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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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ira --V ( I Si 1 ( A ■ I». ' f I A N. L là c Kt SA 1 Urm 6UI> CREASE i it's never too cold to harvest PROFITS! \ 4 A good harvest, and a top market for crops and livestock ore not the only things that provide a profit from farming. Money saved by proper care of farm machines is a profit you can har vest in the cold of winter. Avoid costly breakdowns and repairs . . . get more years of good service from expensive machines. .. increase profil by proper maintenance of your equipment. Give yovr Machinery READY-fOR-SPRING-USI attention this winter n Your Carter Oil Supplier hot high quality Oval-E specialized lubricants to help protect the life and improve the performance of*your machines. Check machinery for faulty or worn parts . . . make needed repairs now. Apply protective paint where necessary . . . shelter equipment if possible. Apply a heavy coating of Oval-E Oil or Grease to earth-scoured or other polished parts. Oval-E petroleum products on bearings, axles, spindles and gears help seal out weather, moisture, rust . and gritty dust . . . put your machinery in shape for a quick, \ trouble-free start next spring. V N w, V *5? •TV'S \ FREE! B. turc to 9*1 a Tractor lub. Chart — lor your make of tractor —and *h. Big, N»w Oval-E FARM BOOK from your Carter Oil Supplier. They are a valuable guide in money-taving service ... contain many helps For safety, far better farm and ranch operation. € THE CARTER OIL COMPANY CD Billingi, Montana • Denver, Colorado (■nfnPAHOTww 872 10 9 , lei I i "Johnny Cake" "Johnny cake" was originally called "journey cake". It was used by hunters and traders on their long journeys on foot over Indian trails. < SAWYER'S ► ♦ Boiled Ham Tree Top Cider Per Gallon 69c 1.00 lb. Jtipr * < ► JJI , ► : Picnic Ham NUCOa ♦ Per lbs. 77c 2 lb. for ♦ : : ♦ Potatoes Cheese ♦ ♦ ♦ ! * U. S. No. 1 Reds lb. 98c box -lb. 2.69 - IOO Bag l Butter : Pitted Dates ♦ Per 69c tb. : I -lb. cello package 27c : QUAKER Oatmeal CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup cans ♦ Lge. 39c 3 for 34c box GOLD MEDAL DENNISON FLOUR Catsup 14-oz. bottles.. SObas; 3.69 2 J ' I ► # ], o J [ iU • ► ! J * a <. ♦ Mr. Farmer: Get your winter supply of Stock Salt. SPECIAL This week end, $28.50 ton. ► ♦ ♦ Laurel, ♦ PHONE —— ♦ : 266 ♦ Mont. ♦ ♦ i ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦» ♦ ♦♦ ♦»»»I Indiana Dimes Park Indiana Dunes state park has a three-mile frontage on Lake Michi gan, and is located about 10 miles west of Michigan City on state highway 49. Heat of Light Bulb Heat of the wire inside an in candescent light bulb is between 4,000 and 5,600 degrees F., so in tense that it would make brick flow. I PARK CITY I € r.t'WiufHtrtHfWWtuufiifWW*.* 58 Cars Of Beets Are Shipped From Park City In Month Park City. Nov. 3.—The 1948) beet harvest which began Sept. I 28 ended Thursday, Oct. 28. ! Fifty-eight cars were loaded by the 18 growers of the community. Mrs. Nancy Vaught of Laurel weighed the beets and W. D. Whitcanack was dump man. Ballard Bare had charge of the dump in Trewin district. Panthers' Winning Streak Continues . Park Citv. Nov. 3.—It was with little difficulty that Coach W. F. Truckner's football six ran up a bip score on the Roberts field Thursday afternoon. The Park City Panthers made 25 points in the first quarter. Alvin Kober started a touch-1 down march on the third play of ( the game. The second team was sent in after the quarter. Others) making points were Wagner, Gon- j zales, Minch and Mattheis. The score by quarters was Park City 25, 14, 6, x: Roberts x, x, x. x, making a victory for Park City, 45-0. This game was the fifth play ed and also the fifth win for Park City. Colleen Eisenmann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Eisenmann, placed second with her 4-H club barrpw at the Fat Stock show in Billings. Oct. 27-29. Thursday The pro Mrs. C. V. Mosier was hostess to the Garden club afternoon at the hall, gram on "Pictures of Gardens Near and Far" were shown by j members. A pie social and en- 1 tertainment was planned for Nov. 13. and Mrs. Alex Fox, Mrs. John Altice, Mrs. W. F. Truck ner and Mrs. Ballard Bare were appointed to arrange for the oc casion. Mrs. C. V. Eastlick and Mrs. C. V. Mosier reported on improvements in yards, homes and the townsite in the past year. Ideas were discussed for next year's program. Mrs. E. Van dersnick was a guest of the club. Mrs. Tom Story entertained the birthday club Thursday eve ning at her home, honoring Mrs. John Fry. Members present were Mrs. Allen Lierow, Mrs. Al len Whitcanack, Mrs. Basil Hel- j gesen, Mrs. W. F. Adams. Mrs. Dick Vandenburg, Mrs. Fink, Mrs. Stanley Pearsall and Mrs. R. C. Bolin of Terry, a former member of the club. The Park City Legion and Auxiliary sponsored a Halloween dance at Riverside in Laurel Sat urday night. Oct. 30. A big crowd attended and a good time is reported. Mrs. C. C. Ford of Los Angeles is visiting her son and daughter in-law. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Hoff. Mrs. Marie McCune and two | sons. James and John, of Ab sarokee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Flood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKenzie ! apd Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Eastlick Harold I I and family went to Barber Sun day to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eklund. Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday in Hardin at the home of their daughter. Mrs. J. ! W. Scott and family, Colleen Adams entertained at a Halloween party at her home Thursday evening. Games were played outdoors, and a lunch was served. A. O. Nelson Her guests were students 1 of the high school and junior high. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Bare ; spent Wednesday in Cody with ] their son and family. Their granddaughter, Jackie Bare, ac- j companied them home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson spent Wednesday at the home of I Mr. Nelson's brother, Charles j Nelson. I The Park City school closed j Thursday noon and the teachers ! attended the Montana Educational association meeting in Billings until Saturday afternoon. During recent weeks friends ( have received cards from Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Keefer, who were in Florida enjoying summer heat. Oct. 31 they were to attend a family reunion in Michigan and would then start home. Guests last Sunday at the S. T. Flood home were Mrs. Helen i Braun. Mrs. H. D. Tompkins and Mrs. May Miller. j Neil Keefer of Billings, grand son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Keefer! I of Park Citv, was one of the four Î i students who appeared on the ? "Teen Agers Forum" of a Bil- I lings radio station Saturday, Oct. i 30, on "The Coming Election." Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lewis and Mrs. Myrtle Peters of Billings ,were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Roberts. ) Mr. and Mrs. Sig Eggar and j t daughter from near Bozeman. I | spent Thursday with Mr. and f Mrs. R. W. Davis. i | Mr. and Mrs. Tom Story enter- i tained at dinner Wednesday j f ! 1 ï I night honoring Mrs. Ralph Story on her birthday. Mr. Story was also a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Esp of | Big Timber spent a few days j during the week with Mr. and * Mrs. C. V. Mosier. Mrs. Leland Grover of Hamil ton came recently to visit her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman I Wolt Mrs. Robert Coat and son, , Howard Allen of Rosebud came I Wednesday and returned to their | home Saturday. Mrs. Tompkins • accompanied them home for the » week end. ■ ï i MILL DRIVE-IN Open 10 a. m. until Midnight Curb Con liter Carry Away SERVICE Chicken In a Basket Steaks Try Our CHILI BURGER SANDWICH Phone 14-J Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Zinne of Columbus were guests Sunday 'of Mr. Zinne's sister. Mrs. Albert Kline. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Kline were guests of Mrs. Kline's brother. Arthur Zinne, and family in Billings. PREVIEW OF L fi «<« Û i 3 St äT 1 <r s^rp 'S? V* BALCONY At Your caasEGEnSïïnôiira i ? | r Ï I ( l Announcements SIMMONS READY-TO-WEAR ï j . I ï OF LAUREL Now Under the Management of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. SIMMONS Miss Frances Fenton, assisting Our Policy • Low Profit Margin • Nationally Advertised Styles • Always Something New The former stock is Reduced to Below Cost Prices to make room for our New Holiday Merchandise VISIT THIS SALE ! SIMMONS LAUREL, MONTANA ... Mr. and Mrs. Ole Eggar and daughter Marjorie of Bozeman were guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orchard of Billings ) dinner guests Wednesday at the ! Davis home. . ■ | Supt. and Mrs. R. C. Bolin and family of Terry, formerly of I Park City, came Thursday and were guests at the W, F. Adams were)home. Superintendent Bolin at (tended the M. E. A. meeting in Billings during the week end.