Newspaper Page Text
COMMISSIONERS'! PROCEEDINGS 14.03 36.63 37.50 653 98 80 64 tn nn ' j 1 I I j I (Continued from Page Nine) Winthrop Stearns, Inc., supplies_ Home Realty Co., insurance Larry Palmer, burlap btgs Armco Drainage & Metal Products, supplies COP Construction Co., supplies- Barry O'Leary, supplies.. O'Malley Lumber Co., supplies COP Construction Co., supplies Husky Bulk Plant, supplies Husky Bulk Plant, supplies S & P Brake Service, supplies California Company, supplies Saunders Cash Way Lbr. Co., supplies Home Realty Co., 2.25 __ 151.20 __ 665.00 __ 665.00 „ ■ — 112.51 1 j I : ! i 1 i 5.40 __ 679.09 46.82 insurance - Interstate Truck and Equipment Co., supplies Interstate Truck & Equi ment Co., supplies — Seitz Distributing Co., supplies Inland Supply Co., supplies -- J. R. Sammon & Son, supplies __ Empire Tire Co., supplies 994.45 J j 5.15 3.05 169.00 : ( 19.80 : 1.74 Seitz Mchy. Co., supplies Bearing Supply Co., supplies ___ Heald Motor Supply, supplies _ Shipton Motor Supply, supplies _ Snap on Tools, Inc., supplies _ N. W. Auto Supply, supplies - Western Construction Equip. Co., supplies_ Firestone Stores, supplies 198.44 Montana Power Co., light and power— Interstate Tr. & Equip. 44.64 5.25 8.40 2.90 I 206.64 I j 638.76 j 37.22 Co., supplies ..... Bigs. Auto Wrecking, supplies _ Building Service, Inc., supplies - Seitz Mchy. Co., supplies Yellowstone Paper, supplies __ Willis Sales Co., supplies Continental Oil Co., supplies - Crawley Motor Supply, supplies - Great Stuff Products, supplies - Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies _ Original Equipment Inc., supplies_ Consumers Paint Co., supplies _ Eaton Metal Products, supplies ... Seitz Machinery Co., supples -- Reymer Machine, supplies - Hall's Machine Shop, supplies - Mulvaney Motor, supplies _ Carter Oil Company, supplies -- Empire Motors, supplies.. International Harvester Co., supplies -- Carburetor & Electric, supplies _ Keefe Auto Supply, supplies -r. Seitz Mchy Co., supplies . Wortham Mchy. Co., supplies - Industrial Equipment Co., supplies -- Wortham Mchy. Co., supplies - Wortham Mchy. Co., supplies - Grt. Northern Tool and 5.08 10.00 16.50 40.32 j I 9.20 17.50 j I 74.05 i I 11 10 ! j 46 38 i j 7 46 I 35 75 j I 40 en 1 323 11 ! 1 4 7= 1 4 75 I 5 04 i .88 7.48 104.06 g gQ j : ' 56.67 13.52 700.77 3.75 241.32 264.48 227.29 838.66 Supply Co., supplies ... Hines Bearing and Supply Co., supplies - Grand Coffee Shop, meals - North Hotel, room E. O. Price, mileage and expenses _ Marshall Wells Co., supplies - Billings Electric Supply Co., supplies and labor Yellowstone Valley Elec. Co., electricity - Burt Maynard, witness— Katherine F. Nicholson, witness -- Mary H. Phythian, juror . Effie M. Wilson, juror._. Harvey D. Moffet, juror. Adelaide Nelson, juror— Dan Behan, juror Stewart Mateer, juror.— Hines Motor Supply, supplies... American Law Book Co., supplies - W. B. Pearson, services and mileage - Melvin N. Hoiness, cases Industrial Accident Board, boiler inspection - Consumers Paint Mfg Co., paint - 7 — Fenton Agency, insurance Keefe Auto Supply Co., supplies Chappies, Inc., desks and chairs-—— Western Construction Co., equipment - Billings White Truck Co., equipment Seitz Mchy. Co., tractor._ 9,287.00 Interstate Tr. and Equip. Co., equipment —— Interstate Tr. & Equip. Co., equipment . Billings Elec. Supply Co., repairs - Laurel Outlook, supplies .. Laurel Outlook, supplies. 1.90 23.18 21.05 15.20 22.12 147.48 12.27 3.00 ; 1.50 ; 1.30 i 3.00 i 3.oo ; 3.00 3.00 ! 3.00 I 3.00 : ' 385.57 j 10.00 ! 108.71 I 100.00 j 5.00 ! j 48.50 ] 161.25 3.00 : 401.00 1,690.00 7,713.74 930.00 360.00 2.75 114.62 92.95 117.86 620.00 511.00 151.50 261.00! 14,413.411 117.50 Laurel Outlook, supplies_ Laurel Outlook, supplies— Fenton Agency, insur ance — Hillyard Sales Co., supplies Allen Wales Add. Mach., machine_ Yellowstone County, pay roll for June _ Beth Crawford, salary _ s - Jhnason, salary Clare Logan, salary Juanita J. Logan, salary_ Margaret Lou Hartley, salary_ Phyllis Lang, salary_ T. H. Alexander, salary — Owen S. Wirak, salary _ Alfred a R. Forswall, salary_ 124.54 132.50 165.00 112.50 150.00 170.83 83.33 Alene B. Gairett, salary Hairy C. Reeves, salary— Elza O'Banion, labor_ Louis Jackelini, salary „ Haydn Thomas, salary — Elodie Sievertsen, salary - A. Sievertsen, salary_ George Wertz, salary_ Herb Smith, salary_ Harry L. Wolverton, salary_ Gene Sherman, salary_ Eldon Clark, salary-mile 120.83 175.00 225.00 104.00 255.001 124.54 195.00 280.00 175.00 96.46 96.46 96.46 170.00 137.281 105.00 74.20 144.00 87.50 250.00 150.00 144.20 123.60 125.00 110.001 110.00 110.00 110.00 95.42 190.001 Mrs. Bertha Webber, salary_ E. O. Price, salary_ Carol Townsend, salary_ Floyd Maxwell, salary - mileage _ Margaret McFarren, sal age Jack F. Mueller, salary — w. E. Sourgin, salary _ Ted Crawford, salary_ E. Lindstrom, services_ ary Eleanor Smith, salary _ Mrs. M. A. Van Houten, salary_ Mrs. Alida Kittleson, salary___ Helena C. Heider, salary Bonnie Mitchell, salary_ Betty Todd, salary_ Jeanne Fisher, salary _ Marjorie G. Schwenneker, 165.00! 208.601 salary_ Chas. E. Wicks, per diem and mileage_ Chas. Barney, per diem and mileage_ 209.80! Ben B. Hagerman, per diem- 208.00 John O'Donnell, salary and mileage _ 280.00 George Devener, salary .. 45.00 Tom Mullowney, salary.... 115.00! James Barkley, salary_ 4.59 Robert Whitaker, serv ices _ 4.42 Frank Floyd, services_ 117 00 Hugh Lewis, services _ 1.38 Mike Abfalder, salary_ 245.59 Porter Alwine, salary _ 215.81 A. L. Bacon, salary _ 244.32 James Barkley, salary .... 199.36 George Bender, salary_ 201.12 (Art Boeder, salary _ Y- Crenshaw, salary .... 244.32 Orville Cunningham, «alarv 01 ad G. C. Eaton, salary—.1_ 190.80 Lyle Erickson, salary_ 213.26 Wm. Fly. salary _1_ 33.08 Hiram Grossing, salary_ 241.771 O. Helgoe, salary _ 219.14 Jacob Hofferber, salary_ 244.32 Clarence Holbrook, salary_ 219,47. 220.32 58.52 45.701 213.26 264.06 244.32 217.40 251.82 32.01 244.32| 208.59 277.92 235.41 257.47 208.85! 164.78 120.001 _ . u . Bert Hopple, salary _ Harold Johnson, salary_ Carl Lamb, salary _ Alex Lehr, salary_ Hugh Lewis, salary _ M. E. Moats, salary_ J. E. Perry, salary_ Erwin Schock, salary_ Joe Shadwell, salary_ W. P. Stebbins, salary_ James Steele, salary_ Joe Sullivan, salary_ John Sullivan, salary_ W. Thurber, salary_ Robt. Wallace, salary_ Robt. Whitaker, salary _ Art White, salary_ * T - I : m u:i 5 j r-ip? THE MILL DRIVE-IN i Curb Service 6 to 11:30 p. m. Monday through Friday; 4:30 to 11:30 p. m. Saturday and Sunday Your Favorite Beer ALWAYS ICE COLD Delicious CHICKEN IN A BASKET Every Day 701 East Main Street —4 Porter Alwine, salary _ James Barkley, salary _ i Orville Cunningham, salary_ 13.77 8.84 230.67 187.06 160.90 153.06 75.07 169.25 456.00 75.00 46.26 Wm. Fly, salary Harold Johnson, salary „ Joe Shadwell, salary Robt. Whitaker, salary _ Art White, salary_ Mike Kinnick, lumber _ ! John Plaster, salary_ 1 Ernest R. Jay, mileage _ I Public Employees Retire ment Sys., contribution j Teachers' Retirement System, contribution .. & O. Price, mileage_ ' William McCartney, sal ary and mileage_ William McCartney, sal ary and mileage_ G. L. Barker, salary_ T. A. Cothron, mileage and expense_ L. C. Arnold, mileage_ Wallace A. Bent, mileage_ Business Machines, Inc., services _ Montana Power Co., 508.26 17.50 9.72 197.23 132.95 105.00 64.84 10.62 2.45 electrical energy Montana Power Co., electrical energy_ Lois Krabbenhoft, add. salary - Kaspers Photo Shop, equipment_ Kaspers Photo Shop, supplies Maynard Stationery Co. supplies_ Maynard Stationery Co., supplies_ Stroup Hardware Co., supplies_ Carl C. Kitchen, an notations _ City Water Dept., water.. White Line Transfer and Storage Co., freight_ Dr. J. I. Wernham, serv ices_ Reporter Ptg. & Supply Co., supplies_ Peterson Typewriter Ex change, services _ Clare Logan, mileage _. Louis Jackelini, mileage .. Nat. Livestock and Meat Board, supplies _ Willis Sales Co. supplies.. Dept. Public Welfare, OAA, ANB. ADC _ 6,697.67 Dept. Public Welfare, % 53.40 71.18 26.18 15.00 32.73 13.50 1 48.55 13.97 .95 7.85 69.00 87.06 24.07 37.50 18.00 40.80 10.62 3.00 .60 salaries and mileage _ ! Dept. Public Welfare, Vz salaries and mileage .. PAYROLL FOR JUNE i Clerk and Recorder ' Earle Knight, Clk. & Rec. ! D. G. Backhoff, ch. deputy ! H. A. Kiichli, deputy. ; Carl P. Thompson, deputy .. Chris Rubich, deputy. I Mike Jovanovich, bookkeeper . Reuben Mikelson, deputy.. Mae Hoff, assistant. Louise Faught, assistant !£. Williams, treasurer.... ~ arr * Beid, c ^- deputy. ! Drvnle Berry, deputy. 244.32Ferrell, deputy. Hankins, T DooK keeper . . Hene Oberweiser, deputy Bachmann. qi, 0 _ P . Sharon Reid ' deputy 71.75 923.74 276.00 248.00 235.00 235.00 235.00 235.00 220.00 190.00 190.00 Treasurer 276.00 248.00 235.00 235.00 i 235.00 235.00! 2.35.00 117.50 175.00 138.00 , ! 117.50 117.50 117.50 Beverlee Doe, clerk . Assessor T. A. Cothron, assessor Joseph W. Farrell, ch. deputy . r. f. Royalty, deputy_ B r ° o ke Herford, deputy .. L. C. Arnold, deputy .... Herbert G. Gammill. deputy . W. A. Hanlev, deputy. C. B. Famham, deputy C. O. Thompson, deputy Charles H. Wolverton, Evelyn Redding, deputy.. Katie Davies, clk. court 284.00 Eleanor Behrendt, Ruby Farley, deputy... Robert W. Richardson. deputy . 235.00 235.00 235.00 235.00 deputy 235.00 205.00 Clerk Of District Court ch. deputy 255.00 242.00 242.00 ■iMiitiiaiMaxaiita'unwiiwiiiaiMiunBiuftBi» H ' The News : I of laurel: f B ! Miss Phyllis Toombs went to Sumatra Sunday to spend a week at the ranch home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toombs. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Kucera and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hartley and their guest, Mrs. Sadie Clark of Portsmouth, Ohio, are home from several days in Yellowstone park. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schilling of Lewiston, Ida., were overnight guests of Mr. Schilling's sister, Mrs. Rose Bailey, while en route to North Dakota, where they will visit other relatives. Mr and Mrs. Ray Jolley were week end guests of their sister in-law, Mrs. Geneva Jolley. They left Sunday to tour Yellowstone park and return to their home in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Miss Valma Shay and Mrs. Nancy Vaught left Monday morn ing for Butte where they will at-1 210.00 210.00 tend the three-day state conven tion of the American Legion Auxiliary. Miss Vera Anderson returned Monday from a two weeks' vaca tion trip to Butte, Missoula, Co lumbia Falls, Seattle, Auburn and Bellingham, Wash. Mrs. Nels Vordahl is ill at her home. Bonnie Jo Kem of Columbus has returned to her home after spending a week here with her prandparents, M. and Mrs. R O. Steele. Guy E. Marvin, court steno. William G. Mouat, court steno. County Attorney Charles B. Sande, County Attorney . E. E. Collins, deputy .... Jerome Anderson, deputy 125.00 225.00 220.00 Bonnie Bachelier, steno. Lois Krabbenhoft, steno. County Auditor Helen L. Delano, Co. Auditor_ Shirley Toddy deputy_ County Surveyor 190.00 175.00 187.50 168.75 C. E. Durland, surveyor 300.00 Superintendent of Schools T. E. Pemberton, supt. schools. Ambemetfca Klampe, ch. deputy . Ada M. Warner, deputy.. County Sheriff Albert Thomas, sheriff.... 291.66 John B. Sweeney, under sheriff . Lock Boyles, deputy. Mae O'Donnell, deputy.... George W. Swords, II, 276.00 248.00 235.00 248.00 235.00 235.00 deputy . Joe E. Collier, deputy. Dewey G. Brey, deputy.. John L. Fletcher, deputy Clark A. Stewart, deputy Dan Morgan, deputy. 235.00 235.00 235.00 235.00 235.00 235.00 235.00 235.00 69.00 87.50 Philip Haun, deputy. Archie Kennedy, deputy Donna Pefley, deputy. Edith Kunz, steno. Engineer and Janitors G. A. Cook, engineer .... 235.00 107.50 107.50 150.00 150.00 Paul King, janitor..—....... Elmer Sherwood, janitor Harry Tythcott, janitor.. J. W. Hastings, janitor.... Justices of Peace and Constables A. N. Bergen, justice Emil Borberg, justice Wallace A. Bent, constable . Bert J. Bowman, constable . 200.00 200.00 125.00 125.00 The Board adjourned July 2nd, 1949. Approved : BEN B. HAGERMAN, Chairman A • EARLE KNIGHT, Clerk An overnight guest Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stevens was Mr. Stevens' mother, Mrs. Ann Stevens. When she returned to her home in Forsyth Thursday, Karen Stevens went with her for a week's visit Carol Shay, Dorothy Martison and Mr. Smith of Billings joined Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Shay for a picnic at Red Lodge Sunday. Mrs. Ray Stevens served after coffee to about eight guests noon as a surprise for Mrs. S. A. Coul ter on her birthday Wednesday afternoon. Ensign Vaughn Phelps will leave July 31 for Alameda, Calif., and from there will make a two weeks' cruise with the naval re He returned in June from Ensign and serve. a cruise to Cuba. Mrs. Phelps will spend the re mainder of the summer at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Phelps. During the school year he is a teacher and coach at Pleasanton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lockwood and Timmy and Janie Lockwood are spending a week at a cabin on the Gallatin. Miss Joyce Ness was compli mented at a bridal shower when Miss Bonnie Barr and Miss Pat Busby were hostesses at the Barr home Wednesday evening last week. Chicago was played, with prizes going to Miss Margery Lou Hartley and Mrs. William Knaub. Mrs. Edwin Eagle and daugh ter Elizabeth of San Diego, Cal., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Eagle's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Foote. Fresh flowers decorated the rooms for a series of parties at the C. G. Scott home when Mrs. Scott and Mrs. D. A. Nottingham were hostesses Thursday. Five tables were in play in the after noon, following dessert luncheon. Prizes went to Mrs. Bert Sher row, Mrs. O. K. Chapman and Mrs. J. F. MacDonald. A travel prize was awarded Mrs. Edwin Eagle. five tables again in the evening Dessert was served to ^iiiiiiimmiiiimiimmiimmiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiimiiiiii: Now S ave * 30.00 on the purchase of a 1 CROSLEY Frost Master Home Freezer When you purchase a new Crosley Frost Master Home Freezer At Only $ 179.95 You will receive your choice of $30.00 worth of Frozen Food. For bargains all the time shop for Meats, Groceries, and Appliances at I Tubman's Food Mart 801 East Main Street Phone 44 ''aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiT: DUTCH MILL ICE CREAM ! The Greatest Variety of Flavors THE BEST ICE CREAM IN TOWN Complete Fountain and Restaurant Service i At bridge, prizes were won by Miss Grace Stadalman, Mrs. B. Meyer Harris and Mrs. L. H. Dahl, while Mrs. Grace Pelowitz received the travel prize. Mrs. Henry Strending was hos tess to her bridge club at a 12:30 luncheon Wednesday of last week. Those present were Mrs. H. A. Bundy, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark, Mrs. E. H. Ebersviller, Mrs. T. W. Evert, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Mar tina LaBar, Mrs William Berk land and Mrs. Joe Brohaugh of Billings. Mrs. G. P. Prill had as her guest last week her niece, Miss Phyllis Andres who had been vis iting in Wisconsin and returned to her home in Missoula Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Russell are the parents of a daughter, bom at a Billings hospital Thurs day, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Patterson of Rock Springs, Wyo., visited Searching VC for I Hot Weather Desserts? Si I cl r. Try one of the many delicious flavors of famous M. ,/l IM ROSE BRAND Ice Cream from your favorite dealer Laurel Creamery Laurel, Montana at the L. B. Conrad home last week Mr. Patterson is a brother of Mrs. Conrad. The Wyoming people returned to their home Sunday. Visitors at the C. A. Cromwell home have been Mrs. Cromwell's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hammond of La Porte, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Ham mond returned to their home Sunday after visiting also at Estes Park, Colo., and Cheyenne, Wyo. R. W| Easton is reported im proving after undergoing surgery in a Billings hospital. Mrs. Easton is staying in Billings until he is able to return to his home, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moon drove to Helena Sunday to take Darlene to her new job as a secretary of the board of education. They were accompanied by Mrs. Clar ence Bartley, who visited her daughter, Billie Lou.