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Prescriptions A Specialty TT. r ■ I n i i 1 ■ «WUCSt lllti liIuijuWI f - i u u k • m Hi '3m * ■iiVi v YL * > Easter and Mother's Day have passed into history. The next occasion for GIFTS is Graduation FATHER'S which extends through May and June. DAY, this year is JUNE 19th. See our large stock of GIFT items for any occasion. Birthdays, Weddings or Anniversaries. Tussy Deodorant Cream The large Dollar size SPECIAL Tussy COLOGNE * 1.00 8 oz A Summer Special in two odors. 50c Six 16 Target Brownie By Eastman Flasheat Electric Water Heaters *7.50 $ 4.95 Excise tax included. Excise tax included. Schick, Remington, Sunbeam Shave master Electric Razors, $15.00 to $23.50 First Aid Kits DOLCIN 98c and up EASES THE PAINS OF * Bandaids RHEUMATISM ARTHRITIS 29c and 49c Cotton Picker DOLCIN DOLCIN is NON-TOXIC DOLCIN is moderate in cost... $2 for 100 tablets $9 for 500 in the large economy size 39c ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM Unguentine i.ifHcrm 33C and 57C Sun Glasses us* 0S& $ 13.95 29c to Tartan Suntan Lotion 79c 1 O* Qua Blacklegol "S", Blackleg and Malignant Edema, 10 doses. $ 1.25 Bangs Vaccine, Cutter, single dose 10 doses. $ 4.58 50 1 Where your Drug Store Dollar goes farther. PRICK PHARMACY SANDE DRUG CO. TUE REXALLDRUG STORE — LAUQ.EL,MONTANA 5<o — Gardner Drug open all day next Sunday, May 15. Stickelberger Service, Inc. PHONE 41-.I LAUREL Electric, Plumbing, & Heating See us for G.E. Automatic Dish washers, Sinks, and Garbage Disposal Units. Freedom's Song "The Prisoner's Song" got Harry Snodgrass out of prison. tile Detector Technical name lor the lie de tector is "psychointegroameter." Mrs. Galusha Head Of Woman's Society Of Christian Service I Installation of officers for the ' year was held at a general meet I ing of the circles of the Wo I man's Society of Christian Ser jvice Friday afternoon in the i Methodist church sanctuary. I Following devotions led by i Mrs. Kenneth Walker, Mrs. Vin | ton Shay conducted an impressive ceremony based on the symbol of the Woman's Scoiety of Christian Service, ■with each officer adding I a part to the graph symbol un til it was completed. Installed as president of the group was Mrs. J. E. Galusha, reelected. Mrs. P. A. Johnston was seated as vice president; Mrs. W. A. Freeberg, recording secretary; Mrs. J. Melvin Wil liams, coresponding secretary; Mrs. 0. F. Mayhugh, treasurer; Mrs. A. E. Leuthold, spiritual life chairman; Mrs. W. T. John ston, secretary of student work; j Mrs. E. R. Bradford, secretary j of youth work; Mrs. Fred Schei- i decker, secretary of children's'welcome work; Mrs. Florence Crichton, se -1 cretary of missionary education ; j secretary of 1 Mrs. J. I Mrs. Paul Wilson, local church activities; R. Heebner, secretary of litera-1 ture and publications, and Mrs. Arthur Callahan, secretary of supply work. New circle chairmen appointed were No. 1, Mrs. G. N. Wiggins; No. 2, Mrs. J. W. Long; No. 3, Mrs. R. W. Bates; No. 4, Mrs. L. C. Foote; No. 5, Mrs. C. A. Cromwell and No. 6, Mrs. Gor don Allen. Following the business session a lunch was served during a so cial hour in the church parlors. Hostesses were Mrs. F. W. Graff, Mrs. D. L. Hafer, Mrs. Vinton Shay, Mrs. O. K. Chap man and Mrs. Forrest Gomon. Early N. Y. Industries New York's earliest industries were lumber and grist mills. EVERYTHING To Make Their— Graduation —A Happy One ! b e a u 1 if u I GRUEN watches mm gp vL V V5? K\,o kV ' °X'' j#' V» a > V & A A \\0 % Priced from 111 *33 75 Incl. fed. tax and— ♦ Lapel and Scatter Pins ♦ Shaefer Pen and Pencil Sets "51" Pen Sets ♦ Parker ♦ Pearls, 1, 2, 3 and 5 Strand, from $3.00 A nice selection of Ladies' and Men's Solid Gold Rings at 20% Discount Come in and look before making a final choice. CALLOWAY JEWELRY Laurel, Montana Want To Sell A House? We have buyers who would be interested. List your property with Fenton Agency ❖ | Husbands and Other j Guests Entertained By Federated Club Seventy-one members of the Federated club, their Laurel husbands and guests attended the club's annual dinner-dance Sat at the urday evening. May 7, Masonic temple. The table decor ations were in the club's colors of yellow and lavender with bou quets of lilacs, yellow swans, lav ender and yellow tapers. The programs were cut in the form of water lilies. Featured on the program was the installation of officers for the coming year: Mrs. Marshall Huntington, president; Mrs. Alex president; treasurer; Robertus, first vice Mrs. Gordon Allan, Mrs. W. A. McCormick, secretary, and Mrs. F. E. Mayes, parliamen tarian. The installing officer was Mrs. Charles Duncan, a past president of the club. Mrs. Russell, retiring president was toastmistress for the occa sion and introduced Mrs. Charles Shelton, who gave the address of to which Mrs. Hugh Sweeney responded. Mrs. Charl es Egnew played several piano selections and Mrs. Mayo Law renz presented several club niem bers and guests in an impromptu skit. Mrs. F. E. Mayes present ed past president's pins to Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Egnew. Following the program, danc ing was enjoyed from 9 until 12 o'clock, with music being furn ished by the Paige orchestra. The prize waltz was won by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Allan. Mrs. Lawrenz headed the com mittee in charge of the dinner dance and Mrs. Adolph Strand, Mrs. Charles Duncan, Mrs. Philip Nolan and Mrs. George McCor mick were her committee mem bers. The next meeting of the club will be the annual picnic for members at 6:30 at Riverside park, May 16. Those attending are to leave from the Methodist church, Outgoing officers will The Outlook Says: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koppel man and daughter Karen have returned from a vacation trip of two weeks. In Denver they vis ited Miss Martha Gradwohl, former Laurel resident, and later visited relatives in Minneapolis and Breckenridge, Minn. They were guests of Mr. Koppelman's mother in Jamestown, N. D. While in Minneapolis they saw the Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies. Found In A Pocket . . HOWDY FOLKS: It's great to wake up these mornings and hear the leaves whispering outside your window. We never could stand to hear the grass mown, though. Spring, that's the time of year when the young man's thoughts turn to something fancy. It's also the time of year when the girls begin to think about shorter skirts. Short skirts are a big advant age to the girls, though. They help them to get up stares. Modern girls are fond of clothes, but they are not en tirely wrapped up in them. Spring isn't the only season that's windy in Springtime, and May, especially, brings several events of interest to Laurel. Washington, the Month of Gun club is The Rod and having it's annual Stag and Crap shoot this coming Sat urday, May 14th. We're sure this item will be of interest to the ladies. Of interest to all you folks is com the big parade and Rodeo ing up on May 28th and 29th. Encourage the children to fix up their vehicles for this af fair, there will be a nice list of merchandise prizes their originality, and they'll have lots of fun. Spring time, or any time, you can't do better on dry cleaning and laundry. We do our level best to treat you right. for SCOTT'S Cleaners & Laundry i j r J Be Thrifty—Phone Three-fifty /./■A t /.s k Friday and Saturday, May 13 and 14 No. 2y 2 cans Old Yellowstone Pork and Beans 19 c l-lb. can 9 Tall 46-oz. can Standby Tomato Juice... M. J B. 29 C 55 c Coffee Prem, a Swift Premium Brand Meat, per can.. 45 c . Tree Tea TREE TEA Tall 46-oz. can Del Monte Pineapple Juice. 48 Bags 47 c sTt-iei 49 c Black. 48 Bags Green. Johnson Glo-Coat, 2 quart cans 43 •1.47 c Pint of Miracle Whip Salad Dressing No. 2 cans Garden Cream Style Corn, 2 for 93 c 29 C l-lb. bag Kraft 2-lb. pkg Sunsweet Tenderized Prunes. y 49* £1 Dairy l-lb. bag Société Chocolates 39 33 Fresh Caramels C c Wold's Grocery PHONES 170 and 171 Funeral Of Laurel Man's Brother Is Conducted Tuesday Funeral services for Myron Clifford Burt, 51, of Billings, father of Sylvan Keith Burt of Laurel, were conducted Tuesday from Smith's chapel with Rev. L. D. Urion of the First Church of God, Billings, officiating. Other survivors are the widow, three sons, two daughters, the mother, one sister, one brother and three grandchildren. He was a veteran of World war I, and was a member of the American Legion. Services were conducted at the grave by Yellowstone post No. 4, American Legion. Included among the hon orary pallbearers was B. L. Price of Laurel. Burial was in the Billings Mountview cemetery. Unity Club Studies Picnics, Camp Fires Unity Garden club members, meeting April 28 at Mrs. A. W. Richardson's home, exchanged plants as they responded to roll call and later completed plans for a plant, food and bulb sale Saturday, April 30. Mrs. Rich ardson and Mrs. Wilbur Vaughn were in charge of the sale, a successful event. The club wishes to thank those who made it so. Mrs. R. Shay and Mrs. Dickson had charge of food at the sale. The next meeting of the club will be May 12 at Mrs. Vaughn's heme. Lunch" will be heard at roll call, and the topic, "Outdoor Cookery, will be discussed by Mrs. Dick son. EL Favorite Picnic My ff Laurel News Items Warren Stewart arrived Mon day from Bismarck, N. D., to spend a few days with his moth er, Mrs. A. J. Motzko. Mrs. F. M. Quinn arrived last i Francisco Thursday from San and will visit her children here and in Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brohaugh and children, Gregg and Robin, of Lovell, Wyo., visited here over the week end with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Moon were guests in Livingston Sunday of Mrs. Mary Bailey and B. W. Moon. A Items of Local interest Mrs. C. L. Starbard and her sister, Mrs. Layte Berkley of Rapelje, made a trip last week to Scott's Bluff, Neb., to visit their aunt, Mrs. Julia Johnson, jwho is hospitalized. Mrs. Star bard and Mrs. Berkley visited at several places on their return trip to Laurel, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kirch Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Starbard era /■■Vi Î ? Km jr Efi H y 8 A \ \m » lr>vi] STY LES JAe KAISER j ONi OF A SERIES SHOWING A STYLE LEADER IN EACH AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURER'S LINE. FINANCE YOUR NEW CAR as carefully as you select it. Use this plan: — (1) Pick out the car you want. (2) Determine your trade-in allow ance and/or cash down payment. (3) See about a bank auto loan to finance the balance. new us The Yellowstone Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION spent Sunday at the Layte Berk ley ranch near Rapelje where a "branding bee" took place a num ber of calves were branded. Theta Rho Girls club at their meeting Friday evening at the Odd Fellows hall planned a tea for their mothers, to be given at their next meeting, Friday, May 20, at the hall. Charlotte Decker presided at the session and Mrs. Louise VanNice was re elected advisory officer for the new term.