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I _- NOTICE ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, i LEGAL NOTICES that the City Council of the City of Laurel, Montana, at its regular meeting, held on December 5th, 1950, passed Resolution No. 732 proposing to extend the boundaries of the City of Laurel. Montana, to include a portion of First Avenue and more particularly described as follows; _ A tract of land in the FIRST AVENUE SUBDIVISION in the NWV4 of Section 9. T 2 S, R 24 E.. M. P. M., in Yellow stone County, Montana, begin ning at a point where the cen ter line of Seventh Street in tersects the center line of Second Avenue, and thence running north along the center line of Second Avenue to its intersection with the center line of Eighth street, thence east along the center line of Eighth Street to its intersec tion with the center line of First Avenue North, thence north along the center line of First Avenue North, to the center line of Ninth Street ex tended, thence West along the center line of Ninth Street to the center line of Third ave nue, and thence south along the center line of Third ave to the center line of Sev nue enth Street, thence east along the center line of Seventh street to the point of begin nmg. And you are further notified that the City Council of the City of Laurel will meet in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, on January 2nd, 1951 at 7:30 o'clock P, M. when and where any person residing within said tract may ap npar and nrotest and mâk6 obiôc Hon to the including of his prop erty in the above described tract. 1 Bv order of the City Council. Dated December 6th, 1950. TILLIE HOHENDORF, City Clerk. (First Pub. Dec. 6, 1950-3t) ORDER IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTIES O F YELLOW STONE, BIG HORN, CARBON, STILLWATER and TREAS URE. In the Matter of Terms of Court for the Year 1951 in the Five Counties Comprising the Thir teenth Judicial District of the State of Montana. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, That for the year 1951, the terms of the district court of the Thir teenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, shall convene on the following dates: Yellowstone County: January 8. April 9. July 9. October 8. Big Horn County: January 4. April 5. July 5. October 11. Carbon County: January 10. April 11. July 11. October 10. Stillwater County: January 16. April 17. July 17. October 16. Treasure County: January 23. April 24. July 24. October 23, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That all naturalization matters shall be called for consideration, as follows: . Yellowstone County April 20, Octooer 19. Big Horn County: April 19, Oc tober 18. Carbon County: April 18, Octo ber 17. „ _ Stillwater County: April 17, Oc tober 16. Treasure County: April 16, Oc t0 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That law-and-motion days shall be as follows: Yellowstone County: Mornings of each judicial day, except Sat urday. „ __ Big Horn County: Every Thurs da Carbon County: Every Wednes day. First and Stillwater County; Third Tuesday of each month. Treasure County: Fourth Tues day of each month. Dated this 8th day of December, 1950. Brick Structure An uncoated brick structure will absorb tons of moisture thît can invade the inner walls and cause discomfort as well as costly dam age. If adequately painted or given a clear waterproof coating, rain will be kept out. As a result, the structure will remain dry and warm. Fuel will also be saved. GUY C. DERRY, Judge. BEN HARWOOD, Judge. fFirct Dob. Dec. 13, 1950-3t) » • • 1 ■V •• ♦ I r is fun the North Coast Limited! I V i on I I NARY A WORRY to mar the enjoyment of your trip. Wherever you're gomg east or west NP's weather-proof, streamlined North Coast Limited gets you there —come snow, sleet or ice. NP's engineers do the driving while you relax. All-room Pullmans, tourist sleepers, deluxe "Day-Nite" coaches, famous meals! Ask us for information and reservations. I i (*Qf 1 MM I J. R. HEEBNER, Agent Phone 15 Laurel, Montana SHIPPERS; For fast and careful freight service, wul on Northern Pacific! ) l® TT • • •Z NOTICE TO INVITE PROPOSALS Sealed bids or proposals will be, received by the City Council of the City of Laurel until 7:30 o clock ] P. M., Tuesday, January 2nd, 1951, for the furnishing of the follow-) ing linear feet of Cast iron pipe i class 250, and Class 250 Cement-1 lined, with separate bid for each class: 208 feet of 4-inch, 1008 feet 6-inch, 1280 feet 8-inch, 4-inch Valves 5. 6-inch valves 5, 8-inch valve 1, 5 4-inch Ts, 5 6-inch Ts, 5 3-inch to 4-inch small end bell reducers, 5 6-inch to 4-inch large end bell reducers. The Council hereby reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or bids. Dated at Laurel, Montana, this 13th day of December, 1950. By order of the City Council. TILLIE HOHENDORF. City Clerk. (First Pub. Dec. 13. 1950-2t) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of JOHN TSCHIDA, De ceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administratrix of the Estate of John Tschida, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said de ceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within 10 months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Anna Tschida, Administratrix, at the Of fice of Hugh Sweeney, Attorney at Law, Laurel, Montana, in the Coun ty of Yellowstone, State of Mon tana. Dated at Laurel, Montana, De cember 11, 1950. Civil 'Cause No. ^ooou SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION j IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF, THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL 1 DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. YELLOWSTONE COUNTY, MON TANA, a body politic and cor porate, Plaintiff, —vs.— HARRY W. DULL, a single man; HARRY EDWARD DULL, and IRENE DULL, his wife; PAUL DULL, a single man; GERALD DULL, a single man, the un known heirs, devisees and credi tors of Vera A. Dull, deceased, and all other persons unknown claiming or who might claim any right, title, estate, or interest in lien or encumbrance upon the described in the i ANNA TSCHIDA, Administratrix of the Estate of John Tschida, Deceased. (First Pub. Dec. 13, 1950-4t) or Complaint, or any thereof ad verse to plaintiff's title thereto, whether such claim, or possible claim, be present or contingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or ac crued, Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE - NAMED ANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON ED to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk ôf this Court, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to ap pear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the com plairit. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting title to the land situated in Yellowstone Coun ty, Montana, and described as fol lows: Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block One (1) of the Nutting Subdivision, of Section Ten (10), Township Two (2) South, Range Twenty-four (24) East, M.P.M., now in the city of Laurel, Montana, according to the official plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Yellowstone Coun ty, Montana. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court this 19th day of December, 1950. DEFEND KATIE DAVIES, Clerk of the District Court. (Seal) By Robert W. Richardson, | Deputy Clerk. (First Pub. Dec. 20, 1950-4t) NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Cove Irrigation Co. Notice is hereby given that the l annual meeting of the Stockhold of the Cove Irrigation Co. will 1 be held at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in Laurel, Yellow- ; stone County, Montana, on Tues day> j anuarv 16, 1951, for the pu ' r p 0Se 0 f electing one Director fronl District No. 1 for a three year term, and one Director from District No. 2, for a three year | era term, and to transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. NOTE: This is the annual meet ing- and a quorum or a majority of the stock must be represented. If you cannot attend send a proxy know who will to some one you be there. IT COSTS1 MONEY 10 ADJOLRN AN\ MEE11NG U. A LATER DATE, By order of the board of di rectors. Dated December 18, 1950. RALPH RONAN, President, ß. L. Price, Secretary. (First Pub. Dec. 20, 1950-4t) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Henry Flagler, Sr., De ceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Henry Flagler, Sr., de ceased, to the creditors and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within Four months after the first publi cation of this notice, to the said John Roth, administrator at his home in Park City, in the County of Stillwater, State of Montana. Dated at Billings, Montana, De cember 18th, 1950. JOHN ROTH, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Flagler, Sr., Deceased. E. A. Blenkner Columbus, Montana Attorney for Administrator (First Pub. Dec. 20, 1950-4t) M ore to Mistletoe Than You'd Think . . where off-season agricultural work ers gather the branches for ship ment throughout the nation. In America the high - hanging mistletoe Is treasured chiefly for Its power to invite a kiss from a pretty girl. The bulk of the holiday decoration comes from the Caro linas, Tennessee and the southwest The white - berried plant also serves as a winter food supply for mockingbirds, robins, and wax wings. These small birds are re sponsible for the spread of the tree-damaging parasite. After eat ing the berries the birds clean their beaks on the trees, firmly planting the mistletoe seeds they do not eat. The tap root of the seedling pierces the tenderest por tions of the tree—young branches or buds—and the tree sap is drawn into the thick leaves and translu cent berries of the guest plant. Though the mistletoe plays the dual characters of destructive kill er and promoter of love, supersti tion has it that the plant can switch roles in a twinkle. For in stance, if the yuletide mistletoe bough isn't removed from a house by Candlemass Eve (February 1), each leaf left will produce a goblin to plague the careless occupants during the year. p wm 7] ENjorms GREAT 3 STRAIGHT « 1 BOURBON m at a f , GOOD OLD / LOW PRICE R o / The I Bourbon of the . j Century' K « f $3.65 mm 4/5 qt. Code 40 D S2.30 pt. Code 40 C Straight Bourbon Whiskey— 86 Proof National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. O Come Let Us Adore Him ■f ■■■ nil . : ••V »Ü <-r n yi' ■" 5 / â£/P | Î ? « $ ■ sj ■ ft ■Ï w/ SM i k ; ■ ; h ■' ■ i" ÿ:-: Z Ù Æ m [ > i » i v;»J w ; Ss in. jjjsk \ .. I V \M'1 ■ It r -o m m I -• î; U: 1 $ m - m ■ '&?• ■ > ;V Wt-. ' f' î : i * ■v m*. 3 : •C lllll i y A /'■. HARD TO GET . . . Mary Jane Ng (yep, that's Ng) is only 14 months old, and as a result is playing hard to get with Santa. She was at a Christmas party held for 450 underprivileged Bowery children in New York. Oregon Myrtle The most expensive of Oregon woods is the Oregon myrtle which grows chiefly along the southern coast of Oregon and which is not a myrtle at all but actually belongs to the laurel family. lypercin w M for DIAGNOSED I STOMACH ULCERS STOPS ACID w. PAINS-control! gu and after-eat ing distress. No faster working i SAFE pain re- / lief known! I 100 R tablets! *3-1 : Gardner Drug Don't Sweat! Don't Fret! I \ a É & 7Z, We Make Home LOANS WILLIAMS AGENCY Phone 126 203 W. 1st St. 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Phone 67, Days; 79-W, Nights SMITH'S SUPER SERVICE Make the Covering Gay When Wrapping Up Gifts ALF OF THE GIFT is the wrap ping—let's make the covering as gay as the gift inside. For the girl who likes to sew, material for a dress in a fabric wrapped box, rick-rack for the rib bon and spools of thread with big buttons for the decoration create an unusual package. If you give yarn for a sweater, use one skein for the big bow. Disguise a flat box of letter paper as a desk pad. Use a real blotter on top with corners of H metallic paper. Why not use a necktie knot in decorating the box containing a tie? Fasten the ends of the ribbon under the lid about % way down; bring to center; tie the knot and shape the ends tie fashion. Use a dark blue, wine or green ribbon about one and one-half inches wide. These are attractive used on a striped or plaid paper. Or the package might resemble a tiny suitcase wrapped in paper with the ends bound in decorative tape. Add a handle and identifica tion tag. FOLEY SHARPENED SAWS Cut Fatter, Cleaner, Easier You'll save time and effort when your saws have been sharpened on our precision machine. All teeth are made uniform and accurate , • . just like new. You'll be pleased with' our speedy service and with your easy cutting saw. C. L. GOMON At the end of the lane 300 yards north of the Ball Park. BETTER REST . BETTER SLEEPS f V t"Cuofooteed by Good Housekeeping i HO u 5C? /. JTili ROYSDON furniture store Laurel, Mont. Is a KING KOIL Dealer dependable Insurance . . . at low cost A. A. MOSER 209 2nd Ave. Laurel, Phone 781 tPtfiimnfo? BILE FARMERS^™,., v INTER 't Laurel Outlook I WANT ADS Where Opportunity Knocks NOTICE All classified ads to appear in this column must be paid for in ad vance unless you have a charge ac count. FOR RENT—Garage, good for, store room. 16 Montana Ave. \ Laurel. 12-20-2tp ; FOR SALE—Fresh eggs. Salis bury's, 2% mi. Southeast Laurel,; Phone 0315-J-12. Itp, FOR RENT—Apartment. Phone 660-J. It FOR RENT—Furnished house. 219 Forrest Avenue, Laurel. Itp, — I WANTED—Good homes for young cats. See Mrs. Carl Perry. Phone 64-W. 12-20tf FOR SALE—2 bedroom house and garage to G. I. $250 down and monthly payments $42. Alvin I Weishaar at 310 Woodland ave.J Laurel. Itp FOR RENT — Furnished apart ments. Rite-Ho Motel. It FOR SALE—Boy's hockey skates, used one year, like new, size 6%, $5.00. Laurel's Furniture Mart or 502 Third ave. It î FOR SALE—Roasting and stew b<*ns, also nice pullets. Ph. in 0309-J-l. FOR SALE—Cut firewood. Call 12-J. itp \ : 4 : ..TVntoUsVïi pCMdl a v. 1 V Ja L. P LEASANT as it is to dream of a "White Christmas" with its car ols and gifts, feasting and merry- : making, the sparkling eyes of chil- j dren delighting in Santa Claus and the wonderful Christmas trees, these things never can symbolize the tremendous significance of the day. The birth of the Saviour was the I greatest event in the history of the world. In spite of all the back slidlngs, Christian peoples have pressed forward steadily. However vicious and corrupt, the world today is far better than i the world of pagan times; fa-1 millarlty with the cross and cruel- ; fixion has abolished legal tortures ; and much cruelty—and, if given a j chance, might shame us Into ban- ) ishlng the curse of International j viciousness for the sake of Him j who became the Saviour of Man- j ♦ * * * I . kind. + VYE CLINIC ♦ Matthew W. Calvert, M. D. + Phone 100 + + i + + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Hides and Sheep Pelts WOOL FURS SCRAP METAL Acme Trading Co. BILLINGS, MONTANA Phone 466P \ 2015 Montana Bearcreek and Wy«Mning A Also Gravel and Sand Hauling, Dirt for Filling GIVE US A RING Phones 497-M, 267-W and 245-R Laurel Transfer R. W. Easton and Sons ülKüll ■ ■DBB Q § # r~\ L 9 SA i IMHH f Ä ft. ■ cH It, > 1 ■ g Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home ? GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29th, Billings I Phone 2888 iiiiibiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibIB ■ FOR SALE—House. Inauire 212 West Ave. 12-13-tf MUST MAKE ROOM New Stock Coming In. Will sell 500 rolls washable, sun proof paper at 33%% OFF EATON'S PAINT SHOP 23 Pennsylvania Avenue Laurel FOUND—Dark Brown fur neck Dec. 1, at High School piece Auditorium. Owner may get in formation by paying for this ad. FOR SALE—Geese, $5; Hens, $1.50. Call 0312-J-3. Itp x ___ . ... ,, , . WANTED—Dead and disabled am mais, picked up free of charge. Billings Rendering Co., Phone 8410, Billings. 1-4-tf x , , . , , FOR RENT—Completely furnished small house for a couple or with one child. Phone 185-W. itp FOR SALE—Geese. Phone 387-W. Glenn Reynolds. Itp FOR SALE—Gilbert Erector set, size 8Vs with extra motor. Phone 296-W. Itp LOST—One pair heavy horn rim glasses. Return to Charles Gib 596-W. Itp FOR RENT—House for approx. 5 mos. Call 12-J, forenoons. Itp CUsiUimaA tye&tusiei PesifosuKOHce Ofj the Miracle Playi Christmas festivities Brazilian embrace an aggregation of mod ern observances entwined with ancient traditions brought over from the mother country of Portu gal. The Christmas season in Brazil begins on Christmas Eve and ends with Epiphany on January 6. And because it is really summertime (south of the equator) festivities and entertainments appropriate to summertime hold sway throughout the season. Miracle plays have always been performed in adoration of the Holy Child. From olden times, the plays have had all the dramatic fervor of a religious performance together with the gracious hospitality of a social function, The scene is at once solemn and fantastic, with costumes bedecked with feathers, spangles, jewels and what-not sparkling in a setting of luxurious tropical foliage and blossoms. Out of the great variety of mlra cle plays, all on different themes, of which many are in the form of elaborate dances meticulously per formed and accompanied by the music of an orchestra, the dance of the Four Parts of the World be cited as a typical exam may pie. The roles are enacted by girls dressed for the part and, in suc cession, Europe, Asia, Africa and America declaim. The discussion finally involves their respective rights to make oblation to the Christ Child. EventuaUy. Father Time appears and settles the dis pute to the satisfaction of all con cerned. ♦ + ♦ + •*■♦♦♦ + + + ♦♦♦ DR. E. C. HALL Physician and Surgeon Wold Building Laurel, Montana •F Office Phone 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + ** ♦ * ♦ + * * ♦ * Res. 24 ♦ + + + + + + + + + * + + + + B. L. PRICE Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Office in Wold Building Laurel, Mont. *>************ + •l* ♦ + 4 » * + * + V * + Dr. H. H. McLANE Optometrist ♦ * * + 7 First Ave. ♦ 4* Phone 521 ♦ Laurel, Montana + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * ♦ ♦ + R. S. LUTZ, O. D. OPTOMETRIST New Address ♦ + * Billings ♦ * 313 Broadway ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +