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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
j*. The Outlook Soys: Meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leuthold Tuesday eve ns l ' i : : % M ; X 'M. ■ ■■■ ■■X ■V - II ;x Jill : : : : • : ï m :.0 ix m mm X ? I ' : •. ■ - : v. : iiL. \JKSl ■;-;- : X /X-X ■X : M i M x-i: V_ : V; & - ; \ m ■ loaded wit» lend! Dutch Mill American 2 Lb. Loaf.. N. B. C. Premium 2 Lb. Box _ Breakfast Gems, Medium Grade A. Doz._ Cheese Crackers Eggs Milk pT— 89c <3 i _49c M SS»«" IS 65c ï: ! "iy £ Cherub Tall Cans _ Swift's Silver Leaf 4 Lb. Ctn. Fine Granulated 10 Lb. Bag Tastes Tell 14 Oz. Bot. Butter Beverly, Stabilized Reg. or Chunk. 12 Oz. Jar Moonbeam No. 2% Can ...... Sauce, Ocean g% Spray, 303 Tin L „ 4 for 51c m lard ..... 77 c îs V IHH* m Sugar Catsup Peanut Pumpkin Cranberry Jell-WeSS Duchess Miracle Whip 1.07 v ; mm i 2 for 27c m x >. 35c mm / 9c 'M 0 35c for ■ Attention, thrifty shoppers! There are real savings in this lineup of values Safeway has for you now. Good buys in every section of the store! See how you can save on item after item. For example, Cake Flour Raisins Fruit Cake Mix Bleached Raisins Currant Dates Walnuts Marshmallows Cherries Satin Mix Peanut Clusters Apple Cider Applesauce Tomato Soup Tuna Jysters Sardines Salmon Lima Beans Navy Beans Gelatin, Pud dings, Ast. Flavors Salad Dressing Qt. Jar .. 3 for 20c 4 53c r m I /■ Salad Dressing Qt. Jar _ 59c Or O' Softasilk .39c i 44 Oz. Pkg. S3 Buys m Seedless 59c 4 Lb. Pkg. Save from 5c tolOcK per pound 19 fi®B HILL A luxury blend lb. Radiant 1 Lb. Pkg.. Golden 15 Oz. Pkg. 49c / M IS' 19c » Ml Zante 11 Oz. Pkg._ Bordo Pitted 14c SAFEWAY Ian 39c m 1 Lb. Pkg Long Type 1 Lb. Pkg. 35c A ? More power to your dollar! Values like these dollars greater buying power at Safeway. Snow Cloud 25c 8 Oz. Pkg. 2 Cherryland, Choc. Covered. 1 Lb. Box_ Asst'd Ar f Fancy Candy, Lb. Pkg. Ultra Fine for give AIRWAY 59c [|J Mild and mellow 4 for 1.00 4 for 1.00 3 for 1,00 6 for 1.00 4for1.00 APRICOTS PEACHES FRUIT COCKTAIL GRAPEFRUIT TOMATO JUICE ib. 54c Valley Cold, Whole Unpeeled No. 2 Vi Can . _49c 1 Lb. Pkg. Tree Top % Gal. Jug _ Coeur D'Alene 45c EDWARDS COFFEE 15c Castle Cresh, Heavy Syrup No. 2Vz Can . No. 2 Can_ Campbell's 10% Oz. Can 3 for 33c Torpedo Grated % Size .. Hostess Delight No. 2Vz Can. 29c M' No Better Coffee Packed Rich, Fresh Pull Flavored Windlass 39c 4% Oz. Can Star Boat, Tomato or Mus tard Sauce. No. 1 Oval Can Prince Leo, Pink No. 1 Tall Can Sunny Hills, Large 2 Lb. Cello. Sunny Hills. Small 2 Lb. Cello_ Highway No. 2 Can 19c 61c 1 Lb. Tin 47c rrtsEECC M ' J- B " Hills or Max * VVlfEi- weU House, 1 Lb. Tin (jJC 39c Sunny Dawn 46 Oz. Can . 29c 7 for|. 00 PEAS Sugar Belle. Fancy Sieve 303 Can . ■ "t/m TOMATOES BABY FCCD mm mjM & Gardenside No. 2 Vi Can Gerber's. Assorted Kinds 4 Vi Ox. Can 'A y lr 1.00 1 i 12.0, 1.00 r !i for TL / Fresh, Clean, Crunchy, Green Pascal, Firm, Meaty, U. S. No. 1. Lb. 12 " X CORN PEAS » Del Maize, Cream Style, G. B. 303 Can Gardenside, Large, Tender, Delicious, 303 Can INTEREST-PACKED NOVEMBER ISSUE NOW ON SALE only Early Black, U. S. No. 1 1 Lb. Cello 25c 6 1 69 CRANBERRIES I mm m ||A California * Y Amb u. s. no. 1 - LETTUCE U. a No. 1, Lb.. 198 POTATOES "r B J • SQUASH""!"" CABBAGE"" GRAPES J ORANGES 1.00 APPLES 10 Can, 1.00 54 for -Lb: 25c _69c v _ Lb. Sc - Lb: 7c 2 Lbs. ?Jir 5 - 49c Mont. McIntosh Ü. S. Combination 35 Lb. Box - Ice Packe Trimmed Clean, APPLES PORK ROAST V Wash. Jonathan's Ex. Fancy & Fancy 34 Lb. Box - APPLES 3 19 Loin or Rib End, It's Trimmed "Waste Free Before Weighing. Lb. . 49c U. S. No. 1 - Calif. Valenclaes ü. S. No. 1, Med. Size .... Wash. Delicious Ex. Fancy & Fancy 40 Lb. Box - > t Chuck Roast n U. S. Graded Waste-Free," Lb. - Kitchen Craft, Works Wonders g*m 1 ftP T With ANY Recipe - jLJ Lbs. I «ÖJ _ 87c 65c U. S. Graded Beef Trimmed "Waste Free" VEAL CHOPS GROUND BEEF SHORT RIBS PICNICS Halibut Steak SALMON STEAK 49c V & !/// FLOUR 39c Shortening, Speedy Mix 3 Lb. Tin - Fresh Daily, Lb. ü. S. Graded Beef, Meaty! Smoked, Short Shank ROYAL SATIN Lb _38c _37c _55c I_65c -93c Shortening 3 Lb. Tin_ Montana, New Low Price 5 Lb. Tin - SPRY Get this BEAUTIFUL 72 by 54 inch HEAVY-DUTY PLASTIC m Pork Chops -79c 51c HONEY r. Glazed, "Pan-Ready' Lb. Loin or Rib End "Waste-Free" 17 i Glazed. "Pan-Ready' Lb. fl 42 ' Pancake & Waffle Mix Suzanna 3 V 2 Lb. Bag .. Be hmUj F0R the white magic SOAP QUIZ MAN f HAMS TABLECLOTH COVER T-BONE STEAK I . —Howto cook POULTRY » /«f I » >. -W I Corel Drake gives latest infor- [ I motion on I » Large, Skinned, Whole or Half, New Low Price I U. S. Graded, Trimmed, "Waste-Free" He's Giving Away y .00 $32,000 Worth of Westinghouse Home Appliances! Full details at Safeway You may you buy... SYRUP 89 ' cooking of chickens 1 and furkeys-both fresh & frozen. Iv m 1 } 51c . 69 c Sleepy Hollow Cane & Maple 58 Ox. Tin .... 1 Lb. Lb. 'ß^i\ Ask your Safeway meat man for a copy [ L ^^^plus on end from o carton of Sunnybank Margarine Hi win if V - V White Magic Soap Question of the Week Oct. 31 to Nov. 5 Was the Attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 or 1942? dSÄfr I r XX THE NEW SAVE AT SAFEWAY vSSS Lb. WHITE MAGIC For information and coupon,see Sunnybank display ^in your Safeway Store. Lee. Pkjc. soap 27c 27c •V GRANULATED f ■i ? • /X nm g, members of the adult Bible fellowship were lead in the lesson study by Rev. C. G. Spellman. Seventeen members were present. Next week, being family night at the church, the regular study ses sion will not be held, but on the following week the group will bel guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Freeberg. „ . Leslie Del! Kucera, little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Kucera, j returned to her home from a Bil-, lings hospital Tuesday Mr. an j Mrs. Joe Simmons and ' three children of Miles City were| week end guests of Mr. Simmon's -parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sim mons. Mrs. George H. Frank, Sr., who has been a patient at St Vincent k hospital since last Thursday, un underwent surgery there Monday oi this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shaffer are parents of a daughter, borfr Oct. 29 at a hospital in Billings. Mrs. Robert Thomson of Bil lings is visiting her sou and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pe ter Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker were dinner hosts this week. Sun day evening their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lane and son • • , Jimmy. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Eastwood and daughter Leona were entertained. Mr. and Mrs John Hartley have returned from Seattle where they spent about 10 days visiting rela tives and friends. Members of the V. F. W. auxili ary of Billy Price post enjoyed a pot-luck supper at the parish hall Thursday evening. Decora tions were in the Halloween orange and black. Past president, Viola Harlan conducted a short business meeting. The auxiliary will meet again at the hall Nov. 10. Edward Simpson from North Dakota visited here last week with his brothers, Emmett and Jerry Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gummow have returned to their home after spending a month in Los Angeles where they were called by the ill ness of Mr. Gummow's mother, who died Oct. 14. Mrs. G. N. Wiggins, circle chair man, called a special meeting for last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Reid Harris for the purpose of making articles for the VV.S.C.S. bazaar. When she ar rived, she found that the members of Ciicle One had also planned a birthday party in her honor. Nine teen were present and were served birthday cake by Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Campbell Calvert shared the hospitality of her home Mon day evening with her bridge club members and Mrs. Barney Hage man and Mrs. Paul Beyer, guests. Prizes were won by Mrs. Calvert, Mrs. W. K. Simmons and Mrs. Hageman The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shelton was the scene of a Halloween party Friday evening. Colors of the season appeared in the house decorations and in the dessert. Three tables of bridge were in play, with prizes being won by Mrs. Marshall Huntington, Niel Baker, Mrs Mayo Lawrenz and Marshall Huntington. A travel prize went to Mayo Lawrenz. * » USE OUTLOOK WANT ADS Investigate Our 80% Collision Coverage STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE CO. (World's Largest) i H. Lee Hamlett Agent 615 3d Ave. Laurel, Mont, Woven Gingham PLAIDS f • il m m 7) f m r /.y mrM r V»! m h W;:« H: 1 t As advertised 3 98 LIFE in Pleasingly-plaid blouses on a lark of color...on a spree of style! Long sleeves, action-back pleats — long, long tails — convertible collars. Sanforized woven gingham—unconditionally washable and colorfast. Sizes 32 to 40. Short sleeves, $2.98 O.M.WOLD CO. Laurel's Own Store Since 1909