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VÄ C y WHICH SQUARE ,s « BIGGER? n i|MH||8l Now meuiure the square*. They re the same HIHIHHR It's ABRACADABRA an/howl 3 3 % s' ? 3 3 3 *3 3 £ c Regardless of how you come out in the above interest ing little illusion, one thing you can be certain of: Big Servings of % Delicious Food >3 C at ( ( The Owl Cafe That's why so many customers—from Laurel or other cities and towns—began coming here five, ten, maybe twenty or more years ago. The superior quality has never varied. C. H. KASS, Proprietor Better Known as Casey = Carrying the Rod When walking through a patch of woods, carry the rod with the butt forward. This is particularly neces sary with a fly rod. Many a rod tip has been wrecked in being carried through a thicket without being | properly protected. : . While Butterflies Floated In the Breeze Last Summer I B R n 8UTTERFL*' —the Yellowstone river was watering alfalfa and other grasses, to be cut, stacked and later fed in winter to purebred milch cows on farms in this locality. While the butterflies floated, nature and man were co operating so we could process the rich milk of local cows and in winter continue to provide you with de licious i Rose Brand Butter and Ice Cream Laurel Creamery w V / M » feu 2? J 0 Make this a RECORD Christmas. Come on—see our new record section— see how simple it is to se lect the one you want—hear your favorite tunes—buy records for Christmas to day ! 0 ron Among the Christmas Carol Artists are j t 6 Ä BING CROSBY PERRY COMO FRED WARING a in ^ V 7 V c « iff TTs and St. Luke's Episcopal Choristers of Los Angeles, with complete albums or single records as you wish. An exceptional album is w ev LIONEL BARRYMORE », Here you find the hard-to-get records, moderately priced. Scrooge in Charles Dickens' im mortal story, "A Christmas Carol. as ft I Laurel Radio & Electric Supply Co. w fY; Phone 22-W—207 West Main, Laurel—Block West of Underpass. Jamborado Language Jamborado is the name the Boy Scouts gave the new language born at the World Jamboree of Peace at Moisson, France. The language con sists of one part English, one part French, one part each of arm and l e S motions. Churches THE METHODIST CHURCH M. J. Wilcox, Minister. At Laurel : Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Anthem by the choir. Violin Offer tory by Mrs. Philip Marsh. Re ception of members. Baptismal service. Sermonette: "Once Long Ago." Sermon: "Let Christmas Be Christmas. Methodist Youth Fellowships at 5:30 p. m. Junior high school at the parlor, high school at the sanc tuary. Calendar for this next week; Thursday (today): Girl Scouts at the parlor at 7:30 p. m. Friday, Circle meetings of the W S C S as follows: No. 1 at Mrs. Peter Thomson's at 1:30 p. m. No. 2 at Mrs. F. W. Graff's at 2 p. m. No. 3 at Mrs. W. T. Johnson's at 1 p. m., a luncheon. K. Chapman's at 2 p. m. No. 5 at Mrs. H. T. Smart's with Mrs. C. A. Cromwell assisting at 2 p. m. Saturday: Children's Christmas par ty at the parlor at 3 p. m. Junior high MYF Christmas party at the parlor at 7:30 p. m. Monday: Cub Den 1 at Mrs. Clyde Bray's at 4 p. m. Ferrin's at 4 p. m. Boy Scouts at Scout Hall at 7 p. m. Tuesday, Cub Den 4 at Mrs. A. E. Leuthold's. Girl Scout Junior troop at parlor at 4 p. m. Choir at parlor at 7 p. Adult Bible Fellowship Christ mas party at Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johnson's at 8:15 p. m. Wednes day, Rotary club at the parlor at 12:15 p. m. Sunday school Christ mas program at the church at 7:30 - • No. 4 at Mrs. O. Cub Den 4 at Mrs. R. L. m. p. m. At Park City: Methodist Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Reception of Once Let Christ j Baptismal i members. ! Long Ago. mas Be Christmas. Calendar for this next week service. Sermonette on Sermon • ' Thursday (today) W S C S meet ing Harmony hall at 2:30 p. m. Christmas party. Tuesday, Sunday school Christmas program at the church at 7 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fifth at Penn. James H. Haueter, Pastor. Friday, Dec. 19 : Choir practice, 6 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 21: Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. N. Y. P. S. 6:45 p. m. Evangelistic serv ices 7:30 p. m. Monday, Dec. 22: Choir practice 6:30 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 24: Christmas program 7:30 p. m. Recitations, songs, dialogues and a Christmas Cantata. Treats for the children. All are welcome. An of fering for old and disabled min isters. The Friendly Church With A Vital Message. OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH and JOLIET LUTHERAN CHURCH C. O. Anderson, Pastor. At Laurel : Sunday school and Bible classes at 9:45 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. Theme: Without Christ We Fail. Services at 7:30 p. m. Theme: The Last Word of Prophecy. Monday 7 p. m., teachers' meet ing and Bible study. Wednesday, Christmas Eve, 7 P m. The Sunday school children's program will be held. Wednesday, Christmas Eve, Candle Light serv ice at 11:30 p. m. Thursday, Christmas day, services at 10 a. m. Friday, 6:30 p. m. boy's group, (this week). Friday, 7:30 p. m. Bible class, (this week). Friday, 8:30 p. m. Y. P. L. L. meeting. Saturday, 10 a. m. Confirmation class. At Joliet: Sunday school and Bible class at 1:45 p. m. Services at 2 p. m. The children's Christmas program will be held Tuesday evening at 8 m., followed by the Christmas p service. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH "The Church of the Lutheran Hour. Park City, Montana. A. M. Bachanz, Pastor The Lutheran Hour KGHL Sun day, 9 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Divine services at 9:45 a. m. and 11 a. m. Choir Monday at 7:30 p. m. Children's Christmas service Dec. 24 at 7 p. m. Christmas day serv ices 9:45 and 11 a. m. "Unto you is born this day a Sav iour, which is Christ the Lord," was the angel's message to the shep herds on the plains of Bethlehem. Are you going to hear this glorious news? We cordially invite you to attend our services. •• ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH "The Church of the Lutheran Hour." 400 Durland Avenue Martin H. Juengel, Pastor. Sunday school at 9 a. m. English service at 10 a. m. a. m. , Children practice for Christmas service Saturday morning, and Sun day afternoon at 2 p. m. Holiday schedule: Children's Christmas service, Dec. 24, 7:30 p. m. Christmas day at 10 and 11 a. m. It is an art to say the right thing at the right time, but far more different to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. The Lutheran Hour, KGHL, Sun days at 9 a. m. i THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH H. C. Haemmelmann, Pastor. Sunday, Dec. 21: 9:30 Sunday school. 10:00 English Communion service. Sermon topic: "The Preparation for God's Coming." (Fourth in an Ad vent series). 1:30 Christmas program practice for the children. 7:30 The presentation of the Christmas Cantata entitled: "Chimes of the Holy Night", to which the public is invited. A plate offering will be received at the conclusion of the Cantata. Monday: Confirmation instruction at 7:00. Brotherhood Bible school 7:00. Tuesday: Senior choir practice 7:00. Wednesday: Christmas program with recitations, dialogues, playlets and singing will begin at 7:00. Thursday: German worship service 10:30. Friday: Auditing committee meet ing at 7:00. Saturday: Prayer meeting at 7:00. Monday, Dec. 29: Annual business meeting with election of officers. We urge both young and old to attend this important meeting at 7:00. The preparation for Christmas should not begin in shops or kit chens, but in people. The distinctive preparation needed is not that we may give or eat, but that we may receive. There careful preparation is necessary. Plan to attend wor ship services regularly during this Advent season that you may receive the "New Born King." We extend a hearty welcome to all. ■ ■ m \* » ! l'v . OSWALD , . . Sir Oswald Mosley, prewar leader of the British Un ion of Fascists, staged a postwar comeback, announcing that he will form a "union movement next year to attempt to win power in Great Britain. ' > 1 For Your § Ï Dancing Pleasure S 1 The 4 Sentimentalists i CHICKEN & STEAK DINNERS CHICKEN IN A BASKET SANDWICHES Bottle Beer—Fancy Mixed Drinks CABIN CLUB One half mile East of Laurel Farmers Union Schedules The Crow Indians The local Independents will play host to the colorful All-American Indians from the Crow reservation next Tuesday in the Laurel gym. The Indians, although not entered the Midland Empire league play, are always one of the strongest teams in the area and put up a good show for the fans with their antics and spectacular floor play. The Farmers Union, which has two league games under its belt, travels Lodge Grass Sunday before the game Tuesday. Hampered by a decided lack of height, the Independents displayed adept ball handling in taking their first game of the season by a one sided 67 to 32 count from the Joliet The Ideal Gift For Her / Vi r Xj 7 /y//y>. m nii I I '9 4 ' I i* % îw Od » AI If you own a Zenith "Automatic Chef" electric range, you can plan on serving perfectly cooked, I hearty dinners, even on days when you're going to be gone from the house from early morn ing until dinner time... All you have to do is put dinner in the oven, set the dial and turn on the "Automatic Chef". The oven goes on and off at the designated times. ; You also can use "Automatic Chef" with one of the appliance outlets or with the "Thrifty Chef" cooker. Stop in and see this com pletely automatic, fast heating Zenith electric range. You can't find a more convenient range at any price. gt/rrii *c«» HO * 1 Marshall-Wells Stores PHONE 182-W ALLIE & HAROLD Owners LAUREL, MONT. Speedy Jim Whitson, Firemen. former Locomotive ace, returned to the local courts with flying colors and scored from all angles to tally 24 points. Hal Mileski found him self in the closing period of the game and rolled in nine counters as many minutes, to show prom ise of reaching his top performances that made him one of the outstand the monkey is symbolic of high offi cial rank, and monkey rugs gener ally are found in the homes of big shot politicians. ing prep players in Wyoming a few seasons back. Bobby Kanierzel who graduated from the Locomotives last year, proved very effective on de fense with his hustle. Big-Shot Politicians If you ever see a monkey in the design of an Oriental rug, don't make the mistake in thinking that this symbol is humorous. In China