Newspaper Page Text
} JULY SESSION The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session for the July term. Commissioner Hag erman was absent four days. Parts of four days w'ere taken up with County Welfare work, with County Welfare Supervisor Laitenen present. The Board of County Com missioners met at a Board of Equali zation beginning July 21st, 1947. The appointment of Dorothy Voelker as Secretary in the office of the County Attorney was approv ed by the Board. Permission was granted Earle Knight, County Clerk and A. Wil liams. County Treasurer, to absent themselves from the State for a limited period. _ The Board passed the following resolutions: Intention to create special improvement districts Nos. 88, 89 and 90; authorizing the is suance of bonds for improvements completed in districts Nos. 72 and 73; and creating districts Nos. 86 and 85. Contracts were awarded by the Board as follows: for the improve ments to be done in Improvement District No. 79 to the Blacktop Con struction Co. for $3,186.40; for the improvements in District No. 81 to the Blacktop Construction Co. for $1,063.00; for three motor graders, powered by diesel engines one each to the International Truck & Equip ment Co. for $9,626.00, to the West em Construction Co. for $9,714.00 and to the Industrial Equipment Co. for $9,420.02. The Board issued a call for sealed bids for painting and redecorating the Courthouse until August 29, 1947 at ten thirty A. M. The report of the County Auditor showing the results of his examina tion of the fee books and accounts of the several County and Township officers for the month of June was approved. The Board approved the statement of the County Treasurer of all securities pledged by the various banks in the County as security for the County's deposits in said banks. The Board ordered the sale on August 8th at ten thirty o'clock A. M. of two 12,000 gallon tanks; fixing the reappraised value at $125.00 each. The following personal and tax title property sales were made by the Board: One-half cubic yard Power Shovel to Walter J. Haven for $3,500.00; Lot 18, block 16, Orig. Tn. Billings to K. B. and Lydia Brooks for $550. NE Sec. 8, 2N, 27E to Henry and Eva Junior for $160.00. All Sec. 1 less lots 3-4-5 and 6, 3N, 32E to T. L. Kemph for $768.00. The following claims were ex amined, allowed, ordered paid and warrants drawn: Kenneth L. Cook, mileage, expense .$ 35.16 W. H. Jones, mileage, expense . 44.76 Frank Frana, services. 8.00 Frank Floyd, services. 12.00 Donald J. ' MacDonald, services . 75.00 E. M. Farr, M. D., salary 7 and mileage. 258.16 E. M. Farr,-M. D., autopsy.. 25.00 Dr. E. C. Hall, services. 50.00 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage and expense. 49.70 Mildred B. Crosbv, services 9.00 E. M. Farr, M. D., services and mileage. 75.00 J. J. DeMers, services. 37.50 Billings Times, services. 16.50 Trott Printing Co., supplies.. 26.45 County Auditor, reimbursement . 59.82 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage . 8.40 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, board hiway prisoners....... 19.00 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, board immigration pris . 543.00 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, board Co. prisoners. 559.00 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, board fed. prisoners. 64.00 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, criminal mileage . 354.00 Reporter Printing & Supply Co., typewriter. 125.00 City of 'Billings, dump charge . 10.00 Montana Power Co., pow r er.. 42.68 Reporter Printing & Supply Co., supplies. 26.95 J. C. Penney Co., Inc., supplies .. 11.30 Mrs. Ralph Williams, foster home care. 6.00 Mrs. Charlotte M. Chamber lain, foster home care. 60.00 Pitman Moore Company, supplies . 4.69 Price's Pharmacy, supplies.. 4.12 County Auditor, reimbursement . 14.00 Montana Pow'er Co., power.. 1.03 Marshall Wells Co., supplies 6.49 County Auditor, petty cash.. 7.96 Eyth & Leimback, supplies.. 5.75 F. W. Fitzgerald, services.. 17.00 Sioux Tire Co., supplies. 295.62 Sioux Tire Co., supplies. 84.92 Margaret Kosko, services.... 5.25 Frank J. Gorman, Jr., salary . 30.00 Verne Lamport, services. 42.00 Verne Lamport, services. 5.00 Rueben Wagenman, services 18,00 U. S. Postmaster, envelops & stamps. 626.54 Western Union Tel. Co., services . 18.65 Business Machines, Inc., services, repairs . 59.90 County Auditor, * reimbursement . 2.79 County Auditor, reimbursement . 4.54 Mavnard Stationery Co,, , supplies 2 85 Otto, H. Oswald, gravel. . ..... 120.00 Casper L. Lee, damage. 50.00 Georve Wertz, salary. 141.75 George Wertz, salary. 141.75 National Service Co., repairs & services. 7.30 Mont. State Industrial School, care of inmates.... 74.50 Bilings Gas Company, gas... 53.02 Stroup Hardware Co., supplies . 10.20 Yellowstone Valley Medical Society, services . 75.00 104.33 j I J. L, C. Ideal Bakery, supplies. Safeway Stores, No. 598, supplies . Bateman Oil Co., supplies.... The Texas Company, supp les 1.j-. ' per d)em E c stone Co.," supplies....' Paul Ronan, per diem mileage . Northwestern Auto Sup. Co., demurrage . Laurel Outlook, supplies. Hines Motor Supply Co., supplies . Husky Refining Co., supplies . Mills Implement Co., supplies . Fenton Agency, insurance.. Mont. Home for Aged, care T. 0. Beeman Agency, insurance . Ruth Otten, mileage. Alfreda R. Forswall, mileage . Jack Mueller, salary. Billings Times, publishing notices . Gazette Printing Co., ad. Trott Printing Co., supplies Mason Lbr. Co., supplies. Midland Drug Co., supplies Ryniker Steel Products Co., supplies . Farmers Union Central Exchange, supplies . Standard Oil Co., supplies., Standard Oil Co., supplies.... Wortham Machinery Co., supplies . Great Northern Tool & Supply Co., supplies. Mulvaney Motor Co., supplies . Keefe Auto Supply Co., supplies . McIntosh Furn. & Hdwe. Co., supplies 31.82 105.57 133.52 13.20 9.20 14.80 .78 3.60 4.50 112.15 21.30 59.77 45.00 46.88 2.58 13.98 97.50 38.25 7.01 5.00 21.60 7.00 5.45 27.23 36.30 151.64 31.43 9.07 .79 2.00 .90 Armco Drainage & Metal Prod. Co., supplies. Yellowstone Paper Co., supplies . Mont. Power Co., lights. Hall Perry Mchy. Co., supplies . Carburetor & Electric Co., supplies . Int. Harvester Co., supplies Hines Motor Co., supplies.... Western Construction Equip. Co., supplies . Great Northern Tool & Supply Co., supplies, Crowdey Motor Co., supplies Shirley Parks, salary. Paul B. King, salary. F. A. Morse, salary. Clare Logan, salary. E. S. McCarthy, salary. Frank J. Gorman, salary, mileage . Bonnie Bachelier, salary. Elmer W. Sherwood, salary.. T. A. Cothron, salary. Ada M. Warner, salary. Brooke Herford, salary. L. C. Arnold, salary. Beth Crawford, salary. Eldon Clark, salary. Ted Crawford, salary. Haydn Thomas, salary. L. R. Mitzner, salary. John Shevlin, salary. W. E. Spurgin, salary. A. Williams, salary. Hines Motor Co., supplies.... S & L Company, supplies.... McKesson & Robbins, Inc., supplies . Sam A. Smeding, refund. Margaret Kosko, salary. Izzie Karst, salary. Carl Klein, salary. Harley Chatwood, salary. William Foos, salary. Eddie Landon, salary. Robt. J. White, salary. Harry Karst, salary. Vincent Holbrook, salary. Stanley Houck, salary. Henry Wagenman, salary.... Henry Wavenman, expenses W. Lee Mains Co., bond. D. Goodnow, migratory stock . 159.62 5.00 23.33 145.83 42.05 40.84 123.59 . 400.39 3.03 23.72 84.37 100.00 120.00 125.00 87.50 95.55 87.50 87.50 138.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 162.50 89.05 117.00 89.05 89.05 97.50 >38.00 393.66 3.98 151.84 80.00 75.00 89.00 125.00 128.70 118.80 91.20 86.40 93.10 81.00 132.00 81.60 1.43 25.00 - 762.80 Jack McCausland, migratory stock . C. D. Goodnow, migratory stock . Jack McCausland, migratory stock ..'... Haul Scarborouvh, services.... Fenton Agency, bond. Royal Typewriter Co., Inc., typewriter . Laurel Outlook, supplies. Mrs. Nancy Vaught, soldier burial . Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage, expense . R. L. Polk & Co., directories . Hr. James I. Wemham, services . Hines Motor Co., supplies.... Electric Welding Alloys Corp., supplies .. Court House Service Station, supplies . R; L. Polk _ Co., directory.... Billings Clinic, services. Billings Clinic, services. ML States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . ML States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . ML States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . ML States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . Northern Pacific Transport Ço., freight . .... Industrial Accident Board, _. assessments ... Everett Wright, repairs. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, * e( L prisoners. ML States Tel. & Teleg. ,. Ca V, te lephone . Mrs - Fred Mandelkow. supplies ........... . . Industrial Accident Board, assessments . ML States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone ....... Hummel Drug Co., supplies western Union Tel. Co., t^esrram .... . ML States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . Randolph Motor Exchange, fuppneg . ML States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . Jimason, salary. Eleanor Spidell, salary. 20.40 375.50 17.00 10.00 28.72 121.13 146.91 150.00 46.09 187.00 37.50 541.50 71.25 16.60 18.00 5.06 5.00 28.15 10.45 7.00 7.90 1.12 146.95 100.00 30.00 229.75 5.95 8.96 24.25 22.89 .66 13.50 39.40 9.20 117.00 45.00 12.00 9.82 250.00 33^75 82.50 7.80 232^90 218.40 195^32 8.27 52.65 Carpenter Paper Co., supplies . Court House Service Station, supplies . Monroe Calculating Machine Co., services . Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage & expenses. Mrs. Dorothy Hallett, soldier burial . Albert Thomas, expenses. G. D. Searle & Co., supplies Billings Clinic, care. O. K. Adams, services. U. S. Post Office, Envelopes . Katie Davies, salary. Irene B. Sturm, salary. Joy Coffman, salary. J. H. Barkley, salary. Orville Cunningham, salary.. Wm. Fly, salary. O. H. Helgoe, salary. Alex Lehr, salary. Joseph Nance, salary. L. W. Thurber, salary. Robert Whitaker, salary. L. H. Allen, salary. Porter Alwine, salary. A. L. Bacon, salary. H. Barkley, salary. George Bender, salary . Art Boeder, salary. Jim Dick, salary . C. Eaton, salary. Clarence Holbrook, salary.... Jacob Hofferber, salary. Bert Hopple, salary. Charles Jackson, slary. E. Lewis, salary. Alex Lehr,, salary. Pete Lehr, salary. Donald Nelson, salary. E. Perry, salary. James Steele, salary. P. Stebbins, salary. Erwin Schock, salary . Sullivan, salary . John Sullivan, salary . W. Thurber, salary. Robt. Wallace, salary. Robt. Whitaker, salary. Marvaret Koski, services. F. Beeler, Legal Fee, Dist. No. 73. E. Durland, 4.75 1.21 44.19 150.00 6.10 24.81 14.50 11.70 5.40 8.27 173.54 190.30 204.22 193.25 187.20 211.29 140.49 162.64 189.20 182.50 197.80 189.20 213.53 ' 161.151 34.24 17s!s0 212.00 199*80 211.20 23o! 40 242.72 206.40 182.25 187^52 203.23 7.13 275.00 services Dist. No. 73. Carpenter Paper Co., supplies . Curley & Carrol Electric Co., supplies . Billings Deaconess Hospital, care . E. R. Squibb & Sons, supplies . Mont. State Training School, services . Morrow Plumbing & Heating Co., services . St. Joseph Orphan Home, care of inmates. W. P. Roscoe Co., supplies Montana Power Co., lights.. Charbonneau Implement Co., tractor . International Harvester Co supplies . C. A. Johnson, supplies. E. H. Gates, services. Joe Gates, services. Charles R. Horton, services John Karman, services. Horace O. White, services.... Morrow Plumbing & Heating Co., repairs . Theodore E. Glasgow, witness . Mrs. Alice Glasgow, witness . C. E. Ryther, juror. Bruce Shields, juror . Rolla Johnson, juror. Fred Christinson, witness.... Leo Judd, juror . Adelaide Nelson, juror. Donna L. Pefley, juror. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage . Postmaster, U. S. Post Office, postage, etc. Harper <& Bros. Mail Order Division, supplies.... F. Decker, services. Western Construction Equip. Co., supplies. Western Construction Equip Co., supplies . Western Construction Equip Co., supplies . M. Wold Co., supplies. W. Auto Supply Co., supplies .. P. Transport Co., freight Mont. Weldinv & Radiator 165.00 69.50 2.38 72.30 34.20 60.00 43.20 971.04 37.98 2.00 3.40 141.25 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 118.13 6.00 1.45 3.40 36.00 17.00 10.20 1.50 A. J. 12.00 67.12 3.60 40.00 62.12 362.03 117.25 20.72 49.79 T. F. 1.54 Co., supplies . Stroup Hdwe. Co., supplies O'Malley Lbr. Co., lumber.. O'Malley Lbr. Co., lumber.... Montana Power Co., electricity . Franklin S. Longan, services . Montana National Bank, analysis chge. elk. of ct... Billings Dairy, supplies. Bennett Drug Stores, supplies . Keil Company, supplies. Montana Power Co., electricity . Curley & Carrol Electric Co., supplies . Modern Refrigeration Service, services . Industrial Accident Board, insurance, accident . N. W. Auto Supply Co., supplies . Eaton Metal Products Co., supplies . Carter Oil Company, supplies . Empire Motors, supplies. Empire Motors, supplies. S & P Brake Sendee, supplies . Marchall Wells Co., supplies Montana Steel & Supply Co„ supplies . Mulvaney Motor Co., supplies . Eaton Metal Products, supplies . Mulvaney Motor Co., supplies . Husky Bulk Plant, supplies Building Sendee, Inc., supplies . Great Northern Tool & Supply Co., supplies. Empire Motors, supplies. The Atco Company, supplies . Alemite Co. of Montana, supplies . Heald Motor Supply, supplies . Firestone Stores, supplies.... Margaret Kosko, services. Carburetor & Electric Co., supplies . Joe Shadwell, salary. Frank Floyd, sendees. Art White, salary .. 97.50 20.90 730.40 994.71 83.76 50.00 2.13 109.22 2.38 286.65 41.64 49.93 15.00 551.22 8.92 206.80 171.15 .94 34.80 71.80 18.45 15.16 4.02 8.00 195.04 313.70 6.79 6.49 81.68 28.15 29.78 26.76 147.92 3.75 87.38 46.80 14.00 110.32 ! Art White, salary. Llewellyn G. Braswell, nursing home care. Yellowstone Co. payroll for Jin y . Hiram Grussing, salary. John Plaster, salary. Jack Muelier, salary..... Jeanne Fisher, salary. Marian Staggs, salary. Jeane Blotkamp, salary. E. S. McCarthy, salary. Louise ArbogastGaught, salary . Clare Logan, salary. Ted Crawford, salary. j Beth Crawford, salary.. j Elodie Weber, salary. J- S. Jimason, salary. A. Sievertsen, salary. I John Shevlin, salary. Lloyd Mitzner, salary. Eldon Clark, salary. Pearl Daylong, salary. Etta C. Ellis, salary. Helena C. Heider, salary.... Oscar T. Lewis, salary. Evelyn H. Lanier, salary.... Anna Marie Malicot, salary Eleanor Smith, salary. Lenora J. Smith* salary. E. Lindstrom, salary. George Wertz, salary. John O'Donnell, salary & mileage. 86.98 30.00 .11,389.79 152.56 75.00 105.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 87.50 150.00 125.00 95.90 110.00 180.00 126.00 265.00 95.90 95.90 162.50 110.00 110.00 118.40 125.00 110.00 125.00 115.00 110.00 96.00 120.00 Tom Mullowney, salary. Adelpha G. Vaught, salary.. Robt. J. Thorburn, salary.... Loretta M. Chappell, salary Teachers Retirement System, Co. contribution.. Ben B. Hagerman, Per diem & expense. Chas. E. Wicks, Per diem & mileage. G. W. Fenton, per diem, mileage, expense . W. E. Spurgin, salary. Haydn Thomas, salary. Kenneth L. Cook, salary. Alfreda R. Forswall, Salary Alene B. Gairrett, salary.... W, H. Jones, salary. Ruth Otten, salary. Helen M. Shannel, salary.... Carl Klein, salary. 317.63 100.00 150.00 250.00 105.00 11.67 177.95 209.95 212.05 97.50 126.00 72.91 112.50 150.00 158.33 75.00 160.00 125.00 Karst, salary. Margaret Kosko, salary. Wm. Foos, salary.. Vincent Holbrook, salary. Harley Chatwood, salary.... Stanley Houck, salary. Eddie Landon, salary. Harry Karst, salary.. Lee B. Pielaet, salary. Harry C. Reeves, salary. Henry Wagenman, salary.... Dr. Okie R. Whaley, services Dept, of Public Welfare, OAA, ADC and ANB. Dept, of Public Welfare, Vz salaries & mileage. Clare Logan, mileage. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage . R°bt. J. Thorburn, mileage House of Good Shepherd, care of inmates. State Orphans Home, care of inmates . Dept, of Public Welfare, Vs salaries & mileage. T. E. Pemberton, mileage.. Dr. J. I. Wemham, services Vocational School for Girls, care of inmates. T. A. Cothron, mileage. Hiram Grussing, salary. 75.00 150.70 90.00 133.10 138.60 87.40 113.40 36.00 25.00 95.20 37.50 6,321.83 77.03 46.62 50.04 29.31 47.00 70.00 839.06 15.18 37.50 40.00 18.84 57.60 PAYROLL FOR JULY, 1947 Clerk and Recorder Earle Knight, clerk & recorder. D. G. Backhoff, ch. deputy.. George Bunge, bookkeeper.. 220.00 H. A. Kiichli, deputy. Carl P. Thompson, deputy.. Chris Rubich, deputy. Mae Hoff, assistant. County Treasurer Williams, treasurer. Sr<m Reid, ch. deputy . Orville Berry, deputy. O. Terrell, deputy .. Mildred Hankins, bookkeeper . Irene Oberweiser, deputy.... Lavema Bachmann, assistant . Irene Sherrow, âssistant . County Assessor 276.00 240.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 175.00 138.00 240.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 190.00 150.00 A. Cothron, A. Morse, ch. deputy. 138.00 120.00 assessor R. F. Royalty, deputy. Joseph W. Farrell, deputy.. Brooke Herford, deputy.. C. O. Thompson, deputy. L. C. Arnold, deputy. . Herbert G. Gammill, deputy 220.00 W. A. Hanley, deputy. Evelyn Bosacker, assistant.. Clerk of Court E. O. Price, ch. deputy. 225.00 Bemadine Boyd, deputy. 220.00 Mary F. MacDonald, deputy 220.00 C. S. Prater, CL Steno . Guy E. Marvin, Ct. Steno... County Attorney Melvin N. Hoiness, County Attorney . E. E. Collins, Deputy. Charles B. Sande, deputy.... Bonnie Bachelier, assistant . Dorothy Voelker, assistant.. County Auditor Frank J. Gorman, County Auditor . Shirley Parks, deputy. Surveyor 220.00 220.00 110.00 220.00 110.00 220.00 165.00 219.00 219.00 125.00 225.00 220.00 87.50 175.00 93.75 84.38 C. E. Durland 300.00 Supt. of Schools T. E. Pemberton, Supt. of schools. Ambernetta Klampe, ch. deputy . Ada M. Warner, deputy.. Sheriff Albert Thomas, sheriff.. John B. Sweeney, undersheriff . Val G. Schwan, deputy. Homer E. Korber, deputy.... Lock Boyles, deputy. Harold A. Price, deputy. Clifford J. Lee, deputy.. Donna Pefley, deputy. Mae O'Donnell, deputy. George W. Swords, II, deputy . 276.00 240.00 110.00 291.66 240.00 220 . 00 * 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 64.00 220.00 220.00 Engineers and Janitors G. A. Cook, engineer. Paul King, janitor. W. Hastings, janitor. Harry Tythcott, janitor. Elmer Sherwood, janitor. Justices of the Peace and Constables N. Bergen, Justice of Peace. Emil Borbérg, Justice of Peace. Stone W. Matlock, Constable Wallace A. BenL Constable 125.00 • 220.00 100.00 125.00 120.00 87.50 200.0C 200.00 125.00 I Laurel News Items Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Foot and daughter Sharon, returned Sunday from a month's vacation spent in California. In Los Angeles and San Diego they visited Mr. Foote's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Foote, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Stadalman of Kansas City, Mo., who had been the guests of relatives here left by way of Ranchester, Wyo., for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Paulus and fam ily before returning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Boylan and family and Mrs. Irene Kiesz and son Larry, spent Sunday visiting rela tives in Reed Point and Fishtail. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Du Fresne have as their guests their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boespflug of Missoula. Mr. and The Board adjourned August 2, 1947. Approved Attest: CHAS. E. WICKS, Chairman. EARLE KNIGHT, Clerk. NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT Cove Irrigation Co., Principal Place of Business, Laurel, Montana. Notice is hereby given that there are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment No. 25, levied on the 18th day of July, 1947, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respect ive shareholders, as follows: Assessed to No. of Stock Certificate No. of Shares Amount Delinquent $ 40.00 Ernest Brey And in accordance with law and an order of the board of directors made on the 18th day of July, 1947, so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the office of the company at Room 2, Wold Building, Laurel, Yellowstone County, Montana, on Tuesday, September 2, 1947, at the hour of 4 o'clock P. M., on said day to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expense of sale. Dated August 20, 1947. Si 40 / B, L. PRICE, Secretary-Treasurer. (Date First Pub, Aug. 20, 1947-2t) , I ' ■; i: I Si <' : I V I; mo» I * «- m A ■ ", I f.Moin The Golden Key vJiClIII To Prosperity I ! The most important news of the day as it effects the farmers of the Midwest is the condition of the corn crop. We bring you the latest on the nationwide picture as given by the Linked States | Department of Agriculture in its survey just released. This covers spot information gathered by thousands of field checks. I I We need not dwell on the intense heat and lack of moisture of J I late July and most of August. It is too well known to all of ? us. What interests us is how is it going to affect us in the I cash income not only from corn as grain for market but corn for feed. Early in the season some of the supreme optimists foresaw a National crop of S'/j billion bushels which would have been a record for all time. By July 15 we decided that the late season had put us back 160 million bushels but we still hoped for 80 per . cent of the goal. By August 1 we had experienced the first heat j damage and our estimators clipped another 111 million bushels - from our crop. That brought us down to 2.6 million bushels. Now comes the August 15 estimate .which is 2,437,000,000 bushels, nearly a billion bushels short of our original hopes. The August 15 prospect of 2,437,000,000 bushel is more than 400,000,000 bushel short of the 2,850,000,000 bushel mark which government experts maintain is the minimum needed to keep live stock at levels that would assure required meat supplies for the | country. This can only mean a turn to widespread substitutes of whatever other feeds are available in volume, such as oats and wheat. Aside from continued deterioration until the heat wave ( and drouth is broken, the crop still has fo face the frost hazard, much greater than normal this year because of the generally late growth. ! I » Total production of the five leading grain crops of wheat, corn, j oats, barley and rye is approximately 5.4 billion bushels, or near ly 14% short of last year. Adding old crop carryovers, including | an estimate of 330,000,000 for corn next October 1, which we be- I lieve will prove to 'be 50 million too high, the total supply of these five grains would be not quite 6.2 billion bushels, or approximately ! 10% short of last season. i I I The 1947 drought is approaching a 127 year record. Despite government crop estimates there are many who feel that we will do well to average a 50 per cent of normal crop. It is difficult ) to average because areas and even fields are so spotted as to i condition. I I Remember that the above figures are up to August 15. The rale of deterioration for the preceeding 30 days was 11 million | bushels per day. Substract from the August 15 estimate the number of days since then multiplied by 11 million and you will be your own crop expert. Then if you will tell us when the first frost is going to start manufacturing soft corn, we will all have the correct answer. I It all adds up to high prices for what hard com we do get. A good soaking rain may bring on more recovery than is now thought possible. The entire nation is in the same fix so far as com is concerned. It will take our best efforts to make this soft, damaged com pay out. And that's the news as we see it. Hageman Elevator t I B. B. HAGEMAN, Proprietor I Laurel, Mont. West Main Street i Mrs. DuFresne and daughter Ada, accompanied their guests on a trip through Yellowstone park. Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. David Frank were Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Frank and daughter Con nie of Edgar. Cheryle Nave is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burkley of Broadview. Miss Grace Stadalman spent last week end the guest of friends in Lewistown. Mrs. Elizabeth Lutgen was honor ed on her eighty-fourth birth an niversary at a dinner at her home. Guests were her sister, Mrs. Lucy Keough, who was returning to her home in Kimball, Minn., after a six weeks' visit here, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Karls, Mrs. L. D. Butcher, Mrs. R. W. Baker, Dickie Baker, all of Billings, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Visser, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stadalman, Susan Stadalman, Mrs. A. E. Buster, Mrs. R. J. Williams, Mrs. Tina Berkheimer, Mrs. A. Sewell and Mrs. J. L. Stadalman. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Strand and family spent last week touring Yel lowstone park. f > ♦