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COMMISSIONERS 9 PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER SESSION The Board of County Commis sioners convened in regular session for the September term on Sep tember 6th, 1949 and held twenty three meetings during the term. Four days were spent in County Welfare work with the County Supervisor Laiten in attendance. The Board transferred $3,000.00 from the County general fund to the Farm Bureau fund for use of control of prairie dogs in Yellow stone County. The following appointments by the sheriff were approved: Mary Phythian, matron at County jail, Ralph D. Wyman, special deputy and Farrell S. Griffin, deputy. The resignation of J. E. Collier, deputy was approved. A leave of absence of two months was granted John B. Sweeney, Undersheriff. The report of the County Aud itor of an examination of the ™„th of August. 1949 was ap proved. A call for bids was made until October 17. 1949 at ten thirty o'clock for the improvements to be done in districts No. 112 anç 1,113. Permission was granted C. E.1 Durland, County Surveyor, to ab- j sent himself from the State for a limited period. Application was made to the State of Montana for a refund of $573.60 covering gasoline tax on 9,569 gallons used by the County At the request of" the County increase to $235.00 per month for Evelyn Redding, deputy assessor. The Board awarded the follow ing contracts: For general con struction of bleachers at Midland Empire Fair grounds to Riedesel Construction Co. for $5,000.00; for plumbing in bleachers to Dreier Plumbing and Heating Co. for $1,403.00; for wiring in bleachers to Empire Electric Co. for $245.00; for roofing auditorium to J. C. Boespflug Construction Co. for $2,328.00; for improvements to be done in districts No. 105, 106 and 111 to Barry O'Leary for $1, 931.25, $7,443.50 and $3,580.00 re spectively; for improvements in district No. 110 to Blacktop Con struction Co. for $5,754.20. The following resolutions were adopted: Intention to create dis trict No. 114 on Oct. 3rd; inten tion to create districts No. 115 and 116 on Oct. 10th and intention to create district No. 117 on Oct. 17th; creating district No. 113. The Board entered into an agreement with the Montana Live stock Commission and the Fish and Wildlife Service of the U. S. Department of the Interior where by Yellowstone County is to fur nish warehouse space from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1954 inclusive, and the Montana Livestock Com mission, in conjunction with the perdatory program agrees to pro vide $3,600.00 during the period from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1951, inclusive. An agreement was entered into with the City of Billings, where by Yellowstone County is to pay the City the sum of $40.00 per month for Yellowstone County residents to dump their garbage at the city dump. The following county claims examined, allowed, ordered paid and warrants drawn : Kenneth Powers, salary....$ 144.00 174.77 were Martin Botsch, salary. 168.00 23.44 247.00 150.00 7.64 9.00 12.25 12.00 5.00 150.00 7.42 118.83 63.11 30.03 69.38 ' 45.00 1.80 9.60 841.05 163.92 82.95 44.96 .60 1.50 4.85 75.52 19.89 997.20 .75 45.50 65.52 75.00 265.12 12.00 12.50 George Morton, salary. E & R Office Machines, service -- T. H. Alexander, supplies Maynard Stationery Co., 1.50 3.55 .90 ink Montana Power Co., power ... Mont. State Industrial Sch, care of inmates. Burke & Hibbs, atty. fees E & R Office Machines, services & ribbon.. E & R Office Machines, services .. Maynard Stationery Co., supplies . Ross Photocopy Co., services . W. V. D. Chapman, fees.. Settergren Funeral Home, (assgd) soldier burial.... T. E. Pemberton, mileage City Water Dept., water.. Montana Power Co., power . Montana Power Co., power . Montana Power Co., power . Northern Pac. Trans. Co., freight . Saunders Cash Way Lbr, Co„ supplies . Laurel Outlook, supplies.. Chappies, Inc., supplies.. • 8.00 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, criminal mileage . Ralph D. Wyman, services Russell Frye, material & labor. Trott Printing Co., supplies . Ross Photocopy Co., photocopies . Novelty Shop, repairs. Reporter Prtg. & Supply Co., supplies . E. M. Farr. M. D.. salary & mileage. Northern Garage, supplies & storage. O'Malley Lbr. Co., lumber . E & R Office Machines, services . T. H. Alexander, mileage Owen S. Wirak. mileage.. Yellowstone Valley Med. Soc., sendees . E. M. Farr, M. D„ salary & mileage. St. Joseph Home, care of inmates . Credit Bureau of Billings, dues . Dictaphone Corp., dictaphone .-. E. M. Birely Co., insurance premium . Clare Logan, sup., mileage Billings Electric Co., clock E. M. Birely Co., insurance premium . K-B Chemical Co., supplies . Art Burnside & Co., Batteries . Willis Sales Co., supplies The Billings Times, services . Wallace A. Bent, mileage Joe Garrison, services. U. S. Postmaster, envelopes . Montana Power Co., power . 675.00 j ■ I j rhanman fees aChapma^, fees supplies . National Service Co.. 13.74 35.49 11.95 8.65 5.55 32.46 32.36 8.50 1.40 14.00 53.54 6.14 5.00 j BmPnfs °£lS' S'Co," * „ . 1E Machmes > „ —r -r ■ State T^ersulo^ Sam., Ra i Dh i/vnan services'" * De M™ 'sluice* Unton Td £" telegrams T ieie >> r " ms .. Out ook suoo ies ' Alfreda if Forswald ' . Scherrer. xqa Aagcc. Peterson Typewriter Exchange, supplies . Price's Pharmacy, 2.52 17.50 29.05 10.00 2.65 3.00 315.00 8.00 37.50 11.28 173.00 296.54 29.19 1.90 17.40 . Hummel Drug Co., supplies . Smith Dorsey Co., supplies . Samuel Werner, M. D., services . Dr. E. C. Hall, services... Price's Pharmacy, supplies . Stroupe Hardware Co., supplies . W. P. Fuller & Co., supplies . Saunders Cash Way Lumber Co., supplies... S. E. Massengill Co.., supplies . Sharp & Dohme, Inc., supplies . Laurel Outlook, supplies.. Keil Co., supplies. Mrs. Charlotte Chamber lain, clothing . J. C, Penney Co., clothing Bertha Pratt, clothing. Sharon Reid, salary. L. C. Arnold, salary. E. Lindstrom, salary. Elmer Sherwood, salary.. Paul B. King, salary. Shirley Todd, salary. T. A. Cothron, salary. Margaret Kosko, salary ... Izzie Karst, salary. Stanley Houck, salary. Clare Logan, salary. Eldon Clark, salary, car use . W. E. Spurgin, salary. Beth Crawford, salary. Ted Crawford, salary. Jack F. Mueller, salary... Hadyn Thomas, salary. J. S. Jimason, salary. Gene Sherman, salary. Herbert Smith, salary. Harry Wolverton, salary.. Russell Frye, services. Albert Thomas, Sheriff, 12.00 26..10 81.00 50.00 2.88 3.90 6.14 2.10 9.50 27.01 9.26 174.02 1.00 7.48 7.48 117.50 117.50 88.00 107.50 107.50 112.50 138.00 95.00 112.50 137.50 132.50 175.00 110.00 122.50 102.05 117.00 130.65 130.65 102.05 102.05 102.05 3.20 board immig. prisoners 360.75 Albert Thomas, Sheriff, board federal prisoners 162.00 E. M. Birely Co., insurance . H. C. L. Equipment, Inc., supplies . Saunders Cash Way Lumber Co., supplies.... Standard Oil Co., fuel. The Texas Co., supplies ... Winter Hardware Co., supplies . E & R Office Machines, services . Amalgamated Steel Corp., supplies . International Harvester Co., supplies . Northern Pac. Railway Co., freight . Bateman Oil Co., fuel. Bearings Supply Co., supplies . Hines Motor Supply Co., supplies . ; . Ishmael Yost, per diem & mileage . J. K. Mueller, per diem & mileage . Paul E. Honan, per diem & mileage . Grt. Northern Tool & Supply Co., supplies.... E. M. Birely Co., insurance ... Lambs, Inc., repairs. Billings Roter Rooter Serv., services . Maynard Stationery Co supplies . Montana Power Co., light & power . Yellowstone Paper Co,, supplies . Firestone Stores, supplies Northern Pacific Railway Co., freight . Crane Co., supplies . Jacobson Company, supplies . Billings Gas Company, shop . Shipton Motor Supply, supplies .-. Lambs, Inc., repairs. Empire Motors, Inc., supplies . j Hall Perry Mchy. Co., supplies . j Shipton Motor Supply, supplies . Hall Perry Mchy. Co., supplies ...... Empire Tire Co., supplies National Sendee, supplies Firestone Stores, tires. 5.40 5..73 38.50 480.82 23.60 24.00 12.19 502.25 6.35 95.90 43.50 370.25 .75 9.18 5.63 3.42 52.93 8.48 82.80 6.84 9.92 7.96 8.25 69.44 12.00 150.00 .45 23.58 9.00 3.25 12.40 92.50 115.61 109.79 17.50 428.22 380.00 95 % of all hauling jobs can be done with Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks '<■ ' : X & $ % ■i a ; Xx ; u Æ k ■ iv B. • -q. w \ % s > . NV 'M X ✓ r % ; • - Buyer preference shows that in 95% of all hauling jobs, there's a Chevrolet Advance-Design truck that will serve you more satisfactorily . . . for more years ... at less cost. The wide range of the Chevrolet truck line—from smart panel delivery models up through specially equipped heavy-duty carriers—means you get a truck specifically designed to carry the load, all the way up to 16,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight. See us today—buy the Chevrolet truck that's just right for your job. 4* s' l Üfe -fT ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS CHEVR OLET U FEATURING VAIVE-IN-HEAD ENGINES—Great», pow.r per gallon, low« eo«t per load • DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH—Smooth .ngog.m«it . SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS— Quick, .moofh shifting • HYPOID REAR AXLES-5 lim.s strong« than spiral b.v.1 typ* • DOUBLE-ARTICULATED BRAKES—Compl.t. driv« control . WIDE-BASE WHEELS—Incroasod tiro . STEERING—Easi« handling • UNIT-DESIGN BODIES—Pr.cislon built PREFERRED BY MORE USERS THAN THE NEXT TWO MAKES COMBINED! . à ADVANCE-DESIGN STYLING—With Ih. Cab that "Breathes" • BALL-TYPE Greening Chevrolet Co LAUREL, MONTANA I , 119.45j Saunders Cash Way Lbr. Co., supplies. Bgs. Gas Company, shop.. S & P Brake Service, supplies . Standard Oil Co., supplies Western Construction Equip. Co., equipment.. Empire Motore, supplies.. Reymer Machine Co., supplies . Western Construction Equip. Co., supplies. Mulvaney Motor Co., supplies . Stroup Hdwe. Co., supplies . Seitz Mchy. Co., equipment .. Hines Bearing & Ind. Supply, supplies . Industrial Equipment Co. supplies . Western Union Tel. Co., telegrams . Smith's Funeral Home, burials . U. S. Postmaster, envelopes . J E. Collier, salary. Chris Rubich, salary. U. S. Postmaster, envelopes . G. L. Barker, salary. KGHL, radio announcement . Ross Photocopy Co., supplies . Billings Dairy & Creamery, supplies . Ideal Yellowstone County, supplies . E. M. Birely Co., insurance . ; . Carburetor & Electric Co., supplies . The Texas Co., supplies.. ! g & P Brake Service. I supplies . Lithoprint Co. of N. Y., Inc., supplies . ! Crawley Motor Supply, I supplies . ] Charbonneau Impl. Co., 97.44 541.63 273.37 10.62 77.67 894.74 1.88 10.97 800.00 68.21 327.74 .94 150.00 54.34 140.99 235.00 183.80 105.00 6.30 18.90 105.95 31.94 11.00 195.75 12.71 354.80 40.58 59.30 32.51 287.30 supplies . Lovell Clay Products Co., i supplies . Keefe Auto Supply, supplies .-. Seitz Mchy. Co., supplies.. Carburetor & Electric, I supplies . j International Harv. Co., ! Elza O'Banion. labor . Harley Chatwood, salary.. 245.70 70.05 112.00 22.91 supplies 61.39 109.20 58.80 62.40 58.80 58.80 „58.80 105.60 91.20 28.88 28.88 Levern Chatwood, salary.. John A. Cotter, salary. E j c ran fiu salary . J. E. Farnes, salary. Otto Gies, salary. Walter Griffith, salary... John H. Mueller, salary J. K. Mueller, salary. Security Jewelry Co., 4.50 repairs . American Law Book Co., book installment . Chappie's, Inc., tape. Imperial Carbon Co., coupon book .. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., services .... Carter Oil Company, road oil .. Carter Oil Co., road oil.... Farmers Union Central Exchange, supplies . 10.00 4.50 102.00 76.10 208.68 179.68 471.23 Finally, the enormous amount of detailed substantive legis lation is still another feature of present practices which is not con ducive to the most effective administration of the public business. There ore, for example, 199 statutes affecting personnel manage ment alone in the Department of Agriculture. Disposition of surplus property is governed by over 369 separate laws. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is required to administer over 5,000 statutes and 370 treaties; and the laws which govern the operations of the Reclamation Bureau run to no less than 803 pages . . . h " * it / ♦ An excerpt from the Commission's concluding report. A copy of the full report may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Print ing Office, Washington 25, D. C, for 60c. Every American should read it. The Montana Power Company Farmers Union Central Exchange, supplies . Charbonneau Implement Co., supplies . Saunders Cash Way Lbr. Co., supplies . S. Birch & Sons, supplies N. W. Auto Supply Co., supplies . Western Union Tel. Co., supplies . COP Construction Co., supplies . S & S Ranch Supply Co., supplies . Everett W. Scott, mileage, expenses . McKesson & Robbins, Inc., supplies . Safeway Stores, No. 598, supplies .... Dysons, repairs . 469.54 131.10 5.34 900.00 43.06 .36 90.31 325.00 42.82 277.25 178.88 30.93 17.60 114.40 Keith Thomas, salary. Keith Thomas, salary .... Mt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . Ted Crawford, salary Mt. States Tel. & Teleg., telephone Farmers Union Central Exchange, supplies . Farmers Union Central Exchange, supplies Farmers Union Central Exchange, supplies . Farmers Union Central Exchange, supplies . Mt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . Mt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . O'Malley Lbr. Co., supplies . 9.05 31.40 8.95 525.16 521.58 523.37 526.16 16.20 13.85 962.51 Mont. State Industrial School, transportation.. Yellowstone Valley Elec tric Co-op., electricity.... County Auditor, reimbursement . Saunders Cash Way Lbr. Co., supplies . Mt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . S & S Ranch Supply Co., supplies . Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone . Yellowstone Co. Imple ment Co., supplies. Husky Bulk Plant, fuel.... Addressograph Sales Agency, services, mile age, exp. (Continued on Page 8) 8.48 3.00 46.49 133.91 12.85 872.00 9.70 30.05 263.00 93.99