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1 I SIMMER DAYS Call more than ever for inclu sion of two dairy products in the diet: IBoso IBrimd Butter and Ice Cream Both are unsurpassed foods, rich in vitamins, cal and minerals the human body needs, and are in ones made in a spotlessly clean plant that you vited to inspect. sold by all dealers. Rose Brand products are Laurel Creamery ...OutlookWantads BringQuick Results.. r-5, "w >2/ is 'ct * 5*1 .Sr m i •IS n V w ■ i »Ti. if ■ gs • \i V 4 a r m f ■M ■r i 5gsgs r gjlli # ft i i r <s\ f "■ \ PS \u Si Up wsf/j /A — V / Staple Food Needs 4 for 51c Outdoor eating time is here! Balmy days that make wonderful foods taste even better. If you have a picnic in the offing, start your plans with a visit to Safeway. Discover how much you save when you buy all your picnic needs here. Check the list below for ideas on what to take along. Cherub, Tall Cans - Edwards, Fresher by Days! X Lb. Hills or M. J. B. 1 Lb. _ Aairway, Ground Fresh, Lb. Milk Coffee Coffee Coffee Margarine Eggs ÜÜ \\\ 74c WÆB i// f* j 76c 7lc B Cheese Food Smooth, Mellow 2 Lb. Loaf. 67c I Sunnybank 30c f •I i Lb. 4lc » I { Hormel's Lunch Meat 12 Oz. Can Breakfast Gem, Large A Brown. Doz. Granulated 10 Lbs. 41c K II & 1.04 Canned Foods Old Yellowstone Pork & Beans Peas Deviled Ham Vienna Sausage Spaghetti Chicken Picnic Salad Salad Dressing Miracle Whip Jell Well Picnic Suggestions Columbia No. 2% _ Heinz Cucumber Chips, 16 Oz. Jar Calif. Med. No. 1 Can . Libby's 7% Oz. . Cigarettes 73 FRYERS No. 2 Can Sugar Belle, Fancy 303 Can_ 2 for 25c Dili Pickles Pickles Fresh, Popular Brands Ctn. 27c Manor House, Pan-Ready. No Waste! No Cleaning to Do! 16c 75c „25c Libby's 3 Oz. Can .... Libby's 4 oz. can • Franco American 1 No. 1 Can _ Swanson's Whole Roasted. 3 Lb. Can 19c .. 29c Candy 19' 19c Lb. Ultra Fine, Gum Drops or Orange Slices 1 Lb. Pkg. Green Olives 37c 15c Potato Chips Large Pkg. A 25c Mustard Lunch Box Ritz Crackers 1.69 miscellaneous Waxtex 125 Ft French's 6 Oz. Jar_ Sandwich Spread — _ Qt. Jar -59c N. B. C. 1 Lb- Pkg. -31c - 10c 22c IceCream Assorted Flavors 43 c Duchess Qt. Jar . Dressing Qt. Jar .. 10 Delicious Desse Pkg. - _ 52c Silk Colored 15c Napkins Dixie Cups 80's Qt. .55 c Hot or Cold Drinks, 2 Pkgs. 25c 7c Colored Plastic 15c Forks & Spoons Paper Plates White Magic Granulated Soap Lge. Pkg- va Pkg. 12.. Snow Clouds 8 Oz. Pkg. ... Fruit, Hostess De light, 214 Can - Marshmallows Cocktail 10c Diamond Pkg. 12 - Granu. Soap Lge. Pkg. 15c 33c 26c I Sc Sunny Dawn 25c 28c a® 46 Oz. Can .. Duz Tomato Juice Tender, Crisp Heads, Trimmed Clean, U. S. No. 1 . Fancy Firm Ripe, U. S. No. 1 12 Oz. Ctn. Lb. r ■FURTEXS , Tomatoes Strawberries Potatoes ■9c 4 y/ Luscious Sweet Berries U. S. No. 1. Ft. Cup ... 37c 10 Ubs43c _17c 5 Lbs. 45c Large. Fresh & Juicy 45c New White Rose U. S. No. 1 .. Lb... Jumbos, D. S. No. 1 Cantaloupes Lb. Ground Beef Lb e!h D °' ly Rib Boil u S GoodBcc ' Picnics Lb. Pork Roast "' Shook0,t Pork Chops Sirloin Steaks Cold Cuts 5"? "_51c ...... 47c _ 29c LEMONS Oranges Radishes Cabbage Asparagus Bell Peppers Asstd. Flavors Bots. Exch. N. B. C. Old English Assorted 12 Oz. Pkg.. Large Sunkist U. S. No. 1 .... HAMS or Green Onions, D. S. No. 1 Bunch 9c SUNKIST U. S. No. 1 2 for Swift's or Wilson's Large Whole or Half 43c Solid Heads, Green, O. S. No. X 6c Lb. 55c 2 Lbs. .. Lb. Washington All Green O. S No. 1, Lb. . . 45c _10c Fancy Green, Ü. S. No. 1 29c Rib or Loin End 59c ■ Lb. Lb. tor 2 5 c Soda Poo Cookies KOOL AID Pkgs. 89c U. S. Good Beef Trimmed, Lb. Slab 47e 39c Lb. Safeway Stores Will Be CLOSED TUESDAY Memorial Day, May 30 Shop Early and Save BBB 1 À Assorted Flavors Hi EbhBQ&KSSJUE ft* i ! at luncheon Thursday afternoon at j ! her home in Billings for members of her bridge club Mrs Marion 1 / r dg b ' . „ : . Crawford was a guest. 1 nzes went to Mrs, J. V. Sullivan and Mrs. Crawford. Mrs. H. M. Larson went to Hel ena last week. When she returned she was accompanied by her two granddaughters, Rosemarie and Bonnie Jean Martello. Next week their mother, Mrs. Albert Martello, will join them for several weeks visit at the Larson home. j Mrs. Geneva Jolley and Mrs. John Tubman entertained a group at bridge at the Jolley home Fri- j day evening. The event was in the nature of a pink and blue shower for Mrs. N. J. Steckling of Minne apolis. During the evening, thej guests called Mrs. Steckling by: long distance. At the three tables j ■ ■ The News 11 Di of Laurel Mrs. Robert Burns entertained of bridge Grace Stadalman, Mrs. Eddie Burke and Mrs. Winifred McDonnell w'on prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Miller of Livingston were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Larson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bennett en tertained at dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of their son, Tommy. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moon and daughter, Audrey, were guests at j a family reunion at the ranch, home of Mr. and Mrs. William paumer near Mande rson, Wyo.,, Sunday Four generations of the family of Mrs. Minnie Moon were j present. There were 35 in all, in eluding sons, daughters, grandchil- j drel1 and five great-grandchildren, Guests came from Livingston, and Laurel, Mont., Casper, Bonne ville, and Manderson, Wyo., and Salt Lake City. I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith and | children left last week for Santa Monica, Calif., to make their home. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fatur and two sons of Spokane, Wash., are guests of Mrs. Fatur's mother, j Mrs. Christina Keck. j Ten ladies, members of a sewing i club and a Tuesday bridge club j went to Powell, Wyo., Monday | where they were luncheon guests of Mrs. Paul Wilson. Mrs. Wilson was a member of both clubs when she lived in Laurel. The eleventh birthday of Donna Mae Deines was observed Wednes day when her mother, Mrs. Many Deines, entertained 2U little gills at luncheon. ... . . Mrs. L. L. Smith has returned from Glendive where she visited Mr. Smith, a patient at t e • • hospital there. She reports that Mr. Smith's condition is improved but it is indefinite just when he will be released. Monday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moon were D. W. Moon and Mrs. Mary bailey of Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and children who have lived in Hel ena for the past several years have moved to Billings and will make their home on Terry avenue. The Adult Bible Fellowship ot the Methodist church held a short business meeting at the church be fore attending the lecture by Dr. Zepskowski Tuesday evening. 1.Ians were made to have a picnic lues day, May 30, at the Johnson moun tain cabin. This will be the xma meeting until the fall season. VetsMailBag ?SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS»^ BENEFICIARIES RECEIVE SPECIAL N.S.L.L DIVIDEND National service life insurance dividend checks amounting to $1,143,550 were mailed this Week| to 15,310 beneficiaries of deceased veterans in the Pacific northwest, has the veterans administration announced. This represents appproximately 85 per cent of the payments due beneficiaries of deceased veterans whose policies were in force at time of death, the VA said. The balance of the checks will be pro cessed as rapidly as possible and all payments are expected to be completed by June 30. First to receive the special div idend checks are those beneficiaries who are now receiving monthly N.S.L.L benefits. Next in line will be those who received their insur ance benefit in a lump sum pay ment. A third group to receive dividend payments will be those heirs shown to be entitled to the estate of a veteran whose insurance was lapsed at time of death. Even though the policy was not in force, a dividend is payable for the time the policy was maintained in good standing. Since heirs to the estate must be legally established before payment of dividends, distribution of checks in this group will necessarily be much slower. Only a small number of checks in this category have been mailed to date. Beneficiaries and heirs who have not yet receive^ their dividend checks are requested not to write the VA. Such inquiries will only slow the processing of claims for payment. Question Of the Week Q. I am a veteran of World war I. Is there any limit for filing a claim for compensation for dis ability caused by my war service? A. There is no time limit set for filing a claim for compensation under existing legislation. NOTICE! The Gardner Beauty Shop will be closed Monday, May 29. Motor-Vv Theatre i East on Laurel - Billings Highway Friday - Saturday May 26-27 i S£Js T/A1S SAOAOFGVffSf t 2S| I TIM M IV I Lv*« ft TERRY MOORE BEN JOHNSON I | BOHRT ARMSTRONG IjT f. arm TRANK MtWCH 'fi Friday Shows: 8:30 and 10:15 Saturday: 8:30 and 11:15 p. m. Sunday - Monday MAY 28-29 A Great Story—A Grand Picture 4 [ 0 SPREADING THRILLS ACROSS THE SCREEN! ,4!fc mb » mm '/< <s> FRED * SYLVIA HENRY Sports Two Complete Shows each night, 8:30 and 10:45 Cartoon News Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday MAY 30-31-JUNE 1 mœmæmmm mmsm f '((( !'»»• JOHN WAYNE I OJ M i 1 IP m * ■■ ■ r 'S y » ISM®! 2IllU n ■ : m m I VERA RALSTON • PHIUP DORN • OLIVER HARDY m m Disney Cartoon Two shows each night, 8:30 and 10:45 p. m. Spoi'ts Musical Due to so many requests by our Patrons we are going back to our old schedule of TWO COMPLETE SHOWS EACH NIGHT. News Notes Mrs. James Whitson and Mrs. entertained at Mrs. Whitson's home Wednesday om Thompson evening at a pink and blue shower ^ complimenting Mrs. C. E. Story, j j r> The guest list included Mrs. 0> a. Brohaugh, Mrs. Charles i Story, Sr., Mrs. Omar Dobson, Mrs. ; Donald Shay, Mrs. Dominic Ricci, ; Mrs. Neil Shay, Mrs. Elroy Gillis, 1 Mrs. Wallace Shay and Miss Ger trude Fillis. V SAFE ORK k LAIRD I RADIO-ELECTRIC JEL.5Q LAUREL, MONT., l': „ BDD/E S -A1 WMjPLVHMtK II fax up your plumbing INTHE6PR1W6, WMEM BLOSSOMS J BLOOM AMD ROBINS * Sa. C3&L 7 ~pJu)~n-e » B2J CE