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Around the Town Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawley are the parents of a daughter, born Saturday, April 30 at a Billings hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Omund Ossen of ■were Big Timber guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Strand. overnight Mrs. Jack Pederson was hos tess at her home Thursday after noon at a pink and blue shower honoring Mrs. Lyle Roseberry. The bingo and a lunch was served. Attending were the honor guest, Mrs. Roseberry, and Mrs. Verne Boughton, Mrs. Harold Wedel, Mrs. Harold Wedel, Mrs. Roy Roseberry, Mrs. L. R. Stickel berger. Dr. Josephine Stickelberg afternoon was spent at r /Jt jy/lÆÀàÀék Vi •1 •, •T* j } j j I j : I I 1 No. 2300 Popular Waterfall Design in Walnut Troy Included $4995 LANE CEDAR CHEST Say, "I love you. Mother," with this most beautiful, most practical gift of all! Also the perfect gift f weddings, engagements, gradua tions, anniversaries. Come in now for remarkable values! Guaran teed against moth damage. o r 0 df No. 2221 .- Aoc 18fh Century Design in Honduras Mahogany The Perfect Gift for Mother's Day! tt it ; : m No. 3268 Modern Chest in American Walnut Tray Included \ »49« Roysdon Furniture Store 213 West Main St. Phone 87 <•>4 I I « Wide! WeJqe! 1 1 I » & « w 0 ^ m % 8 x •U / 4$ ~os \ £3 BARRED BRAID SANDAL . 3.05 Pretty as a peppermint stick—and practically nothing on the foot — couldn't be cooler. Your choice of light, bright colors, or color combinations—all fade-proof in soap and water. as. r e//es 1 9 < THE WASHABLE CASUALS 1 V ! Trailer With Sun Deck To Be Placed on Market CHICAGO.— A trailer with collapsible sun deck-balcony and a two-story house on wheels were two of the 1949 models on display at the Trailer Coach Manufac turers association show held here recently. One company has produced a trailer with a balcony-sun deck that folds up for traveling. For $12,500 a trailer dweller also gets a dog house, a transparent plastic dome in the living room, a bar and a bedroom with twin beds. The living room will ac commodate week-end guests. The two-story movable house has three bedrooms upstairs and a living room, kitchen and full sized bathroom with a bathtub downstairs. It weighs 7,500 pounds and is built of aluminum. The price is $7,500. a er, Mrs. Frank Alfers and Mrs. L. J. Wallace. Out of town members in at tendance at the potluck supper by the Women of the Moose Sat urday at the Moose hall were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Claus, M. Mitchell of Fromberg and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong of Park City. Also attending were members of the Moose lodge and families and a number of guests. A social evening with music and dancing followed the supper. Hawthorne P.T.A. met Friday evening at the school with the president, Neil Shay, presiding. Entertainment was moving pic tures shown- by Karl George. Lunch after the meeting was sferved by the hostesses, Mrs. Coombs, Mrs. Harold Richardson and Mrs. Shay. Mrs. Hazel Wallace had as guests at dinner Sunday her fa ther, W. B. Montée, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Patterson and family, all of Billings, and Mr. and Mrs. Montée Wallace and son Mark. Mrs. Dick Shotwell visited last week with relatives in Forsyth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliot and son Ross are visitors from Round up at the home of Mr. Elliot's mother, Mrs. A. F. Elliot. Visiting Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knoll were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Buford of Billings. During the day, Mr. and Mrs. Knoll accompanied their guests on a trip to Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Frank, Albert and Herman Frank spent Sunday on a fishing trip near Livingston. Mrs. Clinton Anderson was hostess at her home Tuesday eve ning to a group of women at "crazy bridge. "crazy" costumes of a variety of combinations. Three tables of regular bridge were played with the losers exchanging costumes during the games. Awards were won by Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Mrs. Charles Egnew and Mrs. Har old Price. Additional prizes in eluded one for the most typical costume, which went to Mrs. Hu bert Walton. Members of her sewing club honored the birthday of Mrs. Eleanor Jackson with a party Tuesday evening and presented her with a gift. Invited to at tend were Mrs. Verna Bean, Mrs. Doris Armstrong, Mrs. Joyce Johnston, Mrs. Elaine Gallagher, Mrs. Florine Priestly, Mrs. Ethel Vanberg, Mrs. Janice Kober, Mrs. Ruth Bezdek and the honor guest, Mrs. Jackson. The affair was at Mrs. Bezdek's home. Guests wore I ? I I), A4. j 0* * \ V 1 mm ■ À FOR LADY ANGLERS ONLY ... The best stocked trout stream in North Carolina is Neel's creek, near Mt. Mitchell; but it is strictly for lady anglers only. Pat Miller (above) is one of hundreds of girls, some experts, some novices, who head for the stream over the week ends. She is pictured enjoying the thrill of landing a stubborn trout. ■ ■ 'm 0 1 MA, 1 i 0 'V V & X: % \ - ? J PLATFORM OXFORD 5.95 as. Never know where summer will take you—and here's the shoe to go places. The cork platform and wedge heel, soled with rubber gives you the softest, lightest walking ever. v In a selection of handsome color# to go with everything. W ashable. Wes THE WASHABLE CASUALS 1 - ms! COME IN FOR YOUR FREE KEDS HANDBOOK OF SPORTS AND GAMES! / / / / ÜfcMOBBl * 5 / ✓ / / \ X GAMES V A A \ 4 h Pages of helpful information with plenty of pictures Pvblithed by the maker* of Xîeeuiae U. S. KEDS Kcds US I t %EMEMBE\ MOTHER ON HER DA Y SUNDAY, MAY 8th —O— Vaughn's - - ■ Has These and Many Other Nice Gifts for Her At Reasonable Prices ■ CAMEO-GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE NYLONS *1.25 •• *1.95 COLORFUL LADIES' Bath Sets $ 2 98 Handbags $ 2 98 ♦ I LUNCH PLASTIC $1.49 Aprons - $ 1 29 Cloths ■ IHOUSE : »3.9« j ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼veeee Button and zipper front DRESSES ♦ : ♦ ♦ LADIES' : LADIES' LINEN ♦ $|.98 3 nn Slips I Hankies 59 c 1 up I L \ ♦ COLORED PILLOW COLORED j Sheets - $ 3 49 Cases - ■ 79 c RAYON SfJ.95 S li .98 • H 1 i PAJAMAS and x DONT FORGET Mother!! Mrs. Bertha Shively and son, Paul Shivley, spent the week end in Great Falls, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Shoemaker and Capt. and Mrs. Charles Shively. The eighty-fifth birth anni versry of Mrs. N. C. Eklund was j observed Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. J. Wallace, | Among the guests were Mrs. Ek lund's daughters, Mrs. Charles Eastlick of Park City and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson of Columbus, and a number of friends who called during the day. Mrs. Ek-1 lund left later to spend time with Mrs. Eastlick in Park City. Visiting Saturday in Billings at the home of Miss Bess Elliot were Mrs. A. F. Elliot, Mrs. E. L. Roberts and Mrs. E. W. Rob erts and children. some