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w iiiy •g&fcjn " .llH " " j :• A \ ; X "7: W s SS i I V i ■ Be your own thrift/ decora tor • • • WITH SURE-FIT TROPIC LEAF COVERS 1 A AC UP for Achieve new beauty and iV.Vu Chairs .. .. .. - w . distinction for your home UP for with this new dramatic Sofas 21.95 tropic leaf pattern. Made of heavy quality, vat dyed drill, for chairs and sofas, in striking colors of wine, blue, green, grey and black. The covers ore molded to your furniture, thanks to the elastic action back. And the zipper closures make them easy to slip on or off, while adding a custom-made look. Even the reversible cushion cover has a snug fit due to the elastic edging. Give your living room a lift with these gay attractive covers. r I I XJ-X I I < I « I MC RT C HC K < » I « % A M RTC W FTC I J Made to fit any style or shape of furniture. Roysdon Furniture Store 213 West Main Street—-'Phone 87 Advertisement « From where I sit... ly Joe Marsha r \ y A Big Boost For Smitty! [ilv have certainly taken a big step forward during my lifetime. From where I sit, people seem to be doing a better job of seeing our neighbor's viewpoint these days. Though his ideas and tastes may not be ours, we can under stand his preference for a certain breakfast cereal, a favorite movie star, or for a temperate glass of beer or ale. That's the way it should be in a free country. Stepped into Smith s Depart ment Store the other noon and saw the strangest thing. "Sis Davis was coming up the stairs from the basement with a bundle of wash. "Is Smitty taking in washing these days?" I asked. "Not quite, He's just put in a new " she says, automatic washing machine, so the girls who work here can get their laundry done while they're eating lunch. Means more time to relax at night and on weekends." 4 I thought what a swell boss Smitty must be. Human relations between the boss and employees Copyright, 1949. United States Brewers Foundation FREE ESTIMATES ■ on Remodeling, Roofing or Building ■ Thomas H. Burns Laurel, Mont. Phone 0311-J-3 J Insurance 20% Discount or More on Car, Fire, Liability and General Coverage. Why pay more when you can get it for less? For your insurance needs at Lowest Rates see A. A. MOSER Phone 781 = 209 Second Avenue I.....Him... mmmllS LAUREL OUTLOOK— $2.50 PER YEAR LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Trustees of School Dis trict No. 7 will sell at Public Auc tion on Saturday. Oct. 15th, 1949, certain items of abandoned school property according to the provision of Chapter 106. Laws of 1939. At one o'clock of the aforemen tioned day on the site of the for mer Hawthorne School there will be offered for sale one two-room teacherage, several outbuildings, swings, teeter-totters and slide. At 2 o'clock of the same day on the site of the former Webster school there will be offered for sale the school house and contents, and outbuildings. At 3 o'clock of the same day at the site of the Spring Creek School there will be offered for sale the school house and contents, and out buildings. The auctioneer will be C. V. Ho sier and the Clerk of the Sale will be the Harris Agency. All bids must be cash or certified paper. Dated at Laurel, Montana, this 28th day of September, 1949. Board of Trustees of the School District No. 7. Yellowstone Coun ty, Montana. ROXENE HARMAN. Clerk. (First Pub. Sept. 28. 1949-3t) NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF Harry Miller. De ceased. Under authority of an order granted by the District Court of the Thirteeenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Y'ellowstone, dated September 26, 1949, I, the under signed administrator, will sell at private sale the following de scribed real property being situat ed in Yellowstone County, Mon tana, to-wit: An undivided one-third inter est in and to the North Half of Lot Six ( 6 ) in Block Seven (7) Townsite of East Laurel, according to the plat. The sale will be made on or after October 17, 1949, and bids will be received at the office of B. L. Price, Room 2, Wold Building in Laurel, Yellowstone County, Mon tana, or by the administrator, or filed with the clerk of the above named court. The sale will be on the following terms: Cash, lawful money of the United States, ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance on confirmation of the sale by said court. , Dated September 26, 1949. B. MEYER HARRIS, Administrator of the Estate of Harry Miller. Deceased. B. L. Price. Attorney for Administrator. (First Pub. Sept. 28. 1949-3t) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Cove Irrigation Co. Incorporated at Laurel, Mon tana. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Cove Irrigation Co., held on the 3rd day of September, 1949, an assessment of $ 1.00 per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable the 13th day of October, 1949, to the Secretary-Treasurer of said on I SELL New Improved mm STARK TREES See, Phone or Write No Obligation Clyde Bray Phone 0303-R-l beauty shops Millions Of USED BY TO GIVE Il UXURI0US PERMANENTS 1 NUIRlTONiC NOW FOR HOME USE. • • • * Waves safely in little as 10 minutes. * Homogenized with Chol esterol, heart of lanolin. * 2 sizes professional plas tic curlers (Deluxe Set). * Soft naturalness plus durability of curl. * Plenty of waving lotion (4 oz. instead of 3). * Simplest directions — by Ivan of Hollywood. REFILL camptet« «»coot for curler! DELUXE $1.25 SET Including 52 Professional plastic curlers la 2 sizes fvivvil« *2.25 n % 'A ■if îo« V A*; .«er W| f fj Price« •Plea Tax 0.M.W0LDC0. Laurel's Own Store Since 19§9 sniiiS'i-IKSilSIilUKlBiilKlIBIIllVIlKS 2 Wold Building, company at No. Laurel, Montana. Any stock upon which this as sessment shall remaini unpaid on Sill be'deUmiuent for sale at Public Auction on the 19th day of October, 1949, and un less Payment is made on Novem-j ber 3, 1949, will be sold on that day to pay delinquent assessment llv vrder of the Board of Di rectors. B. L. PRICE. Secretary-Treasurer. (First Pub. Sept. 21. 1949-4t) NOTICE OF HEARING PETI TION FOR ORDER TO CON VEY REAL PROPERTY BY EXECUTRIX. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF Julia Fritz, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the petition of Clarence E. Englehart and Lydia Reed, the purchasers of the real property hereinafter de scribed, for an order authorizing and directing the executrix of the above mentioned estate to convey said property to Clarence E. En glehart and Lydia Reed in compli ance with the terms of an agree ment. in writing, of sale and pur chase entered into by the decedent in her lifetime, as seller, has been filed in the above entitled court, and that Monday, the 24th day of October. 1949, at 10 o'clock A. M„ of said day, at the courtroom of said court, in Billings, Y'ellow stone County, Montana, has been set for the hearing of said petition, and all persons interested are here by notified to appear at the time and place set for said hearing and show cause, if any they have, why the order should not be made. The real property to be con veyed is situated in Carbon Coun ty, Montana, and described as fol lows: The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section thirty-one and the south half of the southwest quarter and the Lots two and three of Sec tion thirty-two in Township two South of Range twenty four East of the Montana Me ridian, Montana, containing 168.42 acres, according to the Government Survey thereof, together with all water and water rights and all ditches used for irrigation purposes appurtenant to said lands and particularly all water and water rights from the Danford Irrigation District belonging to and used on said lands. Reference is hereby made to the said petition for further particu lars. Dated September 21st, 1949. KATIE DAVIES, Clerk. By Rubv Farley, Deputy Clerk. (First Pub. Sept. 21. 1949-5t) SUMMONS (For Publication) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. Lucy F. Gemmill, formerly Lucy F. Harlan. Plaintiff. vs. Roy Standen, a single man, George Standen and Margaret Standen, his wife. Elma Lyons, also known as Elam Lyons, E. A. Nisbet and wife, if any. J. M. DuBois and -DuBois. his wife, if any, R. R. Kitchen and en, his wife, if any, S. G. Crow - Crow, his wife, if any, John Johns and - Johns, his wife, if any, Irvy My ers and - Myers, his wife, if any. The First National Bank of Bellaire, Ohio, a banking cor- poration, C. M. Watson and - Watson, his wife, if any, T. R. Holmes Lumber Co., a cor poration, B. F. Hoyt and Annet ta Hoyt, his wife. W. S. Harris and - Harris, his wife, any, W. S. Harris, Trustee, and —-- Harris, his wife, if any, T. F. Danaher and her. his wife, if any, C. H. Clay pool and - Claypool, his wife, if any. O. J. Amberg, Trus tee. and- Amberg, his wife, if any. Livingston-Laurel Oil Company, a corporation, Lo cal Oil Company, a corporation, Shirley D. Penninger, Harry Grant Penninger, Lucille Brock man and all other persons, un known claiming or who might claim any right, title, estate or interest in, or lien or encum brance upon, the real property described in the complaint, or thereof, adverse to plain Nisbet, his Kitch and Dana any tiff's ownership, or any cloud plaintiff's title, whether upon such claim or possible claim be present or contingent, including any claim or possible claim dower, inchoate or accrued, De fendants. The State of Montana to the above named defendants and to all other persons unknown, GREET ING: You are hereby summoned answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve copy thereof upon the Plaintiff's attorney within twenty ( 20 ) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to ap pear or answer, judgment will taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This action is brought for the of quieting title to the Yellowstone a purpose lands situated in County. Montana, and described follows: NE% of Section Thirty (30), Township Two South (2S), East Range Twenty-four (24E). M. P. M., according to the official recorded plat thereof. WITNESS my hand an d the seal ««• »' ^ e P tem ber. 1J •• DAVIES * Clerk, * By Robert W . Richardson, Deputy, ™ r p •«[£"» *J_ £"""/£ , 949 . 41 , i_:_— Aged Zoo Donkey Now Immortalized In History Museum NEW YORK CITY. — A little donkey that gave rides to children in the Bronx zoo for 19 years has been immortalized in the Ameri can museum of natural history. Henceforth, visitors in the hall of comparative anatomy will see it as a "skeleton in motion" fight ing off the attack of a botfly by scratching its left hind leg with its teeth. It is the final work of the late S. Harmsted Chubb, world author ity on animals in motion as shown by their mounted skeletons. Mrs. Chubb finished the job from detailed instructions that the oste ologist dictated shortly before his death. Chubb also prepared a num ber of charts and diagrams to as sist his wife in the delicate work. Chubb's entire collection of mounted specimens will remain as part of the museum's permanent display, including his collection of 25,000 bones ranging in size from pin-point specks to five feel in length and four inches in diameter. Among the most famous of the scientist's mounts was that of an Irish elk which he completed in 1897 for Columbia university. His mountings of a rearing horse and man and of a central Mongolian wild horse attacked by a wolf have achieved world-wide fame. Dr. William K. Gregory, curator emeritus of Comparative Anatomy, said that although Dr. Chubb's work was of great interest to all who are concerned with natural history in its many forms and to the lay public at large, it was of particular interest to artists and students who find the perfect specimens of tremendous value in research and anatomical drawing. 80 Acres Prize Wheat Harvested by 'Mistake' CHEYENNE WELLS. COL.— i Lloyd Meis of this community I discovered that 80 acres of his prize wheat had been harvested while he was working on an i other part of the farm. Naturally disturbed, he sought I where his wheat had gone. Sheriff Ed Byers went to work on the case. It didn't take him long to come up with the facts. The wheat "thieves," he learned, were transient harvest 1 hands employed by a neighbor ing farmer. They had harvested * Meis' wheat by mistake. The wheat was located at a nearby elevator and was cred ited to Meis' account. Blind Man Names Babies At Cost of Dollar Each MUNCIE. IND.—There is a new business for solving an old handi cap. R. H. Gifford, of this city, Is blind and aging. There seemed nothing he could do; but he had a will and there was a way. Gif ford took up baby-naming. He chose that, he said, because there are so many people with odd names. He used science and com mon sense as his "technique" in naming babies. For 25 cents Gifford offers par ents a name for their baby. If they accept his suggestion, he says, he expects them to send him 75 cents more. "That's a pretty inexpensive way to assure a youngster a good name," he thinks. "A person with an off sounding name often gets off on the wrong foot," he says. "Some first names don't fit the last names. Take Os wald and Lemuel. I've met dozens of men with those names and they don't pair with any surname, not even Smith." He says off spellings of common impractical. also names were used for either boy or girl, names such as Francis and Frances. As a general rule, he explains, short first names go best with long names, and vice versa. He detests the word "junior." "A good name helps your person ality," Gifford says. Gifford's own name? He insists that the "h" is an initial only. Under pressure, he admitted that his first name is "Romain." "Horrible sounding, Isn't it?" he said. "But I'm stuck with it." 6.597 New Doctors Doctors entering the ranks of the medical profession in 1948 number 6,597, according to the 47th annual report ol the American Medical As sociation council on medical educa tion and hospitals. Fat on Fire 11 fat In the pan gets on fire, smother i* with wet towels. Never water because it makes the and may spread the pour on fat spatter blaze. 9 Laurel Outlook WANT ADS i I Where Opportunity Knocks ! NOTICE All classified ads to appear in this column must be paid for in ad vance unless you have a charge ac count. FOR SALE—Coolerator, good con dition. 208 West 2nd St. Phone 579-W. FOR SALE—Used floor furnace. Cheap. Phone 165-R. Itp Itp WANTED—Dead and disabled animals, picked up free of charge. Billings Rendering Co., Phone 8410, Billings. McINTOSH APPLES. Box or truckload. Matt J. Reifer, V* mi. north and M mi. west of From berg. 7-6-tf 9-21-3tp FOR SALE—Lots for home sites, water, and clear title Herman Schessler, 1 - 12 -tf sewer, furnished, phone 446. FOR SALE—1946 Studebaker 1 ton Pick-up. Good buy, call 195 8-24-tf after 5:30 p. m. ALL CLOTHING MUST GO. The Wardrobe Exchange, 11 No. 29th St., Bsm't.. Billings, Mont., clos ing out. Name your price. 9-21-2tc FOR RENT—4-room house for small family. Water outside, gas, lights, 3 blocks from school. Elmo Southworth, Park City. 9-14-3tp FOR SALE—12 case G. E. bever age cooler. Used one season. $250.00. 305 Durland Ave. 9-21-2tc WILL DO IRONING in my home. Phone 136-W. Itp FOR RENT—Sleeping room, man preferred. Phone 481-M. Up FOR RENT—2-room house, fur nished. 202 Woodland Ave. No children. in FOR SALE—Parts for Lincoln washing machine. 701 E. 6 th St. FOR SALE—Ultra-modern 2 bed room home, new 1948. Carpet ing. lawn, sidewalks, large ga rage with spare room. Must be seen to be appreciated. Fourth Ave. 602 Itp + + ,|.4. + + 444444444 VYE CLINIC ♦ Matthew W. Calvert, M. D. ♦ Phone 100 ♦ ♦ 4 + ♦ ♦ 4 + 444444444444444 444444444444444 DR. E. C. HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building Laurel, Montana 4 Office Phone 3 +++++++++++++++ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Res. 24 4 Keys Made §0 While You Wait, Coast to Coast Store, Laurel ♦♦++♦+♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦ DR. L. S. HANSON Physiotherapy 4 Scientific Swedish Massage 4 Phone 199 420 First Avenue 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Montana 4 4 Laurel STOP-LOOK General Insurance R. J. WILLIAMS & SON PHONE 126 Give Children < ► i ► ◄ ► i \ i i a i l i Brake! Fenton Agency < ► ◄ ► i [ ◄ iww WiaiWBI BB S -O ■ ■ ZJ. I l ■ ---- & a ■ •u ■ ■ Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29th, Billings Phone 2888 Any kind of furnace work. Write C. H. Horen, 117 Terry Ave., Billings, Phone 3825. 9-l-tf TYPING—Done at home. Phone 767-W. 9-14-3tp FOR SALE—Laurel Cafe in Lau 6-9-tf rel. FOR SALE—Speed Queen wash er, $50.00. 305 Durland Ave. 9-21-2tc I AM AN AGENT that has the best line of plastic goods, you need anything for baby showers or wedding gifts, call at 512 1st Ave. N. If Itp FOR SALE—Late crop Golden Bantam sweet com. All you want. See Glen Sheets or phone 496-J. itp PLOW NOW for better spring gardens. None too small or too big. See or call Jay Sheets. Phone 496-J. Itp WANTED—Customers. Hagaman's Barber Shop. 13 Colorado Ave., next to Old Yellowstone Hotel. It FOR SALE — 2 bedroom house, hardwood floors throughout, full basement, 6 closets, completely insulated with full set of storm windows and screens, just re decorated, good F. H. A. loan. See at 410 4th Ave. 9-28-4t FOR SALE—Rollaway bed, excel lent condition. Phone 770-W. Itp FOR SALE—Oil burner, $25; baby bed, mattress. $ 6 ; truck box. Phone 0301-R-ll. Itp ONLY ONE left of a registered litter of Cocker pups. Come see him soon; 5 weeks old and al ready shows evidence of good breeding. Phone 327-M. it FOR SALE—Gasoline Maytag mo 415 E, 5th tor, good condition. It St. NEW HEARING DEVICE HAS NO RECEIVER HUTTON IN EAR Spokane, Wn.—Deafened people are hailing a new device that gives them clear hearing without making them wear a receiver button in the ear. They now enjoy songs, sermons, friendly companionship and business success with no self conscious feeling that people are looking at a button hanging on their ear. With the new invisible Phantomold you may free yourself not only from deafness, but from even the appearance of deafness. Ray Farnell and Associates, 335 W. Sprague, Spokane. Wn., are so proud of Beltone's achievement they will gladly send you their free brochure (in plain wrapper) and explain how you can test this amazing invisible device in the pri vacy of your own home without risking a penny. Write Ray Far nell today. Dept. 83.—Adv. Origin of "Winnipeg" The word "Winnipeg," literally translated, means "dirty waters," and the city derived its name from nearby Lake Winnipeg, a 260-mile stretch of water, so large it looks like an ocean. ♦♦♦+♦♦+♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦ B. L. PRICE Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Office in Wold Building Laurel, Mont. 444444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444444444444 R. S. LUTZ. O. D. OPTOMETRIST 112 Broadway Billings, Mont. ♦ ♦ 444444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 It 4 4 it Bearcreek and Wyoming A Also Gravel and Sand Hauling, Dirt for Filling GIVE US A RING Phones 497-M, 267-W and 245-R Laurel Transfer R. W. Easton and Sons