E. C. HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building LAUREL, MONTANA Office Phone 3, * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - Res. 24 ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + ♦♦♦ + ♦ R. S. LUTZ, O. D. OPTOMETRIST ♦ 112 Broadway - Billings, Mont ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ + ♦♦♦ + ♦♦ + + ♦♦♦ L. S. HANSON ♦ Scientific Swedish Massage ♦ Office Phone 199 Res. Phone 53-M 9*A First Avenue ♦ ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Laurel ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦ Montana + ************ ♦ ♦ ♦ A. C. HOOSE C. P. SMITH ♦ OPTOMETRISTS ♦ ♦ ♦ Billings Montana ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ CHARLES B. SANDE Attorney-at-Law Phone 34-W ♦ 214 First Ave., Laurel, Mont. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦