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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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iiniajiminiiainnHiiiiwmmititBitmHinimimHimHHnBim I I The News of LAUREL : : = uirniii!nniiniii:Bii!ii iiinwniiniiH Pupils of the Byam school held a Valentine varty Friday at the school. Games were plawed and valentines p-.changed, after which a pitch in lunch was served. Mrs. Allen Livingston and son Scott of Cody, Wyo., visited here last week with her sister, Mrs. F. A. Scheidecker and family. Mrs. Kenneth Walker was hostess to her bridge club last Wednesday evening and awarded honors to Mrs. Paul Wold and Mrs. Roy Edwards. Mrs. Arleen Caster of Owl Creek. Wyo., visited last week with her mother and sister, Mrs. Edna Bunch and Mrs. Merle Bramhall. Mrs. Margaret McArthur and sons David and Jimmy, who had spent the last five months with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chittick. left Friday for Ordnance, Ore. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Boylan were Mr. Boylan's sis ter, Mrs. Tom Moretz of Newport, Wash., who was returning to her home after spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Boylan of Fishtail. Accompanying Mrs. Mor etz to Laurel was Mrs. Bill Hall of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bondurant of Rapelje were guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bondurant and family. A world day of prayer was observ llili.BMI ed Friday at the Methodist church with 25 persons attending. Special music was provided by Mrs. J. H. Albertus and Mrs. H. R. Russell. Johnny Cantrell was honor guest when his mother, Mrs. Leonard Can trell entertained at a party on his ninth birthday. Guests were Lee Biffle, Douglas Wold, Glenn Wold, Greg Childs, Pat Giblin, Allen Lums don, Andy Scheidecker, Jimmy Can trell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Merritt Williams are the parents of a daughter born Friday, Feb. 13 at the Deaconess hospital in Billings. The baby has been named Olivia Suzann. Members of her sewing club were guests of Mrs. Helen DeWald at a Valentine dessert lunch. Those pres ent were Mrs. Hazel Wise, Mrs. Joyce Bice. Mrs. Doris Roberts, Mrs. Laurinda Reich, Mrs. Clara Ostwold, Mrs. Jean Roberts and Mrs. DeWald. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Packard had as guests last week end Mrs. Park ard's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Jay LaLonde, of Sidney. The latter couple also visited in Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cantrell were hosts last Sunday at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cantrell and son, David Cantrell and Mrs. Estelle Loomis, all of Billings. Rudy Gerke, 5-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. D. G. Gerke. is a patient at the St. Vincent hospital in Billings where he is recovering from the after effects of measles. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krug visited Sunday in Shepherd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Thaut. Mrs. Meta Mees of Rosebud was a guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholas while en route to spend V ' , : N „> Jk : Wi ; : as seen in VOGUE f : : : - : : ; Opera Pumps your go-with-everything Spring Classics are ...perfect with your gay prints, sheers and pastels...smartly understated in jet black patent, green, brown or blar*' calfskin : ; 7.95 : . - , - , - SOLDIER OF FORTUNE . . % x;;* I I Russell K. Haight Jr,, 25-year-old : ex-G.I. from New York, arrived in U. S., still wearing bis Indian turban, after serving for two months as brigadier general in 1 the free Kashmir rebel army. i some time in Cody, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor are J the parents ,of a daughter born Thursday, Feb. 12 at a Billings hos pital. Mrs. William Foote was honor guest at a shower when Mrs. L. R. Stickelberger entertained Saturday evening and served a lunch. The evening was spent in sewing. At tending were Mrs. C. N. Rathbun, Mrs. Carl Perry, Mrs. J. W. Bald win, Mrs. W. W. Henley, Mrs. F. i E. Mayes, Mrs. J. L. Childs, Mrs. Joseph Thorne, Mrs. Charles Staiger. friends while en route to California to be the guests of relatives and C as Mrs. R. A. McCracken, Jr., Mrs. William Ziegler, Mrs. Cora Rice. Mrs. Stickelberger and the honor guest, Mrs. Foote. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffer and children of Wyola, formerly of Lau rel, visited briefly last week with friends. Mrs. Barbara Wock of Dickinson. N. D., returned recently to her £ home after spending three weeks Æ with her daughter, Mrs. G. F. Prill, X who was convalescing at her home X here following hospital surgery. » Mrs. Lawrence Neilson and son m Ronnie who had visited Mrs. Nei!- m son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. m Krug and other relatives, returned M Monday to their home in Avery, M Idaho. X Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Senn are » the parents of a daughter born, Fri- • day, Feb. 13 at a Billings hospital, m Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yeager of ■ X Billings visited here last week with J # Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Prill. j M Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sanderson of ! X Billings were guests Sunday of i K their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. I * and Mrs. F. A. Scheidecker. A birthday dinner was served in honor j of Mrs. Sanderson and Ronnie \ Scheidecker. party by the Dor -1 club last Wednesday at the Congregational church, Mrs. John Foos and Mrs. George Feuerbacher were hostesses at the lunch and had charge of the evening's pro gram. Guessing games were enter tainment, and those winning prizes were Mrs. Philip Behm, Mrs. Alex Behm, Mrs. Jacob Batt and Mrs. Alex Michael. Mrs. William Frank received the door prize. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 25. At a Valentine o And Suddenly it's Spring! • # # ► Suits - Topcoats e _■ L> VOÜ-TILLITV.. K m CLIPPER 1 CRAFT j. V The utility coat of the year... 1 wear over anything, for all , kinds of weather . . . the « CRAVENETTE in rayon and ! wool gabardine . . . convertible j neckline, smart wrap-around. Tucked at waistline gives it that rounded hip look . . . trim ■ back pleat definitely pro nounces this as the coat you must include in your warb robe. In sizes 8 to 18. Î • S v 4 si mi '//î f I Know what the Clipper Craft Plan means to you? Great savings . . . brought about by concentrating the purchas ing power of 924 leading stores coast-to-coast. Compare ► Q i W t - ' 1 f *35 •• *45 34 ft r»o } KBMY, 5 P. M.—Tune in "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" every Sunday. Officers* Pants All Wool Cavalry Twill . . .if it's Betty Jean, it's bound to he seen! *13 95 Jean Delane Dresses Special purchase of high quality pants in Forrest green or Officers Pinks. 31 and 42, but not in every size. Prints—Spun Rayons Chambrays—Printed Piques—Rayon Shantungs *©■ *9 »I »1 to NEW THIS WEEK! Nationally Advertised ► ■ •<* r Vf i; ► Bayly's Union Made Carpenters' Overalls. 4.29 î o Friendly Sport Shoes ■ 7.95 ■ J? 6 # Maiden Form Brassieres, - 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 - On $p eoto« fUl ■ J Children's Stepmaster ■ ( je Shoes.. ■ Girls' Ropem Brand, 7-14 Blue Denim Jeans . - ïyJ .2.69 - Lace Curtain Panels . H* 1 * t* 1.69 Wings White Shirts. 2.98 'V Wings Sport Shirts p $ 2.98 c«t |C .9* 27-In. White Outing. & *© sen 29c *5 ; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ Gotham Gold Stripe § Hosiery .■ : ■ ► - ► A *i 65 ■ ■ • Just Received ! JJ " New Spring tones ■ P In Lovely Gothams B ■ ■ Styles galore to choose from!.. beautifully made of genuine leather You'll want several pairs: ' Reds. Tans, Browns, Blacks, White». ■ ; : ■ : ■ ■ , p* .. Use the Outlook Classified Columns for Results