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I Cf A I MnTIPPQlon LUVJri L V_/ I ILiLO NOTICE TO BIDDERS Midland Empire Fair Grandstand Notice is hereby given that sealed bids or proposals will be received by the County Commis sioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, at their office in the Court House, Billings, Montana, until o'clock, Tuesday morning, April 12, 1949, at which time said bids will be pub licly opened and read, for the replacing of approximately 180 feet of grandstand at the Mid land Empire Fairgrounds; all in accordance with plans, specifica tions, and supporting documents prepared by Cushing & Terrell and Orr Pickering & Associates, 10:30 Artichtects and Engineers, lings, Montana. The work comprises the remov al of approximately 180 feet of trame grandstand adjoining the existing concrete bleachers and the construction of approximate ly 180 feet of a new steel and concrete grandstand structure. Bids will be received for: Letting Number 1, Removal of approxi mately 180 feet of old frame grandstand and general construc tion of new steel and reinforced concrete grandst and ; Letting Number 2, Plumbing and venti lation for same: Letting Number 3, Electrical work for same; or a combined bid or proposal in cluding all work under Lettings Number 1, Number 2, and Num ber 3. Work may be started August 15, 1949 and shall be completed not later than June 15. 1950. Bids shall be on the forms provided by the architects and are to be sealed, delivered, and properly marked. Said bids shall be filed at the office of the County Commissioners on or be fore the above specified time. Bids shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond by an approved surety company in the amount of five per (5%) of the bid amount. The successful bidder or bidders will be required acceptable surety to furnish bonds. Each bidder will be required to submit evidence that he has a license from the State Board of Equalization in the class re quired to cover the amount of the contract. The Board of County Commis sioners reserves the right to re ject any or all bids or to accept any one bid and waive bid form alities. Plans, specifications, and bid ding documents will be on file and issued from the office of Orr Pickering Room 310 Fratt Building, Bil lings, Montana. Bidders may ob tain copies of these documents & Associates, Jllajemj, tMomana Tm a m v K. m ;••• II 1 Fifteen daily and 101 weekly newspapers are published in Montana. Their combined net paid circulation totals almost 300,000. These town criers in type perform many func tions important to our welfare and convenience. They not only bring local, national and inter national news to their readers, but convey mes from merchants to consumers for the bene sages fit of all concerned. They purvey humor and entertainment, publish legal notices, find every thing from lost dogs to job? and apartments, and help mold public opinion with editorial com- , ments and syndicated columns. . Yes, newspapers do many things in this country, thanks to that American right,—freedom of the press. Helping to print these papers easily and rapidly is low-cost electricity. It operates type-setting melts metal, the and machines, type presses, supplies light throughout the offices and shop. Truly, electric energy is the power of the press. We salute the newspapermen of Montana. Our Research Advisory Service ivill get you reports of experts on problems connected with printing or any other industry. We urge you to make use of this FREE service. Write RESEARCH ADVISORY SERVICE, c/o The Montana Power Company, Butte, Montana. THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY or after March 1, 1949 by de posifinjr the sum of $20.00 per set. Deposits will be refunded provided the documents are re turned promptly and in good con dition. Dated at Billines, Montana, this 21st day of February, A. D. 1949. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Yellowstone County, Billings, Montana. By BEN B. HAGERMAN Attest: EARLE KNIGHT. County Clerk and Recorder. (First Pub. 2-23,1949-5 times) Of the SUMMONS (For Publication) In the District Court Thirteenth Judicial District Of the State of Montana In and For the County of Yel YELLOWSTONE COUNTY, a q u a s i - municipal corporation; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DE VISEES AND CREDITORS OF S. O. HARRIS. DECEAS ED; MRS. DORIS M. HAR RIS, widow of S. O. HARRIS, DECEASED: GENE GORDON HARRIS, AND MRS. GENE GORDON HARRIS, his wife, if any; MRS. MARGARET ANN MORGAN; MRS. JEAN MAR-j IAN ATKINSON and all who might claim any right, title, estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the com plaint, or any part thereof ad verse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiff's title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be pres ent or contingent, including any claim or possible claim of lowstone. TED C. BUNDY and DOROTHY P. BUNDY, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, . vs dower, inchoate or accrued, De fendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DE FENDANTS AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS UN KNOWN. GREETINGS: , , j You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint m this ac tl i >n ., wh 3H h * s f le iljIJ 1 r® °/ flC ° of the Clerk of this Court a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your ans wer and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiffs attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons exclu sive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be token against you by default for the relief demanded in the com P mu- •„ This action w brought for the purpose of quieting title to the land situated in Yellowstone County, Montana, and described as follows: Lots Sixteen (16) and Seven teen (17) in Block Eleven (11), in Nutting Subdivision, to the TOwnsite of East Lau rel. now City of Laurel, Montana situate in Section Ten (10), Township Two (2) South, Ranee Twenty-four (24) East, M.P.M. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court this 8th day of March. 1949. KATIE DAVIES, Clerk. By Ruby Farley, Deputy. (Court Seal) Hugh Sweeney, Attorney for Plaintiffs, Laurel, Montana. (First Pub. March 9, 1949-4t) NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and bv virtue of Reso lution No. 694, of the City Coun cil of the City of Laurel, Montana, duly passed and approved, a spec ial election will be held in and for said City on Monday the 4th of April, 1949, from the hours of eight A. M., until six o'clock P. M. of said day for the purpose of submitting to the taxpayers of said City qualified to vote there on, the question of whether or not the said City shall increase its debt limit by the issuance and sale of "General Swimming Pool Bonds, City of Laurel, Montana, 1949," in the following amount and for the following purpose, to wit: In the amount of Thirty-five Thousand and no/100 Dollars for the purpose of structing, establishing, ing and operating a swimming pool, within the corporate limits of said City, thus improving the recreational facilities of said City, The character of said bonds will bo "General Swimming Pool Bonds, City of Laurel, Montana, 1949." The particular purpose of said bonds is to secure money for the project above listed and the amount to be expended for said purpose is as above set forth, procuring, con maintoin j Said bonds shall be issued for the {sum of $35,000.00. They shall be ! designated as "General Swimming J oo1 Clty of Laurel - Mon ' * ana > 1949 - interest shall be payable in lawful money of the United States. They shall bear interest at not to ex ceed 4% annum . pavabIe sem i-annuallv on July 1st and January 1st of each year and shall dated h first day of July 1949 Amortization bonds will be th first choice and serial bonds ffl be th second choice of tbe Council at the time of sa]e . Sa id bonds wiu be id over a riod f twent years and will be re . deemabls at the option of the C ity f Laurel on any inte rest paving date from and after five vear * { date f issue thereof . The places of votinR at such Special election within the City of Laurel win be as follows: v « Prcc and Ward pj rst Ward Spponrl Word tw vK lnira Wara ' '' Their principal and Polling Places In said Precinct City Hall Gymnasium Building Fourth Ward: . Dated this 1st day of March, 1949. TILLIE HOHENDORF, City Clerk. (First Pub. March 9. 1949-3t) NOTICE OF SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY BY THE COUNTY As Reappraised By the Board Of County Commissioners. By order of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, entered on its minutes of the 9th day of March, 1949 the Board will on April 13th, 1949, beginning at 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Billings, in Yel lowstone County, State of Mon tana. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder all the right, title, interest, estate, lien, claim and demand of the State of Montana and of said County of Yellowstone in and to the following real property and the Board determined and fixed the fair market value of the property at the amount set after the description: which amount constitutes and represents the reappraised value as fixed by the Board as of this date. No. 1. EVi and E&SW& of Sec. 4, Twp. 4 No. Range 32 East. M.P.M. Approx. 343 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 2 SEK and SWt4NE*4 of Sec. 8, Twp. 4 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 200 acres. $2.00 acre No. 3. All Sec. 9, Twp. 4 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 640 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 4. W>/ 2 & SE& of Sec. 10, Twp. 4 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 480 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 5. SEVi & S%SW14 of Sec. 18, Twp. 4 No, Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 235 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 6. Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Sec. 8. Twp. 4 No. Range 33 East. M.P.M. Approx. 150 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 7. All Sec. 7, Twp. 5 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 640 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 8. All Sec. 14, Twp. 5 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 640 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 9. NVa of Sec. 18, Twp. 5 No. Range 32 East. M.P.M. Ap prox. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 10. All Sec. 20, Twp. 5 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 640 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 11. N% of Sec. 34, Twp. 5 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 12. SEH of Sec. 9, Twp. 5 No. Range 33 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 160 acres $2.00 acre. No. 13. EV» of Sec. 22, Twp. 5 No. Range 33 East, M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 14. All Sec. 24, Twp. 5 No. Range 33 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 640 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 15. NE% & N*4SE»4 of Sec. 26. Twp. 5 No. Range 33 East, M.P.M. Approx. 240 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 16. S?4 of Sec. 28, Twp. 5 No. Range 33 East. M.P.M. Ap prox. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 17. W*6 of Sec. 30, Twp. 5 No. Ranee 33 East, M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 18 All Sec. 18 Twp 5 No. Ranee 34 Last. M.P.M. Approx 640 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 19. SMi & SLN ',2 of Sec. 20, Twp. 5 No. Range 34 East, M.P.M. Approx. 480 acres. $2.00 ' i acre. All the above described land will be sold with reservation unto Yellowstone County, Mon tana, its successors and/or as signs. 6)4 per centum of all oil and/or gas and other Hydro Carbons produced and saved from said land. Also above lands are subject to the Buffalo Creek Co-opera tive State Grazing District Lease which expires February 28th, 1950. Such sale will be for cash, or on such terms as may be ap proved by the Board, provided, î however, that if such sale is made on terms, at least twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the date of sale, and the remain der may be paid in installments extending over a period of not to exceed five years, and all such deferred payments shall bear in terest at the rate of 4% per an num. Sales of $100.00 or less must be cash. Dated March. 9th, 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk, (First Pub. March 16, 1949-3t) SUMMONS (For Publication) In the District Court Of the Thirteenth Judicial District Of the State Of Montana, In and For the County Of Yellow- , stone. ; j 1 DORIS E. ADAMS, Plaintiff, vs. CATHERINE COTCHER; GLENN S. CROSS and CROSS, the wife, if of any, Glenn S. Cross, whose true name is unknown; YELLOW STONE COUNTY, MONTANA, a body politic; CHARLES J. McMANUS and LORETTA E. McMANUS, husband and wife; and claiming, or who might claim, anv right, title, estate or in terest in. or lien or encumb rance upon, the real property described in the complaint, or any part thereof, adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiff's title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or contingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, in choate or accured. Defendants. The State Of Montana To the Above Named Defendants and to All Other Persons, Unknown, Greeting: YOU are hereby summoned to j answer the complaint in this ac tion which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, and to file your answer and serve a , copy thereof upon the plaintiff's , attorneys within twenty days j after the service of this sum- j all persons, unknown. mons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your fail ure to appear or answer, judg ment will be taken against you bv default for the relief demand ed in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title in the plaintiff and barring the defend ants, and each of them, from asserting any claim of right, title, estate, or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the following described real property situated in Yellowstone County, Montana, to-wit: The North Half (N%) of Lot Twelve (12) and all of Lot Thirteen (13) in Block Twenty-three (23) of the Laurel Realty Second Subdi vision to the Townsite of East Laurel. Laurel, Mon tana. according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder o f Yellowstone County, Montana; Subject to a mortgage given to The Yellowstone Bank, Laurel, Montana, dated May 10. 1948, for $6,000.00 filed for record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Yellowstone County, Mon tana, on July 8, 1948, at 4:00 o'clock P. M. in record book 323 of mortgages, page 336, Document No. 440164. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court this 24th day of February, A. D. 1949. KATIE DAVIES, Clerk of the District Court. (COURT SEAL) By Eleanor Behrendt, Deputy Clerk. Burke & Hibbs 216 Securities Building Billings, Montana Attorneys for Plaintiff. (First Pub. March 2. 1949-4t) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT COVE IRRIGATION CO. Incorporated At Laurel, Montana NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Cove Irrigation Co., held on the 5th day of March, 1949, an assessment of $1.00 per share was levied on the subscrib ed capital stock of the corpora tion, payable on or before the 7th day of April, 1949, to the Secre tary-Treasurer of said Company at Number 2. Wold Building, Lau rel. Montana. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 7th day of April, 1949. will be delinquent and advertised on the 13th day of April. 1949, for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on April 28, 1949 to pay the delinquent assessment together with costs of advertising and ex pense of sale. Bv order of the Board of Di rectors. B. L. PRICE. Secretary-Treasurer, Box 67. Laurel, Montana. (First Pub. March 9. 1949-4t) Americo First? of aggression. RED TARGETS: If Russia decided to launch a war where would the Soviets strike first? The Kiplinger magazine has pub lished a thought-provoking article on the subject. Entitled "Where Would Russia Strike?" the article draws these conclusions: THE UNITED STATES would be the first target of the attacker, for enemy could not afford to let the Uniteth States build up its tre mendous war power after shooting an starts, as was done in the last war. The initial attack would come by air, probably at night, on a whole sale scale, on many cities and cen ters within the single night. attack the continental United States without it. At present the bomb is believed to be a U. S. monopoly, This attack most surely would be by atomic bomb. Russia would not but probably won't stay that way. Two kinds of targets in this coun try would be attacked simultaneous ly by the Russians. First, the air bases from which we might launch retaliatory attacks against the Rus sians. Second, the places crucial to U. S. production and mobilization. ANY FUTURE WAR probably can be won by the nation that strikes a heavy blow first. The Unit ed States, being a democracy, is to striking traditionally averse first. This conflict between tradi tion and the hard facts of future wa r might have to be resolved in due course by our national leaders. The article lists the following tar get areas which would bo given high priority by the Russians; Augusta, Me. site of a B-36 base; Rapid City, S. B-36 base: New York City—seven A-bombs could wreck whole port area; Washington, D.C.—one bomb could demolish Pentagon, nation's military nerve center; Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.—demolition of canal would impose tremendous extra burden on nation's railways; De troit—because of war conversion j | | t | [ potential great automobile plants would be targets; Chicago; Han ford, Wash.; Los Alamos, N. M.— atomic weapons centers; Ridge, Tenn.—sprawling atomic energy plants here would be cer tain target; eastern seaport cities —for obvious reasons. Oak Safety First I [ j | 1 ! | I i , \ Martin Larson, 41, truck driver of St. Paul, Minn., has been named the trucking industry's "driver of the year.' was chosen because of an 18-year record of driving without an ac cident, combined with rescue of a motorist pinned in an over turned car in below-zero weather. Larson BEST DRESSED: Among The Gentry Had you the intangible faculty of "ability to wear gaily-hued clothes, plus knowledge of how to get the •most out of money spent on clothing." you might have wound up among the "ten best dressed men in America" as announced by the Custom Tailors Guild of Amer ica, Inc. HOWEVER, the field was some what narrowed so there was really cause for widespread anguish or concern. After all, the tailors couldn't include everyone. At any rate, here are the "10 best dressed men special fields of endeavor: Government — Dean secretary of state; sports — Lou shortstop • manager, no in America" in 10 Acheson, Boudreau, Cleveland Indians; comedy—Morey Amsterdam; society—Charles A. screen—Clark Gable Munn, Sr. ; music—Elliot Lawrence, orchestra leader; education—Harold E. Stas sen, president of the University of ! Pennsylvania; radio-Richard Koll actor; theatre—Ray Bolger, mar, and business—Lawrence C. Gum binner, advertising agency head. IT WAS NOTED in passing that another front-runner. Mr. Harry S. Truman, was barely nosed out by Dean Acheson. It seems Secretary Acheson's nomination was based on his "perfect choice of clothes to Hoover. federa , bureau ., ^ " ,. ... of investigation chief, reported there were about three times as ma y major crimes last year as there were minutes, in a report on the nation's 1948 cr ime record, he estimated there were one m uiion. 686,670 major law violations _ •• a serious crime for every 18.7 seconds." The total was 1.3 per cent greater tkan that of 1947. reflect h i s agressiveness and poise." However, there was a crumb for Mr, Truman. He was second best. Crime Record Up - Laurel Outlook Î I WANT ADS I I Where Opportunity Knocks i _j NOTICE All classified ads to appear in this column must be paid for in ad vance unless you have a charge ac counts WANTED—To Rent. An unfurn ished house or apartment by couple. 209 3rd Ave. Itp WANTED—Dead and disabled animals, picked up free of charge. Billings Rendering Co., Phone 8410, days, Billings, and 9-4282. nights. 12-22-tf FOR RENT — House, 2 miles Frank Hartley, from Laurel. 4(11 Fourth Ave., phone 142-M. It WANTED—To buy, straw, load or stack. Frank Hartley, 401 Fourth Ave., phone 142-M 3-16-2tp Merle Norman Cosmetics. E. 5th St., Phone 204-M. 607 2-2-tf FOR SALE—Used Electric Re frigerator, good condition, 6-ft. size. $85.00. Laurel Trading Co. Phone 5. FOR SALE—Improved 40-ft cor Phone 82-R. 515 lot. ner Wash. Ave. 2tp j FOR SALE—Tent, pressure cook er, camping dishes, floor lamp, card table, crocks, fruit jars, mirrors, 2 foot-stools, books, pictures, puzzles, games, cur tains, Packard cushions ideal for love seat, tuxedo, 36-38, girl's grey suit 12-14, girl's jacket 14-16, lady's knit suit 18, other articles, sell. WAITRESS WANTED — Experi ence not necessary. Laurel Cafe. 1-14-tf Priced to 209 Third Ave, Itp FOR SALE—Lots for home sites, sewer, water, and clear title furnished. Herman Schessler, phone 446. 1-12-tf LOST—Multi-colored Persian cat. Answers to name of "Smut." Reward. Gibson Service Sta tion. Phone 61. Itp FOR SALE—Cement laundry tubs, with stand and faucets. Priced to sell at $20.00 Lau rel Trading Co. Phone 5. We have received a shipment of plate glass mirrors; assorted sizes; all reasonably priced. Roysdon Furniture Store. it APARTMENT Wanted—Furnish ed or partially furnished. Couple only, husband superin tendent of new N. P. artificial ice plant, call R. J. Orr, 196-J. Itp 4 4 ♦ A. C. HOOSE C. P. SMITH 4 Office Hours: 11-12, 1-5 OPTOMETRISTS +++++++++++4+++I ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ Montana 4 4 Billings 4 444444444444444 ♦ ♦ VYE CLINIC ♦ Matthew W. Calvert, M. D. 4 Phone 100 ♦ 4 + + 4 ♦ 444444444444444 444444444444444 4 4 B. L. PRICE Attomey-at-Law Notary Public Office in Wold Building Laurel, Mont. 444444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444444444444 DR. L. S. HANSON Physiotherapy 4 Scientific Swedish Massage 4 Phone 199 420 First Avenue + 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 Laurel Montana 4 444444444444444 444444444444444 + 4 DR. E. C. HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building Laurel, Montana 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Office Phone 3 Res. 24 4 444444444444444 4 4 44444444444444fj R. S. LUTZ, O. D. OPTOMETRIST 112 Broadway Billings, Mont. 44444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 ! 4 ♦ 4 ■ ■. ■■■ ■ :■ ■ /mir :■ ■ '-n ■ m J 7^ ♦ €»• mk m Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29th, Billings Phone 2888 n ill ■ ■■■■■■ a" ■ RUGS—9x12, wool; special price, 20% off regular price. Roys don Furniture Store. It FOR SALE—90-foot front, and Cafe on 30 ft. front; Cafe leased for five years at $150. 00 per month; buyer to as sume lease on building, or could purchase vacant lots separate. For further infor mation apply 420 Washington Ave. It FOR SALE— Mise, items of furn iture including gas range and refrigerator, 519 Wyoming Ave. Phone 328-M. It FOR SALE—Laurel Cafe in Lau 6-9-tf rel. For interior decorating call 498-R or write Box 1145. 3-2-tf FOR RENT—Small apt. Phone 0312-R-l. 3-16-2tp FOR SALE—Overstuffed set in Phone 589-R. good condition. Itp FOR SALE—Blond dining room Roysdon Furniture Store. set. It FOR SALE—Model A Int. tractor with 6 row cultivator and bean Casper Harding, 7th cutter. Ave., Laurel. Itp FOR SALE—Modernistic light oak dinette set. $30.00; 2-pan el door, $5.00; 1 small window, $3.00. Phone 146-R. Itp WANTED—Housework by the hour. Phone Joliet 2377. Itp FOR SALE—Used sewing ma chines, $49.95. Laurel Sewing Mach. & Supply Co. Phone 22-J Laurel, Mont. It FOR RENT—3 room furnished apartment, immediate posses sion. Call 0303-J-l. Itp WANTED—48-inch bed, and mattress. spring Phone 394-J. It Eel and Salmon Spawning habits of the eel are just the reverse of those of the salmon; the salmon spawns in fresh water, but lives in the ocean, while the eel lives in fresh water, but goes to the salt for spawning. Both males and females die after spawning, and the little eels start back to the rivers when they are quite small. At this stage of de velopment, they are called "el vers." jjiaiiiaiiiaiiHiiiaiiiiiBiii'iiainiiiiiiniBfiiiaiinmiiiH SCRAP IRON! 8 2522 Minn. Ave. m Phone 8635 - Billings " Consolidated Iron ■ & Metal Co. ■ ■ aMMmmmiimBnvnmMnB Bearcreek and Wyoming AJso Gravel and Sand Hauling, Dirt for Filling GIVE US A RING Phones 497-M, 267-W and 245-R Laurel Transfer R. W. Easton and Sons Hides and Sheep Pelts FURS WOOL SCRAP METAL Acme Trading Co. BILLINGS, MONTANA 2015 Montana Phone 4660