Newspaper Page Text
LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Ella Alden Furry, Alden, Iowa. - Furry, husband of Ella Alden Furx-y, if any, Alden, Iowa, ond to all persons owning, occupy ing and claiming any interest— whether legal or equitable—in the following described property: Notice is hereby given: That the following described property, to wit: Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 8, of Young's Second Subdivision, Laurel, Mont., Yellowstone County, Montana, to-| gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 10th day of July 1944 and that there was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 11th day of July 1944 and there again being no purchaser for the same, all of said property was struck off to the County as purchaser on said date, as required by law. That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here inbefore described. That the amount for which it was sold was $5 25 That the amount now due on same is $80.50. That the time when your right of redemption will expire is March 9th 1950. That the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March 10th, 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 5th, 1949. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Mary J. Scott Hogan, Laurel, Montana— — Hogan, husband ofi Mary J. Scott Hogan if any EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) Laurel, Montana and to all r» e r-. sons owning, occupying dhd claim-! ing any interest—whether legal or equitable_in the following de scribed property: Notice is hereby given- That the following described property to wit; ' Lots 13 and 14 in Block 2 of Youngs Subdivision, Laurel, Montana. Yellow-stone County, Montana, to gether with the tenements, here-! ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold fori delinquent taxes. That all of said property was! first offered for sale on the 17thl day of July 1941 and that there was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 18th day of July 1941 and there again being I no purchaser for the same, all of said property was struck off to the County as purchsaer on said date, as required by law. That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here inbefore described. That the amount for w-hich it w-as sold was $3.57. That the amount now due on same is $189 94 That the time when your right of redemption will expire is March 9th. 1950. That the time when Yellowstone i County, Montana, the purchaser, | will apply for tax deed is March 10th. 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 5 th, 1949. ■ EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County. Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, ) ; I That all of said nmner+,T , ITOO I NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Joseph C. Munyan Route No 4, Billings Montana ' Bernice M. Munyan, Route No 4 Billings Montana and to all persons own ing, occupying and claiming any i interest—whether legal or equit-i, ' ■ • the following describ«! Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8. 1950-2t) ab m property: Notice is hereby given: That the following described property, to wit: S^S«4SW14SEi4 of Section 30, Township 1 No. Range 27 East. M. P. M. Yellow-stone County, Montana to eether with the tenement?, he„. I ditaments and appurtenances there I ûnto"beïonging"' J hm^ ' delinquent toxes ° M f ° r | first offered for sale on the 11th day of July 1940 and tbS w-as no purchaser foî thf saS that all of said property was aS offered for sale on toe ioth^it R r 1 juiy W4Ï ÜÄÄS»'s SÄTÄte'iS 1 Äi zsz&ztr - "« «MiÂfrfuî, 0 ' U "rT rt> Se,„ W re S deseribed he WWrt >' w.?SAsT 4 H nt f ° r " hi ' h « sangle & "»» That the time u-ton „„„„ . . . I of redemptionTill evnWr^.r^ 9th 1950 P G 18 March That the time when Yellowstone County. Montana, the purchaser will annlv for tax deed is March 10th, 1950. j Dated at Billings, Montana, Jan uary 3rd, 1950. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED j To Glenn Fisher. Box 44, Seattle, Wash. - Fisher, w-ife of Glenn Fisher, if any. Box 44, Se attle. Wash.. John E. Bowker, 1020 Wash. St., Spokane, Wash. -! KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellow-stone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) LEGAL NOTICES Bowker, wife of John E. Bowker, if any, 1020 Wash. St., Spokane, Wash, and to all persons owning, occupying and claiming any inter est— ^whether legal or equitable—in the following described property: Notice is hereby given: That the following described property, to wit: The NEV4SM4 of Sec. 25, Twp. 4 No. Rge. 32 Last, M. P. M. Yellowstone County, Montana, to gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 11th ;day of July, 1940 and that there was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 12th day day of July, 1940 and there again) being no purchaser for the same,. all of said property was struck off to the County as purchaser on said date, as required by law. That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here inbefore described. , , Ihat the amount for which it "'as sold was $1.82. That the amount now due on same is $2(.35. That the time when your right of redemption will expire is March , v ,, . lhat the time when \ellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, wnl apply for tax deed is March 19th, 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, Jan uar V 3rd, 1950. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED EARLE KNIGHT. County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. ( First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) To R. A. Winchester, Handford, Wash. - Winchester, wife of R. A. Winchester, if any, Hand f° rd > Wash, and to all persons owning, occupying and claiming an V interest — whether legal or eciiïitablc —in the following describ ed P r °P ert y ; Notice is hereby given: That the following described property, to wit: Lots 5 and 6 in Block 1, Nibbe, Montana. (Yellowstone County Montana, to igether with the tenements, here-junto ditaments and appurtenances there junto belonging, has been sold for de hnquet toxes. . That a11 ^ sa' d Property was offered for sale on the 12 th (ay U43 ami that there was no purchaser for the same; tbat al * of said P r °P ert V was again offered for sale 00n the 13th day of Jul >'- 194 '3 and there again be , ln Ç no . ,P urt 'haser for the same, a11 of said P r °b ert y was struck off 10 the Count y as Purchaser on said da jL e ' as required by law. ^ hat the amount of the property ? old " as a11 pf the Property here °f e descn bed. . . ihat the amount for which it wa s s<dd ' vas $ 4 -38. That £ ba amount now due on sa J2i e 18 $ 42A L . Th ^ t the . time when your right of redemption will expire is March 9t £v 495 f , 7 .. . v „ . Ihat the time when Yellowstone C 9 pnty ' Montana, the purchaser, ' yd ! app,y for tax deed 18 March iutn, i y do. Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 8th, 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Chas. A. Walker, 164 Me Arthur Ave. S. E., Mpls., Minn, - - Walker, wife of Chas. 4. W'alker, if any, 164 McArthur Ave. S E " Mr1s - Minn, and to all per sons 0Wmn *G occupying and claim ing any interest—whether legal on equitable — in the following de SC M b + d ppoparty • . . ,^° tlCe 's hereby given: That the Scribed property, to Lot 13 in SW/, of Sec. 16, Twp. 2 So. Range 24 East,. M - P - M - Yellowstone County, Montana, to gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for was no Purcnaser tor tne same; sa * d property was again offered for 8B ' e on the 12th ?®. y of Ju,y ' 1940 and there «««" b f, m 5 no . Purchaser for the same, a11 of sa,d P r opertv was struck off e»»»*'.»s ?" r -; h " scr - d "Ä a fÄ r Ä''.He property >" wo."»«™" " '* j i dc fe; en ,i, ta „7": That all of said property first offered for 8ale op th « mb day of July - 194(1 a " d that there (was no purchaser for tne same; that all of said again offered for s was Tl »> «g, ■»» *• ™ time .vhen your right ^ " " fhat the time v.-hen Yellowstone'will County > Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March irir v vWto^ato * Vl0ntana ' N ° ° tb ' 1 f apt v Fviru-r r „, m . . r : : vlii County Mont * ' eil(,;v£t(,ne Coupty ' JJont Deputy County Clerk (Fhst Pub. March 8. ,95 V oä) rk ' OTICE OF APPLU.ATniNf ® F TAX DEED | . c Babcock Realty Company, c/o L. C. Babcock. 3000 Wash, Blvd., Hotel Alcazar, Chicago 12, III. and ad persons owning, occupying and claiming any interest—whether legal or equitable—in the follow w described property. Notice is hereby given: That the L EGAL NOT ICES | The NE % of Sec. 29, Twp. 4 No. Rge 24 East, M. P. M.. Yellowstone County, Montana, to gelher with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 10th day of July, 1944 and that there was no purchaser for the same; following described property, to wit: that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 11th day of July 1944 and there again being no purchaser for the same, all of siad property was struck off to the County as purchaser on saidi^g date, as required by law. That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here inbefore described. That the amount for which it was sold was $5.79. That the amount now due on same is $20.32. That the time when your right of redemption will expire is March 9th, 1950. That the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser. will apply for tax deed is March 10th, 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, Jan uary 3rd, 1950. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Geo. H. Wheeler, c/o Ed. Cardwell. 2207 Spruce St., Bil lings, Mont. - Wheeler, EARLE KNIGHT, Countv Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) wife of Geo. H. IVheeler, if any, c/o Ed. Cardwell, same address as above. Ed. Cardwell, 2207 Spruce St., Billings, Montana. Cardwell, wife of Ed. Cardwell, if any, same address as above. Mrs. Nellie Brown, address unknown, and to all persons owning, occupy ing and claiming any interest— whether legal or equitable—in the following described property; Notice is hereby given: That the (following described property, to wit: The NE 14 of Sec. 17, Twp. 4 No. Rge. 28 East, M. P. M„ (\ellowstone County, Montana, to gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 12th day of July 1943 and there was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 13th day of July 1943 and there again being no purchaser for the same, all of said property was struck off to the I County as purchaser on said date, ! as required by law-. j That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here-1 inbefore described. i That the amount for which it was sold was $5.14. That the amount now due on same is $42.59. That the time when your right of redemption will expire is March 9th. 1950. That the time w-heo Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March 10,1950. Dated at Billings. Montana, Jan uarv 3rd. 1950. : EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellow-stone i County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Edward A. Anderson, Mount; Horel, Wash. - Anderson, „ „ Reserve Strip, Broadview 180 ft. x 100 ft. opposite Block 14. Yellowstone County. Montana, to gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there- 1 unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 8th day of July 1937 and that there , wife of Edward A. Anderson, if any, Mount Horel, Wash., John Gusick. 928 No. 29th St., Billings, Montana, and to all persons own ing, occupying and claiming any interest—whether legal or equit able—in the following described property: Notice is hereby given: That the following described property, to wit: was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property w-as again offered for sale on the 9th dav | of July 1937 and there again be-1 i»ur no purchaser for the same, all «[ said property was struck off to!of t ie County as purchaser on said date, as required by law. I th ',f n r.r of the vto ^ ta&wdScW ^ for " hich « JS'baWÜT" n °' V dUe " r Th " «f. «me when your right îWT" ** C# apply for tax deed is March* 10th. 1950. ( Dated at Billings, Montana. No-1 vember 8th - 1 ?f 9 - pT v ,, VT „ nT r ri AI l LE r ^W IGHT - rünüK VT* ° f ' ed owstone y * p° n iV » v ! n™tv'nLfv ci ''i, Pub March s SStT ' _ (hlrst 1 ub ~ March 8 ' 19t> °- gt > NOTICE OF APPLICATION „ FOR TAX DEED To Frank Slunecko, 620 No. 22nd. St., Billings, Montana, Slunecko, wife of Frank Slunecko, if any, 620 No. 22nd St., Bi l ugs, Mont., and to all persons owning, occupying and claiming any in terest—whether legal or equitable —in the following described prop-1 erty: Notice is hereby given: That the LEGAL NOTICES Lots 13 and 14 in Bj^k 25 0 f Broadriew Montana, Yellowstone County, Montana, to aether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances tbere imto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of saj< j property was f irst 0 ff er ed for sale on the 13th day of July 19'9 and that there was nc purchaser for the san.e, that all of said property was again following described property, to vit: offered for sale on the'lUh day of j u j y 2939 ard tl ere a c, a jn being p 0 purchaser for the same, ah of j sa id D roper-v was stru V off t . County as purcha-fr on said date, as required by la.v That the amount of De property 00 ld was all .f the property here inbefore described, r| lat the am^irt fr which it was fold wes ÿ'.'.MO. That the amount now due on same j s $47.76. That the ttoe when your right n f redemption will expire is March < Jth 1950. '[hat the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March loth. 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, No-| vember 9th, 1949. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Kate Fratt Estate Midland NationalBank TnlZes, mllings.wit: Mont., and to all persons owning, occupying and claiming any !n terest_whether legal or equitable —in the following described prop ertv: Notice is hereby given: That the EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) following described property to wit: ' Undivided 2/3 interest in WV 2 - SWj4 of Sec. 8, Twp. 4 No. 1 Range 34 East, M. P. M., I Yellowstone County, Montana, to-! gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there-I unto belonging, has been sold for; delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on the day of July 1940 and that there was no purchaser for the same;! that all of said property was struck off to the County as purchaser on 1 said date, as required by law. | That the amount of the property Isold was all of the property here inbefore described. That the amount for which it I was sold was $3.40. That the amount now- due on same is $46.66. I That the time when your right ! of redemption will expire is March j 9th. 1950. That the time when Yellow-stone Countv. Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March 10th, 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 9th, 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. ' Bv H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) —-- - ■ votitf nr 4Di>i iriTiov 1 ° VAiJ Li nrm T ° N T r;i 1AX DEED lo City of Laurel, Laurel, : A. rS Cramer e aï^.Vay^ra'Aiiî; addresses unknown, and to all per sons owning, occupying and claim mg any interest—whether legal or equitable—in the following describ ed property: | Notice is hereby given: That the following described* property, Undivided 1/6 interest in Lots Laurel, ' E t Yellow-stone County, Montana, to gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for dt-linquent taxes. Ior I That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 13th day of July 1942 and that there was no purchaser for the same that all of said oroonertv was i again offered for sale on tîie 14th da- of July 1942 and there aeain being no purchaser forthe ^ame a fl of said^"property w-as struck to the Countv as purchaser on sabl a a te as required hr w sald That'the amount of the property sold was all of the propertv here^ in before described , That the amount for which is' Was sold was $35 30 That the amnnnf' d„o | same is $ 9 40 47 1 T^ a t the time when vour r.Vht I redemption will expire is March' 9th. 1950. ' rch That the time «-her. Ve0e«-=t«n O kSS. 'is* ^ <" I "• Countv W™? ' c3,M.Î,°' De^CounS'Æk ^ «SSoâf NOTICE OP tPPi irATinv FOR T \\ DFFD To Argyle R Wt Pompevs Pillar, Mont. —!- Scott, wife of Al WV le K - Scott, if any, Pom-1 {peys Pillar, Mont., and to all per f°ns owning, occupying and claim- j Ung any interest—w-hether legal or Ä 16 " 1 " the foUo ™* de ' bribed property: : Ä'ÖKÄ wit: Lot 13 in Block 20 of Pom . peys Pillar, Montana, i Yellowstone Countv. Montana, to- i gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenpnees there- j unto belonging, has been sold for; delinquent taxes. 1 That all of said property w->~ (first offered for sale on the 10to dav of July 1944 and that to LEGAL NOTICES was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 11th day of July and there again being no purchaser for the same all of said property was struck off to the County as purchaser on said date, as required by law. That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here inbefore described. That the amount for which it was sold was $2.70. That the amount now due on same is $8.61. That the time when your right of redemption will expire is March 9th, 1950. That the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March 10th, 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, Jan uary 3rd, 1950. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Charles Tierney, 829 Lake St., Los Angeles, Calif, ney, wife of Charles Tierney, if any, same address as above. Jo seph P. Cooney, 716 A. G. Bart lett Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif., and to all persons owning, occupying land claiming any interest—whether legal or equitable—in the follow ing described property: Notice is hereby given: That the following described property, to-1 Tier E Va NE V4 NE hi of Sec. 18, Twp. 3 No. Range 23 East, M. P. M. Subject to 2 7r royalty in minerals. 1 r /r held by J. P. Cooney and 17c held by Robert Severly. Yellowstone County, Montana, to gether with the tenements, here-j ditaments and appurtenances there junto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. _ That all of said property was first offered for sale on_the 9th day of July 1945 and that there was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 10th day of 1945 and there again being no purchaser for the same, all of said property was struck off to the County as purchaser on said date, as required by law. That the amount of the property sold was all of the property herein before described. That the amount for which it was sold was 57 cents. That the amount now due on same is $4.58. That the time when your right of redemption will expire is March 9th * 195 ° That the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March 10th - 195 ° Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 3rd. 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, „ Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) -—— . NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Ella g p u u man . 302 Svca 0+ r Pullman / husband'of Ella S. Pull ' p an &- T"? a< £ reS £ a /| ^aJh * ^ winchester* 1 wife f p ' Winchester if anv Hand V n V ' Hand ' ford .' Wash " al ? d to a]1 Persons I°"° cc upyuiff and claiming;—j SC Notice"" is^Treby given : That the following described property, to W ~ . D1 , . . tw„« u* j- the v 0 n°"cf 6 of Nibbe, Montana. Mon ^ ana / to ' gether with the tenements here ar ! d appurtenances there delhument^taxe's ^ betm S °^ ^ " S taxes. .. ^ ata11 ,°f said property was j lrEt ^ ff ? r ? d sale on the 11th day ° f July J 940 and tbat there V s 5 urc . haser for the same = a l' of said P^P^V was again °! fe T re , d A sale J °\ the 12th da V ° f July 1949 and r ther « a ^ ain he ' |mg no purchaser for the same, all ^ pl f operty was struck off to C ? on dato as required by law-, . T . hat the ] amount of the property sold w-as all of toe property here mbetore described, That the amount for which it wa8 soId } vas 35 cents, Tha - fi amount now due on same is $6.!8. „That the time when your right w,n exDlre is Mareh time when T«U«wstone Dated « »Olta«. Montana, No 'ember 3rd. 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. /T „. _ Deputy County Clerk, (First Pub. March 8. 1950-2t) - NOTICE OF APPLICATION F0R TAX DEED To Ella S. Pullman, 302 Syca- { more St., Lansing, Mich. -! Pullman, husband of Ella S. Pull n ' an ; if ap V. same address, as above, and to all persons owning. Ä ÂÆ I-in the following described prop ;erty: Notice is hereby given: That the following described property, to wit: Lots 18, 19, 20. 21 & 22 in Block 4 of the Townsite of Nibbe. Montana. , Yellowstone County, Montana, to-1 gether with the tenements, here-) ditaments and appurtenances there LEGAL NOTICES unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 11th day of July, 1940 and that there was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 12th day of July 1940 and there again be ing no purchaser for the same, all of said property was struck off to the County as purchaser on said date, as required by law. That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here inbefore described. That the amount for which it was sold was 93 cents.' That the amount now due on same is $13.04. That the time when your right of redemption will expire is March 9th, 1950. That the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March 10th, 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 3rd. 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone , To Ava L. Crambel, Ed K. Ma cer, W. O. Lee, Oscar Paulson, E. C. Poole, Cary Mockler, Ina Blum mer, Ida Campbell, W. H. Mustard, Claude B. Moore, Helen Moore, Too County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) C. Haglund, E. A. Berg, Elehenore Berg, Grace Lewis Snow, Edgar Snow, Arno F. Wackier and Gus tave E. Berg No address for all of above parties. Heirs of John E. Berg, if any. No addresses. And to all persons owning, occupying NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED and claiming any interest—whether legal or equitable—in the follow ing described property: Notice is hereby given. That the following described property, to wit: Lot 2 m Block 1 of Pompeys Pillar, Mont., xellowstone County, Montana, to gether with the tenements, here-j ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 10th 1 day ot July 1J44 and that there j was no purchaser tor the same;: that all of said property was again | offered for sale on the 11th day «1 * July, 1944 and there again being no ■ purchaser for the same, all of said property was struck otf to the County as purchaser on said date. as required by law. That the amount of the property. sold w-as all of the property here-; mbetore described. that the amount tor which it! was sold was 97 cents. ifia t the amount now due on same is $8.61. laat th f. time when your right 1 2«. l ptlon wdl explre 18 March ytP ', lyt, y- .. , ,, . 1 that the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, w?H a ttolv for tax deed is March 10 Jf' ly5 °- .. . XT Dated at Billings, Montana, No Vember 3rd> it rmruT KARLE KNIGHT, Lounty Clerk ot Yellowstone County. Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, t p K D M Uty i, C Q 0U i n « 11 ^ e 1 rk ' ^ Flrst Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) .. .7 7 ^ " —;-— — ^ FOR TAX*'DEED '^ To H eirs of Martha A. Borgen. £ eceased ' /. any - Address es un- , known '. and to . aI1 . P er ?ons owning, occupying and claiming any m terest—whether legal or equitable n the following described prop Lot 16 in Block 29 of the Tow-n of Broadview-. Montana, Yellowstone County, Montana, to {gether with the tenements, here Notice is hereby given: That the following described property,- to wit: ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. ^ Tbat -. a11 .°t said , P r °Perty was f lrs t offered for sale on the 13th day of July 1939 and that there wa s no purchaser for the same; that all of said property w-as again offered for sale on the 14th day of July 1939 and there again being no purchaser for the same, all of said property was struck off to the County as purchaser on said date, as required by law-. That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here inbefore described. That the amount for which it was sold was $8.60. That the amount now due on same is $75.36. That the time when your right Colors Work Together Each color in a room affects every other color that is there. When you place red next to a wall or an object that is painted with its complement, green, it will give greater beauty to the green, I of redemption will expire is March 9th. 1950. That the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March 10th, 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 3rd. 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellow-stone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8. 1950-2t) Grange. next to blue, will make the blue see m brighter. Pure blue, in TT ? Txtto * reenish cast when ll s next t0 , , . P 1051 ,, ^ , se chlIdr en have Y, isual P rob,ems -. sa >' s Dr R:ch ard Fein berg, Pacific university. blue-violet. Fifth Grade Pupils "More than 30 per cent of fifth grade school pupils are unable to read material at their grade level. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED To Heirs of Martha A. Borgen, deceased, if any. Addresses un | known. And to all persons owning, | occupying and claiming any in : terest-—whether legal or equitable [ —in the following described prop erty: ) 1 following discribed property, to wit: Lot 17 in Bloock 29 of the Town of Broadview, Montana, Notice is hereby given: That the Yellowstone County, Montana, to gether with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there j unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes, That all of said property was first offered for sale on the 17th day of July 1941 and that there was no purchaser for the same; that all of said property was again offered for sale on the 18th day of July 1941 and there again being ! no purchaser for the same, all of j said property was struck off to {the County as purchaser on said ! date, as required by law. 1 That the amount of the property sold was all of the property here inbefore described. ! 1 That the amount for which it was sold was $23.91. I That the amount now due *on I same is $85.25. That the time when your right ! Q f redemption will expire is March 9th, 1950, That the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apply for tax deed is March 10th, 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 3rd, 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Heirs of James D. Underhill, de ceased. Address unknown. And to all persons owning, occupying and | claiming any interest—whether le Ra i or equitable—in the following j deserribed property: j Notice is hereby given: That the | following described property, to w it: 1 West 40 ft. of Lots 11 & 12 j j n Block 18 of Comanche, Montana, | Yellowstone County, Montana, to * gether with the tenements, here 'ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes, ■ That all of said property was | first offered for sale on the 11th day of July 1940 and that there was no purchaser for the same; (that all of said property was again 0 ff ere d for sale on the 12th day 0 f j u i y 1940 and there again being no purchaser for the same, all of said property w-as struck off to 1 t he County as purchaser on said date, as required by law. 1 That the amount of the property so ld was all of the property herein before described, That the amount for which it was sold was $2.72. That the amount now due on sanie is $8 ' 32 ' That the time when your right 0 f redemption will expire is March 9 t h, 1950. That the time when Yellowstone County ' Montana, the purchaser, win apply for tax deed is March mth iq^n u . ^^{ 950 ^' M ° ntana> J&n ' U " ry Md ' 1950 ' EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellowstone County, Mont. By H. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX TITLE Heirs of Chauncey Dell, deceas ed, if any. Addresses unknown. And to all persons owning, occu pying and claiming any interest— w-hether legal or equitable—in the following described property: Notice is hereby given: That the following described property, to wit: Lots 13 & 14 in Block 5 of Park Sub., East Laurel, Yellowstone County, Montana, to gether w-ith the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging, has been sold for delinquent taxes. That all of said property was first offered for sale on toe 17th day of July 1941 and that there was no purchaser for the same; that all of siad property was again offered for sale on the 18th day of July 1941 and there again being no purchaser for the same, all of said property was struck off to the County as purchaser on said date, as required by law. That the amount of the property sold w-as all of the prooperty here inbefore described. That the amount for which it was sold was S1.59 That the amount now due on same is $30.73. That the time when your right of redefinition will expire is March 91*i. 1950. that the time when Yellowstone County, Montana, the purchaser, will apnly for tax deed is March 10th. 1950. Dated at Billings, Montana, No vember 3rd, 1949. EARLE KNIGHT, County Clerk of Yellow-stone County, Mont. By II. A. Kiichli, Deputy County Clerk. (First Pub. March 8, 1950-2t) Rabbit Fever If rabbits become scarce in an area where they always were plentiful, watch out for tularemia, a veterinary medical bulletin warns. Hunters are told that tul aremia, or rabbit fever, may kill large numbers of ra'bbits in a short time. Because the disease also infects human beings, hand lers are urged to protect them selves by wearing rubber gloves vhile skinning and cleaning the r* i rr> p l ç