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Laurel Methodists Again Occupy Their Church Following Its Reconstruction / I X :— \ • i. .'»• , y., / ' •/» Y / K ■ ■ A . -, vrn 'A . * t \ */7 -j % m. \'7 ■V % =«ü 6* IV mJr L .... , I j 8 - — F- ■ .7- ■■ to V I / J- Ï ; - v; M M I , ■ ■ Ü I . h I Iff I 9 i » 1 _ -PROPOSED ADDITION basement After an absence of about five months. Laurel Methodists will return to their church Sunday. They have made extensive alterations and enlargements in the building during the five months, amounting virtually to an entire reconstruction. The original edifice, of which some parts of the exterior walls remain after the reconstruction, was dated 1910. Rev. John Whiteley was the first resident pastor. Shown here are drawings of the finished building and one of the floor arrangements as the architect saw it before construction. The builders have very carefully followed the plans, with the result that the actual appearance closely corresponds to the drawing. Even the concrete blocks for the new walls are almost like the originals. The finishing work on the interior has not been completed and may occupy a part of the winter. Upon completion the church is to be formally reopened and rededicated. P Sfc —i c KITCHEM PRIMARY SOCIAL HALL AND CLASS ROOMS CLASS ROOMS w orie/j Furhace RoorA Form ac r Foot* srouAô e / t 1 i Churches OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH AND JOLIET LUTHERAN CHURCH C. O. Anderson, Pastor Sunday school and Bible class, 9:45 a. m. Services, 11 a. m. Jesus Is Com ing—Let Us Be Ready. Matt. 24:15-28. Bible class, Monday, 7 p. m. Thanksgiving day services, Thursday, Nov. 23, 10 p. m. Boys' group, Friday, 6 p. m. Bible class, Friday, 7 p. m. Brotherhood will meet Friday, Nov. 24th, 8 p. m. Confirmation class, Saturday, 10:30 a. m. The Mission society afternoon group will meet Thursday, Dec. 7, at 2 p. m. At Jolidt: Sunday school and Bible class, 1:45 p. m. Services, 2:30 p. m. < FLAVOR i ■ ROSE BRAND Butter Ice Cream Laurel'Creamery « : ♦ Thank You ! : ♦ 4 t ■■ ■ w For the support given me in the General Election as your candidate for Sheriff. if;: ♦ Roy Stewart : ♦ o <0 i simm ♦ I Authorized and Pd. for by Roy Stewart. ♦ ♦ ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Fourth and Durland 'The Church of the Lutheran Hour' Paul M. Freiburger, Vacancy Pastor The Lutheran Hour, KGHL, Sun days, 9 a. m. Sunday school, 9 a. m. Divine service (English) 10 a. m. Divine service (German) 11 a. m. Childrens' confirmation class Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 p. m. Circuit Layman's meeting, Har din, Sunday, Nov. 26. CHURCH 0 F THE NAZARENE Fifth at Penn. James H. Haueter, Pastor Friday, Nov, 24th: Zone Rally at Billings First Church. Women's Foreign Missionary So ciety, 10:30 a. m. Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. Nazarene Young People's So ciety, 6:30 p. m. Inspirational Service, 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Nov. 26th: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com munion service. Junior Society, 6:45 p. m. N.Y.P.S., 6:45 p. m. Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p. m. j Wednesday, Nov. 29th: Missionary Society study lesson! and prayer service, 7:30 p. m. The Friendly Church with a Vital Message. I I THE LAUREL METHODIST CHURCH Clarence G. Spellman, Pastor Choir practice at the church, 10 a. m. Mrs. L. B. Conrad, director. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Ser mon by Mr. Spellman. Senior M. Y. F., 5 p. m. Mrs. J. M. Williams, counselor. Rotary will meet at the Masonic temple Tuesday, 12:15 p. m. Choir practice at the church, I Tuesday, 7 p. m. Mrs. L. B. Conrad, ! director. Adult Bible Class will meet at | day, 10 a. m. W. S. C. S. annual bazaar at the ' Masonic temple Wednesday, 11:30 be served the church Tuesday, 8:15 p. m. W. S. C. S. members are urged to be at the Masonic temple for a brief business meeting Wednes from 11:30 a. m. to 1 p. m. Bazaar selling will begin at 11:30 a. m. Boy Scout meeting at the church Thursday, 7 p. m. Harold VanNice, scoutmaster. W. S. C. S. December Guest day tea, Friday, 1:30 p. m. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 'The Church of the Lutheran Hour' Park City, Mont. A. M. Bachanz, Pastor Thanksgiving day services at 10] and 11 a. m. The Lutheran Hour over KGHL Sunday, 9 a. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Divine worship, 10 and 11 a. m. Instruction class on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7:45 a. m. Saturday school 9-11:45 a. m. Better know the "Rock of Ages" than the ages of rocks. A cordial welcome awaits you at our services, __ Cpl. Kiedrowski Weds Miss Stevens Of Redl Lodge In California , ,, ! _ _ XT/ ., r double ring cer i y i In a 4, Jean Stevens of Red Lodge and Cpl. rel were united in marriage at 8 nuptial mass in St. a. m. in a Mary's Catholic church of Va caville, Calif., with Rev. Father Michael Garvel officiating. The bride wore a pale blue taf feta and net ballerina length dress with silver accessories. Her bou-j quet was of pink gardenias. Thei bridegroom wore the air force urn- j form. Attendants were Aleen Burton of Vacaville and Cpl. Raymond j I Bakula of Travis air force base. | Following the ceremony, a break-j j f as t a t the Nut Tree country club | I in Vacaville was for members ofi ! the wedding party. After a short trip, Corporal and : Mrs, Kiedrowski will reside at | j Vacaville where he is stationed with the United States air force ! at Travis air force base. | David Kiedrowski, brother of the | j bridegroom, flew from Los Angeles ■ to attend the wedding. [ 25 YEARS AGO TODAY Friday, Nov. 13, was unlucky fori Laurel basketball teams. The high' school regulars, playing Bearcreek, lost by the narrow margin of one point, 12-11. The second team lost to the Bearcreek seconds, 8-7. Quoted and oaraphrased items of news from the 25 years ago Laurel Outlook. November 18, 1925 Rescue Rutter returned Monday from a visit of several week in Wisconsin and Minnesota. - John Jacob Krug, who has lived on a farm on the south side of the Clark Fork for the past two years is moving this week to his own farm, known as the Warfield place in the Byam district. He purchased this property last spring which will make it much more conven ient for the children to attend school. - Miss Pearl Davis was the guest of Miss Edith Keller at Edgar Tuesday, where a party was given at the Keller home as a farewell previous to her leaving with her parents for California. Mrs. L. R. Shay gave a birthday party at her home on Second ave nue Tuesday evening compliment ary to her sister, Miss Ruth Van nice, who is making her home here and attending the Laurel schools. There were about two dozen guests and a very delightful time is reported. will attend the Nebraska-Notre Dame football game, played at the University of Nebraska stadium on Thanksgivlngday - home last Saturday afternoon as a Mrs. George Roth, 512 Washing ton avenue, left Monday for Lin coln, Neb., to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Spomer. While in Lincoln she surprise farewell preceding her de parture for her old home in Ken tucky. A pleasant afternoon is reported and Mrs. Cloyd receiving | gifts as token of friendship. She j expects to leave today with the | intention of spending the winter j with relatives. ^ daughter was born to Mr. and j. Durham of Second ave- 1 jyj rg Eo y c ar ter had as dinner ffUegts Monday Mrs. Del Bartholf and Mrs. Charles Perry. nue Saturday, Nov. 14. Miss Willie Cloyd leaves this wee k f or Greybull, Wyo., where she! w jjj an extended visit with jj er s j s t erj Mrs. Nicola, before ; j 0 j n j n g her mother in Kentucky. Mrs. G. H. Shearer and children, i eft th j s wee k for Red Wing, Minn., w here she will visit her parents, j Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Bollum and par- j ticipate in a general family re un i on a nd the celebration of the f or tieth wedding anniversary of j Mr. and Mrs. Bollum. O.E.S. Compliments Its Past Matrons, Patrons At Party Past matrons and past patrons I were honored at a meeting of ! Zidonian chapter, Order of the j Eastern Star, at the Masonic tem I pie Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schessler presided. A candlelight ceremony was pre- sented by six officers, and special music was by members of the choir. Those honored received gifts from the worthy matron. Following the meeting a group of girls from the Laurel Rainbow assembly gave a humorous "musicale." The re- freshment tables were decorated in fall fruits and candles. On the hostess committee were Mrs. Lucy Roysdon, Mrs. Minnie Fenton, Miss Frances Fenton, Miss Esther Pierson and Mrs. Evelyn Richardson. Officers will be elected at the meeting of Dec. 7. » Y vv 0 ■ 4 - W •U> •: <0* A ■>. /■ 3 ' ' MOST OF ALL WE GIVE TIIAAKS FOII OUR V„ j mi « : 4 m •> FREEDOM ij I a VfM / Bumper crops, bustling factories, more jobs and new homes ... all these are cause for sincere thanksgiving on this purely American holiday. But above all, we give thanks for our greatest wealth of all. We give thanks for the freedom we enjoy . . . freedom of speech and religion as well as freedom from fear and want. To do as we will, to live as we want, here lies our true wealth. Â ■ '4, \ fl 4 i % 0 ■f m Tubman's Food Mart Daily Delivery at 2:30 p. m. Phone 44 801 East Main Street ' Calendar of Coming Events Monday, Nov. 27. Rotana club will have a guest night dinner meeting at the Meth odist church at 6:30. Tuesday, Nov. 28. Royal Neighbors will have their regular meeting at the I. O. 0. F. hall. DeMolay chapter will meet at the Masonic temple at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 29. Members of the W. S. C. S. will have a short business meeting at the Masonic temple. Their annual bazaar will begin at the Masonic temple at 11:30 a. m. Luncheon will be served by mem bers of circle 6. Friday, Dec. 1. A guest tea of the W. S. C. S. wiM 'be at the P. A. Johns'on home with members of circle 5 as hos tesses. Circles 1 am 1 6 will call from 1:30 to 2:30 p. m.; circles 2 and 3 from 2:30 to 3:30, circle 4 and 5 from 3:30 to 4:30. 1 uesday, Dec. 5. A ca> d party at the •■v ish hal! will be sponsored by the junior altar Society of Sc. Anthony's Catholic church. USE OUTLOOK WANT ADS üBimm OPENING DANCE At Rimrock Ramblers Club House iy 2 mi. N. W. Park City SATURDAY, NOV. 25 Couple $1.20 Good Music anii; % )» ) 'K ^ «6 yî ./J » ■ ( V Eat your Cake Have It, Too f or the young man or woman who wishes ahead finan cially—who prefers to combine savings and life insurance— who desires flexibility for pos sible changes in plans or cir cumstances—N w NL's unique '23' Plan is a honey! Call me for details. No obligation. STAIGER'S INSURANCE SERVICE Phone 548 Representing N ORTHWE STERN T^ÇâiotUll LlFH INSURANCE COMPANY O.J ARNOLD, PRES. — MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.