Newspaper Page Text
COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS / AUGUST SESSION The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session for the August term on August 1, 1949, and held twenty-nine meet ings during the term. Seven days were spent as a Board of Equali zation, adjourning on August 8th. Parts of five days were taken up with county welfare work with County Supervisor Laitenen in at tendance. The report of the County Audi tor of an examination of the books and accounts of the County and Township officers for the month of July, 1949, was approved. The Board fixed the 1949 tax levies for the County and approved the State School districts, City of Laurel and Town of Broadview levies as certified to them by the departments. Permission w-as granted to the members of the Board of County Commissioners. Katie Davies, Clerk of Court. W. V. D. Chapman, Laurel Justice of Peace, to absent themselves from the State of Mon tana for limited periods. The Board approved the aban donment, by the Supt. of Schools. of School Districts No. 18, 39, 40, 57 to be joined to District No. 7 SÄ? 0 ' 30 t0 ^ j0ined t0 ' ®.* The following resolutions were adopted by the Board: Creating district No. 110; changing bounda ries of wards three and one to in elude Block 5, Billings Heights subdivision and Block 7 and West half of Block 8, Sunnyside subdivi sion; ordering the issuance of spe cial improvement district bonds to the Blacktop Construction Co. in the amount of $o, 113.14; adopting the final budget for the year end ing June 30, 1950; creating district No. Ill; ordering the issuance of special improvement district bonds to Barry O'Leary in the amount of $11,869.21. The contract for the improve ments to be done in District No. 109 was awarded to John Sparboe & Son for $1,817.00. The following claims were ex amined. allowed, ordered paid and warrants drawn. E. O. Price, salary. Carol Townsend, salary .... Dr. James I. Wernham, services . Vocational School for iGrls, care of inmates . Qeorgia H, Whipps, serv ices E. D. Price, mileage and expenses - Bill Jellison, labor . Harry G. Reeves, salary. .. Owen S. Wirak, salary. T. H. Alexander, salary.... Alfreda R. Forswall, salary . Margery Lou Hartley, salary .. Izzie Karst, salary . Phyllis Lang, salary . Stanley Houck, salary . Margaret Kosko, salary.... Ishmael Yost, per diem and mileage . Paul E. Ronan, per diem and expenses . J. K. Mueller, per diem and expenses . St. Joseph Home, care of inmates . Dept. Public welfare, x k salaries and mileage .... Dept. Public Welfare, Vt salaries and mileage .... Dept. Public Welfare. OAA-ADC-ANB .... Mont. State Training 9.00 133.33 150.00 j 112.50 150.001 137.50 j 95.00 j ! 6.84 1 j 7.96 . ! 9.92 ! ' 30.00 i I 94.07 j I 984.63 ; . 6,704.00 ; I 254.71 $ 250.00 150.00 37.50 108.50 59.47 64.00 235.00 91.66 187.50 Public Employees Retire. Sys., contribution . Mrs. Janet Tompkins. salary . Montana Power Co., power . Carol Ann Scherrer, salary . Jeanne Fisher, salary . Mrs. Bertha Webber, salary . Marjorie G. Schwen neker, salary ..'.. Billings Electric Supply Co., repairs .. K-B Chemical Co., sup plies . W. P. Fuller & Co., sup plies . Peterson Typewriter Ex change, typewriter . Clare Logan, salary . Beth Crawford, salary . J S. Jimason, salary . George Wertz, salary . Haydn Thomas, salary .... Ted Crawford, salary . Harry L. Wolverton, salary . Gene Sherman, salary. ....'.. Herbert Smith, salary . W. E. Spurgin, salary . Floyd Maxwell, salary mileage — Bonnie Mitchell, salary .... Miss Betty Todd, salary.... Mrs. Alida Kittleson, salary - Mrs. M. A. Van Houten, salary . Helena C. Heider, salary.. Margaret McFarren, salary . Eleanor Smith, salary . Loretta Lambrecht, salary PayLess Drug Stores, Inc., supplies .. Harrington Surgical Sup ply, supplies . Robert Driscoll, labor . Elza O'Banion, labor . Jack Mueller, salary . Elodie Sievertsen, salary.. A. Sievertsen, salary . Eldon Clark, salary mileage . E. Lindstrom. salary . Chas. E. Wicks, salary mileage . Charles Barney, salary mileage .-.-. Ben B. Hagerman, salary mileage .. Louis Jackelini, salary .... Tom Mullowney, salary .... George Devener, salary .... John O'Donnell, salary mileage . 459.29 44.00 23.41 91.66 190.00 175.00 165.00 5.10 64.00 34.45 71.13 132.50 127.50 136.76 185.00 136.76 107.21 107.64 107.42 107.42 115.00 149.50 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 125.00 125.00 51.38 2.29 21.01 110.00 115.50 122.46 1 205.00 j 290.00 180.00 104.00 201.55 202.95 I 200.85 235.00 115.00 45.00 280.00 126.00 Frank Floyd, services . G. L. Barker, salary j mileage . Gazette Printing Co., ads j Curley Naylor Electric ! Co., services - : Teachers Retire. System, j | j 146.23 25.48 12.03 28.46 contribution Smith's Funeral Home assgd), soldier burial .... E & R Office Machines, services . E & R Office Machines, services . 150.00 2.55 supplies .-. ! John Plaster, salary . j H. R. Barney, salary . ! Harley Chatwood, salary., iLavern Chatwood. salary.. ^ oh | 1 . | j,- .7* J Barnes salary . g"® ary . ' ^l te "" t , ' L V " ® ls £"' Q : of™'™"' Bl J"» Gas Co - new ä ° A 'bert Thomas."sheriff, underpayment . Tribune Prtg. & Sup. Co school laws p ova i Tvnewriter Co. typewrite^ " ... ...... Maynard Stationery Co., supplies Mont state Indus. School care 0 f j nrna tes Wallace A. Bent, mileage an( j exp ênse j. Logan, salary Ba ncro f t Whitney Cd., 1.50 Mont. State Training School, care of inmates McKesson & Robbins, Inc., 159.33 281.18 75.00 92.40 100.80 100.80 88.20 100.80 88.20 124.80 138.00 72.45 72.45 110.40 .... 198.37 2.60 7.50 10.00 .. 131.75 64.05 ... 294.00 25.68 82.50 41.00 Prank^E. 8 Lundquist 26.30 repairs .. Betty Warden, salary and mileage . Stroup Hardware Co., supplies . Billings Gas Company, . 276.21 16.07 21.60 26.84 gas ..— Montana Power Co., power House of Good Shepherd, care of inmates. State Tuberculosis Sani tarium, care of inmates 399.10 Payless Drug Store, Inc., prescription . Jacob Auch et al, gen. relief payroll _ _ James McDonald, supplies Donald Nelson, salary . James Barkley, services .. J. T. Crenshaw, services.. H. E. Lewis, services. Robert Whitaker, services Mike Abfalder, salary . Porter Alwine, salary . A. L. Brown, salary .. [James Barkley, salary. [George Bender, salary . Art Boeder, salary . lj. T. Crenshaw, salary . Jim Dick, salary . G. C. Eaton, salary . Lyle Erickson, salary. O. H. Helgoe, salary . Jacob Hofferber, salary. .. Clarence Holbrook, salary 269.24 Bert Hopple, salary . 270.04 Chas. Jackson, salary. 267.84 Harold Johnson, salary .... 30.16 Carl Lamb, salary. 263.88 Alex Lehr, salary . 259.16 H. E. Lewis, salary . 283.12 M. E. Moats, salary . 289.80 J. E. Perry, salary . 307.50 Erwin Schock, salary . 311.66 !Joe Shadwell, salary . 13.20 W'. P. Stebbins, salary . 304.12 James Steele, salary . 271.37 Joe Sullivan, salary 324.92 41.00 ,97 2,531.00 8.75 258.96 2.32 18.76 8.70 2.32 299.08 268.83 299.08 271.74 245.56 299.08 288.36 36.96 243.88 260.15 265.06 299.08 'John Sullivan, salary . 293.64 Keith Thomas, salary . 80.30 , L. W. Thurber, salary . 303.34 Robt. Wallace, salary . 281.88 Robt. Whitaker, salary .... 293.90 Art White, salary . 299.08 Orville Cunningham, salary . Jim Dick, salary . Wm. Fly, salary . O. H. Helgoe, salary. Harold Johnson, salary .... Joe Shadwell, salary . Keith Thomas, salary . L. W. Thurber, salary . Robt. Wlutaker, salary .... W. F. Biggs, salary mileage . Martin Botsch, salary . 200.00 56.00 200.00 156.00 194.00 74.41 ! 305.25 70.40 299.08 5.36 232.08 232.36 123.20 1.49 9.28 297.32 R. W. Fetherston, salary.. Geo. J. Morton, salary. Kenneth Powers, salary .... Ramon Rogina, salary . Samuel Werner, M.D., 75.00 267.36 75.00 services . E. M. Farr, M.D., salary and mileage . Yellowstone Valley Medi cal S., services . County Auditor, reimburse E & R Office Machines Co., services ... Credit Bureau of Billings, dues . Beverlee Doe, add'I salary Robert E. Deckert, Jr., spraying trees . Chappie's, Inc., supplies.... Trott Printing Co., supplies . Northern Garage, sup plies, storage, etc. Willis Sales Co., supplies.. J. J. De Mers, services. E. M. Farr, M.D., salary mileage . American Law Book Co., installments . Chappie's, Inc., supplies.... Bruce Cook Transfer & Stge. Co., services. County Auditor, reimburse petty cash ...... Hairy C. Reeves, reim bursement — O. M. Wold Co., supplies.. U. S. Post Office, stamps and post cards . Empire Tire Co., supplies H. M. Ware. M.D., services Hall's Machin« Shop, supplies . John Petelin, J. P., services . Reno Puccinelli, consta ble, services . Mrs. June Marlowe, R.N., services . 4.00 .75 12.50 15.00 4.50 3.90 16.00 29.52 4.15 37.50 75.93 20.00 3.00 i 2.00 I 2.70 13.47 50.00 j 3.00 5.00 i 7.30 I 2.50 2.65 I j 3.00 ■ I! A SL— Count the EXTRA VALUES Fisher Body Styling and Luxury with smooth, graceful curves, new interior richness and such extra luxuries as Push-Button Door Handles. o and you'll choose 03 I J m mm Fisher Unisteel Body Construction with steel welded to steel above, below and all around you for the highest degree of solidity, quiet ness and safety. w CHEVROLET F : &Æ, v 'v 5-Inch Wide-Base Rims, plus Low-Pressure Tires the widest rims in the low-price field—plus extra low-pressure tires —for greater stability and riding comfort. Ipl . // w I O' i|i;*naij|i Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes more outstanding than ever be fore with new Dubl-Life Rivet less brake linings that last up to twice as long. EXTRA Values are exclusively yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet! Tkc RhSm D« lia* 4-Door Sedan Ü Vr< T A ' * m • » Center-Point Steering with control centered between the front wheels for maximum driv ing-ease and minimum fatigue. Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread the big car in the low-price field, with all the advantages of more comfort, stability and safety. World's Champion Valve-in-Head Engine the extra efficient engine with the valve-in-head design that's setting the trend for the industry. Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility supplying all that extra vision which means extra safety in driving with a fuller, freer view. Extra Economical to Own and Operate and traditionally worth more when you trade; for it's America's most wanted car—new or used! Greening ITievroIet uo LAUREL. MONTANA —so "ALL ABOARD FOR VALUES ÜNÜMTFEDl featuring Chevrolet Super-Service Specials all this month »» We're 2.95 24.25 50.25 15.58 7.64 36.00 9.00 63.45 93.81 4.50 2.50 .50 7.50 56.16 7.00 54.46 676.98 10.00 48.00 6.07 75.18 22.27 150.00 6.75 204.32 61.04 2.11 98.78 37.50 46.45 11.91 165.97 27.00 12.25 89.04 38.40 23.85 3.00 Lucille Janosko. witness... B. A. Place, M.D.. services The Novelty Shop, keys and repairing lock. Carpenter Paper Co., supplies . J. S. Jimason, salary. County Auditor, reim bursement . County Auditor, reim bursement ...... Price's Pharmacy, supplies Smith Dorsey Co., supplies Dr. D. P. Sullivan, services . Montana Power Co., power City Water Dept., water.. Gazette Printing Co., index tabs . Reporter Prtg. & Sup. Co., services . R. R. Bowker Co., supplies Gazette Printing Co., equipment co... Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage and expenses.... Albert Thomas, Sheriff, services .-. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, mileage and expenses. .. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, criminal mileage .,. American Law Book Co., installment . Bob Driscoll, labor . Montana Power, power .... Owen S. Wirak, mileage ... Carpenter Paper Co., supplies . Mrs. Billie D. Meaker. soldier burial . J. R. Sammons & Sons, supplies-refills . Chappie's, Inc., desk and 2 chairs . T. A. Cothron, mileage— Ginn & Co., supplies . Big Horn Big. & Heat. Co., supplies-labor . Dr. L. A. Crew, services ... Safeway Stores No. 598, 5.00 22.00 groceries . Safeway Stores No. 598, groceries . . Industrial Accident Board, assessments . Bancroft Whitney Co., law volumes . Mountain States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone bill ... H. Alexander, mileage Mt. States Tel. & Teleg, Co., telephone. Mt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . j ■ .75 41.06 10.32 16.69 7.96 j 6.84 j 3.49 j 110.00 j j .3.38 ! 12.JO i I 133.07 ! 330.10 ; 4.33 J 369.60 ; 11.98 ! i 2.00 I 3.21 j 6.11 ! 10.72 ! j 17.00 ! 14.70 I ! 3.62 i 3.99 147.04 117.50 127.10 112.50 120.60 94.20 j i 94.20 94.20 94.20 122.50 1 Montana Welding & Ra diator Co., welding job.. Northwestern Auto Sup ply Co., supplies . Mt. States T. & T. Co.. services . Wortham Machinery, supplies . E. & R. Office Machines, services . Denison Machine Co.. supplies . Eaton Metal Products Co., supplies . International Harv. Co., supplies . Paul E. Ronan, per diem and mileage . Ishmael Yost, per diem and mileage . Billings Auto Wrecking Co., supplies . The California Co., gaso line . Keefe Auto Supply Co., supplies . Friend Mfg. Co., supplies.. The Texas Company, gas and oil . H. C. L. Equipment, Inc., weedon . Hines Motor Supply Co., supplies . Seitz Machinery Co., Inc., supplies . Keefe Auto Supply Co., supplies . Maynard Stationery Co., supplies . Lew Chevrolet Co., supplies ... Caurburetor & Electric Co., supplies ... Industrial Accident Board, assessments . Mt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone. Mt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone ... Community Gas & Oil Synd.. fuel and oil . Community Gas & Oil Svnd., gas . U. S. Postmaster. envelopes . Ada M. Warner, salary. Helen L. Delano, salary mileage .-. Shirley Todd, salary . Haydn Thomas, salary'. Gene Sherman, salary . Harrv L. Wolverton, salary ... Herbert Smith, salary' . Ted Crawford, salary . Beth Crawford, salary. 2.50 6.S0 10.05 23.11 24.50 ! 137.50 112.50 95.00 117.50 80.40 Chas. Zimmerman, salary Stanley Houck, salary . Izzie Karst, salary . Margaret Kosko. salary .... Sharon Reid, salary . J. S. Jimason, salary . Louis Herman Kyriss, services . T. J. Letcher, services. Paul B. King, salary . Elmer Sherwood, salary .. Jack Mueller, salary. W. E. Spurgin, salary . Eldon Clark, salary . Charles G. Camron, salary Elza O'Banion. labor . H. R. Varney, salary . Harley Chatwood, salary., Lavem Chatwood, salary.. [John A. Cotter, salary . E. J. Cranfill, salary . jj. E. Fames, salary. Otto Gies, salary . Walter Griffith, salary .... Joe Nelson, salary...... Stroup Hardware, supplies Bateman Oil Co., fuel. Clare Logan, salary . G L. Barker, salary . jT. A. Cothron, salary . L C. Arnold, salary . E. Lindstrom, salary . William Mondell, services Adolph Koenig, services ... Louis Eastman, services .. Mrs. Lois Herford, witness Homer Johnson, witness ... Helen Herford, witness .... Hobert Brunsvold, juror ... H. Stewart Mateer, juror.. James J. Sullivan, juror... Owen Neiter. juror . Ed. Booke, juror. H. Davisson, juror. Mrs. Merle C. Groene, soldier burial . Mrs. Edith May Ann Duncan, soldier burial ... K-B Chemical Co., supplies . Laurel Outlook, supplies... Laurel Outlook, supplies... G. D. Searle & Co.. supplies . Dr. E. C. Hall, salary . Montana Power Co., power Fred Schillreff. salary. Grover C. Wolfe, services Elwin C. Ness, services... William B. Hyde, services Great Northern Tool & Supply Co., supplies. (Glenn D. Coop, general ... Fenton Agency, insurance Mt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone. 8.80 48.00 107.60 107.50 117.00 110.00 175.00 48.00 109.20 67.20 100.80 100.80 100.80 100.80 100.80 118.80 135.60 105.60 405.05 255.92 132.50 91.00 138.00 117.50 72.00 1.60 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 150.00 25.00 6.05 285.25 618.40 48.96 50.00 28.45 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 21.51 48.00 885.55 313.95 Jessie Bacancgra, inter 3.00 117.50 3.00 52.25 46.00 1.44 .70 j j 1.50 prêter . Smith's Funeral Home (Assgd.), soldier burial. Dr. Lewis F. Downs, services ... McKesson & Robbins, Inc., supplies . O. J. Wooters. services ... Charles Bury, services . Robert Driscoll, salary .... Derry Studio, pictures . Albert Thomas, Sheriff, Board fed. prisoners . Albert Thomas. Sheriff, board Immigr. prisoners Albert Thomas. Sheriff, board highwy. prisoners Lois Herford, salary . Yellowstone Valley Elec tric Coop, energy . Billings Monument Co., markers ... George Wertz, salary . Archie Kennedy, legal fees W. J. Hobill, digging 150.00 37.50 290.03 48.00 48.00 16.80 17.00 254.25 535.50 20.00 92.50 49.50 .... 10.00 78.16 106.10 graves . Laurel Outlook, supplies .. Bearing Supply, supplies . Big Horn Plbg. & Heating Co., repairs and supplies 300.08 National Biscuit Co. supplies . Carol Ann Scherrer, mileage . Alfreda R. Forswall, mileage-expense .. The Billings Times, 9.12 10.22 41.02 services . M. M. Boice, Coroner. services . M. M. Boice. Coroner. 16.99 26.30 Ufa Prir-ÔQ Mt. States TeL & Teleg. Co., telephone . . . Mary Phythian, services.... Mary Phythian, services. .. Albert Thomas. Sheriff, board county prisoners.. 1,154.00 200.00 9.50 24.00 56.00 James G. Fraser, services Harrington Surgical Sup ply Co., supplies . Midland Paint Co., supplies . Western Union Tel. Co., telegram . Saunders Cash Way Lbr. Co., supplies... Laurel Outlook, supplies. .. Saunders Cash Way Lbr. Co., supplies . Laurel Outlook, supplies .... Reporter Printing & Sup, Co., repairs ... Goodyear Service Station, supplies . .88 25.65 .39 3.25 2.50 i I 71.35 Industrial Accident Bd., assessment . Building Service, Inc., supplies . Building Service. Inc., supplies . Montana Power Co., light and power. C. B. & Q. Railroad, freight ... Maynard Stationery Co., supplies . Seitz Machinery Co., supplies . International Harvester Co., supplies . Joe Garrison, services . Gerald T. Dunbar, services State Publishing Co., supplies . The Billings Times, publishing notice . E, M. Farr. M.D., inquest.. Russell Frye, supplies and labor . Robt. N. Jones et al, legal service . Armco Drainage Metal P. Co., supplies . Lovell Clay Products Co., supplies . Sawyer Food Mart, groceries . Empire Motors, Inc., supplies . Heald Motor Supply, supplies . Carter Oil Co., gasoline... Standard Oil Co., supplies Marshall W'ells Co., supplies ..,. International Harv. Co., supplies . Wortham Mach. Co., supplies . Keefe Auto Supply Co., supplies ... Stroup Hardware Co.. supplies . Mulvaney Motor Co., supplies ... Crawley Motor Supply. supplies ... Mulvaney Motor, supplies.. W. F. Biggs, salary and mileage .. Ramon Ragina, services.... Yellowstone County, salaries for August William G. Mouat, 662.42 4.55 8.80 23.58 3.06 1.75 4.80 15.48 49.00 7.00 2.50 10.50 10.00 64.50 200.00 186.61 562.75 5.90 5.06 18.80 795.20 254.56 79.42 134.99 461.93 167.80 11.98 6.57 93.77 1.46 259.20 144.00 14,074.66 80.40 services . William G. Mouat, services . Mrs. M. A. Van Houten, salary . 20.25 110.00 (Continued on Page 8)