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NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION—'As Isolated Tract » , .. j P " b, | c La " d Sale . . Lnited States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management U. S. District Land Office, Bil lings, Montana. May 9. 1949 Notice is hereby given that under pressions of section 2455. if th« ^9« S 1034 . / 4 q ot Jj îé? •mnlil-Qfr n ' ? con v, application of Joseph Gehrett Serial No. 040587, there will be, offered, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $180.00 for 40 acres at a public sale to be held at 10:00 o'clock a m„ on the 8th day of July next, at this of lice, the following tracts of land: NBÎ4SWÎ4, sec. 21, T. 3 S„ R. 25 E.. P. M.. Montana, 40 acres. The land will be sold with a reservation of all fissionable ma- 1 terials and subject to the condi lions and limitations of the act ' of August 1. 1946 (60 Stat. 755). Bids may be made by the prin cipal or his agent, either per sonally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be con sidered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. These bids must be ac companied by certified checks or post-office money orders for the amounts of the bids and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes. The envelopes must be marked in the lower left-hand corner substan tially as follows: bid, Serial No. 040587, Sale, July 8. 1949." LEGAL NOTICES Public sale The person making the highest bid will be reequired to pay im mediately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adverse ly the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. Any person entitled to claim a preference right under the first proviso of said section 14 as an owner of contiguous land must as sert his claim within 30 days from the date of public offering and con ditional sale to the highest bid der and at the expiration of said preference right period, if no siich right has been asserted, the highest bidder will be declared the purchaser of the land. WILLIAM RIDDELL, Manager. (First Pub. May 18. 1949-5t) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION— Isolated Tract Public Land Sale United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management U. S. District Land Office, Bil lings. Montana, May 9, 1949. Notice is hereby given that under provisions of section 2455, R. S. as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat., 1274), and pursuant to the application of Roy G. Keller Serial No. 040502, there will be offered, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $720.00 for 160 acres at a public sale to be held at 10:00 o'clock a. the 11th day of July next, at this office, the following tracts of land: E&SWÎ4 sec. 17. EM NWÎ4, sec. 20. T. 2 S.. R. 25 E., P. M., Montana. The land will be sold with a reservation of all fissionable materials and subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of August 1, 1946 (60 Stat. 755). Bids may be made by the prin cipal or his agent, either per sonally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be con m., on sidered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. These bids must be ac companied by certified checks or post-office money orders for the amounts of the bids and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes. The envelopes must be marked in the lower left-hand corner substan tially as follows: "Public sale bid, Serial No. 040502, Sale, July 11, 1949." The person making the highest bid will be required to pay im mediately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adverse ly the above-described land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time desig nated for sale. Any person entitled to claim a preference right under the first proviso to said section 14 as an owner of contiguous land must assert his claim within 30 days from the date of public offering and conditional sale to the high est bidder and at the expiration of said preference right period, if no such right has been assert ed. the highest bidder will be de clared the purchaser of the land. WILLIAM RIDDELL, Manager. (First Pub. May 18, 1949-51) —-I -!-* + + + + + + * + * + + + + ♦ j A. C. HOOSE C. P. SMITH 4* + Office Hours: 11-12. 1-5 ♦ OPTOMETRISTS ♦ Montana ♦ ♦ + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + ♦ + ♦ --^SWV4, ♦ DR. L. S. HANSON ♦ Physiotherapy ♦ i + Scientific Swedish Massage ♦. *• 4. Phone 199 ♦ 1 420 First Avenue 1881 Harvest In 1881, McCormick arranged for a license to manufacture the Apple by type of twine binder and en tered the 1881 harvest ready to do battle with his main competitor, William Deering. Peeling Tomatoes To peel cold ripe tomatoes, take ! a paring knife and rub the whole tomato with the back of the knife, then peel. This eliminates the ne cessity of scalding. + + 4- Billings + + + ♦ ! Montana ♦ + ♦ Laurel 4..1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY THE COUNTY Reappraised By the Board of County Commissioners Bv order of the Board of County Commissioners of Yel lowstone County, Montana, en tered on itg minutes of the 25th d of May 1949 the Board will „„ July 6th> 1949> beginning at Q , , k A M of said day , at the front door of the Cou ^ House in the City of Billings, in Yellowstone County. State of Montana, offer for sale at public Ä1 -. w Ä «n tl ®T' 1to t A e ,- hl fîf ( . s i 1Q ï î. be n " b .t' title, interest, estate, l £ n ; cla,n } f aad demaad °/ th ® S tate f of Montana and of said p oua ^' of Yellowstone in and to .the following real .property ar ' d . th ® B . oard determined and f' xed the fair market value of tb f Property at the amount set a ^ ter description: which arr >ount constitutes and repre ®?nts the reappraised value as yxed by the Board as of this dat e. No. 1. N^ of Sec. 10, Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. There is back taxes to the amount of $95.71 on above land which will have to be paid by purchaser. No. 2. All Sec. 28. Twp. 7 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 640 $2.25 acres. acre. All the above described land is sold with reservation unto Yellowstone County. Montana, its successors and/or assigns, 614 percentum of all oil and/or gas and other Hydro-Carbons, pro duced and saved from said land. Also above lands are subject to the Alkali Grazing District, Inc., Lease which expires Feb ruary, 28th, 1950. Such sale will be for cash, or on such terms as may be ap proved by the Board, provided, however, that if such sale is made on terms, at least twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price shall be paid in o cash at the date of sale, and the re mainder may be paid in install ments extending over a period of not to exceed five years, and all such deferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of 4% per annum. Sales of $100.00 or less must be cash. Dated Mav, 25th, 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk. (First Pub. May 25, 1949-5t) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of John Lackman, Jr., Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administratrix of the Estate of John Lackman, Jr., deceased to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouch ers, within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administra trix at the office of Hugh Sweeney, Attomey-at-law at 7 First Avenue. Laurel, Montana in the County of Yellowstone, State of Montana. Dated at Laurel, Montana, 27th May, 1949. (s) MARGARET LACKMAN Administratrix of the Estate of John Lackman, Jr., De ceased. (First Pub. June 1. 1949-4t) NOTICE OF SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY BY THE COUNTY As Reappraised By the Board Of County Commissioners By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Yel lowstone County, Montana, en tered on its minutes of the 25th day of May, 1949 the Board will on July 3th, 1949, beginning at 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bil lings, in Yellowstone County, State of Montana, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder all the right, title, inter est, estate, lien, claim and de mand of the State of Montana and of said County of Yellow stone in and to the following real property and the Board de termined and fixed the fair market value of the property at the amount set after the de scription: which amount consti tutes and represents the reap praised value as fixed by tl* Board as of this date. No. 1. EM of Sec. 12. Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 320 acres. $1.90 acre. No. 2. SW14NW14. Sec. 22, Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M.P. M. Approx. 40 acres. $1.50 acre. No. 3. NE 14 NE M. Sec. 22, Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M. P.M. Approx. 40 acres. $1.50 acre. No. 4. S%SE%, Sec. 22, Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Approx. 80 acres. $1.50 acre. No. 5. SWM, Sec. 22. Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 160 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 6. NWI4, Sec. 23, Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 160 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 7. SEK, Sec. 23, Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 160 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 8. N W M N W Vi , S^NBVi, S%NWy*. NE M S W M , S%SW14, of Sec. 24, Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East. M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 9. SV 2 of Sec. 26, Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 10. EV2NE&. SE%, S% SW&. Sec. 28. Twp. 6 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 11. NWü, W Vi NE 14, NVi- Sec. 28, Twp. 6 No. Range East, M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 12. WViWVi, Sec. 34, Twp. No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Approx. 160 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 13. SVèNEV4, EMWM, EV4SEV4. Sec. 34, Twp. 6 No. _ _ Range 31 East. M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 14. EM of Sec. 8. Twp. 6 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 15. NVfc of Sec. 18, Twp. 61 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. xr ^°n ^ ! ÿ Sec. 20, Twp. 6 No - 32 Ap ' pr No I? "u^sic' ,o V e t^vd 6 xr D ' oo i?* xr'uitf A N °- R ^n e 32 E «o t oo MPM ' Ap * p rox. 640 acres. $2.00^acre. xr °p„_ ' o., 2 F *2 xr'p iw" n i nrox T20 acres $2 00 âcre ' No. 19. E 1 ^ Sec. 24 Twp. No. Ran^e 32 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. I No. 20. WM Sec. 26. Twp. No. Range 32 East. M.P.M. Ap-1 nrox 32rt 12 00 nr t*p • No 21 All Sec -, 9 Twp 6 • No Ran ire 32 East MPJM Ad prox 640 acres I2.OO No. 22. EM Sec. 18, Twp. 6 No. Range 33 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 320 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 23. Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4, EMVM of Sec. 18. Twp. 6 No. Range 33 East. M.P.M. Approx. 316 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 24. E14 of Sec. 14. Twp. 7 No. Range 30 East. M.P.M. Approx. 320 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 25. SWV4 of Sec. 26. Twp. 7 No. Range 30 East, M.P.M. Approx. 160 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 26. All Sec. 3» _ Twp. 1 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 657 acres. $2.10 acre. No. 27. Lots_l and 2, SV&NEV4, Sec. 4. Twp. 7 No. Range 31 East, M.P.M. Approx. 169 acres, $1.75 acre. No. 28. SVss of öec. 14, Twp. No, Range 31 East, M.P.M, Approic 320 acres. -5J-09 acre. ^ No. -9. bM of Sec. 1.8, I wp. No. Itange 31 East, M.F.M. Ap Pr Nâ 30 NV^âf lec 10 Cr Twn No" Ranâ-â Fast MPM in' wox. 320 .cr,s No. 31. NViSWVi. SMiNW'i Sec. 12. Twp. 7 No. Range 32 East. M.P.M. Approx. 160 acres. $210 acre "No. 32. SVèSWH.WVoSEVi Sec. 12. Twp. 7 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 160 acres. $2.10 acre> No. 33. All Sec. 13, Twp. 7 No, Range 32 East, M.P.M. Ap prox. 640 acres. $2.00 acre. No. 34. NV4 of Sec. 26, Twp. 7 No. Range" 32 East, M.P.M! Approx. 320 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 35. W14NWÜ Sec. 34, Twp. 7 No. Range 32 East, M. P.M. Approx. 80 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 36. EV2NWÎ4 Sec. 34, Twp. 7 No. Range 32 East, M.P.M. Approx. 80 acres. $1.75 acre. No. 37. NEV4 of Sec. 34, Twp, 7 No. Range 32 East, M.PJVi. Approx. 160 acres. $2.00 acre. All the above described land is sold with reservation unto Yellowstone County. Montana, its successors and/or assigns, 6Vi percentum of all oil and/or gas and other Hydro-Carbons pro duced and saved from said land. Also above lands are subject to the Buffalo Creek Co-opera tive State Grazing and Alkali Grazing District, Inc. Leases which both expire February, 28th, 1950. Such sale will be for cash, or on such terms as may be ap proved by the Board, provided, however, that if such sale is made on terms, at least twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the date of sale, and the re mainder may be paid in install ments extending over a period of not to exceed five years, and all such deferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of 4% I per annum. Sales of $100.00 or less, must be cash. Dated May 25th, 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk. (First Pub. Mav 25, 1949-31) : NOTICE OF SALE OF DELIN QUENT TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1948 First and/or Second Installments Office of the County Treasurer of Yellowstone County, Bil lings, Montana. Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of July, 1949, be tween the hours of 10:00 o'clock a. m. anti 3:00 o'clock p. m., or on such other dates and times to which sale may be postponed, within the limits fixed by law. I will sell at public auction in front of the County Treasurer's office at the Court House of said County, in Billings, Montana, all STOP-LOOK General Insurance R. J. WILLIAMS & SON PHONE 126 NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT COVE IRRIGATION CO. Principal Place of Business, Laurel, Montana Notice is hereby given that there are delinquent unon the fol lowing described stock, on account of assessment Number 36, levied on the 29th day of April, 1949, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective stockholders, as follows: Assessed to No. of stock No. of Certificate Amount Shares Delinquent $40.00 . , 17.00 And in accordance with law and an order of the Board of Direc tors made on the 29th day of April, 1949, so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the office of the company at Room 2, Wold Building. Laurel, Montana, in Yellowstone County, 0 n Thursday, June 30, 1949, at the hour of 4 o'clock P. M., on said day to pay the delinquent ment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and of sale. Dated June 16, 1949, Ernest Brey ... L. E. Williams 81 to 34 221 assess ex pense B. L. PRICE. Secretary-Treasurer. (First Pub. June 15, 1949-2t) (the real property in said county upon which delinquent taxes first and/or second installments for the year 1948 are a lien, un less prior to the time of said sale, said delinquent taxes, to gether with all interest, penali ties and costs thereon are paid. A complete delinquent list of f n persons r and pn>pertv in Ye '-, lowstone County, now owing taxes, including all city and town' property, as to which taxes, or taxes and assessments are de •'rouent, is on file in the office Countv Treasurer and is su kJ e çt to public inspection and examination. P a ^ , at Billmgs Montana. thl3 9th dav of f un % A -, A. " ILLiAMSi Treasurer of Yellowstone County, (First Pub. June 15. 1949-31) acre.-OFFICIAL NOTH F -i . ernui\L . ^, NOTICE IS HEREBY G1V EN to the owners or agents of own ® rs . 01 lands within proposed Special Improvement District No T1 of the City of Laurel. Mon- 1 tana, that the City Council will be in session on the 5th dav of July, 1949, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., and there will hear and pass upon all protests made in writ ing and delivered to the City I Clerk within fifteen (15) days) from the date hereof, to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 72. the boundaries of which are specifically describ ed in Resolution No. 697, pass ed by the City Council and ap proved bv the Mayor of said City and to making of said ini provement therein contained. : The character of the improve nients to be made in said Special Improvement District is as fol ,OWs: Consisting principally of the excavation of approximately V'" 3 , 0 * linear feet of pipe trench, J. * a J' ,n £ and . complete installa t lon of ajiproximatelv twenty-two hundred thirty (2,230) linear feet of . e 'K ht (8) inch vitrified s®"® 1 ; p, P?- together with the complete installation of six (6) manholes and such other accès - series and equipment as may be necessary for the proper comple tion and proper operation of the said sewer mains, additions and improvements, all in accordance with the plans and specifications of the City Engineer. The estimated cost of the im provements contemplated in eluding the cost of engineering and inspection is as follows: Total cost $5,300.00. Cost and expense of said im provements shall be paid in three (3) annual installments. Dated at Laurel, Montana, this 15th dav of June. 1949. TILLIE HOHENDORF, city Clerk, (First Pub. June 15, 1949-lt) SUMMONS (For Publication) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICI AL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. HAZEL DEMPSEY, Plaintiff. vs. HARRY G. DEMPSEY, Defend ant. THE STATE OF MONTANA TO NAMED DE THE ABOVE FENDANT. GREETINGS: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this ac tion which is filed in the office of the clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff's attorney within twen ty' days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day r of service: and in case of your fail ure to appear or answer, judg ment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demand ed in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of obtaining a judgment and decree of this Court dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now existing between Plaintiff and Defendant, on the ground of de fendant's wilful neglect; also for general relief, as will more fully appear in the complaint on file, to which special reference is hereby made. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this 3rd day of May, 1949. (Court Seal) KATIE DAVIES, Clerk of the Above-entitled Court. By Robert W. Richardson, Deputy Clerk. Hugh Sweeney, Attorney at Law, Laurel, Montana, Attorney for Plaintiff. (First Pub. June 15, 1949-4t) Pine Lomber Leader Nineteen million acres of wood land have produced enough pine lumber to put Alabama ahead of all states in this industry. Swine Erysipelas Hogs infected with swine erysip elas may show unexpected vitality when aroused. li t Cl I IVIlIC TO I'll \hriih I If Jld f Jill UUr — , Ä * _ | j*... I <■> -. J jlfft I 0W LPflfl VV11 v ■ a ■ Ta Kim Ml Iff AMI io Dig nursery J » CHATTANOOGA. TENN-A Ten nessee farmer s conception of what constitutes an economic "fair deal" in man's eternal struggle to wrest a livelihood from nature has re suited in the establishment of one of the ma j 0r businesses of this criminate appetite and a fragrant, maroon colored shrub with myster ioUS properties the principals in a farmland "tragedy" some 60 years ago that eventually brought about the founding of the huge plant nursery business of this state. Today large acreages and scores of conC e rns are engaged in Uie nurs Thl! !!! c f. ry bus ' nes ln this area - Several thousand persons are employed in tae business and its monetary value ls estimated in millions of dollars. People Help In Warren county alone some 500 people help put approximately 1,500 . f n the early I880 ' s 111313 c °w belong 1^8 to J. H. H. Boyd did some nib region. The farmer, a cow with an indis acres of land to the growing and development of fruit trees, flowers, ornamental shrubs and other plants for sale throughout the nation. It was in rich Sequatchie valley bling in a patch of "sweet shrub." known to every country boy and girl for its bright petaled, sweet smell ing bloom. In a few nours farmer Boyd had the sickest to» in the «ne,. Loci "cow doctors" tried all their reme dies f or "holler horn" and "holler taiI .. but the cow died Farmer Boyd gathered some spec imens of "sweet shrub" and mailed them to the United States depart ment of agriculture, with an inquiry as to what it was about this plant that killed his cow. He was notified that the botani cal name of the plant was calycan thus and that its seed pod contained a substance that was poison to some animals but was also much in de mand for medicinal purposes. Farmer Boyd determined that the calycanthus should pay him for the loss of his cow. So he started har vesting seed pods from "sweet shrubs" and selling them to various laboratories. Methods Studied This led to an interest in other plants and a study of methods of growing and propagation. In 1887 he opened a regular nursery business, offering native plants, shrubs and seedlings to the public. He called the concern the Forest Nursery Farmer Boyd's son, J. R. Boyd, still operates the company wholesale business. Another son. F. C. Boyd, has a wholesale and retail nursery, and a grandson. J. Austin Boyd, is in the nursery business also. In J. R. Boyd's newest catalog there is listed as available, and priced by the dozen or by the hun dred, the following item; "calycan thus ("sweet shrub)." co. M a Meat Industry Derides Scientific Substitutes CHICAGO.—The American meat institute has characterized as "ridi culous" and "just plain nonsense" many of the statements attributed to a group of allied and German scientists in a dispatch from Frank fort, Germany, in which the scien tists disclosed that they had pro duced and were ready to distribute "two food substitutes that are said to taste and have the same nutri tious qualities as milk and meat." The institution, of the country's meat packers, voiced its criticism in a bulletin Meat Crop Up Again." which, along with a photo static copy of the dispatch, distributed to its members. Signed by Wesley Harûenbergh, the bulletin said: "This is series of 'discoveries' as to how people can get the nutrition of meat from a pill, a capsule, the end result of some chemical ess. field crops grown for farm animals, minute animal life that swims in the sea, protein derived from sawdust, a combination of powdered vegetables, and "For example, the flavor of meat does not come from monosodium glutamate. This product is posed to enhance the flavor of various foods. an organization titled " 'Ersatz' was another of the long proc so on. sup "For another example, the state ment is made that all protein is alike. This emphatically is not true. There are two kinds of tein—complete pro incomplete. and Meat is a complete protein food." French Family Files Suit Against Grasping Medium TOULOUSE.—A French farmer family near Toulouse is suing a woman clairvoyant. j Their cattle were dying of a strange malady. She advised them not to go out after dark, prescribed a "magic" brew, went around the house with an olive branch to dis pel the "curse" told them to move —and charged them a fee of 190, 000 francs ($880). For a boy in the family who had stomach trouble, she prescribed a "magic" powder, took 12 dozen eggs, 12 pounds of sausages— and a "refresher" fee of 140,000 franca ($652). j mmr - Ä . - . Kr _ | Where O t V KllOCkS j \ •; I Laurel Outlook i WANT ADS I I ! NOTICE All classified ads to appear in this column must be paid for in ad vance unless you have a charge ac count. FOR SALE--Trailer hitch and over load springs, extra strong. W. Ball. Park. Cabin 7, Riverside Itp WANTED—Dead disabled free of and animals, nicked up charge. Billings Rendering Co., Phone 8410, days, Billings, and 9-4282. nights. 12-22-tf FOR SALE—Refrigerator, 6 cu. ft., electric. Very clean and in good running order. $85.00. Cooking Stove. Modern coal and wood range converted with H. C. Little Oil Burner. Low leak guard. White and grey porce lain. Excellent condition, $95. LAUREL TRADING POST, Phone 5. Merle Norman Cosmetics. E. 5th St., Phone 204-M. 507 2-2-tf FOK SALE—Guernsey milch cow. 7 years old, just fresh. Bangs and TB tested. Phone 774-W. Itp Any kind of furnace work. Write C. H. Horen. 117 Terry Ave., Billings. 5-4-tf WANTED two bedroom apartment or house. Call 0307-R-4. Furnished one or Itp FOR SALE—Lots for home sites, sewer, water, and clear title furnished, phone 446. Herman Schessler, 1-12-tf See A. A. Moser for low cost liability insurance. It FOR SALE—90-foot front, and Cafe on 30 ft. front; Cafe leased for five years at $150. 00 per month; buyer to as sume lease on building, or could purchase vacant lots separate. For further infor mation apply 420 Washington Ave. Phone 232-W. 4-6-tf Æ ^ Many & precious moments due to old and inaccurate timepieces. Can be recovered by paying as little as one-third down for a beautiful new Bulova at Isachsen Jewelry. FOR SALE—Guernsey cow to be fresh in September, motor, $15.00. Electric Phone 793-R. Itp FOR SALE—Devenport and chair with slip covers; table lamp; reading lamp; occasional chair; magazine rack; end table; card table; GE tank vacuum cleaner with attachments. Ave., phones 13 or 285-J. 602 Third Itp Get Insured! Stay Insured! Rest Assured. Fenton Agency Bearcreek and Wyoming Also Gravel and Sand Hauling, Dirt for Filling GIVE US A RING Phones 497-M, 267-W and 24ÎÎ-R Laurel Transfer R. W. Easton and Sons * * ■ js " ■ ■ S ü Ë '-O / À 7— V 1 r "fiv s it. I Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29th, Billings Phone 2888 I FOR SALE—Four room semi modem house with full base ment on 13 lots. Write Box 161, Park City. 6-l-3tp FOR SALE—Refrigerator and white steel cabinet. 420 West First. It FOR SALE—Washing Phone 260-R. machine. 6-8-2tp FOR SALE—Brooder house 11 by 14. 207 Fifth Ave. 6-15-2t - Room for Rent—Private bath. 615 3rd Ave. Laurel. Itp FOR SALE—Laurel Cafe in Lau 6-9-tf rel. For Real Silk and Avon Pro ducts call 327-W. 6-8-4tp WANTED TO RENT—2 bed room house, unfurnished, for family of 4. Steady refinery employee. Phone J. F. Law son, 187, Laurel or 94186 Bil 6-15-4tp lings. FOR SALE—Glass door China closet, drop leaf kitchen table. Laurel, li. It SEWING MACHINE SERVICE— A postal card to us, brings our service truck to you. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Ill North 29th St., Billings, Mont. 4-20-tf FOR SALE— or trade for car— 1947 M -ton Dodge Pickup, 4 speed transmission, 700-8 ply tire on rear. Price 1995. 109 Woodland Ave. Low mileage, Alvin Weishaar, 6-8-2tp FOR SALE—8' x 9' overhead door, complete. Phone 788. Itp FOR SALE—G.E. Electric Range like new, $165; baby bed and mattress, $14.50. Phone 293-W. Itp ROOM FOR RENT—Gentleman preferred. 515 Fourth Phone 467-W. Ave. 6-16-21 For house moving, raising for foundation, and box car haul ing phone or write C. F. Lin dau, Columbus. No jobs too large or small to estimate. 6-25-61 WANTED—Furnished one or two bedroom apartment or house. Call 0307-R-4. Itp LOTS FOR SALE — Northwest location. 2 comer lots, 2 inside lots. Priced for quick disposal. Inquire 519 4th Ave., up stairs. 5-25-4tp FOR RENT—Apt., 615 Juniper Ave. See after 4 p. m. Itp FOR SALE—Rolled back kitchen sinks with fit tings and 30 gal. hot water tanks with side arm heater. May be seen at 519 Elm Ave. 6-8-2tp high run mornings. FOR SALE—Female cocker pup. $16. Phone 327-M. 6-15-.3tp FOR SALE—11 by 14 house. 207 Fifth Ave. brooder Keys Made 90 While You Wait. Coast to Coast Store, Laurel ♦ ♦ VYE CLINIC ♦ Matthew W. Calvert, M. D, ♦ Phone 100 ' ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + ♦ ♦ B. L. PRICE Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Office in Wold Building Laurel, Mont. ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * + ♦ DR. E. C. HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building Laurel, Montana ♦ Office Phone 3 ++++++++♦+♦+♦+♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Res. 24 ♦ ♦++♦♦++♦♦++♦♦+♦ ♦ R. S. LUTZ, O. D. Ol'TOMETRIST 112 Broadway Billings, Mont, ♦ + ♦ + ♦ ♦ + + +***+**+++*+++*