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LEGAL NOTICES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed Proposals for the con struction of new Rest Rooms to be built under existing wood grand stand at Midland Empire Pair grounds for Yellowstone County, at Billings, Montana, will be re ceived at the office of the County Commissioners at the Court House in Billings until 10:30 A.M., April 20. 1950. Bids will be submitted in a lump sum for all work or separately for general construction, including wir ing, and for plumbing. All bids shall be made on the forms furnished by the Architects. Plans and Specifications may be examined at the office of J. G. Link & Co.. 317 Electric Bldg., Billings, Montana. One (1) set may be obtained for use on deposit of the sum of $10.00 (Ten Dollars). This deposit will be refunded to each actual bidder upon the return of the Plans and Specifications in good condition within (10) days after the date of receiving bids. If not returned within the above ten days, or if no bid is received from the applicant for Plans and Speci fications. one-half of the deposit will be forfeited. A Certified Check or Bid Bond of 5% of the amount of bid to accompany each proposal. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. One Hundred Per cent perform ance bond satisfactory to the own er must be furnished by all suc cessful bidders prior to execution of contracts. Chairman: BEN B. HAGERMAN Board of County Commissioners Yellowstone County Attest By: Earle Knight County Clerk and Recorder. Date: April 4, 1960. (First Pub. April 5, 1950-3t) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that seal ed bids or proposals will be re ceived by the County Commission ers of Yellowstone County, Mon tana, at their office in the Court House, Billings, Montana, until 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning, April 20, 1950, for the furnishing of labor and materials in accord ance with the plans and specifica tions in the office of Chandler C. Cohagen, Architect, Hedden Build ing, Billings, Montana, for the in stallation of plumbing fixtures in the Bleachers located on the Mid land Empire Fairgrounds near Bil lings, Montana. Plans, specifications, and bid forms may be obtained at the of fice of said architect. Every bid must be accompanied by a certified check, bid bond, or cash deposit to the value of ten percent of the proposal. Successful bidder will be required to furnish acceptable surety bond. The Board of County Commis sioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any one bid and to waive bid informal ities. Dated at Billings, Montana, this 4th day of April, A. D., 1950. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, YELLOWSTONE COUNTY, BILLINGS. MONTANA By Ben B. Hagerman, Chairman. ATTEST: Earle Knight, County Clerk and Recorder. (SEAL) (First Pub. April 5. 1950-3t) NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF J. G. EPPERSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned Executrix of the Estate of J. G. Epperson, de based, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Execu trix at the Law Office of B. L. Price. Room 2. Wold Building in Laurel, in the County of Yellow stone, State of Montana, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. March ' Dated at Laurel, Montana, 20, 1950. Henrietta Epperson, Executrix of the Estate of J.G. Epperson, Deceased. (First Pub. March 22, 1950-4t) SUMMONS—For Publication IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. A. GLENN PETERSON and MA BEL L. M. PETERSON, his wife. Plaintiffs, —vs.— MARTIN D. YOUNG and MRS. MARTIN D. YOUNG, his wife; HARRIET C. WHITNEY; FLO RENCE W. LINK; all and every one of the unknown heirs, de visees and creditors of IRA L. WHITNEY deceased; and all persons, unknown, claiming, or who might claim, any right, title, estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real property described in the com plaint, or any part thereof, ad verse to plaintiffs' ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiffs' title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or con tingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or accrued. Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND ANTS: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this ac tion which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiffs' attor neys within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service: and in case of your failure to appear or an swer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title in the plaintiffs and barring- the defend ants. and each of them, from as serting any claim of right, title, estate, or interest in, or lien or encumbi'ance upon, the following described real property,, to-wit: Lots Sixteen (16) and Seven teen (17) in Block Five (5) of the Laurel JJ eights Subdivi sion in the City of Laurel, Montana, according to the Plat now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Yellowstone County. Montana: WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court this 25th day of March, 1950. KATIE DAVIES, Clerk. By Eleanor Behrendt, Deputy Clerk. (Court Seal) BURKE & HIBBS, 216 Securities Building, Billings, Montana. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. (First Pub. March 29, 1950-4t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS (PURCHASE OF TRUCK) The Midland Empire Fair of Yellowstone County will receive sealed bids in Room 520 Securities Building, Billings, Montana, until 10:30 A.M., April 28, 1950, for one (1) new or guaranteed used one and-one-half-ton (IVz T.), slightly larger truck, including or standard equipment, enclosed cab, front and rear bumpers, and spare wheel and tire or spare rim with tire. Body of truck shall be of suf ficient size to mount a platform body not less than eight (8) feet wide and fourteen (14) feet in length, together with hydraulic hoist to properly operate above de scribed platform when loaded. Bid ders may also submit proposal for platform and hydraulic hoist to fit said truck. Complete specifications shall ac company each bid. Bidders shall deduct all Federal excise taxes. Ex emption certificates for excise taxes will be furnished the success ful bidder. Time of delivery may be consid ered as an essence of the bid; therefore, delivery date must be stated in bid. The Fair reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD ORA KEMP. PRESIDENT ATTEST: H. L. FITTON. SECRETARY (First Pub. April 12, 1950-3t) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. GOLDIE LAIPPLE and GOLDIE LAIPPLE as the Administratrix of the Estate of E. A. Laipple, Deceased, Plaintiffs, —vs.— E. H. BIRKEN and HARRIET BIRKEN, his wife. THOMAS M. LYNCH and . LYNCH, his wife, if any, and all other persons unknown, claiming or who might claim any right, title, estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real property described in the com plaint, or any thereof, adverse to plaintiffs' ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiffs' title there to, whether such claim or pos sible claim be present or con tingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or accrued. Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE FENDANTS. AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN GREETINGS: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint ip this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of v/hich is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiffs' attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclu sive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the re lief demanded in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title to lands situated in Yellowstone County, Montana, and described as follows: Lots Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8). Nine (9), Ten (10), Elev en (11) and Twelve (12) in Block Five (5) of the Park Subdivision to the Townsite of East Laurel, now City of Laurel. Yellowstone County, Montana. WITNESS, my hand and the seal of said Court this 10th day of April, 1950. KATIE DAVIES Clerk of the District Court By RUBY FARLEY Deputy Clerk. (Seal) CHARLES B. SANDE Billings, Montana Atttorney for Plaintiffs. (First Pub. April 12, 1950-4t) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. A. B. WARFIELD and GRACE B. WARFIELD, his wife. Plaintiffs, —vs.— The unknown owners, heirs, devi sees and creditors of ELLS WORTH E. SHAY, Deceased, and all other persons unknown, claiming or who might claim any right, title, estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real property described in the complaint, or any thereof, ad verse to plaintiffs' ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiffs' title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or con tingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or accrued. Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE FENDANTS. AND TO ALL 'OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN GREETINGS: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiffs' attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclu sive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the re lief demanded in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title to the lands situated in Yellowstone County, Montana, and described as follows: Lots Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Three (3) of Young's Subdivision to the Townsite of East Laurel, now City of Laurel. Yellowstone County, Montana, according to the of ficial plat thereof. WITNESS, my hand and the seal of said Court this 10th day of April. 1950. KATIE DAVIES Clerk of the District Court. By RUBY FARLEY Deputy Clerk. (Seal) CHARLES B. SANDE Billings, Moiitana Attorney for Plaintiffs. (First Pub. April 12. 1950-4t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS (PURCHASE OF NEW AUTOMOBILE) The Midland Empire Fair of Yellowstone County will sealed bids in Room 520, Securities Building, Billings, Montana, until 10:30 A.M.. April 28, 1950, for ( 1 ) new automobile — a six eight- (6- or 8-) cylinder sedan complete with standard equipment, including heater and extra tire. Bidders shall submit all receive one or speci fications with bid and show item ized deduction of all Federal ex cise taxes with bid. Tax exemption certificates for excise taxes will be furnished the successful bidder. Bids shall also show a deduction for trade allowance on one (1) 1946 Hudson Commodore Sedan now in possession of Midland Em pire Fair (further information available on request). Time of delivery may be consid ered as an essence of the bid; therefore, delivery date must be stated in bid. The Fair reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD ORA KEMP, PRESIDENT ATTEST - H. L. FITTON. SECRETARY (First Pub. April 12, 1950-3t) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. FLORIAN A. DOLECHEK and LENA DOLECHEK, his wife. Plaintiffs, —vs.— FRED L. SPENCER, and . SPENCER, his wife, if any, and other persons unknown, olfj'Ä; «« Wh ° t r~ ht f clain ? any noht, title, estate or interest in. or lien or encumbrance upon, ail the real property described in the complaint, or any thereof. adverse to plaintiffs' ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiffs' title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or con tingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- I FENDANTS, AND TO ALL ! OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN, j GREETINGS: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiffs' attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclu sive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the re lief demanded in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title to the lands situated in Yellowstone County. Montana, and described as follows : The North one-half of Lot Nine (9) and all of Lot Ten (10) in Block Seven (7) of Park Subdivision in the City of Laurel, Yellowstone County, Montana, according to the of ficial plat now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk & Recorder of Yellowstone County, Montana. WITNESS, my hand and the seal of said Court this 10th day of April. 1950. KATIE DAVIES Clerk of the District Court By RUBY FARLEY Deputy Clerk. (Seal) CHARLES B. SANDE Billings, Montana Attorney for Plaintiffs. (First Pub. April 12. 1950-4t) NOTICE OF SALE OF LOTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Laurel, Montana, until 7:30 o'clock P. M. April 18th, 1950, for the sale of the following discribed lots in the City of Laurel, Yellow stone County, Montana, to-wit: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, West Laurel Subdivision to the townsite of Laurel. A cony of original plat is on file in the City Clerk's office. The cost of sewer to be added in addition to the bid for the lots. Bidder must sign agreement to additional charge of along south edge of lots. The terms of the sale are cash and the full amount of the pay sewer, , . pur chase price must accompany each bid. These lots were acquired from Yellowstone County by tax deed to the City and a quit-claim deed sim ilar to the deed issued by Yellow The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the City Council. Dated Anril 5th. 1950. TILLIE HOHENDORF. City Clerk. (First Pub.. April 5, 1950-2t) stone County. Montana, will be furnished the successful bidder by: Brogue' Applies to Shoes As Well as the Dialect î Every one knows a brogue comes from Ireland. But did you know that applies to the shoe as well as the dialect? What's more, the shoe came first! Modern brogues are made of sup ple grained or smooth leathers, with wingtips and shape-retaining leather soles. But today's sports brogue for women and men is a far cry from the original version. Initially, a brogue consisted of a piece of hide or half-tanned leath er gathered around the ankle. Among the Irish and Scotch High landers, the word barrog means a grip or bond, and in Gaelic the shoe got to be known by that name and later as a "brog." Eighteenth century English writ ers frequently spoke of Irishmen with "brogues on their tongues." Whether they thought the Irish were putting their foot in their mouths, or were using the word in its true sense of a grip or a bond (on the tongue) is not certain. An ancient Irish legend tells of the princess who walked through the forest in stockinged feet. A cruel thorn pierced her sole. As she sat bewailing her fate in a fairy glen, a troop., of "little folk" gath ered 'round, extracted the thorn, and by order of their queen. "• • • fashioned daintily, fashioned fair Little brogue shoes that the fairies wear." Mississippi River "Cats" Many fishes stay in the localities where they were spawned, but Mississippi river catfish have been found to travel as far as 170 miles, the Upper Mississippi river con servation committee reports in a report on its tagging operations. Fishery biologists of the commit tee tagged many channel catfish in Lake Pepin about two years ago. Since then, sport and commercial fishermen have caught over 260 of these and have returned the tags. Many of the fish were recaptured within a few miles of the point of release but some of them had trav eled long distances. One tagged cat fish was taken at Potosi, Wis. 170 miles downstream from where it was tagged. Another went up the Mississippi, then up the Minnesota river to Mankato, Minn., a jour ney of 152 miles. American families received $9. . ... ... . 530 ' 000 from then - h de msur ance companies in 1949. That is $110 ever y second. Total payments in the year were $3,478,364,000, an all time record. They were $241,450,000 larger than the year before and $997,107,000 more than five years before. More than half of the pay men t s we nt to living policyholders " lm K ng baneflt f of $1-988,622,000 were 57% of total pay meats. Five years before, they were Life Insurance Payments 51 % or $1,276,539,000. Last year's flow of payments to living policy holders was $712,083,000 more than five years ago. Cordovan Mahogany Cordovan mahogany is a deep dark red finish the color of Cordo van leather. It is usually applied to pieces of modern design to contrast with the modern bleached finishes. HEARS AGAIN FOR ONLY $1.50 A Hartford City, Indiana man says, "I have been troubled with my hearing for thirty years. But, OURINE changed all that and X hear again." Yes, you too can hear agaii if you are hard of hearing because o hardened, excess ear wax (cerumen) whicl can also cause buzzing, ringing head noises OURINE, an AMAZING, SCIENTIFIC discovery is NOW ready for your use. Th OURINE home method will quickly am safely remove your hardened, excess ear wa> in just a few minutes in your own horn,-. Get OURINE today. No Risk. Your mono back if you do not hear better at once. We recommend and guarantee OURINE. Price's Pharmacy Laurel. Mont. For FULLER BRUSHES SPRING CLEANERS MOTH REPELLENTS WAXES- MOPS and SWEETAIRE Phone 169-NJ YOU CAN GET— Per Yd. i I I ) j j ! Top Soil . Fill Dirt_ Fill Gravel ... Concrete Gravel . $1.50 .80c 80c _ 90c Immediate Delivery PHONE 0302 J-4 KRUG BROS. Fancy Finery Draws Frowns When Worn ßw -rarl -1 W/nmcn D Y V-ZeC/l VV Omen PRAGUE.—Fancy finery is hazard to the Czech woman now 3 adays as the local national com mittee has made it plain that it Srowns on frippery fineries for its female compatriots, And. after thinking twice about wearing such togs, the woman usually decides to put on her oldest and plainest dress and let the smartly-tailored clothes of another day gather dust in the closet. Most Czech women live by this rule now: .- If you want t0 stay clear of in . formers denouncing you for ex only too well the many orbitant living, lock up your finery and keep your clothes drab." The Czech woman remembers cases where wearers of expensive clothes have been accused of living above their means and by implication dealing in black market currency. They have been punished or sever ely admonished by the local na tional committee. So whether she likes it or not the average Czech woman conforms to the "popular" fashion. This year's winter style is a dark colored coat, slacks, high felt or leather boots and a scarf wrapped around her head. This combination may look well on tall, slim women but is not particularly suited to the Slav fig ure of broad hip and cheek bones. Scarves have a long tradition in this country, being part of many peasant national costumes, but city women have never taken kindly to them. The assumption of power by the Communists has much to do with scarf wearing, not only because they look proletarian but because Communist women wear red scarves at demonstrations and meetings. The fashion of wearing slacks is in great measure a result of the new marriage and family laws which guarantee women complete equality with men. Czech fashions as represented in domestic magazines are simple and tasteful—if not too original. But there is a great difference between what is shown in the fashion mag azines and what actually is sold in the shops. Collie Dog Ignores Thieves, Stalls off Law Officers CHICAGO.—Stanley D. Cole thinks maybe he slipped up somewhere in the training of Geronimo, his husky collie. Cole left the dog in the back seat of his car when he parked in downtown Chicago. When he returned a few min utes later, his luggage was gone. Geronimo sat placidly in the back seat. A few hours later, Cole double-parked his car, again only for a few minutes. When he returned he found three street cars blocked and police trying to get the jam un der control. Geronimo, man's valiant servant, was baring his fangs and holding the law at bay. Ex-GI Restaurant Man Puts Humor into Menus NEW YORK, N. Y.—The most amusing menu in New York be longs to a man and a place known as Patsy Marconi of Mulberry St. Italian food is a specialty, of course. The menu is funny because Pat sy, a stocky ex-GI, is a person of bubbling humor; menu. The spaghetti dishes are described as follows: With meat sauce, "a variety of meat is stretched in and around the tomato"; with mush rooms, "the mushrooms are espe cially picked by some stranger"; a la marinara, " a drip of oil, dash of garlic and handful of tomatoes." As for the homemade noodles with mushrooms — with spaghetti." The filet mignon is "supposed to He wrote the "you're better off be tender." Spinach saute, Patsy notes, "was the only way the GIs could eat the stuff." Meat balls a la Neapolitan are described, "Our meat balls have all the symptoms of Italy." The whiting au gratte is "a mild and innocuous sort of fellow." But be ware of the devil fish in casserole —"It's a pitchfork sort of thing with rice sauce." Patsy is the chap who gained some fame for his "musical piz zas," the Italian vegetable pies. Someone once saw him patting out the dough and assembling the piz zas to the beat of a juke box rec ord and persuaded him that he should appear as a novelty on the radio amateur program of the late Maj. Bowes. Patsy gathered his utensils and flour and went for an audition. There was no table for him to work on. "So they let me work on top of the piano." Patsy related. "A big shiny black ope. Th» pianist was sitting there beating out a rhythm for me and I started to work. "Well, by the time I was getting hot, there was flour and dough all over their fine piano and that pian ist looked like he had fallen in a snowdrift. I just don't know my own strength when I start making pizzas in time to music. I didn't get on the show." ♦> I Laurel Outlook I i WANT ADS I Î I Win*re Opportunity Knocks I i All classified ads to appear in this column must be paid for in ad >ance unless you have a charge ac count. NOTICE opening for one woman under 35. WANTED—Neat appearing man to work in Laurel. Salary will be discussed at interview. Have See Mr. Minor at Employment Office. 114 N. 27th, Billings, 10 a.m. r riday, April 14. 1-tp FOR SALE—Lots for home sites, sewer, water, and clear title furnished, Herman Schessler, phone 446. 1-12-tf } FOR SALE — 1 Traveleze baby \ buggy, like new; 1 bassinet; 1 car seat for baby; 1 folding gate. Phone 335-J. 1-tp WANTED—Dead and disabled ani mals, picked up free of charge. Billings Rendering Co., Phone 8410, Billings. 1-4-t £ LOST—Ladies' wrist watch, Hyde Park. Reward. Phone 185-R. 1-tp FOR SALE — Large 3 bedroom home, large basement, garage, on 3 corner lots. Phone 0319-J11. 2-tp MAN wants any kind of work on Saturday or Sunday. Phone 0316-J-3. 1-tp CARPENTER modeling. Available immediately. Jimmy Huff. Phone 569-W. work, repair, re new construction. 1-tp FOR SALE—1947 Chevrolet. A-l shape, good rubber. Can be seen at Apartment 6, Lenox Apts. 4-5-2-tp FOR RENT — 2 rooms, modem, utilities furnished. 615 Juniper Ave.. Laurel. 1-tp FOR SALE—Two bedroom home or duplex. Small down payment. Write H. J. Talent, 600 Central Ave.. Missoula, Mont. 4-12-2-tp. FOR SALE — Northside Laurel, completely modem 3 bedroom home. With or without furniture. Extensive lawn. An acre of land. Beautiful mountain view. Heated garage attached. Call 0300-J-3 for appointment. Price, $10,500, $1,500 extra for furniture, in cluding Bendix, elec, range and refrigerator. Solid maple, oak furnishings. 1-tp FOR SALE—20 acres. 4 rm. house. Close in to Laurel. Cheap. Ar den's Realty. 209 W. 1st St. 1-tp C AND D line of dresses and lin gerie shown at my home. Due to an accident am unable to call. Call Molly Palmer, 96-W for ap pointment. 1-tp ♦ ♦ VYE CLINIC ♦ Matthew W. Calvert, M. D. + Phone 100 ♦ ++++++♦++++++++ ♦ ♦ + + + USE OUTLOOK WANT ADS. 4 j ■w ► Suppose * The Firemen Were i ► i ► Going 1 to Your House ! Would you have enough Insurance? Fenton Agency ◄ ► 4 ► 4 ► 4 ► ◄ ► 4 ► i ► ◄ ► < USE OUTLOOK WANT ADS Bearcreek and Wyoming 9 ▲ Also Gravel and Sand Hauling, Dirt for Filling GIVE US A RING Phones 497-M, 267-W and 245-R 1 Laurel Transfer R. W. Easton and Sons lüiaiiiiimni 1 ■ 7—r t m >;• ■ It î f/i. Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29th, Billings ■ ■ Phone 2888 FOR SALE — New home under construction, $15,000. 3 bed rooms, 3 comer lots. Interior decorated to suit purchaser. Phone 750. 3-8-tf FOR SALE—2 Southeast comer lots, clear title, 1st St. at 6th Ave. Call 494-J. 1-tp FOR SALE—Two comer lots, fac ing south-west on Fifth avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Phone 377-J. 3-15-tf ALL KINDS furnace work. C. H. Horen, 836 Broadwater Ave. Ph. 3825, Billings. tf WE DO mimeographing. Call 663-M. 508 7th Ave. 3-tp FOR SALE—All steel. 4' x 6' Hia watha 2-vvheel luggage trailer. Fully equipped. Phone 0311-J-ll. 1-tp LOW PRICE SALE! 1936 Chev. Tudor. 1937 Pontiac Sedan. 1938 Pontiac Sedan. 1940 Packard Coupe. 1947 Dodge Sedan. and many others. GREENING CHEVROLET CO. 305 West Main St. Phone 48 FOR SALE—Laurel Cafe in Lau ! rel. 6-9-tf FOR SALE—7-ft. M.W. refriger ator. Good condition. Ph. 128-R. 2-tp FOR RENT—One light housekeep ing room, one sleeping room. See on Sunday at 202 Second St. 1-tp FOR SALE — Shrubs, shade and fruit trees, vines, roses. Com plete line of nursery stock. Ph. 771-W. Farming States The first 13 states of the Union in terms of large-scale farming are Texas, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minne sota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana. Ohio, and Wis consin. Only these each annually report more than ten million acres of land bearing harvests of prin cipal crops. ♦ DR. E. C, HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ Laurel, Montana ♦ Office Phone 3 ++*********+*++ ♦ ♦ Res. 24 ♦ Dependable Insurance . , . at low cost See A. A. MOSER 209 2nd Ave, Laurel, Phone 781 FARMLRSv^tÇTOMOBILE INTER ^SJüMNCE^XOIANGE Hides and Sheep Pelts WOOL FURS SCRAP METAL Acme Trading Co. BILLINGS, MONTANA 2615 Montana - Phone 4660 ♦♦♦♦♦♦+++♦+♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ B. L. PRICE Attomey-at-Law ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Notary Public Office in Wold Building Laurel, Mont, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ' ♦ R. S. LUTZ, O. D. OPTOMETRIST New Address ♦ 313 Broadway ♦ ♦ * ♦ + + ♦ Billings ♦ + + * + + + + + + + + + + + +