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Rose Brand & K BUTTER and ICE CREAM sf I These two delicious dairy products provide the energy foods needed « to make any child a wide awake * | scholar. " ■ I I I Laurel Creamery I Laurel, Montana. k uiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiü LAUREL OUTLOOK— $2.50 PER YEAR SAFEWAY W WW»T C K \ ) Jr 'm 7 (2)J ,-lrx* I ,r! help you plan a gala weekend to * SAFEWAY STORES WILL BE CLOSED Monday, September 5 • •• Make Safeway Real Savings your starting point for a gay holiday. Here you will 43c find Just the foods y° u need for a week end of fim and feasting. Wonderful buys—like those listed below—to make your week end easy on your budget 19c Check these suggestions. Then come to Safeway and stock up for a good time. Be sure to stock up on staples like these 12 Oz. Can.... Prem, Spam, Tree! Vienna Sausage Tuna Sardines Fresh Creamery Butter Eggs 72c Libby's 4 Oz. Can Lb. Breakfast Gem, Grade A, White, Doz. Morning Star, Large C 1 Grade B. Doz._ 0 1 C Fresh Pasteurized | A Quart _ IÎFC Sandwich hi Doz. Pkg. White 1% Lb. Loaf ...... Granulated 25 Lb. Bag .... M. J. B. or Hills 2 Lb. Tin _ Cherub, Tall Cans 4 for_ 67c Torpedo Solid Meat hi Size Can_ Domestic In Oil 'A Can.. _39c _ lie Fruit Cocktail 35c BREEZE Peaches Tomato? i Peas Beets Tomato Crackers PORK & BEANS Van Camp's No. 2Vi Can Eggs Cheese Food 2 Lb. Loaf. Salad Dressing Qt- Jar . 83c Milk Buns Breed Sugar Coffee Milk Castle Crest, Halves or aq No. 2 hi Can _ JtwC Highway o. 2 Can 15c DUCHESS 2 -25c MARGARINE 53c I6c ... 19c Hlghway 303 Can _ Utah Valley, Diced No. 2 Can . Soup, Campbells 10% Oz. Can ... N. B. C. Premiums 2 Lb. Pkg. _ 27c _ 2.62 Sunnybank. Lb. . 14c 1.13 6 Assorted Flavors 3 Oz. Pkg.. JELL0 8c 2 f or 23c _ 51c 49c Picnic Foods & Supplies k -i fr SAVE ON FRESH PRODUCE .d*\ BUY COFFEE THIS WAY a Dill Pickles Pickles Sweet Re'ish Ripe Olives Green Olives .53c Potato Chips SîiTi. Pkg 69c Miracle Whip Marshmaflows f^ fi pkg 29c Cookies LoriS. Æ v P e S ary . 59c Paper Plates 1 .09 D * x ' e ^ U P S H p£° r .. c ! ld 2 Columbia 29c Km No. 2 Can „ Heinz Fresh Cucumber 24 Oz. Jar .. J Safeway's garden-fresh fruits and vegetables are priced by pound. You pay only for the exact amount you need. Wash. Elberta, U. S. No, 1 16 Lb. Flat. 39c Libby's 8 Oz. Jar. Libby's, King Size No. 1 Can _ Save from 5c to 10c per pound 17c f \ hum PEACHES PEACHES PEARS 1.49 33c 1.69 NOB HILL Wash. J. H. Hale, U. S. No. 1 16 Lb. Flat . Wash. Bartlett, Extra Fancy 30 Lb. Box .. 2 Lb. pk e- 99 c A luxury blend ... 59c 2.39 Qt. Jar AIRWAY A Cantaloupes Watermelons Lemons Basket Fruit I aU... a Ice Pack, Firm Crisp Heads Leiiuce U. S. No. 1, Lb... Tomatoes Green Corn Celery Idaho "Jumbo," Pre Cooled, o. S. 1, Lb Rattlesnake, ü. S. No. 1, Lb_ Sunkist, ü. S. No. 1 2 Lbs.. 7c Mild and 2 I,b - mellow Pkg. GRAPES 95c. Diamond Doz. 5c .15c California Seedless U. S. No. 1 Edwards 2 Lb. Tin _ Coffee 37c 25c 2 Lbs. 25c for Assorted Kinds, ü. S. No. 1, No. 3 Tin Top 49c !? c l BANANAS WiliMillili m I m I For Slicing, U. S. No. 1 2 Lbs. . Tender, Full Ears ü. S. No. 1, Lb. Green Pascal, ü. S. No. 1 Lb*_ 19c Golden Ripe ... 6c 2 Lbs. 35c Good eating guaranteed by SAFEWAY ... 12c Typical Safeway Savings Assure the success of your next steak barbecue—Safeway steaks are guaran teed to be juicy, tender, good-eating. Tender, juicy T-BONE, lb Ç5c HOW* mmmjm m am mach ton a coouno Shortening Cheese Spread Peanut Butter Flour Pancake Syrup Tomato Juice Juice Orange Juice Royal Satin 3 Lb. Tin ., Dutch Mill American 2 Lb. Loaf . Lunch Box Sandwich Pt. Jar .. 85c W SOFT DRINK / ... 89c 59c HAMS 31c Skinned. Whole or Half. Lb. Beverly 10 Oz. Jar .... Kitchen Craft. Finest Grade, 25 Lb. Bag . & Waffle Mix. Suz anna, 3^ Lb. Bag .... Sleepy Hollow, Cane & Maple. 58 Oz. Tin . Sunny Dawn 46 Oz. Can ...... Grapefruit. Town House 46 Oz. Can 35c PICNICS PORK ROAST 47c Smoked, Short Shank Lb. 1.79 SODA POP .6 f 0r 25c KOOL AID 42c 59c Assorted Flavors _ Loin or Rib End. Lb. Ground Beef Pork Chops Sliced Bacon 87c FRANKS 45c 27c Fresh Dally, Lb. 31c Juicy, Red Hots Assorted Kinds 5c Pkg. .. lor 25c 59c Loin or Rib End, LI Pull O' Gold 46 Oz. Can .... 49c 55c Lb. Mild Cure, Lb. 53c Chuck Roast ^ r i?el- Be 2,. Lunch Meat 53c ■hi i* Frying- Rabbits 1V • * *'■.''* save at SAFEWAY .1,1 No Waste Fancy Assorted. Lb. .. 55c Fruore Manor House. Eviscerated ri ycij "No-Waste," Lb. .. •' *? i 73c Vr cMddt^ Lb. - 69c ■ if [t: S?' - i Churches I THE CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, MORMON CHURCH Are holding Sunday school ser vices Sunday in the I. O. O. F. hall. Time starting 10 a. m. Classes held for all ages. Services conducted by Elder Todd Cummings and Elder John D. Webster. Everyone is welcome. No con tribution taken. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 'The Church of the Lutheran Hour' Park City A. M. BACHANZ, Pastor. The Lutheran Hour KGHL, Sunday, 9 a. m. Mission Festival services at 10:30 a. m. .« Fellowship dinner at 12:15 p. m. Afternoon services at 2:30. The guest speaker will be the Rev. O. Wagner of Harlowton. Moving pictures: "The Worldi of Silence" and "Japan has Open Doors" will be shown at 7:30 in the evening-. A cordial welcome awaits you at these services. THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH H. C. Haemmelmann, Pastor. Sunday, Sept. 4: Listen to the Carillon, 9:00. Sunday school, 9:30. Worship service in English with Holy Baptism, 10:30. Sermon topic, "God's Labor Troubles." Prayer meeting, 2:00 and 7:00. Tuesday: Senior choir practice, 7:30. T • Wednesday: Dorcas Society monthly meeting, 7:30. Saturday; Prayer meeting, 7:00. THE LAUREL METHODIST CHURCH Clarence G. Spellman, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Harold Richardson, Supt. Morning worship at 11 a. mJ Sermon topic: "The Gosple of La-1 bor." Women's Society of Christian Service, general meeting Friday,! Sept. 2, in church. All women of the church are cordially invit ed to attend. Fellowship will meet at 5:30 m., Sunday, Sept. 4. Senior Methodist Youth Fellow ship will meet at 5:30 p. m. day, Sept. 4. Choir practice will begin Sept, 6, 7 p. m., Mrs. Conrad director, Intermediate Methodist Youth CHURCH 'OF THE NAZARENE Fifth at Penn. James H. Haueter, Pastor. Sunday, Sept. 4: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. N. Y. P. S. at 7:15 p. m. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Wednesday, Sept. 7: Choir practice at 7 p. m. Bible study and prayer service at 8 p. m. Church board meeting 9 p. m. The Friendly Church with a tal Message. JOLIET LUTHERAN CHURCH C. O. Anderson, Pastor. At Laurel : Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Services 11 Compassionate Concern, .24-38. OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CRURCH and Christ's a. m. I ' John Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. f Bible class. p. After next Tuesday the Bible class will be held on Monday evenings. Fellow- Friday, 6 p. m., Boys' group, Sun- .Friday,, 7:30 p. m.^Rible class, Saturday, 10:30 a. m., Confirma Sept, tion class. The first meeting will be held Sept. 10. At Joliet: Sunday school and Bible class at 7:15 p. m. Services, 8 p. m. PARK CITY METHODIST CHURCH Rev. C. G. Spellman, Pastor. Church school at 10 a. m. Mrs. Charles Stonerock, Supt. Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. Sermon topic: "The Gospel of Labor." Youth ■ Vi of Coming Events Thursday, Sept. 1. Zidonian chapter, O. E. S. at the Masonic temple, at 8 p. in. Grand chapter reports. Congregational ladies' aid in the church basement at 7:30 p. m. Friday, Sept. 2. W. S. C. S. at the Methodist church at 2 p. m, Mrs. J. W. Long will have charge of pro gram qn Faith. Linda and Pat Johnston will present special mu- j sic. Hostesses will be Mrs. C. W. i Laird, Mrs. R. W. Bates and Mrs. I Frank Hartley, of circle 3. All women interested are cordially invited to attend. 9: Saturday, Sept. 3. Free show for children at the theater. Monday, Sept. 5. First fall meeting of Rebekah at I. O. O. F. hall at 8 p. Wednesday, Sept. 7. First day of school. All day meeting of Past Ma tron's club at the Masonic temple. Covered dish luncheon and day of sewing, • • Laurel Rainbow Assembly, Ma sonic temple, 7:30 p. m. Election of officers. Rebekah Thimble club, 8 p. at the home of Mrs. Harold Van Nice. m. rn. Thursday, Sept. 8. Laurel Garden Club, 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Tom Winters. Wear a corsage and name the flowers in it. Horse Vaccination Urged The fact that a given locality did not have an outbreak of equine cephalomyelitis (sleeping sickness) last year is no assurance that the disease will not strike there this year. Medical association cautions horse owners. The only dependable way to protect horses against sleeping sickness is to have them nated before the start of the quito season, the association adds. en the American Veterinary vacci mos Worth Coining Miles to See Z7fie Pricing I BLACK HILLS 'Passion M * COMING TO BIIXINGS Sept. 5-45-7-8 JR. HI SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Prices: Student Matinees 2:30 Sept 6, 7, 8 Only Students 60c, Adults $1.80 EVENINGS: General Admission. $1.20, $1.80, Reserved ; $2 40. $3 00, $3.60 Tax Included Sponsored by vmxiwcs firit CHILD WELFARE FUND SEAT SALES OFFICE CURLEY NAYLOR 215 North Broadway Phone 9 3578 ■ • Theatre Weekly Program FRIDAY SATURDAY •ICOIOB II 5* afis THl 1 A4.» art •re mi mvu WNtT WU-SIU-s mmiofM üj! OME PINPr A 52» 7 V S3 Saturday Matinee. 2 P. M. Evening Shows at 6:50 and 9:00 P. M. SUNDAY and MONDAY l:f:M Tfi] Ä&I a>a\ f ALEXANDER KNOX S0THERN> GEORGE TOBIAS * i 5HARYN MOFFETT 'FLORENCE BATES K FRIEDA INESCORT ^^MYRNA DELL .4 ANN T / /À Sunday Shows at 2:00; 4:15; 6:30 and 8:45 P. M. Monday Shows, 6:50 and 9:00 P, M. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY dtämiTn uhk ÜS I I KamtiKÿMMtMify .! / is $ « -\ •JTTi i w m Shows at 6:50 and 9:00 P. M. 5TRÎ POST SCHOOL AGE Girls Wanted To work at Dutch Mill and Mill Drive-In .Sec CHARLES GIBLLN At Dutch Mill between 2 and 4 p. m. APPLY IN PERSON Turkey Growers Warned Danger that farmers tract swine erysipelas from turkeys infected with this disease is high lighted in a scientific report. An article in the Journal of the Ameri can Veterinary Medical association tells of a human case apparently caused by handling sick turkeys. The erysipelas germs are believed to have entered the handler's body through a scratch on the thumb. He recovered after physicians' treated him with penicillin—the same drug used by veterinarians in treating infected turkeys. may ron V / Before buying- a Mix er, Toaster, Electric Iron or other House hold E 1 e c t ric Appli ance - inspect our stocks. It will pay.