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*5" tor V' WANT TO MAKE SURE SHE REMEMBERS YOU NEVER FORGET? Say it With Flowers From Daisy's FLOWER SHOP 620 Second Ave. Phone 454 (SÛT* lçlogged pipes, jipRAINS, SEWERS ÜNOdigging NOdamage I) ///I î l| Ja 3 0 fV;\XN : Out STICKELBERGER SERVICE, Inc. Phone 401-J Electric Plumbing and Heating /// f .A HEATING SS. ~ . EM s LET US PLAN, TO SUIT YOUR HOUSE, WE'LL PROVE Ua ' WE CAN • 1 V_ -r i £ LOCAL TRADEMARKS, lac' JLIlD-tve » B2 J 1 mH Try Outlook Want Ads m onéu/ $ 129 95 h i. ■¥ Big-capacity porcelain fin* ish tub! -K Thorough, gentle agitator washing action! -KNew Gay Red Trim! I i Packed with value! Quality fea tures galore! Gets a big family wash done faster . . . gets clothes whiter, brighter! Wringer rolls have instant safety release. De luxe Easy-namel finish won't chip or rust Quick-drain pump. See it today. I A : MODEL SOI Roysdon Furniture Store 213 West Main Street—Phone 87 Squirrel Turns Beastly In Attacking Housewife PASADENA, CALIF. — squirrel gave her a mighty bad time was related from a hospital bed here by Mrs. Laura Waugn, a 42-year-old housewife. She said she was clawed and bitten by the "savage beast," namely, a gray squirrel. The squirrel was perched on a tree limb in her yard, Mrs. Waugn said, and she held out a tidbit to it. The squirrel promptly bit her. When she started a retreat toward the house, the squirrel chased her. She started running. So did the squirrel. It caught her, bit and scratched her legs. She says she slammed the door in Its face and left it raging up and dowa on the porch while ahe tele phoned police. Two motorcycxe cops went to the house and shot the squirrel. How a -X I •> /* Perfect A./ WeJJi n 9 i DISTINCTIVE ENGRAVING Beautifully engraved wadding invitation« end announcement« will land diitinetion to your perfect wadding. Genuine en graving—exquisite lettering on fine paper—i« ai much a pert of your wadding at the tradi tional gown and flower«. BUT—qualify aeed eot be ex pensive: 50 genuin« engraved wedding Invitations or announcements with double envelopes for $13.95 Each Additional Copy ta Come see oar piffjSR beautiful sam ples on (Ins paper«. >9 iti's m if ■s g ill w •>/ ■6 \\ i ••V Laurel Outlook USE OUTLOOK WANT ADS I Commissioners rrOC6eain£S o (Continued from Page Six) , Tom Mullowney salary ... 115.00 | rn ttV i, St £ V ' Salary j. 58.30 Blanche Stevens, salary.. .. 29.lo ; Thelma Hargrove, salary.. 58.J0 Mrs. W. W. Lindenfield, salary . Charles B. Sande, atty. fee, impr. dist. Charles B. Sande, atty. fee, impr. dist. Robert Herman Saldana, expenses . , - I î 100.00 ! 150.00 I ! i 5.00 ' Mike Kinnick, lumber..,. J. E. Collier, salary. Frank Floyd, services. Wally Lambrecht. digging graves . Ralph Wyman, salary. i 150.00 I 248.00 117.00 ! 40.00 ; 116.17 i j 276 00 248 00 oQç'nn ! ' u I j PAYROLL FOR DECEMBER. 1949 Clerk and Recorder Earle Knight, Clk. & Rec. D. G. Backhoff, ch. deputy H. A. Kiichli, deputy. Carl P. Thompson. deputy . Mike Jovanovich. bookkeeper . Reuben Mikelson, deputy Chris Rubich, deputy. Mae Hoff, assistant. Treasurer 235.00 i 117.50 235.00 235.00 190.00 948 00 oQKoo 98^00 -30.ÜO j , 9qt - nn 117 lonnn 98 Knn 440.UU , ! j 248 00 A. Williams, treasurer.... Sam Reid, ch. deputy. Orville Berry, deputy. J. O. Terrell, deputy. Mildred Hankins, bookkeeper . Irene Oberweiser, deputy Laverna Bachmann, deputy . Sharon Reid, deputy. Beverlee Sveinson, clerk.. Mary Johnson, deputy. Assessor T. A. Cothron, assessor 138.00 Joseph W. Farrell, ch. deputy . R. F. Royalty, deputy. L. C. Arnold, deputy .... Herbert G. Gammill. deputy .. W. A. Hanley, deputy. C. B. Famham, deputy.... 235.00 235.00 235.00 j 117.50 235.00 235.00 117.50 Charles H. Wolverton, deputy . Evelyn Redding, deputy.... C. O. Thompson, deputy.... Oliver M. Hill, assistant Clerk Of District Court Katie Davies, clk. court 284.00 Eleanor Behrendt, ch. deputy . Ruby Farley, deputy... Robert W. Richardson. deputy . Guy E. Marvin, court steno. William G. Mouat, court steno. 235.00 235.00 235.00 116.11 255.00 242.00 242.00 210.00 210.00 County Attorney Charles B. Sande, County Attorney. E. E. Collins, deputy .... Jerome Anderson, deputy 125.00 225.00 220.00 j 190.00, j a "5.00J 112.50. j 300.00 j 276.00 : 9 Qcnni 235.00 235 00 j Bachelier, Lois Krabbenhoft, steno... County Auditor Helen . L. Delano, Co. auditor . Shirley Todd, deputy. County Surveyor C. E. Durland, surveyor Superintendent of Schools T. E. Pemberton, supt. schools. Ambemetta Klampe, ch. deputy . Ada M. Warner, deputy.... County Sheriff Albert Thomas, Sheriff.... Lock Boyles, deputy. Mae O'Donnell, deputy.... George W. Swords, II, deputy . 235.00 j Dewey G. Brey, deputy.. 235.001 John L. Fletcher, deputy 235.00 i Clark A. Stewart, deputy 235.00 248.00 Dan Morgan, deputy. 235.00 Philip Haun, deputy. 235.00 Archie Kennedy, deputy 235.00 Farrell F. Griffin, deputy 235.00 Harold A. Price, deputy.... 235.00 Donna Pefley, deputy. 69.00 Mary Phythian, matron.... 50.00 Edith Kunz, steno. 175.00 John B. Sweeney, under sheriff .. 248.00 Engineer and Janitors G. A. Cook, engineer .... 235.00 Paul King, janitor. 107.50 Elmer Sherwood, janitor 107.50 Harry Tythcott, janitor.... 155.00 J. W. Hastings, janitor.... 150.00 j Justices of Peace and Constables! A. N. Bergen, justice. 200.00 ; Emil Borberg, justice. 200.00 Wallace A. Bent. constable . 125.00 Bert J. Bowman, constable ... 125.00 1 ■ The Board adjourned December 31, 1949. Approved : BEN B. HAGERMAN, Chairman Attest * EARLE KNIGHT, Clerk Girls Hollywood Falls Short j { ! j : HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.—Nor man Rockwell, famed home s p u n illustrator, said he couldn't find a wholesome-look ing, typically American, teen age model in all of Hollywood. "All of them emote and grim ace as if they were undergoing a screen test." he moaned. High school girls living in j ; ! j j ■ the country are better models, he said. "In Arlington, (Ver mont town where he lives) — population 462—I can walk over to the school and find any num ber.of girls who can pose nat urally and act like a typical American girl." Rockwell, who was in Holly wood to do magazine covers and Christmas card scenes for Hallmark, gave up trying to find a model suitable for his illustration until he could re turii to Vermont "where the girls are still natural, unspoiled teen-agers." legal notices -—-—-■— NOTICE OF CLOSE OF REGISTRATION I Notice is hereby given that the 1 registration for the School Elec District' No> 2 Yellowstone County, Mou ' wU1 , February 14th. 1 1950 at r p M | Electors residing within the said District may register by appearing before the County Clerk of Yel lowstone 'County at his office in ithe Courthouse at Billings, Mon tana, or before a Deputy Registrar in the manner provided by law. Dated at Billings, Montana, Jan uary 7, 1950. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Registrar of Yellowstone County, Montana. p„ K T ,,_ n u ,- f . ... (hirst lub. Jan. 11, 19o0-5t) NOTICE OF SALE Of Tax Title Property by the County As liea P 0 rais ed by the Board of i County Commissioners. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, entered on its minutes of the 11th day of Jan uary, 1950 the Board will on Feb ruary 15th, 1950, 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Billings, in Yellow stone Count -V. State of Montana, beginning at °tYer for sale at public auction to t } le highest bidder all the right, title, interest, estate, lien, claim and demand of the State of Mon tana and of said County of Yellow stone in and to the following real property and the Board determined and ^' xed the fair market value of ^ Property at the amount set a ' ter the description: amount constitutes and represents the reappraised value as fixed by the Board as of this date. No - L L 018 7. 8, 9. 10, 15, 16, 17 and 18 in Sec. 6, Twp. 8 No., Range 32 East, M. P. M. Approx. 320 acres, $2.00 ac. No. 2. Lots 11, 12, 13. 14, 20 & 21, in Sec. 6, Twp. 8 No., Range 32 East, M. P. M. Approx. 263 acres, $1.75 ac. No. 3. Lots 25 & 26, E&SW&, & SE!4 in Sec. 6, Twp. 8 No., which Range 32 East, M. P. M. prox. 337 acres, $2.00 ac. No. 4. sy a SE&, Ey 2 swi4 & wy. wy 2 in Sec. 8, Twp. Range 32 East, M. P. M. Ap prox. 320 acres, $1.75 ac. No. 5. All of Sec. 9, Twp. 8 No., Range 32 East, M. P. M. Ap prox. 640 acres, $1.75 ac. No. 6. All of Sec. 21. Twp. 8 No., Range 32 East, M. P. M. Ap prox. 640 acres, $1.75 ac. No. 7. Nl£ of Sec. 22, Twp. 8 No. Range 32 East, M. P. M. Approx. 320 acres, $1.75 ac. All the above described land is sold with reservation unto Yellow stone County. Montana, its sue cessors and/or assigns, pe r . centum of all oil and/or gas and other Hydro-Carbons, produced and saved from said land. Such sale will be for cash, or on j j Ap 8 No., such terms as may be approved by the Board, provided, however, that if such sale is made on terms, at least twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the date of sale, and the remainder may be paid in install ments extending over a period of not to exceed Uve years, and all such, deferred payments shall bear " * he ra " e ° ! 4% Per ^' es °f S100.00 or less must be NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Cove Irrigation Co. Incorporated, at Laurel, Montana, j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a meeting of the Board of Dated January 11th, 1950. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk, i (Date First Pub. Jan. 11, 1950-3t) ' Directors of Cove Irrigation Co., held on the 9th day of January, I960, an assessment of $1.00 per share was levied upon the sub scribed capital stock of the cor poration, payable on or before the 10th day of February, 1950, to the Secretary-Treasurer of said com pany at No. 2 Wold Building, Laurel. Yellowstone County, Mon tana. Amy stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 10th day of February, 1960, (will be delinquent and advertised on the 15th day of February, 1950, {for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before will be sold on March 2, 1950, to pay delinquent assessment and expense of sale. Dated January 9, 1950. By order of the Board of Di rectors. B. L. PRICE. Secretary-Treasurer, Box 67. Laurel, Montana. (First Pub. Jan. 11, 1950-4t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Purchase of New Motor Grader. The Board of County Commis isioners of Yellowstone County, Bil lings, Montana will receive sealed bids until 10:30 a. m. Thursday, 'January 19, 1950, for purchase by county of one diesel powered motor patrol, to be equipped with 12 foot blade, pneumatic rubber tires, electric lights and starter, hydraulic controls and back slop ing arrangement. Additional and separate bids are requested for furnishing the following attach ments suitable for the machine which base bid is submitted. 1 Scarifier attachment 1 Cab with heater on 1 V type snow plow All bids to be F.O.B. factory. jStatement of transportation ^barges should also be submitted, The bids must be accompanied a certified check, bM bond or othei suitable proposal guarantee in fav or of Yellowstone County Treasure (and in the amount of ten (10) per cent of the total o a. n containing bid must be marked {"Bid for Motor Grader" and ad dressed to Ben B. Hagerman, missioners. Time of delivery will be considered as an essence of the bid, therefore delivery date must be stated in bid. T he Board reserves j the right to re, . < : ct an / and ab bids. By Order of the Board. BEN B. HAGERMAN, Chairman. (First Pub. Jan. 4, 1950-3t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Purchase of New Motor Grader. The Boaid of County Commis sioners of Yellowstone County, Bil lings, Montana will receive sealed bids until 10:30 a. m., Friday, January 20, 1950, for purchase by county of one diesel powered motor patrol, to be equipped with 12 foot blade, pneumatic rubber ... tires - electric lights and starter, hydraulic controls and back slop mg arrangement. Additional and separat e bids are requested for furnishing the following attach ments suitable for the machine on which base bid is submitted. 1 Scarifier attachment 1 Cab with heater 1 V type snow plow All bids to be F.O.B. factory. Statement of transportation charges should also be submitted. The bids must be accompanied by a certified check, bid bond or other j I suitable proposal guarantee in fav , ,, ,, _ _ 0l ' of Yellowstone County Treasurer and in the amount of ten (10) per-I eent of the total bid. Envelope containing bid must be marked "Bid for Motor Grader" and ad- dressed to Ben B. Hagerman, Chairman Board of County Com missioners. Time of delivery will he considered as an essence of the hid. therefore delivery date must be stated in bid. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By Order of the Board. BEN B. HAGERMAN. Chairman. (First Pub. Jan. 4. 1950-3t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Purchase of New Motor Grader. The Board of County Commis sioners of Yellowstone County, Bil lings, Montana will receive sealed bids until 10:30 a. m. Saturday, January 21, 1950, for purchase by county of one diesel powered motor patrol, to be equipped with 12 foot blade, pneumatic rubber tires, electric lights and starter, hydraulic controls and back slop ing arrangement. Additional and separate bids are requested for furnishing the following attach ments suitable for the machine on which base bid is submitted. 1 Scarifier attachment 1 Cab with heater 1 V type snow plow All bids to be F.O.B. factory. .. ,, , , . , suitable Proposal guarantee in fav or of Yellowstone County Treasurer and ' n the amount of ten (10) per cent of the total bid. Envelope containing bid must be marked "Bid for Motor Grader" and ad dressed to Ben B. Hagerman, Chairman Board of County Com missioners. Time of delivery will he considered as an essence of the bidi therefore delivery date must be stated in bid. T be Roard reserves the right to re i f ," ct a '' v am j ab b j ds - v . > r BEN B. HAGERMAN, Statement of transportation charges should also be submitted. The bids must be accompanied by a certified check, bid bond or other (First Pub. J.n. 4. Ä" L r ► t ^ " r y i ► k r DoiTt Day Dream— < i ► ◄ ► ◄ ► ◄ 4 ◄ Drive ! ◄ ◄ Fenton Agency < ► ◄ i * I *************** ♦ VYE CLINIC ♦ Matthew W. Calvert, M. D. ♦ Phone 100 ♦ ♦ ♦ * * *************** Stars, Clear Skylight Gave Edison Inspiration ENCAMPMENT, WYO. - When about 600 persons gathered at pic turesque Battle lake, high in the Sierra Madre mountains for for mal dedication of a bronze me mortal to Thomas A. Edison, many learned for the first time of some of the things which set the "wizard of Menlo Park" off on the venture that brought electric light to man kind. The ceremony was held on the shore of the lake where in 1878 Edison Is said to have conceived the idea for the incandescent light. Edison's idea is said to have come from experiments with the fiber of his bamboo fishing pole. According to the story, Edison was a member of a party of scien tists known as the Henry Draper expedition, which came to Rawlins j to make scientific observations of | a total eclipse of the sun, July 28, j 1878. At the conclusion of the seien- | tific observations, they went on a hunting and fishing trip to Battle î lake. After the party had been en camped for three days, one morn ing at breakfast Edison was asked j by Prof. Barton, "Well, Tom, how | did you rest last night?" "Well," Edison answered, was not thinking about resting. I lay and looked up at the beautiful stars and clear skylight and I in vented an incandescent electric light." "î I Laurel Outlook I WANT ADS i Î Where Opportunity Knocks NOTICE All classified ads to appear in this column must be paid for in ad vance unless you have a charge ac count, FOR SALE—1942 Nash Ambassa dor. Very good, overdrive, ra Ranchers! Contractors! Truckers! Lumber — Douglas Lodgepole Pine, rough, any di mensions. $40.00 at sawmill, Livingston: $50.00 delivered at Billings and vicinity. Write or call W. J. Kinnick Lbr. Co., Liv ingston, Mont. Tel. 747-J. Fir and l-ll-3tp FOR SALE—Lots for home sites, sewer, water, and clear title furnished, phone 446. Herman Schessler, 1-12-tf d ' 0 ,* healer. Private individuals only. Jack Pelowitz, phone 789. FOR RENT Itc Small apartment, private bath, all utilities furn ished. De France Motel. It For Watkins Products call at 308 5th ave. or Phone 212-M. l-ll-5tp FOR SALE—Weiner pigs, C. J. Brohaugh. Phone 0703-R-2. 2tp WANTED—Dead and disabled ani mais, picked up free of charge. Billings Rendering Co., Phone 8410, Billings. 1-4-tf Orb Spider Had Telephone Line Long Before Humans OTTAWA. CANADA.— The tele phone and the rapid-transit sys tem about ivhich one thinks as strictly modern conceptions, mon opolized by mankind, are not that at all. for ages ago the orb spider combined both and the combination still works perfectly. At any rate, such is the statement of the science editor of the Canadian Press. The orb spider has a telephone line which at the same time serves it as a rapid-transit track. It is a silken thread pulled to the right tension and leading from the cen ter of the web to some hiding place, where the spider waits or even slumbers. When an insect strikes the web. the line vibrates enough to bring the spider to the alert. She—the female of the species is more brainy as well as more deadly than the male—then uses her telephone line for a rapid run to the web's center. The dinner, which rang its own gong, is found quickly. Air-conditioning is another up to-the-minute notion of man. Or is it? Honey bees knew all about it when the world was young. They maintain a constant temperature and regulate air flow in order that their larvae may develop unham pered by severe fluctuations and that the honey in storage may be preserved properly cured and in perfect shape. Certain bees are as signed to the production of body heat by muscular exertion; others, the farmers, are stationed on the hive floor and by steady wing vibration at the right speed create and maintain the exact degree of air circulation required. U. S. Supreme Court The supreme court of the United States was formed in 1790. Keys Made Ofl While You Wait. Coast to Coast Store, Laurel Bearcreek and Wyoming Also Gravel and Sand Hauling, Dirt for Filling GIVE US A RING Phones 497-M, 267-W and 245-R Laurel Transfer R. W. Easton and Sons | p| 11 II I g i g ■ B '-O ZJ /''N 1 7-r r it p Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. ■ 721 N. 29th. Billings imiawaimBiuiBiiiiifliiiiiaiiuiwiiBiuiBWES Phone 2888 CABINET SHOP FOR SALE Very complete cabinet shop. The best of power tools and machines. Practically new. Good lease on building. Terras. See J. WILLARD BALDWIN at Laurel Trading Co. Laurel, Mont. FOR SALE—Blonde Cocker pup l-18-3t pies. Phone 327-M. Any kind of furnace work. Write C. H. Horen, 117 Terry Ave., Billings, Phone 3825. 9-1-tf bed FOR RENT—Nice room. 516 1st Ave., Phone 398-J. heated Itc Have you U. S. stamps to sell in sheets or blocks of four? Phone 155, Charlotte Cranwill, stamp dealer. l-18-2t WANTED — Housework. 688-W, Phone Up FOR SALE—Laurel Cafe in Lau 6-9-tf roL WANTED—Clean cotton rags, no overalls, wools or silks. Laurel Outlook. FOR SALE—Fresh eggs, 308 3rd Ave. Up FOR SALE—Easy spinner wash ing machine. Phone 53-J E. J. Nagel. Itp FOUND—Ladies' fur top rubber boot size 8. black. Call 229-W. Owner can have same by paying for ad. It ♦ ♦ DR. E. C. HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building Laurel, Montana ♦ Office Phone 3 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Res. 24 ♦ | CvV Dependable Insurance . . . at low cost See A. A. MOSER 209 2nd Ave. Laurel, Phone 781 mm^efnrnnlinp^^. _ INTER, IMüR^NPÉtXCHANOE ihswnnct" 41 ef HextHc* Hides and Slioep Pelts WOOL FURS SCRAP METAL Acme Trading Co. BILLINGS, MONTANA 2015 Montana - Phone 4660 IF Your present Insurance costs are high, investigate The STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE POLICIES Service, Satisfaction, Savings H. Lee Hamlett Agent, Laurel, Mont. Phone 493-M. +++++++♦♦+++♦♦♦ ♦ B. L. PRICE Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Office in Wold Building Laurel, Mont. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + *************** ************* r (♦ R. S. LUTZ, O. D. ♦ OPTOMETRIST New Address 313 Broadway Billings ♦ ♦ + + + + + + + + ♦♦ + + ♦ * * + ♦ * * + USE OUTLOOK WANT ADS