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* j I ! I if m / v I ■)/ *Ta It » riv * j § j ! «> IOCM u, - IS THAT DANCE A BIT SPECIAL? I i Jzant VJ w We Give Gold Bond Stamps USE OUTLOOK WANT ADS. w *y c JP'JG t>og? c hops v / V ! ê I \ ! J 7 6 j e <rj / 7/ Safeway Cua fan feed SPARE RIBS ntcC<i Cuara I groü^ Pound . «eel C utS Safe Way c 43 c Be sure *«.shop Uar 4f|f CHufi *°Asr L 55 « ^ ■ "Und 65 c pou^ SAFEWAY Top grades of meat— trimmed before weighing —guaranteed perfect eating I Shoulder, D. S. fîQ r* Graded. Lb. Shoulder erjr T'iaxe 51c Veal Chops Pork Steak Pork Roast Link Sausage lunr^Aoa Meats Smoked, Short Shank Picnics Ham Sliced Bacon Steak D ib Boil FRYERS Lb. 69c 63c Skinned. Whole or Half Large. Lb. Lb. , Fresh, Ice Packed Pan-Ready, No Waste 61c 77c Rib or Loin End First Grade Lean. Lb. ... Sirloin, Ü. S. Good Beef Lb. 95c 59c Pure Pork 75 c Lb. Lb. Lb. 29c 69c Fancy Asst. Lb... PlniA and Brisket U. S. Good Beef. Lb. Save on These Values For Summer Meals Gelatins and Puddings 3 Pkgs. for. 13 Delicious Desserts 3 Pkgs. for. Spread. Lunch Box Full Quart . Cheese Food. Smooth and Mellow, Economical 2 Lb. Loaf. Shortening 3-Lb. Tin _ 87c JeSlo Jell Well Sandwich Salad Dressing Soup Campbell's Tuna •v 23c Shortening 3-Lb. Tin_ Dutch Mil' American g n 2-Lb. Loat _ fi é C ■ a *11 Sego or Carna- m ■YlllK tion. Tall Cans.. * Cherub. Tall » _ Cans .. 4 for 4rC Luncheon. Spam, Prem, m p Snack. 12-Oz. Can_ t(JC Cap - AC r 12-Oz. Can ... HjC ■ _ and Jellies. Sunny * iOmS Jim. 5-Oz. Jar__I ÜC Gardenside Crisco Cheese 93c Fleet Mix Preserves Perfect Biscuits Guaranteed Results 2 Lb. Pkg. Sunny Jim Berry Asst. 2 Lb. Jar. 20c 59c 49c 65 ' Duchess pa. Full Quart ....3 #C for Milk Tomato. Campbell's t% KHi-Oz. Can . A 23c for Meat Corned Beef luira ° ran se. Blended, mts JUlLc Grapefruit. 46-Oz. Can^rOC Pineapple p j S; ifï'iL.ISc Grape Juice Black Tea S n oTS _ 1.09 Delicious Iced 6 lor 29c Ginger Ale 2_ 2 Root Beer and Assorted Mixes ^_rr _M.J.B., Hills. Folger's Cot n ee 1 -Lb. Tin. y tr Edward's, Fresher by ^OTTee Days! 1-Lb. Tin . Nob Hill Coffee Sf£ ag Airway Coffee ü b ' . Cigarettes Brands. Ctn. .. 1.79 *•» Kitchen Craft, Finest! o OO riour 50-Lb. Bag .. pi Gold Medal, Occident _ _ „ Flour 50-Lb. Bag _ 3 ^3 It's New! 0 Margarine Valley Gold Choice Apricots Hostess Delight Fruit Cocktail Sugar 29c for Torpedo, Grated No. x h Can. 29c 86c 31c Crackers, N. B. C. 1-Lb. Pkg. Ritz Church's 24-Oz. Bottle.. 39c 84c House Party 10-Oz. Jar .. Green Olives 35c No. 2% Can_ Sunny Dawn, Fancy Tomato. No. 2 Can_ Tomatoes 2 for 35c 79c Fancy Giant Green Heinz Dills 25-Oz. Jar Pickles Marshmallows Frizz 29c Soda Pop Bottles Exch. . 77 c Juice 2 for 25c Fluffiest 1-Lb. Pkg. .. Kraft's Ice Cream Mix 5-Oz. Tin... 33c CHERRIES 24c CAMAY Sunnybank 1-Lb. Pkg. 30c "It's Cherry Pie Time." Enjoy it often . . . Canned Cherries are a big value now! Honeybird No. 2 can. . ^ Teilet Soap Bath Size . 28 c 3 Bars.- 23C lie Whole Cfnpeeled No. 2% Can. -29c No. 2hi Can _ Fine Granulated 2 69 37c IVORY SOAP 3 b r : s . 23 c BaT 13 c 3.69 Peaches Pears Cherries Calif. J. P. Hale U S. No. 1 24 Lb. Lug ...... 25-Lb. Bag Canning Supplies Jelly Glasses Kerr Jars Complete Kerr Jars Complete Kerr Caps*.. 23c Porftin &ure JeU ' Pen Je> oo I ctiln or M.CJ?. Pkg... 2 for Kerr Lids D e 0 f ar Kerr, Vfc-Pt. rç« Doz__ DOC Fancy Bartlett U. S. No. I. Lb. 20c TIDE Pints Doz. 83c Heavy Detergent Lge, Pkg. 28 c 38e Montana Flathead Bings U. S. No. 1. Lb. Tomatoes Plums Grapes Lettuce Radishes, Gr. Onions Corn Quarts Doz. .... 98c i CANTALOUPE I Jumbo, U. S. No. 1 I Lb ' Firm, Ripe. u. 0 . No. 1. 12-Oz. Ctn. Duartes or Wickson. U. S. No. 1. Lb. Seedless or Red Malaga U. S. No. 1. Lb. Crisp, Well Trimmed ü. S. No. 1. Lb. 25c WHITE MAGIC 10c Granulated Soap Lge. Pkg. 26 c .lie 26c 12c SAFEWAY lie u. s. 1 Bunch. 6c California New, ü. S. No. 1 . 13c Lb. _ 1 mum I ÿwlh.i(lwllwHiiiHwlh.rthiilh.rtlwNwlU i £ £ * PAT? PTTV ? |£ J- xxxvXV Oll JL 5 Miss Jo Ann Marsh Weds Rapelje Man Park City, Aug. 16.—Miss Jo Ann Marsh of Columbus, daughter of Mrs. Ivah Marsh, and grand daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney and James C. Chaffee of Rapelje, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Chaf fee. were married at the Colum bus Congregational church at 4 o'clock, Aug. 6 , Rev. J. F. Hewlett, pastor performing the double-ring ceremony. The bride and her sister, Mrs. Jim Graham, Jr„ of Missoula, were dressed in identical street-length dresses of nylon organdy. The bride's dress was of aqua blue with a pale pink picture hat and acces sories. She carried a white Bible bound with pink rosebuds and streamers of forget-me-nots while her sister's dress was of toast colored and she wore a pale yellow picture hat and accessories. Her flowers were talisman roses. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held on the lawn at the bride's home for 120 guests. For her going away costume the | bride selected a powder blue suit with pale pink accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. After the reception the couple left on a trip to Flathead lake. Missoula and Great ... The bride has been employed in the Yellowstone bank in Columbus,; and the groom is employed by the International Harvester company] in Billings where they will make home. Those from Park City attending! the wedding were Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney and daughter. Mrs. Cliff Boyer and friend Mrs. Francis Eastham of Arkansas. Mrs. Alice Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shim sky and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mehling luenuiig. Park City, Aug. 16.—At the Mid-, land Empire fair, Stillwater county 4-H exhibitors made their usual good showing. In the senior showmanship Mary ; Ann Mohr placed fourth and Mar- \ tin Mohr, second, in the junior! 4-H division. Martin also rated in ! the baby beef division while Mary i Ann Mohr received a blue ribbon | in the dairy division. Awards in | the swine class went to Colleen j Fhsenman, and Marlene Frank. Col leen captured reserve champion I Park City Exhibitors Win Prizes At Fair award for a pen of three barrows and third and fourth places in the ; individual barrow class. In the vegetable division Jose-] phine Mehling placed in several ! c ^ asses< - Guests Tuesday at the home of ■ Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson at luncheon were Mrs, E. H. Wells of South Haven Mich.. Mrs W. D Whitcanack. Mrs. S. T. Flood and Mrs. Ben Lewon and daughter i Judy. Ben Lewon. who has been on a business trip for several weeks at Anchorage. Alaska, returned Sat urday and joined his family who have been with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Nelson during his absence. Complimenting their daughter, Mrs. M. Franzen of Laurel on her birthday. Mr .and Mrs. R. W. Davis entertained at dinner Fri day evening 1 , Aug. 11» for Mr. Franzen, Mrs. Whitcanack and Mrs. F'lood and the honor guest. Mrs. Helen Benner Schuster and, familv of Albuquerque, N. Mex., are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Benner. Mrs. E. H. Wells of South Haven. Mich., who has been visit ing among friends for some time left Tuesday to spend some time in Billings before returning to her home. Delbert Jensen of Denver left Wednesday to visit his sisters at Mammoth Hot Springs after spend j ing several days with his parents. I Mr. and Mrs. Ole Jensen. ^ w. DeGroot of Helena was j n town Monday at the home of his son-in-law, Allen Lierow. He reported his son, William DeGroot, a coacb a t Cut Bank school had been ca u e( j j nto t he service Dur hjs absence his familv will'make tkeir home at Livinps ton with her [)arents The DeGroot family lived & vear ; n p ark city, *, >, ,, - , j , • Allen Hansford accompanied his ^, r< ^? er '- e Tnos Curtis of Bozeman who left ca . > ) J r ra ^ Vue-^ie Matron ' son Gary/ i of Mr. and Mrs Gary J. Matson of Billings, was killed recently in action in Korea, as word received by his Parents and relatives. His father, Gary Matson, Sr., grew up in Park City and was a grand nephew of the late Mrs. ranny Gerard, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hemer left for Rexburg, Ida., and their home at Los Angeles, Tuesday after a week at the home of Mrs. _*" e * en Braun. His sisters, Mrs. Elmer Smith, and Mrs. W. F. Poole and son who have also been guests of Mrs. Braun left for their home in Minneapolis Tuesday. Their moth er, Mrs. L. A. Hellier remained for a further stay with Mrs. Braun. Mrs. Edna Southworth and daughter Leila recently moved to Billings. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hines and sons have moved into her house, just north of the Browna well service station. Mrs. Owen Ketchum was hostess Monday Aug. 7, at birthday par ties for her son, Sammie who was celebrating his first birthday. In the afternoon guests were Mrs. Ben Lewon and daughter Judy, Mrs. A. O. Nelson, Mrs. John Mc Millan, Maxine. Velma and Allen McMillan. Mrs. Allan Hansford and son Bruce, Mrs. Susan Min ghin, Mrs. R. W. Davis, and Mrs. J. L. Keefer. In the evening guests were Mrs. E. H. Wells of Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Keefer, Mrs. W. D. Whitcanack, Mrs. S. T. Flood and Mr. Ketchum. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eklund and son, Arthur, Jr., of Santa Ana, Calif., and Mrs. FVank Her man of San Mateo, Calif., Wednesday to visit at the home of Mr. Eklund's sister, Mrs. Charles Eastlick and family. Mrs. Herman is the former Phyllis East lick and is visiting her parents. Louis Gerard returned Sunday from Seattle where he spent eral weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis enter tained Monday at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Martin and her niece. Miss Lillian Hanson of Lex ington, Neb., and Mrs. Roberta Wilson of Clarion, la. Miss Han son and Mrs. Wilson left for their homes came sev Mrs. Alice Smith left for her home in Indiana recently after spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Fred Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Ronschke left Monday for Rogers City, Mich., to see her mother, also her daughter, and other relatives before return ing home. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dove and daughter Cathy of Columbus spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dove during the week. Mrs. Floyd Braley recently en tertained at cards for her husband. Guests were Mrs. Albert Bennett of Ot c-gon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bralev of Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Arehib Braley of Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Garoutte and daughter of Nve and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bralev of Columbus. Mrs Francis Byler and Mrs. Francis Eastham left for their homes at Bonnevivlle. Ark., after spending 10 days with Mrs. Byler's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney, also her sister, Mrs. Ivah Marsh of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williams and family of Harlowton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Riley left li e forepart of the week for their home in Canton, Ohio, after spend ing several days with their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. W. F'. Adams and family. Alfred Coat of Billings spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. H. D. Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kline were guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zinne and family of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Eastlick were called to Joliet last Sunday by the illness of Mrs. Eastlick's mother, Mrs. N. C. Eklund, 86 , who is in a nursing home there. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kline spent the week end with her relatives at Ryegate. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eklund of Santa Ana, Calif., who are visiting at the home of Mr. Flastlick's sis ter. Mrs. Charles Eastlick, left Sat urday for several days visit at the home cf his brother, Richard Ek lund and family at Great Falls. Mr. and Mrs William H. Simard ot St. Paul, Minn, have announced the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter Mary Anne to Robert Story, son of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Story of Park City. The wedding will take place Sept. 7 in St. Paul. Miss Simard is a graduate of Machpaid College of Music of Minneapolis and is a member of Nn Phi Epsilon, profes sional music society. Mr. Story is a graduate >.f Montana state college and a member of Delta Phi Delta, honorary art fraternity. They will make their home at West Glacier. TREWIN Marlene FVank exhibited 4-H club hogs at the Midland Empire fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kish of Bil lings were visiting at the John Kapoel home Friday. Mrs. Frank Kappel returned home last week from Washington where she visited relatives and friends. Calvin Grubs spent from Tues day until Friday in Billings visit ing relatives and attending the Midland Empire fair. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grubs and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grubs and families attended a family, reun ion picnic at the North park in Bil lings Sunday. About ^0 people at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Godfred Harding attended the ordination service at the German Congregational church in Laurel last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. FVank Kapoel and son Robert and M. H. Tipps of Laurel were visiting at the Charles Grubs home Monday evening. Squid When swimming, tlie squid's body looks like streaks of water in motion. The effect of camouflage is different when the squid is mo tionless, for then it looks like a bed of water weeds. Marine Detachments U.S. marine detachments form a part of the complement on all American battleships, aircraft car riers, heavy cruisers, and on the later types of light cruisers, as well as on other types of combat ships. iiiflniiimiiiBiiiiiKiiimiaiiiiHiiluaiiiiiaiiiniiiiiBliilB Motor-Vu Theatre East on Laurel-Billings Road FRIDAY - SATURDAY August 18-19 Double Feature Program äNOW-oüt of the roaring Ja ^ BADLANDS COMES THE LUST Y LEGEND OP. m m m '»m hikm ' mm ranr wauaci rttt uci iimiiit l Mi — and — \fi0* WHÄTS COOKIN' * AWCA j WO 1 » ■a* (MOTI /*> i M p \ v* /Id A A> Two shows, 8:15 & 11:15 p. m. SUNDAY - MONDAY August 20-21 Heap Caugh Show... If on $/oHte*t'l/ove SMesf m E f V v - -, ; ; y % V 7. r KS0 rmß « X Ÿo*i CAtHOUK Walter BRÊNNAN 4Ï* Cartoon - Sports - News Two shows: 8:15 & 10:30 p. m. TUES. - WED. - THURS. August 22-23-24 nn ST - ik Life 4 S10RX IHM WADt UStBAU history now SCREEN HIST0R»' H // ■MS «**"• [UV «I« é 7 Ah Cartoon - Passing Parade Two shows: 8:15 & 10:30 p. m. To Safeguard Wood So-called "dry rot" in wood is rather effectively prevented by pressure impregnation with a pre servative, such as creosote. Since pressure, impregnated lumber is not always available, benefits of the preservative may be obtained in some degree by brushing or dipping treatments. For this purpose, the newly developed types of preserva tives offer some advantages—such as color and good drying—over creosote. w. fi MODEL NJ-8Q REFRIGERATOR HOME FREEZER COMBINATION TfW'l m $359.75 Never »ueh a model at •uch a low price! A reo/ home freezer and a big refrigera tor—In one] ;b à' »] foB :