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Around the Town Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wallace had i guests Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. i Kenneth Peterson and daughter | Jacqueline of Columbus, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Charles Eastlick of Park City \ and Mrs. R. W. Eklund of Great : Falls, sister of Mrs. Wallace, who j rexnained for a longer visit. a The j I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bartholf of j ' Great Falls are the parents of a son, bom Sunday, March 28. baby is a a grandson of Mr. and j Mrs. Jack Romee. Mrs. Charles Miller, a resident of Bunkerhill, Ill., and sister of Mrs. r nur» Carter of Laurel told in a letter this weeek of the destruction (••in ed hv a tornado which recentlv struck that city. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller was nadly damaged, as were the homes of their two daughters living in Bunker Hill, One was" almost completely destroy ed. M f i WHATEVER kind of coffee you select at Safeway you can be sure it's at peak flavor. Fre quent deliveries, rapid sales, mean it's fresh when you buy. r « «SSsîS /■ for ■ NOB HILL 1 1333 » ■'min g , X; 5, COFFEE 1 Vacuum Pack Bag Thrift Quality Plus Paper U\ m 92c <5* 2-lb. Pkg. W'/ 101 2*5 m Safeway's coffee service is tailored to fit your individual taste... and budget. Whether you like your coffee rich and full-bodied, or mild and mellow, or in between, you'll find a blend to suit your taste. There's vacuum-packed coffee if you prefer it, or coffee ground to order when you buy. Prices are low on each blend and kind, with a wide range of prices to choose from. In this selection at Safeway you are sure to find coffee as you like it Cherub, Unsurpassed in Goodness, Tall Cans . Granulated 10-lb. Bag . Dutch Mill American 2-lb. Loaf. Swift's or Montana 1-lb. Carton . EDWARDS m. B COFFEE 1 turnouts J COFFff I Regular or Drip w 1.00 2-lb. Tin Hills, M. J. B., or Maxwell House, 1 Lb. Tin .. 53c Coffee Filter Papers Peanut Butter Preserves ^e stoa wb erry> 79c Syrup Apple Butter Jelly 4 54c 95c MILK SUGAR CHEESE LARD Compare it* 7c Pkg. of 100. Beverly, Reg. or Chunk, 1 Lb. Jar N lu-tûumÇ ÈT A MILD «nd MELLOW blend 37c / \l Airway^ COFFEE 1.08 Sleepy Hollow, Cane and Maple, 24 Oz. Bot. Dutch Girl, 2 Lb. Jar_ Delicious, Assorted, 5 Lb. Tin _ 45c I [iiÆ 29c 25c NOW in its bright NEW yellow BAG 75c C48c Swansdown, 44 Oz. Pkg. .. Church's, Qt. Bot. .. Cake Flour Grape Juice Honey Walnuts Prunes Pork & Beans Tomatoes Tomato Juice Peaches Grapefruit Pears Van Camp's With Beans, VllälS no. 1 Can . Peas Spinach Grapefruit Juice Soup Catsup 39c ROYAL SATIN 43c 7. i i c7 Shortening .1.03 1.33 Montana, 5 Lb. Tin ..... Light Halves & Pcs., 1 Lb. Sugaripe, Medium, 2 Lb. Pkg. More tender meat... pound for pound... because Safeway meats are trimmed to save you money Squares, Mild Cure 3-lb.Tin 85c _ 35c 29c BACON SMOKED BUTTS SIRLOIN STEAK GROUND BEEF MARGARINE 15c Van Camp's, No. 300 Tin_ Gardenside, No. 2 Can . Sunnydawn, 46 Oz. Can ..... Castle Crest, Sliced or Halves, No. 2% Can _ Lb. Sunnybank 16c Boneless 43c Lb. T Lb. 25c U. S. Grade; Waste Free, lb. 30c 59c JELL-WELL 15c Highway. No. 2 Can Blade Cut, "Waste free," U. S. Graded. Lb Pot Roast T-Bone Steak L b .65c Pork Roast Pork Chops Spare Ribs Picnics Lunch MeatS Assorted Lb Fryers Eviscerated ' No waste, 44c Six Assorted Flavors 38c Highway Halves. No. 214 Can 21c 29c 3-oz. Pkg. 3 for All Good Meat, No Waste 49c 12c 43c Shoulder. Lb. ... Rib or Loin End, Gardenside. No. 2 Can . Lb. 15c .55c LIPTON's TEA Lb. Gardenside. No. 2 >4 Can Town House, Lean & Meaty, 22c 49c Orange Pekoe SLICED BACON Lb. 46 Oz. Can. Short Shank, 47c 1.19 Campbell's Vegetable, 106 Oz. Can . 42c Lb. for 1 Lb. Cured Just Right 59c 19c Red Hill. 1314 Oz. Bot. 65c 75c Lb. * FMSH 2 Triangle, Plain or Iodized, 26 Oz. Pkg. True American 8c Salt SU-PURB 4 32c Matches 6-Box Ctn. Wax Paper Ä Argo, Com or Gloss, staren i Lb. ?kg. Vanilla Flavoring Crackers Salad Dressing Baby Food Junior Food Pabfum Cigarettes Old Dutch Cleanser Oxydol or Duz Selected by experts in the growing areas, rushed to Safeway to reach you at peak of goodness Granulated Soap iio^ 23c 35c 24-o*. Pkg. 13c LETTUCE TOMATOES ASPARAGUS Westag, 8 Oz. Bot. Firm, Crisp Heads U. S. No. 1. Lb. Firm, Ripe U. S. No. 1. Lb. California U. S. No. 1. Lb. 15c 14c DREFT Sunshine Krispy, 49c Makes Dishes Shine, 11-oz. pkg. 33c 2 Lb. Pkg. 29c Cascade, Qt. Jar . Gerber's Strained, Asst 4 V4 oz. Can. 3 for .... Clapp's Asst. 6- Oz. Can. 2 for .. 59c 23c IVORY SNOW 27c 19c 37c 1214-oz. pkg. 43c 18 Oz. Pkg. Popular Brands, Carton . Calif., Cliptop, U. S. No. 1, 2 Lbs. Pascal, U. S. No. 1, GRAPEFRUIT Carrots Celery Green Onions Salad Veg New Potatos Lemons Avocados Apples 29c 1.65 SNOWDRIFT 12c Texas Seedless U. S. No. 2 14 Oz. Can .. Soap Powder, Pkg.— 10c Lb Shortening & Radishes, U. S. No. 1. 2 Bun. 15c 39c 1.33 35c S Lbs. Utah, • 7 Oz. Cello. Florida, U. S. No. 1, 3 Lbs. Sunkist, U. S. No. 1, 2 Lbs. California, U. S. No. 1, 3-lb. Tin 17c 29c m ORANGES ÊPi 29c shop SAFEWAY w Be sure Navels, Large Size U. S. No. 1 45c • • • Lb. 5 Lbs.63 c Winesaps, Ex. Pcy. & Pcy., 5 LbS. -- ;:49c Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Willis were hosts at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Dick Vandenburg and children of Park City. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickel spent Tuesday at the home of their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walter who live east of Billings. Miss Frances Beslanowitch, teach er in the schools at East Helena, was home to spend Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Be slanowitch. jyj rs Bernard Glardon and infant daughter have returned from a visit 0 f ^ v . 0 mon ths with relatives in Mandan, N. D. Mrs. Glardon's ,„other, Mrs. William Glardon of Mandan, accompanied them to Lau rel for a visit. As a surprise to Mrs. Roy Bice, group of friends gathered at her home Monday to celebrate her birth The affair was arranged by Mrs. George Andrews and Mrs. Others attending were a day. Robert Rice. ■ , M rs - Leon Foote, Mrs. Ray Stevens, ■ Mrs. Edward Sekora, Mrs. Kenneth, Walker. Mrs. Clarence Smith and ( Mrs. Gene DeFrance. The social afternoon was followed by a birth-j day lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bice and Eu-j gene Bice were entertained at din ner Sunday at the home of Mr. and ! iMrs. S. A. Coulter, Jr. r* ' ßf „ m mm ||||||É V/ • I* «J iS?: ; % m m m m M \ m w mmm W//. ill : % m f/ a m w ■y WM: :?ri? x :• 1 : m mmmmm mmSMm ■ i ■ SPRING IS HERE—FLOODS, TOO . . . More than 2,000 acres of valuable farm land were inundated by heavy rains and melting ice and snow throughout the Rock river area near Moline, Ill. Property damage was extensive and spring planting was delayed, keeping fertile fields out of production until they were dried up. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johnston and daughter Linda spent Easter in Bil lings, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I iank Comte. Mr. and Mrs. David Frickel, Jr., i are the parents of a daughter, bora ; Monday, March 29, at their home Ion Forrest avenue. ! A week end guest of Mr and Mrs. Dave Johnston was Mrs. John sron's sister, Mrs. Barney Dizner of Miles Cit>. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gerard were hosts at Easter dinner for Mr. and Mrs. William Segler of Silesia and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerard. Truman's New Dog Is Latest In List of White House Pets WASHINGTON—If Feller grows up to be a rough, tough dog, which is open to doubt in the case of a platinum blond cocker spaniel, he, too, might make White House canine history. Feller has some serious traditions to live up to. All kinds of beasts and birds have lived at 1600 Pennslyvania avenue. But dogs have attracted the most at tention. Some have asserted their first dog of the nation prerogatives by biting people. And at least one was the center of an international incident. The Theodore Roosevelt family was even livelier than the Franklin Roosevelt brood, because the chil dren were younger. They had dogs and ponies and cats and rabbits and guinea pigs. And Theodore Jr. had a bull terrier which at times had a cranky disposition. The Hardings had an airdale, Lad die Boy, who comported himself well enough to have left no untoward traditions. The Coolidges had two white col lies, Rob Roy and Prudence Prim. The Scottish terrier, Fala, of course, is the most famous dog of recent White House history because he was F.D.R.'s constant compan ion. Doyal Theatre > ■ ^ WEEKLY PROGRAM * THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY April 1-2-3 He crushed hearts and heads with equal recklessness but women found him irresistible so he married a good girl for wealth and made love to her souless sister. Lawrence Tierney Claire Trevor Walter Slezak Phillip Terry Audrey Long Elisha Cook, Jr. In U Born To Kill 11 2nd Feature A-feudin' and a-fightin' as he gets involved in an old feud with a pretty girl and her two brothers finally sees him falling in love with the gal catching the crooks lin their own- trap. Tim Holt Martha Hyer Richard Martin Steve Brody Virginia Owen Harry Woods In Thunder Mountain u 17 Bank Night Thursday with shows at 6:45 and 9 P. M. One show Fri day at 8 P. M. Saturday shows at 6:45 and 9 P. M. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY April 4-5-6 In this picture a caravan of tech nicolor thrills is told with lots of lusty laughter, beauty, enslave® the heart of each man who holds her leading to fiery romance and blazing adventure. Yvonne De Carlo George Brent Broderick Crawford She, the captive Andy Devine Albert Decker Arthur Treacher In Slave Girl u il Added: Newsreel. P. M. 6:45 and 9 P. M. Tuesday shows at 8 P. M. Cartoon, Musical and Sunday Matinee at 2:30 Sunday Night shows at Monday and Population of Quail Despite the fact that they have been protected from hunters for many years, quail in Ohio are now at their lowest population point in history. Ancient England Road Watling street between Woolwich and Rochester is one of England's ancient highways which dates back to the days of the Romans who built a network of roads to link together their military camps. Bigger Cargo Planes Cargo compartments of the Boe ing stratocruiser, now on order for major airlines, will hold four tons of merchandise. Largest State Park Custer park, South Dakota's only state park, is the largest state park in the United States. FILL DIRT Delivered Call R. W. EASTON & SONS LAUREL TRANSFER Phones: 497-M, 267-W, 245-R • « I it S GENERAL-ELECTRIC CLEANER Time Uprights Barrel Type Miniature Barrel THE BEST FOR LESS -LAIRD RADIO - ELECTRIC so