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< 6 » j PARK CITY SECTION 4 Park Citv Feb 15 —Park City high school's basketball team went to Columbus last Saturday and played the Jordan team. The lo cal Panthers took the lead from the start and held it throughout the game By periods the scores: were 18-9 30-21 46-28 and 56-36, Panthers Continue Their Winning Pace Xn ^ favor of Park Citv Harvey a : ™ Ia , „.J . . : * . n * Matheis scored 23 points, and Don-, aid Hedges 19. Park City met the Joliet Jay hawks on the Laurel floor Tues day evening and continued its for ward thrust in the district, de feating the Hawks by a wide mar gin. The Panthers led 10-7 at the end of the first quarter, 20-13 at the half, 33-19 at the end of the third quarter and 48-30 at the end of the game. High scor-j ers were H. Matheis, 14; J. Kober, 12, and V Gonzales 12. The Joliet b squad defeated the 1 ark City B ' ;!5 ' 20 - The Park City team went to Laurel Friday to meet the Edgar ; m UJ0 Try 7, 7 FLEET MIX ^ THE NEW MIX FOR BISCUITS 44 c SB 3 F ■ ii IISCUI r • For the Best Biscuits You've Ever Made or Your Money Back Enter Fleet Mix Contest Now . . . 252 Prizes .. 2 V 2 Lbs, f Be SAFEWAY, Save a lot by saving; a little every time yon shop. That's what happens when you supply all your food needs at Safeway. You see, our prices are low on every item every day ... So you're bound to save on the total purchases you make here. Check the list below, and save. 1 89' CHEESE EGGS EGGS FLOU® SUNNYBANK MARGARINE DREAM KITCHEN C ONTEST «ÇffTQ Dutch Mill American, Ched dar Rich, 2 Lb. Loaf. 4 7 C Breakfast Gem—Large Grade A For Poaching or Boiling, Doz. 42 c Morning Star—Large Crade B For Frying or Baking. Doz. fi\ m 1.95 Kitchen Craft, Works Wonders With Any Recipe, 25 Lb. Bag .... 25c Margarine 2 Xor 29c viM / Comptât« details and •nlry blanks at Sunnybank display Sunnybank Lb___ .27c Sunnydawn 46 Oz. Can_ Sugar Belle, Fancy Sieve 303 Can.. . . Cherub Tall Cans 4 lor . .. Swift's Silver Leaf 4 Lb. Ctn.__ Tomato Juice Peas Milk Lard Sugar Preserves _51c % GROUND BEEF f| 69c 10 .1.07 39c Granulated ... Sunny Jim—Assarted Fruit. 2 Lb. Jar_ Lbs T \ 39' Ground From U. S. Graded Beef Cuts Lb. WHITE MAGIC Sirloin or Rib U. S. Good Beef. Lb. U. S. Good Beef, For Pep and Energy. Lb. Shoulder Shank Off. Lb. Rib or Loin End STEAKS ^jLge. Pkg. 26C SHORT RIBS --1 PORK ROAST 2 23c PORK CHOPS SLICED BACON L L b on N " ,w * FRANKSu hey ' reDinnerSize PICNICS 69c GRANULATED SOAP SPARE RIBS 39c Lots of Tender. Sweet Meat on Them 37c Pound Rik Rak Cleanser Tide Swan Soap Sno-White 26 Oz. Ctn. _ Quaker Oats Raisins It's 49c New Lb. Heavy Detergent Lge. Pkg._ 39 * 28c 39c 3 for 39c Large Bar 49c Salt 8c Smoked, Short Shank, That Nutsweet Taste. Lb. 35c Reg. or Quick 3 Lb. Pkg_ 35c CANDY — Monster Gums, Orange Slices. Lb. Pkg. Seedless 4 Lb. Pkg. Tmmmmm. Torpedo Grated I una size.. Prince Leo Pink salmon No. 1 Tall Can . . Mocaroni p J r S s P T™ Soup Mix TZ Crocker Crackers Breeze Cheese Food 55c 29c 15c 43c t i, 19c 33c ii# gs. i N. B. C. Premium 2 Lb. Pkg. .. 49c i* ^' J Tender and Mealy. Delicious Served Creamed I Ü. S. No. 1 p.y fa % 2 Lb. Pkg. 79c 25 IS. Äs 3 Lbs. ROYAL SATIN c Delicious SHORTENING 3 Lb. Tin . APPLES GRAPEFRUIT LEMONS CAULIFLOWERu n s w N W 0 hi ;.u. 17c 5 ü,. 45c Ex. Fey. & Fey. ORANGES Texas Pink 5 59c U.S. No. 2 Lbs. Salad Dressing Qt. Jar... 10 Delicious Desserts Pkg. . . Duchess Jell Well Marshmallows Peanut Butter Honey Syrup 53c Sunkist U. S. No. 1 ... 2 ub, 35c D. S. No. 1 Large Navels 7c 5 Lbs. Fluffiest 1 Lb. Pkg._ Beverly Reg. or Chunk, 12 Oz. Jar.... 27t TOMATOES uTno F T"i 2 öl o„ 23c Solid, Firm Heads U. S. No. 1. Lb. 35c 45c CABBAGE GREEN ONIONS nV) 2 8c Montana 5 Lb. Tin_ Sleepy Hollow—Cane & Maple 58 Oz. Tin . 79c 14c 89c _ Bun. /1 Fresher by Days" 1 Lb. Tin . Compare it! Mild and Mellow Blend. 1 Lb. Pkg. EDWARDS COFFEE AIRWAY COFFEE 79c SAFEWAY 72c the first quarter and 8-17 at the end of the half, but went on a scoring spree in 'the third and led Edgar 28-26. Both teams battled for honors in the last quarter, which Park City took, 42-37 Kober made 13 points and Matheis 11. - Rozemail Mail DlPS Of 1 I squad. In the first half the Pan thers trailed, 2-9 at the end of Vollpv rVppk Wrprk \ alley L TCCK VVrCCKI - Park City, Feb. 15. Glen Sea-1 man , 45, of Bozeman, an insur ance man. was fatally injured Wednesday morning of last week when his car went out of control ! and crashed into the Valley creek bridge west of Park City. Ihej impact sheared off 14 hamster pil lars of reinforced concrete. Nearby ranchers burned to the scene and at i en gth succeeded in removi „g Seaman from his car, a, two-door sedan that had landed bottom side up in the creek bed. ; The car's motor landed about 20 j feet away. | He died Park City, Feb. 15.—Mel Roske considers himself very lucky. Last week end he and a companion went tc the vicinity of Eureka for a load of lumber, and on into town spend the mgh t wlule tonter H..™* being at^nidnig u| ^ " ent to ,, bed - ™™'T Kosice was called and informed thfc lumber was loadeJ ana re - ui > j Seaman was taken by ambulance to a Billings hospital, there the following day. Roske Misses Hotel Fire Taking 5 Lives to go. A short time after Roske and assistant leit> the ^ ia , :£rnt . fire and five people lost their lives. j wo oi the victims were browning! basketball players. Don Fox, son 0I - M r. and Mrs. Alec Fox. is thej Browning c . oa ch and was with h.s| team j„ Eureka that night. - The American Legion auxiliary sponsored a Valentine food sale at the p ea rsall store Feb. 11. The sale was in charge of Mrs. Harry Sands and Mrs. S. T. Hood. , Miss Audrey Kinschloe of Mel-; stone, who had been at the Owen Ketehum home the past two weeks, spent the week end at her home in Melstone. The W. S. C. S. met Thursday afternoon at the home of the presi dent Mr? r v Fnstliek Mrs ' ' ' ' " j Floyd Braley conducted the devo Uons. A program, prepared by », A T n U u xi'a a Mis. A. L. Grubs who was assist ed by several other members, was presented. Guests were Mrs. Dora m. Hansford, Mrs. Dick Vanden (-urg, Mrs. Riley Pierson, Mrs. Owen Ketehum. Mrs. Earl Duns-i worth and daughters Carolyn and Nancy^ Mrs M. L. Dunsworth and Mr8 \?' J . Brow-mwe». ^ and Mrs ; C ' G ' Speilman and son of Laurel. A. Valentine lunch was served by Mrs. S. T. Flood, Mrs. ätonerock and Mrs. Ray mon d Daley. A Valentine ex b the ho3t . e sses. Miss Betty Krieger a student a( Eastern Montana ' College of ™ UCa rion in BilliS and daugh-! ter 0 f Mr and Mrs Conrad Kr.e was listed on the honor roll of the collegTlas". qulrter j Miss Elfrieda Kober, a senior at Montana State college in Bozeman, arrived here Thursday and spent the week end with her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kober, while gathering material for a theme on, local history. ] Coach and Mrs. Leroy Jacobson ! • •■•e the parents of a daughter, Mary Loraine, who was born in a Billing's hospital, Thursday, Feb. 9 Mrs. Loraine Tolliver, first grade teacher who was called to a Bil U hospital because of the sen . ous illness of her husband, was un able to return to her duties all , as( . week> Mrs w F> Truckner taught during her absence. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meinhardt en tertuined at a card party at their home Thursday evening. Guests were Mr and Mrs Atec Fox Mr. Coîrad MehHng Mr and Mrs' Jonrad R Mehlmg, Mr. «d Mrs. M r. ami Mrs. Lewin Kober, Mr and Mrs> Sol Richter. Mr. and Mrs Bill Kober. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Schessler and Lewin Hergett, the lost three from Laurel. Re f reshments were served at the (close of the evening. B- W. Davis was able to return to his hon ]9 Thursday last week after pending 10 days in a Bil I'J 1 * 8 bos P lta |- follovvmg surgery ^'dnrfn^thp'Vo^av^nfriod^ Li mT Helen*Braunto her home here from Billings Sun dav after being the guest of Mrs. .Emma Brown two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Streedbeck and son Jimmy of Billings were. Ji^M^r'streedb^k'sparents Mr -, nd Mr S j h Dove ' M rs. M L Dunsworth returned home Wednesday from Billings where she had spent several days with her granddaughter, Mrs. S. B. Flood. The latter's young son Tommy underwent a tonsilectomy Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cain enter tained at dinner Monday evening for Rev. C. G. Spalding of Great Falls and Rev. C. G. Spellman of Laurel. Alex Shimsky was called to Clarmont. W. Va.. Saturday, Feb. 11 because of the death of his father. Mike Shimsky. The Park City man had made a trip in JanuaiT to visit his father. Mrs. Ivah Brock returned from F ond du Lac, Wis., Tuesday after spending two months with her son, John Brock, and his family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Aasen of Aneta N. D.. came the first of the week te visit their son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Jacobson, rn\\B ill H » r DOKlT WAIT UNTIL WET PLASTER FALLS, -^ BEFORE - PUTIN J\^T«pLUMBINe ' -.OX -S CALLS/ Tt ii g LOCAL TRADEMARKS, toe. uu W r ■«-c » B2i, ,Vd LV n TOO TONGUE-TIED TO SAY THOSE THREE LITTLE WORDS? Flowers Say it With From Daisy 's FLOWER SHOP 620 Second Ave. Phone 454 /Idcqjucite Wt/Uncjr^ m (F; 6 C 3&V J n 4 For your OWN safety and the property's — have adequate wiring that will carry the load without fixe hazards. Consult us. LAIRD -®1 Radio-electric TEL.50 LAUREL,MONT. 19 and to become acquainted with their new granddaughter, Mary Loraine Jacobson, Rev. Walter Spalding of Great Falls conducted. a Sunday school',^ training class for both Laurel and Park City Methodist church teach-, ers, Sunday. Monday and Tuesday, A. W. DeGroot of Helena was here Thursday and called on friends. He was en route to Bil hn ^ s t0 see hls son who 13 lU - LAUREL HAPPENINGS 25 YEARS AGO TODAY FEBRUARY 11 1925 ' Recent transfers of Laurel prop-1 erty include C. L. Morns to Call A ', P ® rr . y . 1 ® ts 1 al ?. d 8 , bIock I > î?'-.? eiShtS /? ! \els Vorwahl lote"^ 19 ^and* 20 T . pipiVVit« 'enhHivis' piocK 1 », i^aurei rieigni* suouiv s i° n , ^els voraam to James tvuc eia lots 18, 19, and 39, block 1J, East Laurel subdmslon ' 1 _ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson 0 f Molt were in Laurel Tuesday v i s iti ne - their son Peter D. Thom . f •. ' ' : - y ' Quoted and paraphrased items of news from the 25 years ago Laurel Outlook. „ „ ... Mrs. F- MacDonald entertain ed the J. 0. club at her home on First avenue Saturday afternoon, Three tables of bridge were in play .with Mrs. C. L. Calloway and Mrs. *Bert Sherrow winning the honors. M c w Laird; Mrs . r Brough 1 , M D Writrht and Mrs ^. n ' ^ rs ' ,V ean and mrs ' > C. Wilson of Billings were guests of the club. - The Tuesday Bridge club met with Mrs. Roscoe Broughton at her home on Third avenue Tuesday af Soon Three tables of bridge M " bnd ^ ( e " ere in , play ' v * th T , J ' , P ' Moore and Mrs. T. J. Click win "J n ff tbe honors. Mrs. J. P. Moore, Mrs B B Hageman and Mrs.. H. H. of club. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the afternoon's play. Mrs. Paul Gerard entertained a company of friends last Friday evening as a farewell party for Mrs. Martha Fish, sister of B. J. Berger, who has been visiting here for several months. The invited guests were Mesdames Foley, Cross, Cook, Wilkerson, Concan non, Wiggins, Schwertley, Watsa baugh, Shannon, Braswell, Patter son, Harry Clark, Mi's. Eltzroth, the guest of honor and her brother. G. W. Fenton has purchased a new sedan car which is equipped with al Ithe latest features in cluding balloon tires. Misses Elsie Fink and Martha Stadalman and Messrs. Roy Jones and Ellis Fink were an auto party to Billings last Saturday. Jack Cole, who had been visiting in Billings, returned with them for a visit with the H. A. Fink fam Mrs. ily. James Kucera, agent for the Northern Pacific at the Laurel terminal station, has purchased the D. H. McNeil residence propez-ty on north Third avenue this week and expects to move his family 1111111111111111111111111111 m 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 h 11 ■ 11111111111111111111 • : V< S { How To Keep In Shape 4 va Keep that size twelve, and have plenty of pep. Dairy products, praticularly Rose Brand Butter and Ice Cream, are good tasting and healthful. Both may be purchased by name at your favorite deal er's. / \ I / Laurel Creamery imiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiimtiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiii I West End Texaco Service Station Complete MARFAK LUBRICATION — TIRE REPAIRING — WASHING — — Quick Battery Charger— —Car Repair — PICKUP AND DEUVERY This week's FREE MARFAK Lubrications go to ALBERT LEUTHOLD and CLINTON ANDERSON OWEN Î and PERCY here in a few days. He was agent at Columbus for several years until transferred to Laurel j ag ^ summer _ Previous to that he been cashier at the LaureI several vears The Ior several years. me McNeil property includes three lots and the large two-story dwell ing. Frank Beslanowitch, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beslanowitch, Mrs. Robt. Kilpatrick and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Eisenmann and William Sleeter were visiting at the John Kappel home of the Trewin dis trict Sunday. I ; Mrs. J. M. Walsh of Molt, was , hostess at a party given at their ! Îî 0m ^ Tuesda y evening for her 1 dau S bbers > Misses Margaret and Muriel. Those present were Mr. and Mrs> H Hulett, Mr. and Mrs. w Bridges, Mrs. E. A. Mangier, ^rs. C ' ^ Cowan, Misses Mildred Reimer, Frances Bretrand, Athe l®*? 1 Co 0 v J ran; Mesars - Art Kenney, t, n biavens > Lester Mangier, Ber t Clark, and Morris Rademach er * Five hundred featured the ning's entertainment. A deal is reported between A. L. Trace and H. E. Ebersviller whereby the latter becomes the owner of the Trace residence pro perty just west of the corporate limits of Laurel at the west end of Fourth street. eve A delicious 'lunch was served at midnight. ■ 6 j , , , , 0 Mul ® Grace Stadalman was hos tess Fnday evening at a sur prise event marking the forty ^ weddi anniv " rsary of !parentg; Mr & and M rs Charles Stadalman The eaiest list ITMr and Mrs Tnhn p! 0 m and jV Robert ^rv M r ' iw S ' . t if St ^ J ° hnson ' Mr ' and Mrs - iElhs Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Don |Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kürz j ei . ( Mr and Mrg< claries Belinak, Mrs Loj s R USS ell, Junior Fink, Harold Dittrich. Local News Items Miss Prances j Fenton, Mrs. PYank Jacobs and Mrs. John Kinney. Canasta pro vided entertainment, with prizes going to Mr. Stadalman and Mrs. Hurzler. Harold Thoren, manager and buyer for Laurel Trading Post, left by plane early this week for Chicago and Minneapolis. He will be gone a week and will buy stocks of merchandise for spring and summer. ll t V a V '/J BUY AN ORTHOPEDIC fbui kui£ INNERSPRING MATTRESS