Newspaper Page Text
Estate of J. F. Weber, also known as John Frederick Weber, and given bv the * y - LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS known as John F. Weber, De ceased. Notice is hereby undersigned Administrator with Will Annexed, of the Estate of J. F. Weber, also known as John Freder ick Weber, and also known as John F. Weber, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to ex hibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator with Will Annexed at 411 E. 4th Street in Laurel in the County of Yellow stone, State of Montana. Dated at Laurel, Montana, May 22, 1948. O. J. WOOTERS, Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of J. F. Weber, also known as John Frederick Weber, and also known as John F. Weber. A. W. Stow, Billings, Montana, Attorney for Estate. (Date First Pub. May 26, 1948-4t) NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETI TION FOR PROBATE OF WILL In the District Court of the Thir teenth Judicial State of Montana, in and for the County of Yellowstone. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF George - Gratwohl, De ceased. of the Notice is hereby given, that a pe-1 tition for the probate of the will of George Gratwohl, Deceased, and for the issuance of letters testamentary to George Gratwohl, has been filed in this court, and that Monday, the 28th day of June, 1948, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, and the court room of said Court at the court house in the City of Billings, Coun ty of Yellowstone, State of Montana, District have been appointed as the time and place for hearing said petition, when and where any person inter ested may appear and contest the same, and show cause, if any there be, why said petition should not be granted. Dated this 7th day of June, 1948. KATIE DAVIES, Clerk. By Ruby Farley, Deputy Clerk. B. L. Price, Laurel, Montana, Attorney for Petitioner. (Date First Pub. June 9, 1948-3t) NOTICE OF SALE OF DELIN QUENT TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1947 First and/or Second Installments Office of the County Treasurer of Yellowstone County, Billings, Montana. Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of July. 1948, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a. m. and 3:00 o'clock p. m., or on such other dates and times to which sale may be postponed, within the limits fixed by law. 1 will sell at public auction in front of the County Treasurer's of fice at the Court House of said County, in Billings, Montana, all the real property in said county upon which delinquent taxes first and/or second installments, for the year W* Usm .1 i i WM W » I"* A A iifl X : * V-. W 'V; 0 s .. ■■ \ sir« ki r V I :/ 4 i n5 Food Fixings for Picnic Feasts Check your supply of dairy products today! Save your self the trouble of improvising with last minute sub stitutes. Country-fresh eggs for egg salad Delicious variety of cheese sandwich spreads Cream for coffee Milk for the youngsters Cold Meats for sandwiches Pickles of all kinds Fresh Fruits Plates and cups. McCORMICK'S Food Mart • • Laurel's Popular Place to Trade Free Delivery Daily Phones 76 and 77 1947 are a lien, unless prior to the time of* said sale, said delinquent taxes, together with all interest, penalities and costs thereon are paid. A complete delinquent list of all also/"" 5 and prof f rty " D Ye County, now owing taxes, including all city and town property, as to which taxes, or taxes and assess ments are delinquent, is on file in the office of the County Treasurer and is subject to public inspection and examination. Dated at Billings, Montana, this 8th day of June, A. D., 1948. A. WILLIAMS. Treasurer of Yellowstone County. (Date First Pub. June 16, 1948-3t) Notice is hereby given that sealed bids or proposals will be received by the County Commissioners of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS j Yellowstone County, Montana, at j their office in the Court House, Bil lings, Montana, until 10:30 o'clock I Thursday morning, July 1, 1948, for j the furnishing of labor and mater ials in accordance with the plans and specifications in the office of Chandler C. Cohagen, Architect, Hed den Building, Billings, Montana, for the construction of Barns located on the Midland Empire Fairgrounds near Billings, Montana. 1 Separate proposals will be receiv ed for general construction and wlrln E Plans, specifications, and forms may be obtained at the of fice of said architect. Every bid must be accompanied by a certified check, bid bond, or cash deposit to the value of ten per | cent of the proposal. Successful j bidders will be required to furnish acceptable surety bonds, The Board of County Commis sioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any one bid, and to waive bid formal i ties, bid I I Dated at Billings, Montana, this 11th day of June, A. D., 1948. BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS. YELLOWSTONE COUNTY, BILLINGS, MON TANA. By CHAS. E. WICKS, Chairman. Attest * (Seal)'EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk and Recorder. (Date First Pub. June 16, 1948-3t) SAND GRAVEL Delivered Call R. W. EASTON & SONS LAUREL TRANSFER Phones : 497-M, 267-W, 245-R Damage by Pecan Larvae Pecan nut casobearer (Acrobasis caryae (Grote) ) is sometimes a li miting factor in the production of pe cans in certain areas in the South eastern states. Most of the injury is caused by the first-generation larvae, which attack the newly set nuts. A single larva may destroy an entire nut cluster. The individual nuts that have been attacked can be recognized by the characteristic borings, or frass, that are cast out by the lar vae. The damage is most evident when pecan trees set a light nut crop but may also be severe in heavy crop years. In exceptionally heavy crop years the damage may be more than offset by a beneficial thinning effect due to the destruction of a portion of the nuts. Tuberculosis Rate Recedes Tuberculosis death rate in the United States in 1915 was 40.1 per 100,000, a decrease from the 41.3 rate of 1944. These are low rates eomoar ed with Japan's 101.5. India's 211.9 and China's 267.1. Broken down, the U.S.A. rate (40.1) shows 32.7 for the die STAMP PADS at Laurel Outlook. white population and 98 for Negroes. Among the states, the rate was 10.1 for Wyoming and the highest 123.1 for Arizona, the retreat of many tuberculosis immigrants who away from home. In general, the pul monary form accounts for 92.4 per cent of these deaths. NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT Cove Irrigation Co., Principal Place of Business, Laurel, Montana. Notice is hereby given that there are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment number 30 levied on the 1st day of May, 1948, the several amounts set opposite the names of the re spective shareholders, as Amount Delinquent $ 40.00 10.00 15.00 And in accordance with law and an order of the board of directors made on the 1st day of May, 1948, so many shares of each parcel! of stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the office of the company at Room 2, Wold Building, Laurel, Yellowstone County, Mon tana, on Wednesday, June 30, 1948, at the hour of 4 o'clock P. M., on said day to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. Dated June 16, 1948. No. of Stock Certificate No. of Shares Assessed to Andres Melendez Carroll Peterson Ross Thatcher 40 218 226 10 15 182 B. L. PRICE, Secretary-Treasurer. (Date First Pub. June 16, 1948-21) COAST-TO-COAST STORES jjsj|gin||njsj|gnjsj|gm MawHBiefaiaiKiiiKi l^ y 3?F* 12» (I STARTS FRIDAY 1 WATCH FOR THE BIG SALE CIRCULAR! IT WILL BE DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME! o ■ BELL RINGING VALUES A FEW OF THE BIG VALUES ,r ■■ CAR BUG SCREEN FILTER DISCS SENTINEL BATTERY PORTABLE RADIO $ 19 95 98c 43c \ Less Batteries H 3-Way, 5-Tube SENTINEL RADIO AC-DC Battery Superhet. Less Batteries $2995 f A £v » 9 ELECTRIC PLUGS REG. $5.00 6-INCH PLIERS REEL . *3 79 33c 6c Drop Forged Combination SAFE-FLEX STANDARD TIRES 6.00 x 16 > ==T 1 CLOTHES METAL SPRAYER LINE l /i Pint Household $g99 19c 29c Nationally Organized Locally Owned BOB STURTEVANT ST to COi STORES/ CO 1 (Next to Post Office) Tel. 472 First Illinois Paper Illinois' first newspaper, the Illi nois Herald, was published at Kas kaskia in 1814. The second, the Illi nois Immigrant, appeared at Shaw neetown in 1818. Kaskaskia, once the state's leading city, was flooded over and now lies at the bottom of the Mississippi river. Shawneetown, with a population of less than 2,000, recently was moved away from the banks of the Ohio to escape periodic flooding. 44444444444 + DR. E. C. HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building LAUREL, MONTANA Office Phone 3, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ - Res. 24 4 444444444444 4 444444444444 4 4 4 R. S. LUTZ, O. D. OPTOMETRIST 4 ♦ ; 4 112 Broadway - Billings, Mont 4 ♦ 444444444444 ! 4 4 444444444 + * + VYE CLINIC Matthew W. Calvert, M. D. Office Hours: 11-12, 1-5 Phone 100 444444444444 I************ B. L. PRICE Attorney-AT-L AW Notary Public Office in Wold Building LAUREL, MONT. I + + + + + + + + + 44 + 4 4 4 + : : 4 4 + | ^ ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i Laurel Outlook I I WANT ADS i I « WliereOppori unity Knock* 1 NOTICE WANTED TO RENT—Furnished All classified ads to appear in this | apartment. No children. Phone 213-J. Volumn must be paid for in advance unless you have a charge account. Home wanted for two kittens, 1 mo. old. 413 Pennsylvania Ave. Itp FOR SALE—Single bed, innerspring mattress, baby buggy, bassinette, miscellaneous articles. Ave. 307 4th 6-9-lt Itp FOR SALE—5 h.p. M.W. stationary air cooled engine, like new, bat tery ignition. 190-W, Laurel NOTICE We are on vacation but you will receive the same prompt, courte ous service bv contacting Mrs. Loren Shay, Phone 0302-R-5. Residence located directly above second underpass, 1 mile south of Laurel. We will be back July 5. DAISY'S FLOWER SHOP. 6-16-21 6-9-2tp FOR SALE—Good as new 4-pc. ; waterfall bedroom suite with j spring and matress $90; Faultless j sewing machine $25; ice box $7. 320 Mont. Ave., Tel. 239-J. Itp FOR SALE—Fryers, phone 0312 5-26-31p R-l. FOR SALE—Upright Piano, good practice piano, delivered and tuned, write Music Box, Billings. Very Price §165 Phone or WANTED—5 or 6 room house, un furnished. Address Roadmaster N. P. Ry., Laurel, or phone 15. UP 6-16-3tp WAITRESS WANTED — Experience not necessary. Laurel Cafe, Housework wanted—Ph. 215. Up 1-14-tf work, Itpi FOR RENT — 2-room furnished apartment, Laird Apts., across from Thompson Yards, phone 392. 6-9-2t WANTED—Part time book •experienced. Call 178-J. WANTED TO RENT—3 or 4 bed room house, furnished or unfur -[for LEASE OR SALE—Only to a mshed, good references, write box 1054, Laurel. 6-9-tf person who will occupy. Brick bus iness building, Main street, Laurel, Montana. Suitable for combina tion business and residence oc cupancy. Keeper & Keeper, Cody, Wyoming. We will finance. Want to care for children—After noon or evenings or by the day. 14 yrs. old. Call 455-W. Claudine Eberhardt, 921 E. 4th St. Up 6-16-tf MONEY SAVER Pour your own concrete New Dependable Mixer for Rent Phone 215 4-28-tf FOR SALE—Laurel Spudnut Shop offered below cost. New equip ment. Good lease. Selling because of other interests. Up Have equipment and will do weed spraying. C. J. Brohaugh. 5-26-tf FOR SALE—Milk cow, young, just fresh. See L. W. Armstrong. Up HALL FOR RENT—The Odd Fel lows hall, newly completed is available for public meetings of all kinds. Phone 98. 5-5-8tp FOR SALE—1935 Chev. Std. Good tires and good condition. Phone 593-J or see at 316 P'ifth Ave. Itp Expert bicycle repairing. Call after 6 P. M., 516 4th Ave., Laurel, Mont. 6-2-4t Concrete Breaker Air Com pressor Unit $4.00 per hour, man and machine. Phone 215 FOR SALE—Laurel Cafe in Laurel. 6-9-tf MR. RAILROADER—Want a home? If so, call phone 7114, Billings. We have a 6-room house furnished, and one-half acre of land, good soil, hydrant and cistern. Nine miles from Laurel on paved high way. $3,000, immediate posses sion. Ingvald Anderson Realty, 23 North 33rd St., Billings, Mont. 6-16-lt 4444444444444 4 4 CHARLES B. SANDE Attomey-at-Law Phone 34-W County Attorney's Office Billings, Montana 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444444444444 4444444444444 DR. L. S. HANSON Physiotherapy 4 Scientific Swedish Massage 4 Phone 199 420 First Avenue 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Montana ♦ 4 Laurel 444444444444 4: 444444444444 4 4 4 A. C. HOOSE C. P. SMITH 4 OPTOMETRISTS 4 4 4 Billings Montana 4 4 1 ■ 444444444444 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Lodge 1152 Meets every second Thursday, fourth Saturday. 8 p. m. Odd Fellow Hall. W. W. HARDEN. Governor. ARNOLD W. BEZDEK, Sec. 1 __ # -o L f 1 r «£ à? *T Æ r/x' Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29th, Billings Phone 2888 iiariiil ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Randolph Extinguishers STOPS FIRES FASTER Î f W. T. NELSON Phone 0-301-J-l Laurel, Montana a :11a. a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a a .a. a o Prices Are StilV Climbing! Does youur Insurance protect you? See ♦ ♦ <> ♦ <► FENTONS ♦ At Your Service YEAR IN—YEAR OUT »»♦♦ » ♦♦♦♦ »♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ »♦ ♦ ♦♦f f» 1 ► STOP-LOOK General Insurance R. J. WILLIAMS & SON PHONE 126 Phone 464 or 248-R Dr.W.A.McCormick Chiropractic Physician 218 First Avenue Hours; 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 Evenings by Appointment SCRAP IRON 2522 Minn. Ave. Phone 8635 - Billings Consolidated Iron & Metal Co.