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LAUREL HAPPENINGS 25 YEARS AGO TODAY Quoted and paraphrased items of news from the 25 years ago Laurel Outlook. MAY 7, 1924 Reorganization of the city council occurred at the meeting Tuesday night when the new oouncilmen were sworn in. Those taking the oath were W. E. Por ter from the First ward; Walter Libecap, Second ward: O. M. Wold, Third ward, and George Graves, Fourth ward. Wold w'as elected president of the council and the mayor appointed the fol lowing standing committees; fi nance, Coy, Graves and Gum; j light and water, Wold, Perry and i Libecap: streets and alleys, Coy, Nicola and Libecap; sewer, Nico-I la. Porter and Gum; fire and police, Wold, Coy and Perry; parks, Gum, Porter and Graves. Avery Taylor and wife are the parents of a girl, bom May 4. Mrs. V. J. Daniels Mr. and spent the day at Joliet Satur day to attend the track meet, . T-BONE STEAK RIB ROAST ■ I I I i rtv ;-<V -S5r. T i m See how t 'v z w* I % % I -■ & SAFEWAY I A i ■ ► ■ Kama» j KAsnimLl f meat trimming . SAVES YOU MONEY RIB PORK CHOPS I OHKK ROAST ■ ■ I a a I I X I I I I y* I I I I ROYAL SATIN Shortening, Speedy Mix. Q1 a 3 Lb. Tin . HAMS Look at th* diatom, foüte ft shows why you get more good-eating for your mommy when you buy Safeway's trnnroed-before-weighing meats. Note that ycm pay only for the portion that properly belongs on each cut—not for escess bone, wwste, or fat. We prepare other cate ki similar fashion— each according to He special requirement*. When checking meat value, it pays to compare trimming an weM as price. Safeway'a price is always on the trimmed cut. Standing. U. S. Graded, Trimmed, "Waste-Free," Lb. 53 ' I Swift's Premium. Armour's Star and Others, Whole or Half. Clean-up Price, Lb. SPRY 97c Shortening 3 Lb. Tin ... Rib Roast Pork Chops STEAK U. S. Graded, Trimmed ''Waste-Free," Lb... CATSUP Chuck Roast Pork Roast Ground Beef Sausage Sliced Bacon Picnics Frankfurters Cold Meats 65c 49c Taste Tells 14 Oz. Bot. 49c 15c Butt Cut, Lb. 45c Cut from Young Beef, Lb. 53c PRESERVES 43c Loin or Rib End, "Waste Free," Lb. Pure Pork, Lb. Empress Peach or Apricot, 303 Jar ..... 29c .67c Grade A, Fancy, Lb. .. Short Shank. 41c WHITE MAGIC Send for the 5-Brush Set Premium Offer. % Gallon . BLEACH 83c Tenderized, Lb. T-Bone, U. S. Graded, Trimmed "Waste-Free," 49c Pat and Juicy, Lb. 27c Lb. 55c No. 1 Assorted, Lb. A Parade of Values Popular Brands. Carton _ Church's, Qt. Bot. 1.73 Cigarettes Grape Juice n___ Sugar Belle. Fancy ■ COS Sieve, 303 Can Shoestring, Red Seal. | Q_ Potatoes No. 303 Can ... . luC » Your favorite ^ vegetable recipe can 39c WIN100 16c Tender, Green, U. S. No. 1. ASPARAGUS LETTUCE TOMATOES GREEN ONIONS CELERY NEW POTATOES DRY ONIONS ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT .14c „ 15c Lb. full details in the May Issue. Firm, Crisp Heads, U. S. No. 1 Medford, 32 Oz. Bot. - Heinz, Fresh Cucum ber, 24 Oz. Botl _ Ebony Medium No. 1 Can . Asstd Kinds, Bottles Exchanged. 12 Oz. Bot Cheese Pood. Smooth and Mellow, 2 Lb. Loaf _ Duchess. Qt. Jar __ Spread, Lunch Box Pint Jar . West Pair. Quart Bottle . N. B. C. Premium. 2 Lb. Pkg. Canterbury Black, Pkg. of 48 .. Edwards, Reg. or Drip. 2 Lb. Tin ... Mustard Pickles Ripe Olives 22c Lb. I' / Firm, Ripe, U. S. No. 1 12 Oz. Ctn.... . 25c 37c only Jfc V & Radishes, U. S. No. 1. 2 Bunches ... Green Pascal, U. S. No. 1. lie 27c to in $ 10c 6 for 25c Pop * Lb. 79c Breeze Salad Dressing Sandwich Apple Juice Crackers Tea Bags Coffee COFFEE White Rose, U. S. No. 1. Size A, 5 Lbs._..._ Yellow. U. S. No. 1. 5 Lbs___ Florida, Large Size, U. S. No. 1. 5 Lbs. 1 29c 56c AIRWAY Mild, Mellow Blend 25c 33c 74c 53c 2 Lb. 24c Arizona Seedless. U. S. No. 1. 5 Lbs___ .49c NOB HILL 49c Q3D a m 2 \ y. COFFEE 49c Montana Brand. 4 Lb. Carton . Salad OU. Quart Tin .. Lord Mazola Sugar Prunes Raisins Corn Meal Cake Mixes Wheaties or Cheerios Corn Flakes Laundry Soap Old Dutch Cleanser Ü2 69c PAR SOAP 78c $1.09 Lbs. 75c Granulated, Send for Hostess Apron With Box Top Gia. Pke. .28c Lge, .55c 1.04 Granulated, 10 Lb. Bag .... PkS. 37c j fJj / y ßLU-WHITE Rosetta, Medium, 2 Lb. Pkg 57c Flakes, Special Deal Seedless, 4 Lb. Pkg. Mammy Lou. Yellow 5 Lb. Bag . Occident, With Coupon. Pkg. 4 Pkgs. .31c 35c Kitchen Craft, Works Wonders with ANY Recipe. 25 Lb. Bag - 1.83 FLOUR MARGARINE MARGARINE KRUSTEAZ DEVILED HAM VIENNA SAUSAGE GUM DROPS SATIN MIX MARSHMALLOWS TOILET SOAP 35c Sweetheart, Special Deal 27c 1 17c 26c 4 Bars Sunnybank, 1 Lb. Pkg. .. 31c Kellogg's 18 Oz. Pkg. . . Crystal White Reg. Bar, 3 for .... 14 Oz. Can . 24c SURF Delrich, Easy Mix. Lb. 20c 35c Detergent Pie Crust Mix, 17 Oz. Pkg. SCi _ 30 12c V ! 18 Oz. Pkg. 19c Libby's, 3 Oz. Can - 19c « Libby's. 4 Oz. Can o # _ 19c r' o Orange Slices. 1 Lb. Pkg. or 88 21c i Fancy Hard Mix. 1 Lb. Pkg. Sno-Cloud 8 Oz. Pkg 2 (or 25c a î • * * 'i, 'if. t.f and also visited friends and look ed over their ranch. Mayor H. A. Carlisle and J. F. MacDonald went to Park City Thursday evening where they at tended a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of that place. Bora—To Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Lamb, May 1, a girl. Miss Elizabeth Crutcher re turned Saturday to Laurel, after closing a sucessful term at the Washington school, Newton Grove, Mont. She will spend a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crutcher of Seventh avenue.. A daughter, weighing 10% pounds, was born Monday morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Motz ^ son was bom to Dr. and Mrs w E Tupper Tuesday morning - a t a Billings hospital', ko. The baby weighs 8Vs pounds. A surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. Tim Reardon, Tuesday eve ning at their ranch home, the ocasion being their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The happy were presented with a couple silver platter and spoon and fork to match. Music and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. There was a mock wedding enjoyed by of B. M. Harris, president of the Park City State bank, was a business visitor in Laurel Mon- at day. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fenton, G. | all. On the evening of Thursday, May 1, Mrs. W. L. Orndorff en tertained at her home in the southeast part of town in honor of the birthdays of her two little sons, LaMar Grant, aged 7, and Walter, Jr. \ number of chil dren were in attendance as guests of the occasion, house was prettily decorated with green and pink crepe paper streamers, pink candles. May baskets and potted plants. At the close of the evening Mrs. Orndorff served delightful re freshments ani the two birthday cakes bore the correct number of candles for the little boys' birthdays. Those present were Madge Pern.', Melvin Nelson, James and Fritz Rooley, Rosa Mary Lanink, Leona, Roy and Robert Hiner, Peter, Lydia and Henry Spomer, Archie and Doris Deryckere, Samuel Witsall, Paul Diennes and Anita Cathleen Ora dorff. The W. Fenton, Mrs. Frances Tut Mrs. Jerry Simpson, leader and Mrs. Roy Sandman, assistant Icader of Scout troop No. 4, en tertained at a tea for the moth ers Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Simpson's home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Larson spent Mother's day at the home Mrs. Larson's son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Warden of Billings. Other guests! the Warden home were Mr. j Warden's sister and family, Mr. | and Mrs. Grant Miller of Liv- j wiler and Mrs. Nina Clark drove to Columbus Sunday evening where G. W. Fenton had business with the postmaster of that place. At the last session of the school board of district No. 7 final details of the reorganiza tion of the board were attended to by the appointment of com mittees. At the previous meet ing a chairman and vice chair man had been elected, when Ira Sullivan and W. T. Wiechert be came official members, chairman selected is F. A. Park er, with Campbell Calvert as vice chairman. The HAPPENINGS ingston. Mr. and Mrs. William Leuthold and children were guests Sun day from Molt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Leuthold. Mrs. Russell Stadalman and daughter, Susan, Mrs. Mike Vis ser and Mrs. Elizabeth Lutgen left for Bremerton, Wash., to attend the funeral of Ed Verner, son-in-law of Mrs. Lutgen. Mr. and Mrs. David Frank had guests at a Mother's day din ner Mr. and Mrs. George N. Frank, Elmer Frank, Mrs. Chris tina Frank and Mr. and Mrs. David Weschenfelder and Monte Weschenfelder of Park City. Visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waltz, south of Laurel, are Mrs. Waltz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson of Fargo, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lumsdon and family spent Sunday in Rapelje the guests of Mr. Lums don's sister, Mrs. Laura Hem phill. in Byron, Wyo., of Mr. Van Nice's brother-in-law and sister home economics in the Roundup schools, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Corwin Bowen. as Mr. and Mrs. Dane VanNice and children were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Marshall. Miss Zella Zillastey, teacher of Royal Theatre SUNDAY and MONDAY May 15-16 iASS/eZ cx&VEfrAWEmtt/ ■* "TECHMCQ MB JSk THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 12-13 A BILUON-DOLLAR SECRET^V GUARDED BY DEATHL VÄ \ _ SOUGHT BV' M6HAC/N& . MURDERERS'*. *1 É PÏÏT TaMAHS WAG\C fOOMTAiN* & M/ ft, /THE SUN ! COMES UP %*// Lewis STONE " * ' Percy KUMIOE r v ► 4 M LEX BARKER BRENflA JOYCf 4f ALBERT OEKKER tvn« ABAERS ■ CHARLES ORAAT Sunday Shows at 2:00, 4:13, 6:30 and 8::45 P. M. Monday Shows 6:50 and 9 P. M. and TUESDAY May 17 ADVENTURE/ SSwraa m ..titatt&isWil tiyai COULD NOT WAIT FOR TOMORROW! £ mm m ■ / i&i h h Shows at 6:30 and 9:00 P. M. meoefijc MARCH Edmond O'BRIEN ELDRIDGE tHMiome BROOKS 1 irî SATURDAY and May 14 r%ft I***' SI iH«»*! 1 -*.* » « Shows at 6:50 and 9:00 P. M. K WEDNESDAY May 18 > PafiSMat pWHtt W&US N 6 VEP > V. ßtfo&E seenfj : A ggSa ■ T^LAIT;^ DAYS OF POMPEII ( r : ■ ill fttjiow rosiu • BUH MIIIM • LOUIS Ck«w « icy If and « v young and ,A > : ; Filmte ia brtolk Wam ,okin * \ :••• Ci stvrtii W BEAUTIFUL t TOR 500 I TEARS . * scon I < f BRITTON » Sesrge "Gabby" $ HAYES < 'æMM: CHANEY I S hi Matinee at 2:00 P. M. ! ! Evening Shows at 6:50 Shows at 6:50 and 8:45 and 9.00 P. M. m y/s. The News of LAUREL General Wiring I Appliances Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Scott and ! children and Lowell Bullis spent Mother's day in Hardin at the J. W. Bullis home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smart are the parents of a daughter, bom Monday, May 9, at a Billings hospital. Guests last week at the homes | of C. P. Stadalman, J. L. Stadal man and Sam Stadalman were Frank Hefley, a nephew, and his wife, of Los Angeles, and Mrs. John Wier, a niece, and her husband, of Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Wier had been vis iting in Los Angeles and Mr. and j Mrs. Hefley were accompanying ; them to Kansas City and planned ! to go on from there to New York. and were to stop over for visits in Cody, Wyo., and in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilder man are the parents of a son, bom Friday, May 6, at a Bil lings hospital. Radio Repair Records If it's Electrical We Sell and Service It I THE BEST FOR LESS The group left Friday -LAIRD RADIO - ELECTRIC PHONE 50 Acme Plumbing 6* Heating Co. 401 Seventh Ave. FOR IMMEDIATE COURTEOUS SERVICE, PLUMBING SUPPLIES and FIXTURES CALL 451-J VIC HERGETT, Proprietor