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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, FR DAY SPECIALS Laure Merchants' a a 2 to p. in Store Hours—8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. For Better Service, Shop Between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., Monday through Saturday. Closed Monday, May 29 Hidden Dollar Days LORRAINE" KNITTED RAYON SLIPS $].19 (( GUM Humphrey Spinning- Reel $13.50 Reg. $22.50 Potts Flies, 4 for. Reg. 3 for $1.00 June 2 and 3 Per Carton $ 1.00 For Your Treasure Chest of Values 09c V-29 Flat Fish 80c Reg. $1.20 Trique Stripes — Sizes 36 to 44 Inside Door Sets. $2.80 to $3.50 Values $1.98 Tubman's Food Mart DRY GOODS DEPT. Ben Franklin Store MARSHALL-WELLS STORE O. M. Wold Co Allie & Harold Owners Phone 182 Laurel, Mont. 801 East Main St. Phone 44 113 East Main Street FREE Coffee and Hot Rolls Tussy Deodorant Cream $1.00 size for 50c Langlois Dry Skin Soap 25c bar for lOc DIAL S0AP--N0W 19c CLOSING OUT Golden Goblet Orange Juice 33c Boys Market Summer Sandals I* 79 46-oz. 2:00 to 5:30 can SEE US FOR The Super HARDWARE 1.69 FOR CHILDREN HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HEATING - PAINT APPLIANCES AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LaurelTradingPost Vaughn-Ragsdale PRICE'S PHARMACT LAUREL PHONE 5 ESTABLISHED 1906 MONTANA PHONE 5 15 First Avenue Phone 109 Free Delivery Churches ^^AAAAAA^AAAAAAA^^^AAAAA* ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 400 Durland Avenue M. H. Juengel, Pastor May 28, Confirmation Sunday. Sunday school and Bible class at 9:30 a. m. Confirmation service at 10:30 a. m. Ladies' aid, June 1, 7:30 p. m. "The Life of Jesus Christ, a The word got around! I ' V »: m ■3 . : ****«>&■> ? T:; : -. : e WF r».; m à làr* mtäm ■m,. As' recently as 1941, only 100,000 automatic washers had been made and sold. That was enough, however, to prove that there might be something to the automatic washing idea, after all. Women who knew told their friends. That's why there are now 2,000,000 Bendix Washers in use— more than all other automatics combined. MORE BENDIX IN USE THAN ALL OTHER AUTOMATIC WASHERS COMBINED! PRICES BEGIN AT $169.95. SEE A BENDIX DEMONSTRATION HERE TODAY! SEE US FOR HARDWARE HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HEATING - PAINT APPLIANCES AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Laurel Trading Post ESTABLISHED 1906 Phone 5 Phone 5 motion picture, will be shown in the church June 4, 8 p. m. Vacation Bible school begins June 5 at 9 a. m. A good way to "test" your Christian faith is to observe how you react when you are asked to do or give something for JESUS. Ask yourself how you react when you are asked to set aside Sunday morning to hear the word of God in worship service! THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH H. C. Haemmelmann, Pastor May 28, 1950, Pentecost. Listen to the Carillon, 9 a. m. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service in German, 10:30 a. m. Prayer meeting, 2 p. m. Young People's meeting, 7 p. m. Tuesday: Junior choir practice, 7 p. m.; senior choir, 7:30 p. m. D. V. B. S. Teachers meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Ladies' aid monthly meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. meeting, Saturday, Prayer 7 p. m. Daily vacation Bible school dates: June 5 to 16, from 9:00 till noon. All children from 5 years up may attend and must register on or before June 5th. Registration fee of 50c per pupil. OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH AND JOLIET LUTHERAN CHURCH C. O. Anderson. Pastor At Laurel: Sunday school and Bible class, 9:45 a. m. Services, 11 a. m. Theme—How May We Profit by the Holy Spirit? John 14:2,3. The Monday evening Bible class will meet on Wednesday evening at 7 p. m. The Mission society (afternoon group) will meet Thursday at 2 p. m. in the church parlors. Boys' group, Friday, 6 p. m. Bible class, Friday, 7 p. in. Brotherhood will meet in the church parlors Friday, June 2, 8 p. m. Confirmation class, Saturday, 10:30 a. m. At Joliet; Sunday school and Bible class at 7:15 p. m. Services at 8 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fifth at Penn. James H. flaueter. Pastor Sunday, May 28: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. N. Y. P. S., 7:15 p. m. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m, Bible study and prayer sendee Wednesday, May 31, 8 p. m. Notice—many have been won dering about our vacation Bible school. It has been set, tentatively, for the second and third weeks in Julv, Definitely there will be one. The friendly church with a vital message. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH 'The Church of the Lutheran Hour' Park City, Montana A. M. Bachanz, Pastor The Lutheran Hour over KGHL Sunday, 9 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class, 10 a. m. 10 and 11 Sunday school teachers, Monday, Vacation Bible school begins 8 p. m. Wednesday, May 31, 8:30 a. m. Walther League, Wednesday at 8 p. m. Council meeting Thursday, 8 p. m. Bible hour Tuesday, May 31, at 8 p. m. If you walk with God you must go God's way, and God's way is to hear the Word of God regularly. W*h cordially invite you to our services. J:. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Har Morning worship, 11 a. m. Ser mon: "Whv Give Memorials" by Joint installation of the Worn-1 en's Society of Christian Service from Laurel and Park City. There I will be refreshments following the service. You are urged to attend, This is for the whole family. Boy Scouts, Monday, 7 p. m. Rotary, Tuesday, 12:15 p. m. Choir practice, Tuesday, 7 p. m. LAUREL METHODIST CHURCH Clarence G. Spellman, Pastor old Richardson, Supt. Mr. Spellman. Senior and intermediate M. Y. F., 5:30 p. m. YOU SAVE MONEY WITH A HOME FREEZER 7) 0. f Look into the possibilities of an electric farm and home freezer, Mr. Farmer. You can't beat the dollar and hour savings it brings you. You can store poultry, sur plus eggs, garden vegetables, game and meat. You save trips to town . . . you can feed last-minute guests or a threshing crew . . . you're time and money ahead cny way you look at it. 111 « © m o iüi A // ■III ©RK S§§§§ ' 1 « YOUR DEALER HAS AN ELECTRIC FREEZER TO MEET EVERY NEED V" r The Montana Power Company > | Mrs. L. B. Conrad, director. Adult Bible class will have an j nual picnic Tuesday at Johnson's j cabin on the Stillwater. Junior choir practice, Thursday, I 4 p. m. Mrs. J. G. McDonald, di rector. Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet at the church Friday, 2 p. m. Rebekahs, Mothers Guests Theta Rho Theta Rho members entertained at the I. O. O. F. hall Thursday night when Rebekahs and mothers 0 f the girls were special guests. I Theta Rho daughters were re ! vealed to their secret Rebekah j rnothers and the daughters re j ceived gifts. Various committees responsible for the success of the party were: refreshments, Verna Leis, Darlene Decker and Peggy Armstrong; en tertainment, Marianne Everett?, Pam Paronto and Pat McKinney; invitations, Patsy and Sammie Armstrong. Lunch was served from a tea table decked in pastel flowers and lighted blue candles. Advertisement From where I sit... Jy Joe Marsh m Why "Moose" Changed His Mind '-'V. % Last week, parents were calling Moose Jackson on the phone—and kids were hooting at him in the streets. All because Moose fenced in his field near the depot, where the kids like to play ball. Moose got sore the way folks acted—refused to budge. Then Doc Sherman, who likes to play center field himself sometimes, decided to use a little psychology." Over a friendly glass of beer at Andy's Garden Tavern, Doc says, "Sorry this came up, Moose. We were thinking of asking you to um pire—what with your professional experience and all." (Moose used to play a little semi-pro ball.) That did it! Next day Moose put up a stile over his fence. In return, the kids promised not to cause any damage. From where I sit, when you try to understand the other fel low's point of view—like his per sonal preference for beer or coffee —and then take into consideration the will of the majority, why, things seem to go better all around. i. Coovrisht. 1950. United States Brewers Foundation Sheep Vaccination Vaccination gives sheep almost 100 per cent protection against "sore mouth." Fowl Pox Once vaccination for fowl pox is started on a farm, it must be peated every year. re-