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THE WORLD'S EXPOSITION. The Exhibits in Main Huilding, Etc. (From our own Correspondent.) New Orleans, Feb. 9th, 1885.—Ex clusive of foreign, the main building is entirely occupied with private exhibits, including every class of staple and orna mental goods, displayed in neat, open apartments, which line every aisle in the great pavilion. Prints, silks, Jgeras, jewels, jewelry, beers, bibles, all arts and fabrics from every clime and sea meet and compete for admiration in this universal bazaar. Six thousand applications |for spaces were made here, alone, and nearly every one is occupied with different or differing exhibits, the total value of which in all buildings being put at fifty millions of dollars. A space 300 feet wide, extending more than the entire length of the west side bar out into an an nex, half a million square feet in all, is crowded with samples of all the best mod ern machinery, including legions of im plements, wood and iron, cotton, sugar I and grain manipulators. Here is the little [ spice mill, grinding, weighing, wrapping and sealing up spices in packages; a card press printing 8,000 per hour; a little midget papering pins ; a perfect little en gine, whose base is a 25-cent gold piece, its house a globe f of an inch high There is an engine whose balance wheel alone weighs 60,000 pounds. The steam engines number about 150, supplied with steam from a main battery of 51 large boilers; there arc several electric machines, and the Daft electric railway, carrying passengers between the buildings, and can be run at any speed desired. Seeing all this array of wheels, miles of shafts and pulleys in motion one may well imagine himself in the mills of the gods, and if puny man can thus devise such intricate work, the skeptic is forced to conclude that a Master mind must have set in mo tion the infinitely more complicated ma- 1 chinery of the Universe, and tuned to harmony the music of the spiieres. Strange as it may seem, no European or South American government makes any official exhibit. On the contrary, the govern ments of Jamaica, Republic of Honduras British Honduras, Guatamala, China, Jap an and of Mexico, severally send splendid exhibits of their native products, arts and manufactures, and these are not for sale, but to show the world the social and in dustrial progress of their respective coun tries. Mexico alone appropriated $400, 000 to make her exhibit, which covers 10,000 square feet, and is a wonderful revelation of her advancement in art, lit erature, manufactures and industrial pur suits generally. Japan's educational ex hibit is, however, the most interesting and surprising feature of the foreign section, and is superior to some made bv our own states in the same line. Her (ext books, I , „ , , apparata and methods are, many of them, of the best modern character, and the work of lier pupils is admirable. Her statistics give her over 1,200 technical and professional schools, 80 normal and 30, 000 primary schools, with 3,000,000 pu pils in the latter, supported by public money. Here, too, is Siam, with her little patch in the garden of the gods, mutely appealing, through her simple exhibit, for light and sympathy. She shows only a primitive loom, a few hand tools with which her soil is tilled, cotton and cloths woven from it. Upon the whole, the for eign exhibits make an interesting study On account of bad weather, depression in business, ugly and false reports, and of the greatness of their work, the Exposi tion management is deeply in debt and a committee has gone for national help to Washington. But the fact remains true, that the Fair itself is a grand success, and an honor to its promoters. The weather is now fine and the attendance very large. Many other exhibits and points of interest must await review in future letters. A reliable correspondent just informs me, as 1 close, that there is great excitement down town—that the street tramways give notice that "no articles of bulk are allow ed inside the cars," and that the Chicago and St. Louis girls are very mad, knock ing down mules and drivers with their shoes. The Washington artillery has been called out and arc sleeping on their arms I —fire arms are meant. Yours truly, | R. C. Brown. In less than one year the price of box wood has trebled, and hardware dealers say the roller skating mania has complete ly exhausted the market of certain sizes I of boxwood. Less than eighteen months ] ago they could sell a ton of three inch boxwood for $38, and it would he first | grade wood in every respect, and ad mirably suited for turning small work out. The demand then was steady, and the principal consumers of the wood were rule-makers, tool manufacturers and tur ners, who supplied the market with boys' tops, pool pius, and toys of various kinds. The sudden and remarkable growth of the roller skating pastime has created a con stantly increasing demand for certain sizes of wood, and now it is impossible to pur chase a ton of suitable ' wood for skate wheels for $120 Fine The Body of the Prince of Wales. O'Donovan Rossa's United Irishman publishes the following notice signed by Shaun O'Neil—doubtless a mythical per son: "It has been decreed to offer a re-, ward of $10,000 for the body, deador| alive, of Albert Edward Guelph, nick named the "Prince of Wales." England has offered a reward for the assassination of Osman Digma, and we may profit by the example." CURRAN & LENIHAN, —dealers in— is of is I C0RNER 0F MAIN AND LEWIS ST., [ FARGO BEST FLOUR 1 $3.40 per Sack In five-sack lots. Liberal discount in greater quantity. Fargo No. i Straight $3.00 LIVINGSTON, MONTANA Brunswick Hotel ! M. C. MURPHY, Propr. This elegantly appointed and carefully managed hotel is now ready for the reception 0 Travelers seeking neat and comfortable rooms and a well supplied table will find the mat the BRUNSWICK, opposite passenger depot, Ltvingston, Montana if 1 guests, to I A most ele g antl * appointed Sample Room in rear of the store room where nothing b Special Brands of Liquors and Cigars are retailed to}the trade, Also Fine Reading Roojn pipped with, upholstered furniture, in connection. A place where gent lernen no t be insulted, and where you will always get the BEST goods tobe had. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Pure Kentucky Whiskies! And the Best Brands of Cigars. MAIN STREET, LIVINGSTON, M. T. Babcock 2v£iles, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, I SPECIALTYFINE LIQUORS "« CIGARS. | ^ Main Street, near Park, E. R. Dean & Co.'s old stand. Barbed. Wire By the Pound or Car Load. Special attention givent to Sheet-iron and Copper work; also Tin Roofing. SAMPLE -AND ROOMS fiOUABD PARLOR. TAe ZETead.q/a.a,xters : Billiard Parlor, DRAPER & MULKERN, : Proprietor*. MAIN STREET, LIVINGSTON, M. T. Fine Bar, supplied with nothing but the BEST brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, both Imported and Domestic. Private rooms hi connection. JOB PRINTING Of All Kinds ^ _ PROMPTLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE. Don't forget us and send East for your Printing. Reduced prices. to vate CEO. W. METCALF & CO., Feed and Sale Stables, CORNER MAIN AND CLARK STREETS. FINEST "TURNOUTS" IN THE CITY, Tourists and Travelers carried to or from the remotest points with safety and dispatch Horses, Mules, Harness and Wagons bought and sold. Oats and Baled Hav, Stock boarded by the day or week. Spectal attention given to Gentlemen Drivers Terms as reasonable as any in the city. Call and see us. Thompson Bros., Are still in the land of the living with one of the largest and most complete stockso tumtm Cent's Furnishing Goods Boots and Shoes Staple and Fancy Groceries, In the Territory. Their stock is JNEW,direct from the Eastern market, and they have no OLD, Second-Hanc stock of Shelf Worn Goods to palm olf on customers at regular prices. fou are invited to examine their mammoth stock and learn their prices to he convinced that they are selling a better class of goods for less money than any their house in Gallatin county. Remember their location, MAIN STREET, LIVINGSTON, M. T H. FRANK, Park Street Clothier, Has just received a large stock 0 1 Beady-Made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Cloths and Underwear Of the best quality, and for the next 30 days special inducements will be offered. -MERCHANT TAILORING Our catting and fitting department is complete and we will guarantee satisfaction Park Street, Livingston The Livingston Hotel LIVINGSTON, MONTANA. The Largest and Most Commodious, accommodating double the number o guests of any other hotel in the town. An excellent cuisine; the table sup plied with all the luxuries of the season. Parlors and Rooms fitted up with all the comforts of a home, with polite and courteous attendants. Special at tention given to Tourists and Travelers, and information freely given relative to the innumerable wonders, and different routes through the Great National Park. A Free Bus attends the arrival and departure of all Trains. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars at the Bar in connection with the House TERMS REASONABLE. J. B. TsTOT ■ A ~NT .PrOTDr Frank White's Billiard and Pool Parlor! Brick Block under Enterprise office Park Street. Having Purchased direct from the East an entirely new outfit, consisting of the Finest Black Walnut Bar, Glass and Fixtures west of St. Paul, and new (Billiard and Pool Tables I would respectfully solicit patronage from the public in general. Gentlemanly treatment to all, and none hut first class goods will be dealt out customers. Elegant Pri vate Rooms in connection. Come and see me. FEANK WHITE. in C. H. Carver & Co.'s Mammoth Establishment ©T 7Œ3 MOTTO : Good Quality! Honest Quantity! Lowest Possible Prices ! Our Stock of Groceries is iarge and complete, and MUST BE SOLD: Sugars? Bacons, Canned Goods, California Dried Fruits, Teas and Coffees, Salt, Tobaccos—in fact everything in this line that that Ranchmen, Cattlemen, Miners, Section Men, Mechan ics and all classes of people MUST have we propose to sell at the Lowest Possible Prices against any competition in Montana. Flour, Oats, Bran, Chop Feed and all Mill Stuff OF ALL NDS AT BOTTOM P ICES. We Will Not Be Undersold ! "Belle of Morehead" Flour $3.00 Per Sack. Story's "Montana Belle," $2.50 Per Sack. Flour is certain to advance, but until further notice we will sell it at the above low prices. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Mackinaw and Canvas Goods, Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. We have an immense stock and make a specialty of these goods. Call and examine. WE GUARANTEE GOODS AND PRICES. To The Public: Our facilities for purchasing and handling goods are un equalled, owing to the magnitude of our business. Buying in large quartities and shipping in carload lots, gives us an advantage over smaller competitors. This advantage we propose to share with our patrons. Thanking you for your patronage and encouragement in ;he past, and hoping by strict attention to business, low >rices, and good Goods, to merit a continuance of yeur avor, we remain, Very Respectfully, G-. H. Carver & Co.