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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
1 H I 1 y I The News of LAUREL L Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Lawrenz were hosts Friday evening to their bridge club, when prizes were won by Mr. Lawrenz, Neil Baker, Mrs. Philip Nolan and Mrs. Lawrenz. Mrs. F. A. Scheidecker enter tained her bridge club at dessert last Wednesday afternoon and awarded prizes to Mrs. F. O. Hartley, Mrs. B. Meyer Harris and Mrs, Russell Barr. Word has been received by W. C. Porter that his mother, Mrs. Almeda Porter who recently re turned from a visit in California, has been seriously ill at her home in Greybull, Wyo. Mrs. Roy Edwards was hostess to her bridge club last Wednes day evening at a Christmas party and exchange of gifts. Scoring awards were won by Mrs. Ken neth Walker, Mrs. R. H. Sterrett, Mrs. L. C. Foote and Mrs. Glen Anderson. The birthday of Mrs. John Price was honored when Mrs. D. W. Hunter entertained at dessert for members of her bridge club last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Glen Sheets and Mrs. Hazel Wallace, teachers at the Hawthorne school, announce that ! » > Poultry for Christmas • TURKEYS • DUCKS • CHICKENS To have poultry when you want it, ORDER NOW—No foolin'. All the trimmings— Cranberry sauce, mince meat, pickles, spices, pumpkin, preserves, jellies, ready made cakes and pies, puddings, nuts, candies—everything you could think of, and more. The standbys too— REEF, PORK, VEAL, OYSTERS, FISH Do ALL your buying here for Christmas Dinner. McCORMICK'S FOOD MART Laurel's Popular Place to Trade Phones 76 and 77 Daily Deliveries " — . — . 7 ; ' m AS % %: ■ 17-7 if / t f ■ •■<*£** -f * - 0: ' . j f ' ■ r* ■ Arriving Soon at This Elevator Car of Molasses Cake Containing 20% Protein Per ton, off the car. We advise that you place orders now •73.0« Hageman Elevator B. B. HAGEMAN, Proprietor 220 West Main Street, Laurel, Phone 456 t h e school •will be dismissed Wednesday, Dec. 22, for the Christmas holidays. A program is being prepared for presenta tion at the school Wednesday evening. Pupils of the Byam school under the direction of Mrs. Al bert Bender and Mrs. Glen Peter practicing for their son, are Christmas program Thursday eve ning, Dec. 23, at the school. Phyllis Hickenbottom's tenth birthday was celebrated Satur day when her mother, Mrs. Wayne Hickenbottom, entertained at an afternoon party at her home on Seventh avenue. Games were | played and prizes awarded the winners, after which a lunch was served to Amy Ehrlich, Virginia Corner, Jeanie Behm, Arlene Brester, Bonnie Boylan, Boylan, Priscella Hickenbottom, and the honor guest, Phyllis, Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Wieber were hosts at a dinner Sunday honoring the birthday of their daughter, Miss Georgia Wieber. Guests were Mrs. A. F, Elliot and Herman Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindauer had as guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Hall of St. Louis, Mich., and Mrs. C. T. Trott of Billings. Mrs. L. R. Ferrin was hostess to her bridge club at dessert and had Mrs. Hugh Sweeney as a guest. The afternoon's awards went to Mrs. R. P. Palmer, Jr., and Mrs. R. C. Brown. Allwin, Millie Wombolt, Elsie Carol Ü . ; CrfyJL, ÿ Once upon a time—according to Harz mountain legend—a poor miner's wife was gathering pine cones in the forest. It was just be fore Christmas, her husband was 111, and there was no money in the house for food. So, she gathered the cones and sold them to the villagers for kindling—obtaining enough for the day's necessities. One morning while she was look ing for such cones, a little imp jumped out of a huge fir tree. "Here, here are the biggest, driest cones of all! Take these," he shrieked. Jumping up and down excitedly. Suddenly, there was such a show er of cones that the poor woman was frightened. She tried to run away, but could not move until the little Imp had filled her basket. And, hav ing started home, the basket grew heavier and heavier—she wished the elf hadn't disappeared, he might have helped her. When she finally reached her hut, she called the children to help car ry the basket inside. Emptying the basket, they found that every cone was made of solid silver. Commemorating these legendary silver cones, gilded pine cones are sold in modern stores, to decorate our homes—to burn and crackle gaily in our Christmas fires. The Outlook Says Thirteen members of circle 6 of the Woman's Society of Chris tian Service attended the meeting of the circle Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Alvin Shaf fer. A report was given on the Methodist bazaar and members were urged to attend the general meetings of the W. S. C. S. at the church. Mrs. Shaffer had charge of the program during which a history of the Christmas carols and their composers was given. A new project for the coming year was discussed. The next meeting is to be Thursday evening. Jan. 13, at the home of Mrs. Charles Gowen, with Mrs. Gum as hostess. The Junior altar society met Thursday evening in the parish hall and wrapped Christmas gifts for the orthopedic hospital in Billings. Bingo occupied the re mainder of the evening and des sert lunch was served. The next meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 13, at the hall. ■* m. II ! 4 I 7 7 nss&am Ion a pi % - { ft r j; j 1947-'2» s 1948-S2- 50 NOW-4.95 ■ Gotham Style 4143 , famous 54 gauge 15 denier nylon stockings , now less than ever before! Gotham "know how " brings American women these won derful stockings at an undreamed-of price. We have them — $1.95 a pair. ■ VAUGHN - RAGSDALE'S 1 - Y P 'k/f k : 1 < 7 vt* Open Evenings Until 8:00 M. SATURDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY V Xä *** r * FREE Gift Folders! i ■'V T FREE Gift Wrapping! w (lifts for a ßimx (lifts for a Woman y y ! y * White Rayon Mufflers . Wings White Shirts .. With Collars that will Out Last the Shirt Wings Sport Shirts Ship 'n Shore Plaid Blouses Western Slack Suits. Printed Pure Silk Head Squares.1.98 1.98 y 2.98 V V 3.49 16.74 y ! : u y 3.98, 4.98, 5.95 Gabardine Shirts, wool and rayon.5.45 All Wool Gabardine Shirts. Woolrieh All Wool Shirts. Woolrich Red and Black Jacket Clipper Craft Topcoats.. Clipper Craft Suits. H Bar C Frontier Pants H Bar C Frontier Jacket. Wembley Ties . Esquire Socks. Lace Trimmed Slips. Rayon Undies . Flannel Pajamas . Western Girl Jeans .. 4 P All Wool Sweaters. Ribbed Top Anklets. Simplicity House Frocks . Chenille Robes . Lace Trimmed Crepe Gowns House Slippers ..3.98 49c to 79c y y y 12.95 y i ■ 2.98 y 6:95 y y y 3.29 16.95 40.00 40.00 and 45.00 y y y 2.98 y y • ; 39c 3.98 17.45 y 5.84, 8.84 19.95 1.00, 1.50 .. 55c, 75c 7.95 1.79 to 5.95 (Sifts for a pon CSitfs for a 0 (Sid "c - I ««WWW«««« -:r * i I Pauker Striped Cotton Shirts Long Sleeves, Sizes 4 to 18. Blackboards » f Easel type, Hard surface ... 2.50 1.98 ? Snow Suits [Z Sport Shirts i 6.95 to 16.74 Plastic Loose Powder Compacts .75c - 1.98 to 3.25 I 1 Table and Chair Set . .10.00 Cinderella DRESSES Bright Mittens Men's Wool Sweaters . . 2.00 i Fur backs . 1.29 1 1.98 t„ 4.98 MEN'S ALL WOOL Dress Shirts Plaid Shirts Zipper Jackets Sheep lined... Ed [J Rubber Boots 10.95 2.45 1 4.98 * Brown, Red, W r hite Mostly Whites Excellent Quality Well Known Brand Sizes 14 to 17 Regular Collars Sport Collars Values to 7.95 Not All Sizes Jack Shirts Double Cape Bright plaids.... Plaid Blouses 7.95 » Long ZJ sleeve. 2.98 i' TRICYCLES 10-inch wheel .11.95 16-inch wheel .13.95 20-inch wheel .11.95 (Sifts llnher (Sifts for tlir if nine m I. l' 1 Women's All Linen Hankies . 25C Nashua Purrey Blankets . .7.95 1 81x108 Muslin Sheets . i\ - 42x36 Pillow Cases . P Alden Shag Rugs, 24x36 .2.69 Girls' Wool Gloves 49c Coaster Wagon All steel, Full size.. J [l Boys' Mitts .69c 49c Men's Wool Gloves. 39C .5.45 Cowboy Boots 84 to 12 124 to 3 4 to 8 .... i Suspenders .98C \ i' 6.95 7 - 4S I 4.98 1 Lace Table Covers 6.95 L Boys' Mufflers 49C 0 All Wool Blankets 6.95 Kiddies Aprons 69C j i i Pastel Colored Sheets and Cases 45x36 Cases Tea Aprons Flannel Shirts 98C 81x108 72x108 Sizes 6 to 16 1.49 0 All Wool Sweat Socks 69C 2.98 3.49 89c ; WRANGLERS B 2.49 1» Kiddies Hankies 29C (3 in a box) Plaid or Indian Blankets 3.98 Boys' Jeans. Zip Purses 98Ç