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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
PICTURES! The^news is going around it's HURRY! HUNDREDS TO PICK FROM • • • i© « J r -, ; Piy PICTURES COULDN'T EVEN BEGIN TO SHOW'YOU THE EXCITEMENT OF OUR I N J» TIME atPENNEYS Lots of spanking new. dresses coming in every week front New York .-.-/rayon Bembergs. woven cords, cottons^ butcher^rayons .> . all a* tiny prices.that meanlJCASH* AND-CARRY SAVINGS for you! UNSURPASSED VALUES GROUP I GROUP II GROUP III GROUP IV ■ . ■■ BETTER HURRY RIGHT INIan» Be .smart ."V/pick ,a'coupl«La(> these 'down-to-earth" pricesf Rayon Bern bergs...woven corda. ..cottons... butcher rayons.^ .in a .whole'merry-go-round of styles and.colors. $ft.98 $£.90 $y.90 $g .90 NOW BE SMART GET SET FOR SUMMER, as, 'h aW SAVEl • • • BUY SEVERAL AND EVEJtYfONE A CASH-AND-CARRY. BUY , • • • Feeding Chickens Feed costs amount to about 60 per cent of the total cost of raising a pullet or keeping a hen a year. Therefore, good feeding practices are necessary for poultry to be most profitable. See the local county agent about good poultry feeding practices. Linoleum Floor Coverings $7.95 9x12 Rugs Up Printed Yard Goods 6, 9 and 12-foot widths, per square yard . 95c Linowall - Tile Pattrens 54-inch width, per foot . 65c INLAY - Marble, Jaspe $1.75 Up per yard Laurel Trading Co. ESTABLISHED 1906 99 u Phone 5 Phone 5 Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilllllliliiiiiillliü: Royal Theatre THURSDAY and FRIDAY Mexican Hayride With Abbott and Costello Shows at 6:50 and 9:00 P. M. SATURDAY Loaded Pistols With Gene Autry Matinee at 2:00, 6:50 and 9:00 P. M. s SUNDAY and MONDAY = Anew kind of hm Li BE E i / M 77/3 V P/l WARD B0N0 (TIRE (HARSH JANE OflRlJLIELL Sunday Shows at 2:00, 4:15, 6:30 and 8:30 P. M. Monday Shows at 6:50 and 9:00 P. M. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ie PeaK Dra-maiicPerformanc^ Mi I = T 9 r fk I 1£ si ROAD SHOW—Advance Prices: School Children, 50c I Adults, $1.20 Shows 6:30 and 9:00 P. M. E ^„„■„■11111111111 . . Human Bloodstream The blood constantly bathes all parts of the body. It flows through an estimated 60,000 miles of water ways. From the heart it flows along the arteries to smaller arteries. These narrow down to the capil laries, the timid blood vessels that reach all of the tissues. SPRING CLINIC FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN MM III AT BILLINGS Dr. B. K. Kilboume, executive officer of the Montana State Board of Health, announces that spring clinics for crippled chil dren of Montana will be held as usual. These clinics are held in order that every child with a crippling condition may be dis covered, diagnosed, and recom mendations made for treatment and correction of the condi-1 tion. Every child who reports to the clinic is followed up through the Public Health Nursing Serv ice to ascertain whether the child is under care or whether the par ents wish to make application for assistance through the Division of Services for Crippled Children in order that recommended care may be provided. These clinics also make possible supervision of patients who previously have been under treatment as author ized through the Division of Services for Crippled Children of the State Board of Health. The clinics will be held in fourteen centers so that children from every county in the state may receive the benefits of this service. The clinic in Billings will be held May 16 at the St. Vincent hospital and will be for those residing in Yellowstone, Treasure, Stillwater, Musselshell, Big Horn, Carbon, Sweet Grass, and Golden Valley counties. Arrangements for these clinics are being made through the Di vision of Services for . Crippled Children Montana State Board of Health, in cooperation with local public health nurses, and the Department of Public Wel fare. The orthopaedic surgeons pre sent to make the examination and recommendations regarding the orthopaedic condition will be Dr. < SAWYER'S ► = I LARD GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 4 -lb. carton 59c 3 for -lb. bas $3.49 so for Tenderized Ham 2 CRACKERS - Half or whole. Per lb.. Ail Brands lb. box 46 c for butter Per 65 c JELLO lb. 4 boxes J 29c FOLGER'S for COFFEE LIBBY Tomato Juice Per lb. SOAP 46-oz. cans... a All Brands Case 12 46-oz. cans Large box. $ 3.20 29C We have a good stock of Irrigating Canvas Special Discount in 48 in., 60 in., also 72 in. on large amount. Laurel, Mont. PHONE Sawyer stores ml 266 £ ftu*" HVWiUfWWWUtUUfmtUUt'tufléH'lui'iHi'iuiniii'ini'iliriuftui'iui'hii'iHeiHi'iHriueiiH'iui'iiii'Hti'UHWim'wmf: L. W. Allard and Dr. W. H. Hagen. The pediatrician present to give the general physical ex amination will be Dr. Edward Hagmann. Any persons under twenty-one years of age, having physical handicap resulting from a crip pling condition, are eligible for examination. The patient may be referred through the family physician who desires the patient to be examined by an orthopaedic surgeon, or who wishes to refer the patient for care by the Di vision of Services for Crippled Children if assistance is needed in order for the patient to re ceive care. If the patient has not been examined by a physi j cian, he may be referred through a public health nurse or the De I partaient of Public Welfare. Di agnostic services are made avail a bl e for any patient, but only those needing financial assistance are accepted for care by the Di vision of Services for Crippled Children. Appointment for ex amination should be requested immediately through the local public health nurse or the De partment of Public Welfare. There will be a representative of the Bureau of Vocational Re habilitation present at each clin ic for interviews regarding vo cational training and other serv ices of the Bureau for those over sixteen years of age. of our CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness and under standing in the death loved one. To the minister and his family we express our ap-, preciation, and the lovely flow ers we gratefully acknowledge, Mrs. Martha Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hart, Pullorum Disease Test Fifteen years ago, when 6 million chickens were tested for pullorum disease, 3% per cent reacted. In 1948, when 30 million birds were tested, only about 1.2 per cent re acted. 1 News of 4-H ik CLUBS • The Allendale '49ers sewing sewing club met at the school Wednesday evening, April 29. Among subjects discussed was attending church in a group May 22 in observance of Rural Sunday. A scarf is to be made at the next meeting. - ' The Laurel Busy Beavers and a 4-H club of the Allendale dis trict had a joint meeting April | 28 at the Allendale school. Owen Wirak. assistant county agent, exhibited motion pictures. Lunch was served by the Allendale P. T. A. Calendar of Coming Events Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7. The Laurel Garden club will sponsor a flower show, bulb and plant sale beginning at 9 a. m. on both of the above dates. Saturday, May 7. Laurel Federated club dinner dance at 6:30 in Masonic temple for members aand guests. Tuesday, May 10. Royal Neighbors of America will meet at 7:30. Plans are to be made for district convention at Billings on May 25. All of ficers are requested to be pres ent at this meeting for practice. Timber Management Farmers who desire to obtain maximum returns per acre per year from their woodlands may request the services of trained foresters. See the local county agent for fur ther details. Montana.. OW • • Our System Of Higher Education —By Dr. Francis A. Thomson, Pres. Montana School of Mines. Montana's pioneers caught the vision and held the faith that the future of their new commonwealth lay in the youth of the generations yet to be. History shows that immediately upon emergence from the swaddling clothes of territorial status, the pioneer legislators proceeded to make provision first for grade schools, then for high schools, and next for a state-supported system of higher education. Their course in higher education was in large measure chart ed by the Enabling Act of 1889, which gave to the new state specific grants of land (1) "for university purposes; a school of mines; "for agricultural colleges. It was natural, therefore, that the legislative assembly meet ing in its third regular session in 1893 should act on the as sumption that the designation of four separate land grants, implied four separate institutions, and it proceeded to create simultaneously, a university at Missoula, a school of mines at Butte, a normal school at Dillon, and an agricultural college at Bozeman. Thus 55 years ago, the pattem of higher educa tion was set. In 1927 provision was made for the Eastern Montana State Normal School at Billings, and in 1929 for the Northern Montana College at Havre. All four institutions were made "units" of a consolidated system which was desig nated "The University of Montana." A co-ordination officer, responsible to a State Board of Education with enlarged pow ers was provided for and given the title of "Chancellor." Naturally the new units at Billings and Havre were "bom into this system," and are integral parts thereof. Anaconda Copper Mining Company "Work for a Greater and More Prosperous Montana," This is a project that should include all Montanans. (2) "for (3) "for state normal schools," and (4) tf LAUREL OUTLOOK— $2.50 PER YEAR JL I - J i V Î \ J" A V amm rl * I * ■ij iJ. <T (I m î You can afford a dream kitchen— Now! It's A glorious day when you get your new white enameled steel kitchen! This beauty has 66" twin bowl Kitchcnaidcr cabinet sink with the famous Mullinaider electric garbage disposer. It can be yours! Why delay? You can afford that lovely white-enam eled steel Youngstown Kitchen nowl And what a beauty! Super storage space and generous work surfaces to speed every kitchen chore! Food preparation and dishwashing are easier—a breeze, thanks to the Kitchcnaidcr cabinet sink. And the Mullinaider electric garbage disposer ends garbage forever! Let us show you your new kitchen in miniature. No costly remodeling; easy terms. See us today! Build your kitchen around a Kitchenaider Muilinaider Combina tion. This 48" twin-bowl model (one of 10 models) has sliding-removable drainboard of acid-resist ing porcelain enamel and laundry-deep (11") sec ond bowl. C 'tend " BY MULLINS World's largest makers of steel kitchens Marshall-Wells Stores Laurel, Mont. Phone 182 Allie & Harold Owners