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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
I Mr. and Mrs. John E. Coombs _ j the parents of a daughter,'dent; bom Monday, Oct. 4, at a BiVand lings hospital. Hems of Local Interest arc m "«"if sss mmm» £ mm I M lisi ■Ä& M ?i* : M :.<y m m : somme ne mr n cmm t semes eon sou : iP5 ■M r • t • i %■ /A big value event to acquaint you with savings at Safeway. In every section of the store you'll find low-price features that offer you a real chance to cut down food costs. Some are listed below. Check them-and then visit your nearby Safeway where you'll find many more. Come share in these outstanding values... and save ! Look for Red Arrow shelf markers at Safeway. They'll lead you to money-saving values. :SS r I « VN f m I À » / L I 1 109 5 CHEESE FLOUR FLOUR A Dutch Mill American 2-lb. Loaf . ( M 65 3 Kitchen Craft, Finest All Purpose 50-lb. Bag . * ,w 3 15 I IP m». :W:W: SS Harvest Blossom, No Better Flour for the Price. 50-lb. Bag. mm M I f S ■ Sugarbelle No. 2 Can. 12 Cans . 19c Highway Halves No. 2% Can 12 Cans .. PEAS 27c APRICOTS jartwsn .2.19 .3.09 A Gardenside (Cut) No. 2 Can . 17c Castle Crest. Sliced or Halves, No. 2% Can . GREEN BEANS 12 Cans . 32c PEACHES 1.98 3.69 12 Cans Country Home. Cream Style No. 2 Can 12 Cans 20c Harper House, Halves No. 2 % Can_ CORN 47c PEARS y //y: 2.29 5.39 12 Cans I Emerald Bay No. 2% Can 20c Highway No. 2 Can SPINACH 17c GRAPEFRUIT 12 Cans GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Miscellaneous Values Jell Well Pyequick Macaroni Yeast Preserves Sandwich Spread Salad Dressing Peanut Butter 2.29 12 Cans 1.98 RAISINS Van Camp's No. 2% Can PORK & BEANS 12 Cans ... Sauer Kraut 12 Cans MIXED VEGETABLES 12 Cans BABY FOOD 12 Cans 25c Town House 40 Oz. Can 0 Assorted Flavors 3 Oz. Pkg.. Betty Crocker 12 Oz. Pkg. • Porter's Assorted 14 Oz. Pkg. Fleishman's Fresh or Dry 2 Pkgs... 23c 7c Economy Seedless 2.89 1.29 6 Cans 39c 57c Columbia No. 2% Can Pull O'Gold 46 Oz. Can .1.69 14c 29c ORANGE JUICE 4-lb. Pkg. 19c .1.63 Libby's 303 Can ...1.98 Gerber's Strained 2 for . 6 Cans 9c 17c Sunny Dawn 46 Oz. Can . 28c TOMATO JUICE PREM0RTREET Sunny Jim, Assorted Fruit, 3 Lb. Jar _ Lunch Box 47c 1.59 6 Cans Lunch Meat 37c 17c Highway No. 2% Can 20c i Pint Jar Duchess Pint Jar . Beverly, Sta blized, 1 Lb. Jar 49c TOMATOES 12 Cans 37c 12-os. Can 98c 2.75 W'A 37c !'--1 tXSai. O j Typical Low Prices AIR WAY Compare With Any Other Brand At Any Price /• 'J * r v / f i) w - £ Maine, in Oil % Size. 14c Sardines Safeway has the low prices on fresh fruits and vegetables / mm f Libby's 4 Oz. Can - All Popular Brands Ctn. M. J. B. or Hills, Reg. or Drip 2 Lb. Tin - 19c Vienna Sausage Cigarettes Coffee Margarine Milk Milk Shortening Shortening Catsup Tuna Shrimp 1-lb. Pkg. 1.73 33 ' GRAPES POTATOES APPLES 1.13 Fancy Tokays U. S. No. 1.2 Lbs. ED COFFEE WARDS 39c Sunnybank, 1 Lb. Pkg. .. [M ( Triple Tested! For Rich Uniform Flavor Cherub, Tall Cans 4 for - Sego or Carnation, Tall Cans 4 for - 63c 35 ' Local Reds U. S. No. 1. 10 Lbs. 65c 2-lb. Tin Crisco 1.27 3 Lb. Tin_ Royal Satin 3 Lb. Tin - NOB COFFEE 1.21 39 ' HILL 1 Wash. Jonathans Fey. and Ex. Fey. 3 Lbs. Red Hill 19c Selected Whole Bean Ground Fresh ! « a 13% Oz. Bot- Torpedo Grated % Size . i... King Louts, Small Wet No. 1 Can . 39c Wash, Yellow, U. 8. 29 C No. T 5 Lb«. ... Louisiana, Ü. No. 1 3 Lbs. Sunkist, U. S. No. 1 2 Lbs. Firm, Crisp Heads ü. S. No 1. Lb. Firm Ripe, U. S. No. 1 2 Lbs__ Local Bunch, U. S. No. 1 2 Bunches ___.... Green, U. S. No. 1 Lettuce Tomatoes Carrots Cabbage Squash Celery 13c Dry Onions Yams Lemons Grapefruit Apples Oranges 2-lb. Pkg. 43c & \ ..... 19c _33c 3FC I I j 33c 15c > J&n 7. / / 7 Arizona, ü. S. No. 2 5 Lbs. . . Wash., Delicious, Fey. & Ex. Fey., 3 Lbs. Sunkist, Large, U. S. No. 1 5 Lbs. ) 59c ..... 5c Lb. Vi Safeway's trimmed-before-weighing meats save you money Marble Head, U. S. No. I 43c 7c Lb. Calif, Green, U. S. No. 1 69c 12c Lb. Short Shank Tenderized. Lb. Check These Values Quaker Oats PAR Reg. or Quick 3 Lb. Pkg. 34c Granulated Soap 23-oz. Pkg. 39c fia ROUND BEE BREAST of VEAL 1 C ! Fresh Daily Lard _ 57c Montana, 2 Lb. Ctn. Lb. DREFT Crackers Pancake Flour Syrup Corn Flakes 49c N. B. C. Premium, 2 Lb. Pkg Suzanna 3% Lb. Pkg. Sleepy Hollw, Cane & Maple 24 Oz. Bot.. Makes Dishes Shine 11-oz. Pkg. 33c 45c |C U. S. Graded 45c Lb. I, TOILET SOAP 2 for 23c Kellogg's 13 Oz. Pkg._ _19c 17c u Eviscerated, "Pan-Ready," fryers no waste. Lb.. Cod Fillets l""™' c ' Uo wr * pped Halibut Steak Cashmere Bouquet Regular. 89c I ■ U. S. Graded Beef 55c Short Ribs Sirloin Steak Beef LiverS; s :.^ pe " ed .. &Grad ! d 65c Veal Chops 3 Pork Roast Lamb Choos Ham t Wheaties f.-l.' Weston, George Inn, » 7 , COOkieS Assorted, 1 Lb. Pkg __ 4/C Campbell's Vegetable | æ Dennison's With Beans 01* No. 1 Can .. w I C Lb. ( 8 Oz. Pkg. U. S. Com, "Waste Free," Lb. 85c SOUP MIX 59c ; Glazed, Lb..... Lipton's Noodle 2-oz. Pkg. 3 for 33c i Shoulder. U. S. Graded, Waste-Free," Lb. 69c SLICED BACON .69c Chili Macaroni ^TcoT" 1 "" Beef Gravy Ti°cT^ n . Brooms 55c LIPTON'S TEA 1 Picnic Cut, Lb. .. ü. S. Good , Shoulder, Lb. Skinned. Whole or Half 18c Mild and Savory 69c Tea Bags Pkp. 48 ... Black 1 / 2 -lb Pkg 63c 55c Lb. _ 15c 67c ■ s 93c Lb. Dan Dee, Each i . iij* s i FI ■f WJ i f ■iks 1 r [SAFEWAY V 7 \ ^s#lfcg! i&h \ 7i»a — I ! m u* r/À Fine Granulated Y ; r r/MlA.7k 1 mm 1 25-lb. Bag 2 1 M I Officers elected for a high school Pep club at a recent meet ing were Laurel Stenerson, presi dent; Virginia Harlan, vice presi Jane Lockwood, secretary, Lauretta Tubman, SAC rep resentative. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kanzler left for a visit with relatives in Pasco and Yakima, Wash., and to attend a family reunion. Word has been received that Kenneth W. Stenerson, who en listed in the regular army for a three-year term, has been as signed to duty at Fort Ord, Calif. Initial duty at Lackland Field, Tex, has been announced for Eu gene K. Bice and James L. Kied rowski, who enlisted for one year in the air force. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Baker had guests Sunday Mrs. Baker's and daughter-in-law, Mr. and as son Mrs. Dale Palmer and daughter Jean Louise of Basin, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. W. Fryrear of Billings. Mrs. Eddie Speare and son, Ed win Cory, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green. Mr. and Mrs. Green and daughter Patsy accompanied her to Bozeman and spent the week end. ' Motor-Vu Theatre East on Laurel-Billings Road Two shows each night 7:00 and 9:15 P. M. Box Office Opens at 6:15 P. M. feiiiiiiBiUHWtiimiumiiimuiiuimiiHiiiiiaiijimiiiiWM^a:. FRIDAY - SATURDAY October 8 and 9 King of the Cowboys and the Queen of the west in a grand outdoor pictune filmed in color and packed with Songs. Music, Romance, thrills and Action. with Roy Rogers Dale Evans Sons of the Pioneers in u Apache Rose 77 Feature No. 2 Here is a grand picture of the Salmon Fishing Industry of the great Northwest, Filmed in Al aska and packed with thrills, tion, hardships, romance drama. ac and with Paul Kelly Evelyn Ankers Adrian Booth Roy Barcroft in Spoilers Of The u North » SUNDAY - MONDAY October 10 and 11 Here is a story of the Building of the Railroads filmed in gor geous Technicolor, with conflict, danger, drama, ro mance, action in a land laden with savage thrills and slashing excitement. It's packed with John Wayne Judith Anderson Laraine Day Sir Cedric Hardwickc Grant Withers James Gleason in Tycoon n Disney Cartoon and Paramount News. TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY THURSDAY October 12, IS and 14 Here is the grandest Comedy of , this or any other year, something new and different and packed with hilarious fun for the whole family, an avalanche of Laughter. It's with Robert Young Maureen O'Hara Clifton Webb Richard Haydn Louis Albritton Randy Stuart in 77 Sitting Pretty a Novelty - WusicaJL Cartoon rlMIIüWlIilHIIIIIWIiraim.'IBliüMBin'fBlllinBÜÜIIBÜrtBMIS First Dental College First dental college in the Unit ed States was founded in 1340, at Baltimore, Md. For Sale LINDEMAN-HALL Beet Loader New condition, guaran teed perfect, used two seasons on small acre age. Will load l.V tons and more per min. Cost $1,125 New Now delivered Phone 465-W m General Wiring » Appliances Radio Repair I Records If it's Electrical 1 We Sell and Service It! THE BEST FOR LESS j ällL mi mt